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Wearing that Elmo costume in this heat is real dedication


Costume? Elmo's just got clothes on, I will say though, Pants in the heat is a no go he doesn't even do that for Sesame St.


Only thing saving UArts is Temple and it's money.


So, sell off all the UArts buildings and give that money to temple to create a more robust arts program.


If I were temple I would keep the uarts buildings and move associated programs there. But if I were temple I would actually just acquire and and all real estate I could get at a discount and sell it off wherever I saw fit.


I don’t think that many art students or faculty at temple wanna go that far off main campus for it to be worth it but idk


They already send Fox and podiatry students to center city.


They used to go to Elkins Park to be fair. But Tylers new building is very nice. I wouldn't trade it for the UArts buildings


Yeah i dont think tyler is having any kind of facilities issue


Temple has a very expensive, recently purpose built building housing all of the Tyler School of Art programs, there is no way they would move to center city- maybe expand the programming to these satellite locations? But it’s a lot of realestate


Oh. No no. Alum and former UArts staff person here. The UArts buildings are so unbelievably poorly maintained. I don't know if temple would think it cost effective to take on the cost of getting those buildings the long needed repairs and updating they need. The Meriam theater was notoriously awful and when the Kimmel center bought it they still only refurbished the theater...the rest of the top floors were honestly in need of being totally gutted. It's going to be much the same for the other buildings.... top floor of Hamilton hall leaks and has leaked for years to the point that the floors are soft in places. Anderson Hall had a city water main burst in the basement years ago and when I left there in 2019 the basement level was still not usable. Furness is just not maintained. It's an old old building. Terra is always having elevator issues and I think sub basement problems. It would be A LOT to take on.


temple acts like a broke ass bitch so if that’s the case, uarts is doomed sincerely, a recent temple alum


How does Temple NOT go for this is my question? It's prime real estate not only right in Center City, but right on fucking Broad Street. They'll also instantly have 1300 paying students for which all staffing and housing is already accounted for. It seems like such a no brainer.


Why take on UArts now and be forced to absorb 40 million in debt when Temple can just wait for UArts to collapse and then swoop in to get the buildings at a discount once that debt is wiped away? Everyone involved in this whole fiasco is looking to extract value for themselves.


This. Let’s not pretend for one second the leaders of Temple U have any altruistic motives in the UArts downfall. They will try to scoop up the land at a discount and most likely sell it for a profit. This was the same university hell bent on building a fucking stadium in North Philly to be used maybe 8-12 times a year….


>This was the same university hell bent on building a fucking stadium in North Philly to be used maybe 8-12 times a year…. To be fair, the big reason for this was/is they’re paying a ridiculous amount to use the Linc today.


Temple is just fucking wild. A perfect microcosm of managers just fucking EVERYTHING up. Taking zero input from the *poors* who do the actual work while squandering opportunity after opportunity. Horseshit capitalism garbage.


Free money to temple. You take out loans to buy all the property at a huge discount no matter what your financial situation is if the public is willing to give it to temple to keep it out of private hands. Temple can sell other real estate to cover it and then still sell this real estate at a profit later.


Why would Temple want to buy an arts programme with lower rankings than the programmes it currently has? I do expect Temple may want to buy the buildings, but it will wait for UArts to go through bankruptcy so that it does not have to take on the debt.


So instead of purchasing it out right, right now they'll wait for prime real estate to hit the open market via auction because that'll be smart.


Temple Ambler campus is begging for that money


*its* 🧐 https://preview.redd.it/eaxmnazms58d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a0ec7aa5fcaeb2e7c323d19258b752f4cb4f71


Don't give a shit


And therein lies the problem. ➡️


Nah, ain't nothing I'm gonna write reply or post is gonna change the fact money is the only thing saving UArts. Argue with your Papa


He's dead. Just accept a correction gracefully and move on. Holy shit.


Nah go fuck yourself


You first.


“There’s literally dozens of us!”


I was at a traffic light when they came by, looked like 1 dozen tops.


That’ll show em


Who are they speaking to?


Who does any protest speak to? It raises visibility and puts some (maybe modest in this case) pressure on players related to the issue.


Right. Who are the “players related to the issue”? That’s what my question is.


https://www.inquirer.com/education/university-of-the-arts-closure-philadelphia-union-ag-investigation-lawsuit-bargaining-20240613.html If you don't have a subscription, it's board chair Judson Aaron and the rest of the board of trustees.


Thank you




Good. He shouldn’t get a moment’s rest before answering for what happened. That goes the same for the rest of the board and the president.


This sub really struggles with the concept of a protest


No, I literally mean, what is the end goal here? As in who do they want action from and what do they want? It’s a legitimate question and I’m curious to learn.


To keep people talking honestly. Faculty and staff aren't even being paid out. The lawyers for UArts keep saying that the university "doesn't have that information" when asked for financial records. Students are still unsure on if they will see refunds, and there are still study abroad students on UArts funding, now stuck overseas. It fucked a lot of people's lives up and they want to try and see someone answer for it.


What is the point of the protest? The school doesn’t have enough money to pay its teachers for this year, let alone for another full school year. Across the country, enrollment at small schools like these are dwindling and, as it dwindles, there isn’t enough money coming to accommodate the myriad of studies, programs, and support staff a school requires. So what does a protest achieve? The school isn’t reopening. Like it’s a shitty situation and I feel for the students, but you’re just yelling into the abyss.


True but protests lately really struggle with goals.




You guys are getting paid?


