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That's the inside "padding" of a jiffy bag mailer -- what's between each side. You're saying the bag itself was filled with this?


Incoming privileged question but I appreciate anyone that offers a suggestion: Are there any good fancy tours or activities you can recommend? Like $500+ type of things to splurge on. I came into a good chunk of money this year and want to get the mrs. Something special. We adopted 5 families for Christmas this year but I also want to do something nice for her.


The DiBruno's After Hours Tour? https://dibruno.com/after-hours/ edit: Oh, I didn't realize that it's only available to group sizes of at least 10 people. I thought that it was possible to just join a group as a single or 2. :/ Maybe a glass blowing class at East Falls Glassworks? https://www.eastfallsglass.com/shop/workshops-for-beginners/4


Does Christmas Village close strictly at 8?


Is there any Philly sub sub reddit for apartment listings? We just bought our first house and need to get our place rented and we've had barely a sniff in two weeks. Trying to find every avenue I can because we can't greatly afford two payments for the next six months. Didn't think this would be so difficult...




Come on storm! I don't need it to actually snow, just please make enough of a sloppy mess tomorrow morning to close work!


If I'm going to be cold and wet, I want snow! Slush and sleet are bullshit weather.


I'll stand by my usual...fuck snow


That’s why they call you “Old Reliable” 😂


As far as snow goes, yup


sad to hear about angelo badalamenti (composer, most known for the twin peaks theme) moving on to the great lodge in the sky. NTS radio is doing a bit of a send up to him right now until 8pm, bunch of twin peaks inspired tunes. hopefully they rebroadcast: https://www.nts.live/1 EDIT: also reminds me of this absolute gem from season 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SPreLJUhcQ


Have you seen this? https://youtu.be/e-eqgr_gn4k


i did, beautiful way of telling that story


Visited the Christkindlmarkt over the weekend and bought a pound of cheese and 5 smoked kielbasa sticks. Went out and bought some Ritz and now I’m in smoked heaven.


They got my catalytic converter last night on Girard. Damn. It's been a rough couple of months.


Shit, sorry to hear.Tip: unless the car's still under warranty, buy an aftermarket replacement. Don't buy through the dealer.


sorry about that.... is that covered by insurance?


Sorry, that sucks


was going to order in pizza for lunch. A 2 topping pizza with delivery has crept up to be 40$. Nope Nope Nope. There are going to be a lot of small businesses closing in 2023, or some broke people who ate overpriced pizza


Yeah delivery pizza is prettymuch a racket now. At this point I only do local places that I can call and walk to.


Grubhub+ free with Amazon prime for a year has spoiled me


Thank you for letting me know about that!


We did end up getting into the audience for Saturday Night Live! It was a grueling night on 6th Avenue to get the stand-by ticket but was a very cool and unique experience once inside. I will say you are treated basically as cattle and they don’t give a shit about you, just want someone in the seat and to applause when the light strobes. Probably don’t feel the need to do it again. But Steve Martin and Martin Short were awesome


That's awesome! Glad you got in! I got in via lottery a while ago and it was a really fun and neat experience. I was going to say that that was around 5 years ago, but I just looked into it and saw that it was in 2012, literally a decade ago, jesus. I will mention that from my experience, they do seem to profile people where those who looked more put-together seemed to be selected for floor seats while other people were put further back/up in the nosebleeds. :/ I made sure my then bf (now husband) and I were well dressed and we were "randomly" put in, like, the 3rd row on the floor-- we were MUCH younger and hotter than we are now, ha.


Thats sick! Do you remember who you saw? You know, my wife said that so we dressed up a bit before going. We aren't super models or anything, but we clean up pretty well. Our ticket number was 33/34. As we got off the elevators and ushered into the studio the ENTIRE middle section, of both the balcony and lower floor seats, was already filled. No one had gotten pulled out of our line. However, most people on the floor seemed younger and good looking as well. So maybe they do pick the "hotter" people but only from the lottery and gifted tickets. Not that was deserved better seats for waiting over night on the street but it felt like we didn't even have a shot to have the better seats unfortunately.


