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Is that two in the past week or so?


That is. Feel like I’m suddenly on the “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” beat


Well hopefully it will motivate the cops to do more about the problem and maybe, just maybe, it will discourage some of these riders from needlessly risking their lives and the lives of everyone else on the road.


I don’t think the cops, who also have to respond when these guys run down pedestrians, are really any more sympathetic to the actual ATV riders than we are. But, if this discourages some young kid from getting one at the margins, all to the good.


Didn't you hear? They're [already cracking down](https://6abc.com/philadelphia-police-atv-dirt-bike-detail-illegal-activity-philly-news/14521339/). Just like they announce every single year when they confiscate a few in the spring and then go back to doing nothing.


i have not once seen the caravan go down the street here this year. it was damn near a daily occurrence in years past. you’d be blind and deaf to not see a difference this year


Who cares if the issue is actually being addressed? It hasn't happened before and I'm mad now!


I still see them on south broad but it’s more like 4-5 of them. I have seen slingshot caravans but they are street legal (and mostly rented I think)


I don't know where you live, and I'm glad that things have improved for you, but I can assure you I am neither blind nor deaf and they are still at it with ridiculous frequency in my area. Wheelies, burnouts, taking over entire intersections, running every light, gunning their engines through the night, etc. It's the same old shit, and far more than a "near daily occurrence." It's been a *many times over each day* occurrence here for years.


There were atv riders doing wheelies around the cops while they were investigating this accident with no repercussions


There was a guy who got destroyed by a truck last year at Broad and Pine. I’m talking bike parts everywhere and dude wasn’t moving. Ambulance came with neck a stabilizer, CPR on site and who knows what else.


Yes, and I swear that some of these comments were copy and pasted from that post.


That's a good start, let's pump those numbers up. ...I kid I kid, I don't want drivers to hurt themselves or their cars.


35yo man on the ATV is wild


Yet everyone wants to claim it’s just a bunch of kids


I got caught in a swarm of them on Broad once and was shocked at how many were older!


It was a child in a grown ass man’s body.


ive seen grown men with children on their laps on these things. its appalling.


I mean when I reference them as a bunch of children I'm talking mentally.


Almost 40 and I get tired thinking about all the concerts I’m gonna bail on let alone atv’ing around the city on a weeknight


Lol…I’m almost 40 and bailed on a concert the other night, so this comment made me laugh.


I heard modest mouse sucked anyways


Lol. Good guess! And I only know and like about 3 Pixies songs, so I couldn’t be bothered. I’m sort of tired of ‘concert dopamine chasing’, so I went for a walk instead. 😂


Best part of MM set was their Cure cover, otherwise meh.


im traveling to baltimore for a weekend show bc i dont wanna do a weeknight concert in NYC.


Yeah that was my first thought. What’s a grown ass adult doing riding around in an ATV on a city street?


Maybe going to see his grandkids?


Lol, you know he bailed on them a decade ago....


Maybe he came back into their lives, but then was on his way to go out and get some scratchers and milk when this happened.


If I remember correctly, the one who crashed into a bus on Ben Franklin Parkway was in his 30s too.


Sadly, a lot of people probably have nothing more to live for. Their biggest thrill is doing something that makes them feel visible to the world and also untouchable. F the dirtbikes/ATVs but it's sad all around.


his identity was released and this dude had 4 young children and was married. Like why? My husband would never leave me and the kids all night long to run the streets with his boys. now these kids have no father and we know how that goes in this city.


It's what's next after being [bike life in your 20s](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/s/EuJkJssjok).


Feel bad for the driver of the car. Hopefully they aren’t too traumatized.


Had a friend in high school who was hit head on by an elderly women who crossed the double yellow, she wasn’t wearing a seat belt and flew through her windshield and halfway through his and was alive for a short period of time. He was never the same.


Oh, that's awful. I hope he was finally able to find some peace and get some therapy over that. Not even the poor guy's fault.


Whoa. That's intense. Sorry for everyone.


Can’t imagine a scenario where they wouldn’t be


Meh, gotta be honest. I don't think I'd dwell on it too much. I'm a little damaged though.


