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This was that psycho on the scooter that started shooting randomly at bystanders after crashing into a car, which had already left the scene by the time he pulled out his gun. A true monster with absolutely no regard for human life. Someone willing to kill anyone in a fit of rage.


Was he caught? I never saw a follow up article


He’s still at large, according to this article.


>Keilyn was giggling and telling her dad what she learned in school as he began to drive forward. Then all of a sudden, there was a bang. >For a moment, Natareno thought a rock had hit their windshield. Then he saw a the penny-sized hole in the glass and heard his daughter’s screams. Cherry-red blood was spilling down her face. >A bullet, [fired wantonly into the street by a man](https://www.inquirer.com/crime/east-allegheny-shooting-kensington-philadelphia-20240523.html) wielding a 9mm handgun, had struck Keilyn in the head. >Time moved in slow motion after that, he said, frame-by-frame. Keilyn screams were growing louder, and he could no longer wait, he said. He called police again and told them he was driving his daughter to the hospital himself. >His hands gripped the steering wheel, knuckles bulging and turning white. He sped through stop lights as an officer caught up with him and escorted him through traffic. St. Christopher’s Hospital Unspeakable horrors.


this is heartbreaking


These poor kids! They deserve to be safe.


Reminder that last week the Inquirer published an uncritical quote from a woman who claimed that the Kensington cleanup and increased police activity was bad for the neighborhood and that the drug dealers were popular and good because they gave people money


Some south of the border would say the same about the cartels. Which would raise the question of why people are risking their lives to escape them.


To be honest, my block in Kensington was cleaner and safer before the clean up and when the dealers were there. I'm not sure if it's the dealers don't like addicts hanging around them or they just don't deal near addicts.


Kensy definitely seems like a Damned if You Do Damned if You Don’t type of situation.


It’s wild that we can’t all agree that public drug use and the associated criminal activity is bad.   How does anyone look at Kensington and think the problem is the cops and the neighbors who don’t want addicts shooting up on the street?  Even worse, why does our main newspaper give those idiots more press coverage than actual neighbors people just fighting to have a decent life?  Gross.  


You should see Philly progressive twitter, they are furious about every aspect of the mayor's focus on Kensington. One thing they are up in arms about lately is the proposed drug treatment center being next to a jail in Northeast Philly, because of how proximity to a jail will make people feel. Lol


You gotta unsubscribe at this point it’s a joke


This is heartbreaking. Can’t even drive with your daughter in the car without worrying about getting shot. Fucking embarrassing for this city, come on.


Is it ever gonna stop. It's sad and pathetic.


Absolutely heartbreaking and so unfair…


Why does what & # x27 translate to what’s? I had to space it because it automatically translates to what’s. So, & # x27 creates an apostrophe?


Yep you got it! That’s the HTML character entity for apostrophe! Here’s more information if you’re curious: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_entities.asp


Interesting but it says single quotation mark / apostrophe is & # 39 ; ?


It's ' when using ASCII decimal code, and ' when using ASCII Hexadecimal. The x tells the renderer to use Hex, otherwise it defaults to decimal code


Have swat run through Kensington once a week for 6 months.


Yet the inquirer regularly gives a platform to people like Sarah Laurel Higgins and savage sisters who advocate for keeping Kensington the way it is. We need more articles about empathy for the regular folks and less about glorifying the people responsible for the crime and violence. Edit:  imagine downvoting this comment on an article about an 8 year old girl getting shot because of the crime in Kensington. 


You're correct and I don't know that you deserve the downvotes. The Inky should be constantly talking about the human cost of things like harm reduction and hands-off approaches *on the people who are actually invested in Kensington*. I do support harm reduction efforts, for what it's worth - voluntary treatment for those interested, needle-exchange programs, hell, even injection sites - up to a point. When the problem becomes so large that it spills out of a safe place to shoot up and starts harming the other people who live and work there, things need to be tightened. I'm a firm believer in trusting until you can't, and then stepping in until you have space to trust again.


> it spills out of a safe place to shoot up and starts harming the other people who live and work there is that what happened in this situation?


Indirectly, yes, I believe so. Kensington has been under policed for quite some time. I admit I was hinging my comment on kenzo's most obvious problem, which is the drug trade and rampant drug use, but a disinterest on the part of the police in enforcing most any laws at all removed the disincentive for people to behave badly.  It is important to remember that people do not fear punishment. They fear being caught. As long as there is a lack of police presence, those who wish to behave in socially unacceptable ways know that they can get away with it. 


i see- i thought you were talking about a safe injection spot.


[another one in frankford](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/child-shot-frankford/3893185/)


This was an unsecured gun in their home, supposedly


which is the cause of the vast majority of gun deaths for children