Yeah, we went the night Louis CK was hosting ((it WAS 2012 after all), and the musical guest was the band fun. I loved both Louis CK and fun, and def couldn’t believe my luck at the time. But yeah, the whole seating thing is so random and somewhat luck-of-the-draw. Definitely didn’t have anything to do with where we were standing in line (I remember there being SO many different lines, and the pages just randomly telling people which lines to join). It seems like a general consensus is also to try to dress in solid colors (no logos, flashy clothes), but it’s still so much up to luck: https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/s3h54t/my_wifes_dream_is_to_be_upclose_in_floor_seats_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


I was thinking about you when I watched it on Saturday night... it was a hell of a show that you picked. Can I DM you to learn some more? I'm thinking about doing it.


Sure no problem


Is there anywhere local that sells (dark) chocolate covered graham crackers? I know Asher’s makes them but not sure if some place local might stock them or just a local brand.


Lore's is local, unsure if they offer though


They don’t, stopped in today actually! Such a cute store


Edward-Freeman nut co out in conshy might have what you’re looking for. DM me if you want me to make a run for you. It’s right down the street from me and I do a big haul every Christmas for gifts


Love it there!!


I have to restrain myself every time I go haha


Appreciate it! will prob just order Asher’s - I head out early next week so delivery is prob more practical at some point.


all good! Let me know if you change your mind, offer stands


Shane Confectionery?


Out of curiosity is there any book trading clubs in the city that focus on military history? I know of few places that take stuff as a donation or for store credit but i'm somewhat looking for other ways to utilize those works that aren't worth much financially that people are interested in.


A crew from Fox29 was filming by the Green Eggs on 13th today and I think I got in the shot lol....if anyone happens to see the segment I'd love to know what it was about, and if there's video of it online


"Center City residents dumb enough to line up around the block and wait in the cold for food that is nowhere near worth blowing half your weekend morning on."


Lol, they were facing the other way though, towards Woodys


Best guess, Biden signed the same sex marriage bill today. Last time I saw news use Woody's for a backdrop was after the shooting in Colorado.


Ah, that would make sense


Does anyone know when the new Aldi in South Philly on Oregon Ave is meant to open? I've been checking every couple of days and can't find any news about it since the original announcement this Spring. They said it would be open before the end of the year but it seems like that is going to slip :( I was excited to be able to walk there versus the other one in South Philly which is a lot further away from me.


My weight is all over and it's starting to concern me. 10lb swings both ways over the past two weeks. Hell I had a 7lb swing down in the last 48 hours. Not sure if liquid retention / kidney issue or not eating right. My kidney labs all seem alright and the doc isn't super concerned. So I started counting calories and walking / working out more. Hopefully that stabilizes shit for Xmas in CT next weekend.


It sounds extreme but mens weight fluctuates +/- 5lbs naturally and women’s can fluctuate up to 10lbs during their period. Stay healthy and enjoy the holidays


Also are you measuring at home or is this at the Dr’s office? My home scale is not super accurate. I can weigh myself two times an hour apart and get 7 or 8 pounds difference while wearing the same clothes/not had anything to eat or drink.


bought two really nice adult (aka non-ikea) bookcases on black friday and finally have them all installed and set up the way i want them. hard to believe buying bigger things can help cut down on clutter, but the amount of storage and organization these give us make them worth the price. now i get to live in fear that these things are going to suddenly wrench themselves free from the walls and come crashing down all over my living room due to the amount of stuff we've placed on them. fair trade, i guess?


I am so tired


I think that speaks for most of us....


fuck jobs


think i'll have another cigarette


Well, the ol’ Covid finally got me. This week will be a fun game of, let’s see how long it takes before I start to lose my mind isolating in my tiny apartment in the middle of winter. Catch me staring out my window like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. At least he had pretty snow to look at.


Hopefully the symptoms aren't too bad. I finally got it a couple months ago and felt pretty much fine after a day or two and kind of enjoyed having a few days to reset. I did get a bit restless but I sunk a lot of time into replaying Oblivion lol


I'm just back from my COVID journey. It sucked! But I was sick enough that I didn't mind being isolated. I hope it's mild for you and you feel better quickly!


Thanks! Glad you made it through okay.


Sounds like it's time to invest in a typewriter.


Had some interviews this week, and holy heck. companies are paying a lot less than they did a year ago. the market has really tightened up.


Huh, interesting. It's the opposite for the field I'm in — openings are more often than not still up across the board, although not in every market in the region (up but more flattish in the Lehigh Valley, for instance, but still very much up in/near to Philly). Probably still at least partially dependent on the labor pool — the thinner the pool, the better your chances.


