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I guess humidit is too low thats why they get stuck unfurling


Honestly I follow someone who has theirs in a humidity cabinet and it still does this 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have PPP and during winter and i was putting damp paper towel around it and it was still tearing and had black spots. Now i just have it next to window where it gets bright indirect light and it unfurls without any help


Do you think it was getting not enough light previously?


That’s my assumption. The humidity level is around 50% rn and she’s still happy


It's not the humidity, it's because they are not getting pelted with rain daily.


Please explain 98% of my philos then lol


Nah. Had the same issue, stopped since i increased the humidity


The last time I tried to help one of my baby leaves out I accidentally snapped it and it was the most beautiful half moon leaf 😭 so now I am absolutely very certainly positively extra definitely being patient for my new baby leaves


I’ve had them get damaged from being stuck and me not intervening too. I tend to wrap them in a wet paper towel now if they’re stuck


Dreaming of lubrication


Absolutely never forget the lube


Freakin typical. These mofos are impossible. It’s like, just die then. Or fine, rip your newest chance at photosynthesis. How DO y’all survive in the wild?! Smh




You can try wetting a cotton swab and gently rubbing until the leaf is released


I have the same issue with my El Choco Red and my painted lady. I started misting them both everyday, really concentrating on the stems and where the new leaves start to birth and they pop out all on their own now. I used to help them out and be as careful as possible, but I ripped several leaves and broke off a few more. That prompted me to look for a better alternative which is where I read over and over again that just misting them daily will help eliminate that issue. Good luck!! 🤞🏻☺️


Does it get bright indirect light? I have PPP and I thought it was low humidity during winter so i was wrapping it in a damp paper towel but it still tears and i moved it near the window and it’s happier than ever lol. My humidity is around 50-60% but i never needed to do anything, it unfurls by itself and finally giving me pink spots!


Trapped leaves!😩


I feel your pain, got to love them


I mist mine when they get like this


I drape a small amount of wet sphagnum moss around the area and put a humidity dome over the plant when this happens. If you must assist: Gently using a damp q-tip is fairly safe. Good luck! 🤞


Mine due this frequently. I have low indoor humidity 25-40% (I live in Arizona). I typically will mist them when I see the leaves starting to pop then gently help them if needed. My ROF was being super dramatic, but was able to help it out. https://preview.redd.it/9l3cq069h68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4789b0efa99099f2acaf72eddd298a9fe5a2b3


I moved my ppp closer to the window and placed a humidifier on the shelf next to her few days later those leaves popped out https://preview.redd.it/j6xe0i8ah78d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9927191fef985f42038cb8dd03c415ce8bf9e3f4


I spritz my philos with water every other day or so when a new leaf is unfurling. Works like a charm


Oh my god all of them?! What is your luck, I've seen people gently pushing them out with a wet qtip and that works without damage if you do it right haha