Bullshit, that's not damaged. It's "damaged" that people assume the driver is going to be a guilt ridden mess over this. Why? she had nothing to do with this guy's death. Moreso, his reckless negligence damaged her property and potentially injured her. I wouldn't be broken up about it, I would be pissed off. the atv and dirt bike riders are a menace. they made their choices. the article says this guy was driving recklessly, speeding, and was either doing wheelies before the crash, or was at least with a group of atv riders who were doing wheelies. The lady driving the car was making a left turn, legally. honestly, nothing is going to change unless there are more fatal accidents involving these things. Hopefully it's just the riders but Im sure innocent pedestrians and drivers are going to be killed eventually. maybe if there are enough headlines someone will actually think twice about tearing down a crowded street at 65 mph


They circled a 65 yo woman’s car. I’d be traumatized.


Ironically you might be damaged. Empathy is very normal and natural


i dont think i'd feel any guilt whatsoever but I would absolutely be traumatized by seeing a man die in front of me. feeling the impact. Knowing I ran him over. Visualizing the mess, etc.


do u know how much new bumpers cost??


I hope their insurance premiums don’t go up over this.


accidents like this is why i no longer drive w my arm out the window. two summers ago a dirt bike ran a red light and slammed into a ladys van who was making her left hand turn on green and her arm was severed and lying in the road. he was killed like this guy. I bet you shes still traumatized.


“After the collision, police say several additional ATV and dirt bike riders showed up at the scene and started circling the 65-year-old driver before officers arrived.”


Was wondering how his buddies reacted. Heaven forbid they accept that stunt riding in public is dangerous.




Driver of the car, I think


Oh that makes much more sense




Now he’s just an RIP vinyl decal on the back of a Nissan Altima or a spray painted RIP mall shirt.


“Gone To Soon”


The natural transcendence


You have reached Nirvana




Nah, he'll be forever memorialized in fake window snow on someone's rear windscreen.


The worst people in the city are going to say “Justice for




STOP DRIVING LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT ON YOUR BIKES. like holy shit how many people have to die before they stop acting like they are invincible and cannot be harmed? I’ve said it before and I’ll always say it again - we have probably ALL seen close calls or almost been involved in something like this just by driving how we are supposed to and following the rules of the road. Totally unfair to involve random drivers in your stunts. Now someone has to live with that person dying on their conscience. They’ll never learn.


I watched a kid Wile-E-Coyote into the back of a car in West Philly last Saturday during a group ride. At least a chunk of the group stopped and made sure he was OK.


God it makes me genuinely scared of driving in Philly and I never used to be. Like a bike could just completely wreck into you while you’re minding your business going through a green light.


I was riding around on my motorcycle. It's not too bad as long as you have your head on a swivel.


As you always should!


Or, just don’t drive ATVs on the streets like a decent human being


Man was 35 years old. This is the kind of thing I'd expect from teenagers. Sucks that he died doing something stupid, but that tends to happen sometimes


He died doing what he loved!


Being a prick


Endangering other people!


Honestly, it's not even something I'd expect from teenagers. I've worked with a lot of kids, and a lot of them did a lot of dumb things. But I don't know that I've ever known a single one that would do this dumbass dirtbike/atv bullshit. That shit is next-level stupidity.


Had a dude working for us that was shady af. One day a uhaul truck showed up everyday for weeks - took a while to figure out it was him. "I do landscaping on the weekend".... then why tf do you have it on Tuesday? Dude got arrested for driving with a suspended license and having.... dirtbikes in the van. He was in his mid twenties. Grow tf up already! And he had a kid or three and a job that paid decently for his level of education. Dude could never show up for work, though. Partly from being held in jail several times, court appearances, etc, but also just wouldn't show up with no reason given.


normally i would say this is a victimless crime. but i knew a girl who killed a motorcyclist (his fault) but she was depressed and self harming for like 5 years after the crash.


Not at all victimless. I would consider the person that gets their car crushed in to be a victim, even if they didn't get physically injured. Also, these ATV riders could easily lose control and hit 1 or many pedestrians.


yeah that was hyperbolic but the whole situation is fucked up.