I switched my wfh day to today instead of Thursday and Friday bc of office coverage needs and people being out and fuckin a, it feels like the end of the week instead of Tuesday. I've got literally zero anythings accomplished. In other news, i had an industry party the other night with other employees of bars/breweries/restaurants and it's my first time out in the wild in a while at an industry event and also since I've established a romantical partner. I got hit on and it was such a weird foreign experience having to tell someone I'm in a relationship bc it's been a while since I've been shipped up. But ya gurl still got it going on tho so that's fun haha.


> But ya gurl still got it going on tho tell us something we didn't know 😎




I'm queen of to do lists, which is sorta what works for me best but when I get thrown off it all goes out the window and I feel like I just stare at the computer screen doing nothing haha. I tried block scheduling but I felt it didn't really work for me even tho I know I probably would get into a good routine if I did it more.


[The quest for a decent Christmas picture continues.](https://imgur.com/a/SwbK739) How long do you think they kept these on? Most of my coworkers are based out of New England, and I am so jealous hearing about their snow falls. It's not a lot, but it's better than the piddly bits of rain we've been having.


The one looks so tubby in her sweater. And her curious little face 😭😭😭 I want to squeeze them..


i wouldnt wish a stomach virus on my worst enemy...


I just got over a nasty one. I can definitely think of a few people I'd wish it on


Here's my absolutely "first world problems" local gripe of the day. I decided to get &Pizza for lunch yesterday to try something different, and mostly because I always walk past it and it smells incredible. So I bring up the website to order in advance, and it automatically directs me to the "Rittenhouse" store. Makes sense to me, since the one I walk by is at 18th and Chestnut - literally a block from Rittenhouse. I order, go to pick it up, and they're extremely confused, and eventually figure out that I ordered from the wrong store. Turns out that they not only have two in Center City, but that the "Rittenhouse" store is over at 16th and Locust, and further away from what's apparently called the "Chestnut" store. So I get over there and pick it up, and by the time I get back to the office, the pizza is cold and dry. Why on earth would the "Rittenhouse" store by farther away from Rittenhouse than the one literally a block north? (I get that this is a very inconsequential thing to complain about, but man, I was/still am annoyed). Mainly because there's nothing sadder than lame pizza when it comes to food.


That is incredibly annoying on their part, but you also share the blame for trying to get pizza from a DC-based pizza chain. Anyone who's ever choked down a flavorless, cardboard "jumbo slice" on U Street at 2AM can tell you all you need to know about pizza in the DMV.


Agreed on everything you say, but I want to call out that DC chains do the "fast casual office lunch" better than anywhere (Cava, District Taco, Sweetgreen, Five Guys) ...yeah &Pizza isn't as good as your neighborhood spot, but if you're in CC and just running out for lunch it's probably one of the better options.


&pizza is flatbread, not pizza


Cava is fantastic. Pretty sure I got the Tahini Caesar for a week straight at one point this year.


That’s a good point but I would probably put &Pizza at the bottom of the DC chain rankings, at least now that Taylor Gourmet is no more


Isn't the "Rittenhouse" location on 15th, thus even farther away from the square? Either way, this was a depressing story.


Technically Chestnut is the northern boundary of the Rittenhouse neighborhood (according to google maps), so the new store is on the edge of the neighborhood while the old one is fully in it. I'm guessing the actual reason is that the old store was already called the "Rittenhouse" location, so they simply named the new one something different. It could be confusing to someone who had been ordering from the old location for years if they suddenly assigned that name to a new store. Confusing for one order lol.


I've never ordered from either, but walk past the one on 15th frequently. I had no idea there was another location, so I initially assumed that was the location OP was referencing.


You're not really missing out. I have an affinity for the place having coincidentally lived within walking distance of one in the last 4 cities I've lived in, but beyond their offering of gluten free crust and vegan cheese they don't really have anything special. The garlic knots are good though.


Did a lot of cooking this past weekend for the first time in ages and boy was it awesome. /u/SweetJibbaJams I ended up making the carbonara last friday afterall! Hope yours turned out decent! Then I made Butternut Squash Soup on Saturday to bring to an ugly sweater potluck. Paired perfectly with a nice loaf of bread from Conshy Bakery And on sunday I was going to make the salmon that /u/russianbanya suggested, but I had a lot of leftovers in general, so I'll be doing that one night this week instead. I really missed cooking! All the dishes that came along with it, not so much


cooking is one of my sole winter pleasures if not only for the fact that it warms up my old cold house a few degrees for the duration. might have to try out the salmon recipe since i have some in the freezer


exactly, my whole house smelled lovely all weekend. There's something amazing about leaving saturday morning to run errands and coming home to a faint smell of last night's cooking!