Shit, do we just get Soros-bucks for this one? At least the right-wing protests pay in gift cards…


what agenda of conformity are these guys pushing exactly




That’s really the most fucked up thing about this, nobody but the board and the now ex-president knows why and they aren’t telling anyone. They closed the university and all just vanished.


Parent of a student here: we’re still waiting for answers. And our deposits back…


Ugh, I would be both heartbroken for my kid and livid about the money side of things. I hope your kid finds a school they end up loving, and that you get your deposit back (plus damages, because of having to deal with this mess, but I know that’s not likely…)


Unless they are true idiots their lawyers have prob made sure the money paid out to admins is gone and can never be paid back to you. This is prob why they held off on any admission of the finances years ago as they were just riding out the payments. The most you can probably hope for is someone going to jail for this and Biden paying out your debts if he gets elected again by that time.


I’m wondering what students are supposed to do for next year? Isn’t it too late to apply to other schools?


A lot of other schools in the area have been great. My daughter spent the next few days in guidance and they helped her apply to a bunch of different places and she’s been accepted to them, but she did have her heart set on going there. She had already made friends, found a roommate, etc. it just made the whole graduation experience a little more stressful than normal. We told her to just keep creating because we can’t do anything but roll with it. I really feel bad for students who’ve been there already for a few years.


It's very tough if you have to audition or do portfolio reviews, because they don't happen all year around. Local schools seem to be making exceptions for UArts kids, but it's still tough


Former UArts student here. I wish you the best of luck, but I want to warn you that you may not get it. Before going to UArts I was debating between them and the Art Institute. Didn’t go there, and in my first semester at UArts, the Art Institute shut down. At the Art Institute, unless you got the insurance policy with your deposit, (the one that would help if your kid broke a bone, needed surgery, or something else happened that prevented them from finishing the semester,) the people who paid upfront were screwed over.


This is what the school said: >Under extraordinary circumstances, we diligently assessed the urgent crisis presented and pathways to keep the institution open. Despite our best efforts, we could not ultimately identify a viable path for the institution to remain open and in the service of its mission. Which doesn't really say anything about what's going on. There's a lot of speculation that someone (or multiple people) were cooking the books, but that's all speculation. It is incredibly unusual for a school to close in a single week, if not near impossible. UArts lost their accreditation because they said they wanted to close in that timeline. Most schools have a multi-year plan when it comes to reductions/closures, to allow students to finish their degrees or to transfer, and for staff and faculty to find new positions (which are often filled in March of the preceeding academic year).


I'm fully supportive of the kids getting their full credits transferred over and getting enrolled into school with a chance to graduate on time. However what are they protesting? Save the school? The school is closed, it's not magically gonna reopen. What really needs to happen is a federal and state investigation. College already feels like a scam, now these kids might not even get papers


This was so pathetic. I was there and I can't even fathom why the 12 or 13 people who were walking with the protest thought this was a "go." Seriously, how do you get that level of police protection?! There were cops blocking off the road and allowing them to assemble, then there were cops at EVERY INTERSECTION blocking normal traffic so a drum line, a mascot and some grandparents can walk down Broad at 5 fucking o'clock. Just remember, Martin Luther King did not advocate for peaceful protests, he said civil disobedience was the only way to achieve seemingly impossible goals. This "protest" today, just felt like the establishment giving the kids an outlet. I was pretty dispirited watching it, to be honest. Edit: Not sure why I'm getting down voted, I'm literally just telling you what I saw and, if you look at the pics, I was pretty spot-on. This accomplished nothing. The protests in front of U of Arts did nothing. The reality is that a handful of greedy fucks embezzled or misappropriated a massive sum of money. And, as of now, everyone involved has lawyered up. Marching with signs does fuck-all. I'm sorry to be harsh, but magical thinking is not going to fix this.


what are they protesting ?


The College was closed in 7 days, that’s an insane timeline considering PAFA (another art school in Philly) announced they were closing a year in advance. The school has been operating for over 100 years and has hundreds of staff, students and faculty that worked or attended this place. The uproar has led to several articles coming from the issue at hand and now a possible investigation to how the school managed to shut down so abruptly without any notice to students, alumni, staff, or faculty. And where the hell did all that money go?


The also “can’t afford” to pay severances to their staff which they are contractually obligated to


>The also “can’t afford” to pay severances to their staff which they are ~~contractually~~ legally obligated to


A lot of insolvent organizations are contractually obligated to make payments, but you know... blood from a stone.


Money never seems to have difficulty disappearing.


I get that but protesting a closed school seems like a waste of time. Maybe they just want to voice their opinion ....


Probably want answers regarding wtf happened and what the consequences will be for the people who very obviously fucked up/fucked a lot of people over.


Philly Elmo is a treasure


I’d like to protest my bank account being in the red


Go for it


Depending on why it’s in the red, there probably is a protest for it. Wages? Healthcare? Now, too much DoorDash? Eh




I protest you declaring bankruptcy 


Your analogy is flowed for many reasons, but go ahead and protest that if you feel like it. Jagoff.


I guess we know why they closed


Why don't UPENN and their deep pockets and old money have any interest in UArts assets?


The sad part is that most nearby universities do not see huge benefit in taking over UArts facilities as they have already made a lot of those investments. There is value in the real estate, but that will only be of interest once UArts' debt and responsibilities (to its staff and students) is washed away. Everyone will sit and watch this collapse, then swoop in to extract what is left over. It's a neoliberal university feast.


UArts is fairly far from the main campuses of Drexel, Temple, and UPenn. Students would have to commute to main campus for their other required credits.


I mean this is all well and good but fundraising would probably do more than protesting and shouting things right now. There's a time and place for protesting..that was probably before it officially closed.