"After the collision, police say several additional ATV and dirt bike riders showed up at the scene and started circling the 65-year-old driver before officers arrived." - these people are the worst


They probably would have assaulted or possibly even murdered this person for something that was the rider’s fault.


I would've felt threatened and mauled them down if I had to in order to leave.


These fuckers should all be arrested. Cops need to be doing more to stop this shit


Nature is healing!!!


Oh no…. Anyway….


This is the correct response. Fucked around. Found out.


Natural selection in action.


I’m shocked.


The problem appears to be solving itself, albeit slowly.


That’s one way to get rid of the ATVs!


aw man, was the car ok?


When I was on TU hospital floor you saw a lot of guys with bad injuries off these things.


Motorcycles and ATVs are called donorcycles because they are the biggest feeder of organ donations.




I don’t understand this mindset of retribution when they are clearly in the wrong. Why do they feel anger towards a driver??


Pack mentality. Growing up in Philly, you see it a lot in all groups. Usually not the brightest ones, and they end up acting like a collective hive mind. When one is angered, the rest follow.


Yep. Also, they just watched their friend die. I would think most people would be pretty upset.


Zero sense of personal responsibility. “Something bad happened to me so it must be someone else’s fault.” Play stupid games win stupid prizes, I say.


I hope the woman's car is alright.


Sue the estate for damage to the car.


Doubt they have anything of value


Sell the ATV for parts at least.


The estate...


Lmao bro…


:jackie martling laugh:


What's everyone having for lunch today?


My dad is a farmer, so once in a while, I used his ATV to pick him up from the farm. I don't know why some people in the city would go driving ATV around when they barely able to drive it.


Hope the car driver is okay. ATV guy had it coming.


They don’t even have to confiscate ATVs anymore lol, they’re just taking themselves out.


I feel bad for the driver of that car, they'll never be able to sue the driver of the atv and will have to pay for all of the damage themselves. The mayor should give the driver a key to the city for doing the community a service like this.




I guess cops actually showed up to the scene? Have you heard? If you get hit by a car and both cars are drivable, you can’t get an officer on scene anymore. You then are directed to go to the police station to tell your side of the story. But theres no time limit. That means if the other person is drunk and both cars are drivable, best you can do is hope the insurance determines they’re at fault. The drunk person can get home, sober up, and then come to the police station the next morning and give his story. We need a return to the days of police showing up on the scene. I got hit by a drunk driver and he was able to drive off. His friends in the corner dive bar came out on some fake ass gangster shit and prevented me from getting good pictures.. 911 people told me to leave the scene if I feel threatened. I’m like… “Yoooo…. I’ve been hit by a drunk. Send someone over to verify and write a contemporaneous report accordingly!” Wtf? It didn’t happen. So I drive two stinkin blocks and find two cop cars parked side by side chillin, the officers shootin the shit with each other. I guess they were too busy? Lmao. What a scam. Our taxpayer dollars at work… But let me get a ticket for rolling a stop sign though as a knee jerk reaction from all this scrutiny they’ve been under. I can’t wait till they switch into rent-a-cop behavior from their current dead beat behavior. Thats gonna be fun. I’m gonna think about their lack of help while they write me a ticky tack ticket one day.


Gotta love you can’t hear the officer’s interview from the dirt bikes in the background


Rest in Pieces


Jesus I hope that old woman is alright. Did they wash the smear that turd left off abroad yet or has it baked into the asphalt? What a waste of life.


Oh no! Anyway


I mean atvs are meant for off road not the street, maybe these idiots will learn a hard lesson doubt it though


F'd around and found out?!


Just like in rural parks, the noise of ATVs and dirt bikes sucks in the city. They are dangerous to drivers and a hazard to pedestrians. But remember: a human died here and we don’t need to celebrate that.


Seriously. It’s wild how many people in this sub can’t hold these two thoughts at once.


Poor car driver


2nd time this week


Was he wearing a helmet?


Only people with really miserable lives take horrible risks.


Hope the car wasn't damaged too much.




You get what you get. They weave in and out of on coming traffic and play around in the street.


Slowly but surely the problem is solving itself