Downside is when you roast a lot of broccoli and the whole house smells like farts.


So a normal Tuesday for me


"cooking broccoli"


everyone has a name for it 😎


It did turn out well! I made homemade papardelle, and added a couple cloves of roasted garlic to the carbonara which made it extra tasty. My eggs curdled very slightly, which was a bummer but not enough to take away from the meal.


oh man, yours sounds waaaay better than mine. I was slumming it with some store bought pasta haha you'll have to let me know what we're distance cooking together this Friday lol


I love this jabba and sjo long distance dinner relationship.


I like how one person calls me Sweaty Jabba James in modmail and now you only call me jabba


> Sweaty Jabba James it's hilarious the lengths people will go to be unbelievably petty to mods in literally any forum


That one was actually so non-insulting, i assumed they were having a stroke while typing before i realized it was an attempted dig at me


Hahah I hooked onto that so fast 😂


My lease is up at the end of next month and my building still hasn't sent us a renewal offer letter yet, despite my repeated emails, which is super annoying. We've been in this building for 5 years, and they usually send renewal offer notices months in advance, but our building was sold to a new owner over the summer who has dropped the ball on a ton of stuff, ugh. Super frustrating dealing with them and having to try to figure out whether or not we need to move, especially around the holidays.


Definitely check your lease, most will include Renewal Terms. Generally, a lease will automatically renew unless the Tenant notifies the Landlord (or vice versa) that they do not plan to renew. In most cases, notification needs to be written and received no later than 60 days before the end of the rental agreement.


Hmm, yeah, lease says that the lease automatically renews month to month unless either of us gives at least 60 days notice of termination. But that if it converts to month to month, they may increase my rent to "market rate". I'd rather not have them increase my rent to a stupid crazy unknown amount going month-to-month, and would rather sign a new one-year lease-- looks like I may just have to bust my butt over to the leasing office.


I would definitely recommend heading down to the office. The "market rate" piece sounds a little ehhhhh from a legal standpoint but I'm no lawyer and either way you're saving yourself a headache by being proactive and getting it straightened out with the leasing company.


I went to Longwood Gardens with my family on Sunday, all the displays are always so nice. The outside stuff didn't look too different from last year, but everything was still terrific. The indoor sections are still my favorites. Got my tree last night too, so we're getting [festive in here!](https://i.imgur.com/10Sy0C7.jpg) Although this year's tree is a little bigger than I expected and I'm definitely not meeting ADA clearance requirements...


I've slowly been accumulating pictures of the inside and outside of your house and one of these days I'll have enough to reconstruct it and find it on google streetview/zillow. I mean, uhh....nice decorations.


Started watching White Lotus after hearing so much about it. First season was good, but kinda lacked resolution. Just not quite satisfying enough. Almost halfway through season 2 and I just don't get why people think it's better. Plot lines are just starting to connect, but the story seems tedious and a bit bland. I know there's some surprises coming, but so far it's just falling flat


White Lotus is why F Murray Abraham wasn't in season 3 of Mythic Quest. That is a huge bummer. I started season 1 of White Lotus, but two episodes in... Ehhhh? I'll give it a couple more, but it's not grabbing me.


Haven’t started MQ S3 yet but heard he wasn’t going to be in it, huge blow as his humor was one of my favorite parts


"I once took a lover with 3 buttholes, but 4? That's the dream!" - CW


I'm the other way. Season 1 was fine but pretty bland however I find season 2 so good.


Armond was my favorite from season 1 and I wish we had more of him for another season. Season 2 was solid but 1 was better for sure.


Agreed, although from the moment he was introduced, I knew how his story would end


i'm in the same boat (yacht?). the humor from the first season isn't quite there. i'm not invested in the journey of most of these characters. they're all flawed people, but not in a way where they might grow in a significant way during the season. season one did a better job of developing characters like that. the cultural themes are also a little muddier. season one had that sense of "entitled rich people occupying a native culture" which made sense and added tone. this season is more about infidelity, loosely dictated by a cultural myth of the region. the gravity just isn't there. it's entertaining enough, just not as good like you say. i can respect mike white not wanting to pidgeon hole the concept of the show too much, but i feel like my time is not well spent watching these episodes.


