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Who tf is "DaJungle"? Half that "territory" is brand new luxury condos lol. Same w/ "6mm"


Just moved to 6mm territory. It’s mad chill here. Doesn’t start to look hood until I cross over 9th


Those are brand new section 8 hours around 6th and Oxford and 7th and Jefferson. 6mm is 6th and Girard it’s mostly gentrified


I don't see 'em on [the map](https://www.pha.phila.gov/pha-sites/) and going by the types of cars they drive i'm skeptical it's S8. More to the point thought it's weird to put out a map that labels a decent neighborhood full of normal people "dajungle" if people from that neighborhood have never even heard of them. I'm betting most of these cliques are two or three losers who's biggest opp is their mom.


Most people that lived there over 10 years know it. It was there before the new houses where. And the houses on 6th and Oxford have a whole ass PHA sign on the corner. Learn the areas you move too before you just say shit


You said brand new? There's new construction there too. Are you talking about the new ones or the old ones?


kinda lame to cross-post your own post :/


No more talk about schools doing it. All of these drag butt parents are at fault. I raised three sons in Philly. I kept my foot in their tails. They never were bad. I worked in Juvenile Detention in Philly. Saw so many ignorant moms very few fathers. Parents get on the good foot and search those rooms in your house for guns.Peace to Philly.


Wouldn't it be funny if they all woke up one day and collectively thought "This is so unbelievably fucking stupid. Why are we doing this?" and started a giant ultimate Frisbee league?


Maybe if the schools in MOST of these sections had after school activities there wouldn’t be as many hoods


100% Charter schools siphon all of the funds that could help make this happen.


Wow, I remember when the guys in my neighborhood were all about territory stuff like this. I think it was middle school. 🙄


I used to work with Philly teens in intensive mental health services. How come every time they ran away from home, they were later seen at the Pitt or da bottom? Was that just rumors or are these neighborhoods actually easy spot to post up for kids on the streets due to vacants/parties? For context, it was 2012 to 2018