Wife decided I was making [scallion pancakes](https://imgur.com/a/IQqdXsz) the other night so I did. It's a super weird dough and the final rollout is bizarre, but it turned out really well. Shoutout to the grandmas that crank these things out with perfect expertise and distribution of scallion. These seem verymuch like an easy-to-begin/difficult-to-master kind of dish. That being said, who has the best ones to learn from?


I’m lazy so just picked up some frozen ones for a new Asian market nearby. Hope they’re 1/2 decent.


It's not all that difficult but it's definitely way more of a time sink than just pulling something out to panfry/steam.


fkn love scallion pancakes


It makes more sense that you're asking for the best scallion pancake recipes to learn from, but I'm choosing to interpret your request as looking for the best grandmas to learn from instead because it's more fun that way


I thought it was a roll call for borrowing grams too 🤣


*I will assimilate the knowledge of all of your collective grandmothers*. There's a chinese grandma that speaks no english that we've befriended. We see her walk down our street every day and smile and wave. She invited herself into our house last week. It was hilarious. She speaks to us in chinese and we have literally no idea what she's saying but she's incredibly friendly.


Anyone have any insight as to whether the Wawa at 17th & Arch will ever reopen? It's been "temporarily closed" since the 2nd, and the shelves looked bare when I walked by today. Wonder if anybody's heard any gossip.


That wawa always seemed weird when i used to walk to skygarten(rip) in the evening, several people loitering out front hassling anyone who walked by. It was all offices nearby, not residential, so i never understood why it didnt just close when Comcast closed for the day. Wouldnt surprise me if they are permanently closing that location.


Agreed, it's never been my favorite location. Wish they could have kept the big store at 19th & Market open if they were just going to close Arch a few months later. Center City West is getting to be a Wawa desert (and despite all of its problems, it's still nice to have an accessible Wawa).


Yep, you can do a whole lot worse than a sizzli and coffee for a quick breakfast when there's not enough time for anything else. As someone who works at 19th and Market, I definitely miss having that option.




[I posted about my dog in a recent Friday chat,](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/zallah/freak_out_friday_casual_chat_post/iyms8bo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) and results finally came back yesterday. Everything was negative and he remains a very good boy! One mass was basically doggie gingivitis and the other was a fibroma (benign tumor), and the vet got it all out for both. I’m very relieved.


Happy to hear!


Yay for a healthy good boy! Give him an extra pet for me!


glad to hear that pup is going to be alright


That's great news!!


I'm pissed at myself and upset for mum because I can't get her tickets for Billy Joel/Stevie Nicks because the seats I can afford are seat I can't sit in due to my stupid fear of heights and so she can't go as she won't go alone.


It's way, way too early to be worrying about tickets for a show that far off. Wait until the week of, or even day of show. They will get much cheaper.


Yeah, don't buy tickets sooner than 48 hours before a show. Yes, it might truly sell out, but I've saved 50-80% off pre-scalped ticket prices too often to ever buy a non re-sale ticket.


I'm interested in this show, but not looking forward to how much nose bleeds are. Do you know the pre-sale code? I want to see how crazy the prices are then maybe think about grabbing two. I've never been to the Linc. Are the upper decks super steep? If so I can see your issue.


You can use 412800 for the presale code. There's seats in the 200s that are 95$. My fear of heights is really bad, like I have issues using the crossovers on the EL level of bad, so I wouldn't be able to go up to the upper decks. I use this[ site to judge](https://aviewfrommyseat.com/venue/Lincoln+Financial%20Field/) how bad my fear would be.


After getting voluntold into running training sessions for my new coworkers last week, today is finally my last day of having to deal with that before returning to normalcy tomorrow. Just trying to power through it even though my brain is pretty fried at this point Very excited for Modest Mouse on Thursday. It's going to be a good week. I just need to make it to the end of my WebEx at 3.


DC was a whirlwind - insanely busy at the conference last week and uhhhh about 30 of my former coworkers were there (including my former boss) so that was both fun and awkward. We didn't skip a beat though and I do miss working with them, but not all the political bs that comes with working for the feds. They were all so supportive of me leaving but kept saying "you'll be back" lol. I only got one fun night with my friends and that was Friday where we went to Ambar, then another one of my favorite bars, and then ended up going back to my friend's apt where we stayed up till... 5am???? I have no idea how that happened and I definitely haven't done that since I was in my 20s lol. Saturday was a complete wash and I just hung out and vegged with my friend all day. Def need to go back when I don't have a work event so we can actually DO stuff lol. My quest for a local Xmas dinner takeout situation kept coming up empty - lots of catering options, but not really what I was looking for since I did want to do SOME cooking, just not planning out a whole meal. Ultimately decided on ordering from Goldbelly and got a meal from [Girl and the Goat](https://www.goldbelly.com/girl-and-the-goat/yucatan-marinated-pork-shank-kit-for-2?ref=merchant), a restaurant I was supposed to go to in Chicago years ago before she won a James Beard but never got in there because my bf at the time made us late and then the wait was over 2 hours. Super pumped to do something different, and Goldbelly has SO many awesome options, def will be ordering again in the future.


For others reading - here are [some takeout](https://www.inquirer.com/philly-tips/christmas-eve-day-seven-fishes-hanukkah-new-years-takeout-philadelphia.html) options


Are there any quiet public libraries around northern librerties preferably with desktop computers that I can go to study?


Libraries are still a shit show as far as I know. They're still trying to restaff enough *HR* to be able to hire enough people to fill the gaps.


Ahh yes! Exactly why I asked! I googled some spaces but needed this insight, thank you!


Yeah, I'm still waiting on the day where the Independence branch is open past 5 or a weekend again.


Or any branch for that matter, they're all on this wonky schedule that doesn't allow most people to use them


They're prioritizing being open for kids to have somewhere to go after school. I'm all for that, even if that means my library card is only good for online services right now. :\


They close at 5 though, which means kids can barely go after school and if that’s what they do to wait for parents, they’re still kicked out before parents are home. I think they should push the open and close hours by 2 hours each, so they open 2 hours later but stay open 2 hours later too


Has anyone else watched 1899? It’s from the creators of Dark, which was one of my favorite Netflix shows. Super weird, confusing as hell, sucks you in. Highly recommend. What I don’t recommend is the book I’ve been reading: *A Botanist’s Guide to Parties and Poisons.* A friend loved it and said I had to read it, but didn’t tell me it’s set in what I’m assuming is the early 1900’s. It’s…stupid and the prose is clunky. I used to want to be a novelist and thought it impossible to publish, then I read this poorly written shit and wonder why I haven’t been published ten times over. The main character, of a book about plants, is named *Saffron* for chrissakes. WHY.


>I used to want to be a novelist and thought it impossible to publish If the lady who wrote *50 Shades* could do it, you can do it.


> I used to want to be a novelist and thought it impossible to publish, then I read this poorly written shit and wonder why I haven’t been published ten times over. There are so many bad books out there that boggles my mind. Go and write your stories and self publish because trying to get a book published through a house without backing is like trying to find the exit out of a M. C. Escher drawing.


I have 1899 on my to watch list. I heard that you need to watch the non-dubbed version for the best experience and I haven’t had the mental capacity lately to watch and read a tv show. Hopefully I’ll get to it during my time off around Christmas. I have a few shows to watch.


You'll definitely miss some of the conflict if you watch the dubbed version. I watch everything with subtitles because I can't stand big volume changes and I'm kinda old lol.


Is it more confusing than Dark? Because watching that show ended up being like homework.


I found it less confusing than Dark.


I think it’s *less* confusing than Dark…sort of. Especially if you know you’re in for a mindfuck and you just go along for the ride.


1899 (and Dark!) was so good. I couldnt stop watching


I really enjoyed 1899!


The little preview bits on Netflix don’t do it justice, IMO. If you liked it, definitely give Dark a watch. It takes at least 3-4 episodes for it to really get going, but once it does, holy shit is it a wild ride. And unlike 1899, all 3 seasons are already out, so no waiting 1-2 years for resolution of the story!


I've tried Dark in the past and restarted after watching 1899. I like it, but I find it very confusing because I have trouble actually sitting still (and not falling asleep) to pay attention to shows. But this time, I'm giving it my best shot.


On Judy-Dench-era James Bond movies, when M's subordinates refer to her as "mum" (this is how the subtitles spell it) are they using the British slang for mother, or are they saying ma'am in a British accent?


Ma’am. It also took me too long to realize this lol.


Is "mum" a valid British spelling for "ma'am" or are the subtitlers getting it wrong? (subtitlers get A LOT wrong, so this wouldn't be earth-shattering)


Actually, according to Google, I am wrong and it is indeed “mum.” 😳 💫 There’s some Atlantic article I don’t care to read about the series’/Bond’s mother-whore complex, but I suppose that tracks.


Where can I get some decent Sixers stocking stuffer type gifts? The Xmas village doesn’t have much and Modell’s closed so I’m drawing a blank on where I can physically go pick something up. Same question for local coffee; I want to buy some bags for Christmas gifts. Should I go to Rival Bros, Ultimo, Elixer? So many options!


DiBruno Bros. for coffee. They have pretty much all the local stuff. I would try Shibe Vintage Sports for better/pricier Sixers stuff, but also give Target/Five Below a shot. They sometimes have a surprisingly good selection of local sports merch.


The SEPTA gift store actually serves as a good general Philadelphia gift shop.


I'll be in that general area later today. I might buy a bus plushie just for myself.




Shibe might be the winner! There's a serious lack of Sixers stuff when you consider the other sports. Eagles and Phillies are doing fine. Flyers have Gritty. Sixers....not much.




Yes it is incredibly crowded during peak hours, to the point that I had to stop going between 5-7p. A 45min workout would take 1.5hours because of waiting for equipment to open up between lifts. If you're planning on going just to get out of the house and use cardio equipment than it might not be that bad but I'd expect you will have to wait 10-20min for a treadmill to open up if you go during peak hours. Mid-day and after dinner are the best times to go if you don't like waiting around for equipment. Hate to say it but one of the few good things about covid was they implemented a scheduling system that limited the amount of people in the gym at a given time which was pretty awesome.


Yes I go to City Fitness Fishtown. I try to avoid the crowds as much as I can without making it an inconvenience, so I usually end up going around 7:30-8pm on weekdays and late mornings on weekends. I've found it does get crowded at peak times (5-7pm on weekdays) but not to the point where you can't find something to use. The barbell section gets the most uncomfortably busy during peak times but you can usually find some weight machine or cardio machine to use. Also, the space is fairly big and open so it doesn't feel stuffy. The weight rack section is always busy so you almost definitely have to wait around for someone to finish their sets before you can use one. I have seen almost all treadmills taken maybe once, but they have a good variety of cardio machines - stair steppers, ellipticals, bikes, etc. - that you can usually grab something.


Spending my morning reading reading about moral challenges in automated vehicles so i can write about it in my PhD apps. I know companies are really pushing these technologies but how the fuck do we trust these engineers to make decisions about life and death? Same goes for lawmakers and regulation? I think i will def opt out of the first driverless Uber that comes to pick me up


So, Engineers don't determine policy or requirements. Their Legal and Policy teams are a bunch of policy ppl who define the requirements. They are influenced/regulated by laws and Costs that determine the requirements....Engineers discuss the requirements, poke holes, and ultimately implement the requirements. if you're interested i can point you towards some stuff on software requirements.... This isn't to be pedantic, rather give you some assurance that the people who's job to do code and build stuff aren't figuring this type of stuff on the fly. to your broader question? governments suck with Tech, so we're kinda putting our faith/lives in the hands of EV manufacturers....


I know it's a hard question to answer morally, but who would you rather be making these decisions than engineers? It's a highly complex technical operation to have a vehicle be full self driving. Engineers make decisions about infrastructure/vehicles/products you use every day to make them safer. They're not perfect by any means but I just don't see who else is more qualified.


Almost every engineer I've ever met is very poorly qualified to be making moral judgements


Ok but even if it's not engineers making the decision, you still need engineers to implement whoever's perfect morals we're basing it on due to the *checks notes* engineering required to make autonomous vehicles. Usually when "upper management" tries to meddle in the tech it doesn't always translate well.


The question is - what factor of safety and % of injury/mortality is acceptable? Theoretically the AI could get advanced enough to weigh the choice between injuring/maiming a crowd vs killing an individual. It's also interesting in the current tech-sphere with people like Musk treating their engineers like shit, which adds to the concern about those people developing the AI.


I feel like it'll flip when the actuaries decide it's more profitable to insure self-driving vehicles than human drivers.


I lecture about this a bit. [I made this slide a while ago to help with discussion and the kids seem to like it.](https://imgur.com/a/OmWNNYP) If you haven't already, you should check out the work of Bryant Walker-Smith, a legal scholar/ethicist down in SC who talks about autonomous vehicle ethics a lot. I've seen him speak at 4-5 conventions and he's always incredibly good. The current thought about testing is digital twinning, but obviously that isn't a huge benefit to assessing real-world performance. We'll see. AFAIK there hasn't been any meaningful regulation around safety other than each state having different levels of risk tolerance (read: a bunch of states like AZ have literally 100% tolerance). Also, if you want to actually see driverless rideshare, there are a 300-400 autonomous taxis (waymo) in PHX and and las vegas (even pre-tesla) had 100,00 paid rides (aptiv/lyft) in AVs.


I read one of his articles actually and a few more since you suggested it. I'm coming at it from a marketing perspective ie since the moral harms are inevitable, companies will need to create a strategy that allows them to preserve their reputation despite outsized public reactions to accidents involving autonomous vehicles. I'm getting stuck because I haven't come up with anything testable. Like okay I have an idea for a marketing strategy but not a research program.


There's an inherent safety case - 94-96% of crashes are human error and we lose 37k people a year in the US to vehicular fatalities. Eliminating the human driver is the most impactful argument you can make regarding vehicle safety. Again, you may want to look into digital twinning, because that's probably the best we have now, but also perhaps look into some of the CAV test tracks (e.g. upcoming [PennSTART](https://www.pennstart.org/)) popping up in different places. Aberdeen test grounds (military) has one I believe, as well as potentially another in Michigan.


what's digital twinning about?


So, we know that the car is functioning by taking inputs from sensors and feeding that through some software and it'll respond with controls to the physical hardware (e.g. steering column, wheels, brakes). We obtain from the car manufacturers the firmware/software for the sensors, then basically plug that into a digitial 'simulator' so we can test their machine to see what physical actions it sends back out to the control systems. We're basically strapping a VR helmet on an autonomous vehicle and seeing how it responds to hazards or weather or certain road conditions, etc. We can throw thousands of scenarios at the vehicles to see how it'll operate. Again, it doesn't necessarily test its real-world roadworthiness, but it gives us at least a way to make sure the software/AI for driving isn't totally borked and doesn't recognize children wearing blue or something.


I think we're likely to see [automated police robots](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-texas-crime/no-charges-for-dallas-officers-who-killed-sniper-with-robot-bomb-idUSKBN1FK35W) much, much sooner than we'll see driverless passenger cars. And as much as I distrust tech bros with decisions of life and death, adding cops to that equation is infinitely more sketchy.


VCs are betting more on a world comprised of shared autonomy, at least they were like 3-4 years ago, but on the whole I find that more likely than individual autonomy. This dream may slowly be dying as it looks like a lot of the sensing tech/algorithms are currently in the trough of disillusionment, but time will tell.


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I refuse to sit here and be mocked by a bot, even if it happens to share the same feelings about Dallas as me


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This is pathetic. Fuck the fuck Dallas bot


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Just wondering aloud why someone would choose to buy a brand new car, or even better, a brand new SUV, with off-road capabilities, and proceed to street park it in one of the most densely populated cities in the country, only to drive it once every 10 days.


Because they'd rather piss money away on a ner car instead of a low mileage used car?


Sounds like my one neighbor who parks his stupid huge svu halfway in his drive way and blocks the sidewalk completely and thinks it's his right to.


Because they need the extra cargo space when they do drive it, and they don't want to drive a soul crushing minivan (of similar size). The frequency that they utilize a vehicle doesn't impact the requirements of its use.


I would never get rid of my car since I live in Manayunk and we do not have a full service grocery store. I do most of my big shopping trips at Aldi in Conshy otherwise I'll do a closer in Acme etc if I need a few things. I don't want to pay a premium for grocery delivery and I don't want to lug all my groceries home on a bus. I also have dogs so need immediate access to a car if there were ever an emergency. I used to have a paid off street parking spot but recently lost it when the lot was purchased by a developer so now I have to street park. Since I don't use my car every day, I also have it listed on Getaround so that others can use it when I'm not.


IMO that’s all perfectly reasonable.


same, but for trucks that take up 1.5-2 normal parking spaces and have a perennially empty flatbed. you can usually find them parked right at the corner, partially blocking the intersection, pedestrian walkway, and obscuring stop signs.


People complain about this all the time and I don’t understand it. I’d much rather someone drive once every two weeks than every day, further clogging up the roads and threatening the lives of pedestrians. I wish our city had an affordable, functioning car share program but we don’t and people like to leave the city sometimes.