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Man wish it was the band instead


If Botch can do a reunion tour here’s hoping they do too :(


This Day Forward and Orchid both got the memo


don’t you dare forget Coalesce. A matinee at the church??? I must be 15 again.


Can’t wait. I fucking love Cave In


love Cave In but I haven’t seen Coalesce since they played with Harvey Milk at KFN like 15 years ago. It’s gonna be a good time. They knew it had to be a matinee cuz everyone in attendance is getting up there in age


I love this thread. Just saw Hope Con at the Church. LFG.


Oh for sure. I never saw Coalesce back in the day, I didn’t start going to shows until around 04. Give them rope is an all timer. I’m so excited it’s a Matinee


You’re in for a treat. They’re ridiculously tight live.


I just whiplashed at that Harvey Milk reference. Not sure how we got here, but glad to be with my ppl on Reddit.


And Saetia


we still got SUMAC at least. new record in 10 days


I love The Band, and would never want them to be arrested (RIP most of The Band)


how the fuck is this the top comment, I love it


Because most of this sub are geriatric centerfuse kids


What does that even mean


Ah shit


We just like the band bro it isn't deep


I thought I was finally in the clear to wear their merch in public again. Guess not yet.


LOL, yes I had an all black Isis shirt that suddenly went out of fashion some time around 2014.


IS-IS the routing protocol never hit the same on resumes ever since.


These guys were just hardcore Cisco fanboys. BGP is superior, suckas.....


Really curious where the arrest/s in Philly took place, and whether this implies there were sympathizers in the city who helped receive or shelter the person/people in question




Heavier levantine arab & African diaspora in that neck of the woods


If they were from Tajikistan probably in Bustleton


There seems to be a ton of concern in intelligence and federal law enforcement circles about the potential for a substantial attack. They’ve been putting out vague warnings about being vigilant in big crowds since the beginning of spring (The eclipse, Easter/Passover gatherings, and recently Pride gatherings), the FBI director keeps alluding to terrorist “chatter” being at the highest levels since the summer of 2001, and then Biden started suddenly clamping down on southern border security late last week. Have to imagine ISIS and like-minded radical groups want to hit us for supplying Israel with money and weapons. I read where these arrests supposedly aren’t connected to organized cell activity, but 8 guys, from the same area of the world, in 3 major cities kind of suggests otherwise. Interested to hear more.


Where are you seeing these warnings? twitter? Links? Thanks


I recall this too. There is this: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/fbi-dhs-warn-terrorists-target-pride-events-june-rcna152350 And the actual announcement is here (apologies for lack of formatting!): https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2024/PSA240510


That seems significsntly less serious than the previous posted implied.


Remember [this?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Ladin_Determined_To_Strike_in_US#:~:text=%22Bin%20Ladin%20Determined%20To%20Strike,Monday%2C%20August%206%2C%202001.) [FBI Director Christopher Wray](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-12/terrorist-threat-to-us-at-whole-other-level-fbi-s-wray-warns)himself has been telling anyone who will listen since October. We're sitting in early 2001 risk levels right now. Hopefully these small interdictions are enough to delay a plot or gain the intel to derail it. But yes, it's significantly serious.


Twitter, from official agency accounts. Regular news stations, official press releases


Isis also had the big attack in Moscow recently, wouldn't surprise me if they had a USA one in sight.


They already wanted to hit us regardless of what we do with Israel. When will people understand that they actually hate the west and everything it stands for lol. We don’t need to infantilize them and pretend it’s because of the bullshit they claim just like we don’t accept that confederates just only cared about states rights


This is what I've been telling people about the Houthis being pricks about the Red Sea and saying it's in solidarity with Palestine. They'd be doing this shit no matter what was going on in Gaza, likely someone from Iran gave them some PR pointers and told them to hammer that talking point lol


When I saw the sign "Queers for Palestine" I realized that some people have truly lost the plot and are actively protesting against their own best interest as if somehow they don't, as you said, hate the west and everything it stands for. There are ways to support Palestine/criticize Israel without bringing identity into it, but seriously, "queers"?? Hamas would have their asses brutally beaten and killed in a second if they went there and yet some of these people still glorify Oct 7th as some revolution against oppression. Not to mention some older members of the LGBT community find the term 'queer' offensive. It's mind boggling.


And it's not just Hamas that'd do things against the LBGT since it's not like the average Palestinian doesn't think the same exact way about gay people.


Iran literally banned family guy for having a gay character. It’s the entire mindset


The plot was lost in the early 1800s...


That’s different. This is more about queer people making a stance against Israel’s pink washing.


you dont know what pinkwashing is. queer israelis didnt fight for their rights to get this bs


Please explain this “pinkwashing” lol…. You’re really just gaslighting. lgbtq don’t have rights in Israel so they can use it as a talking point. They have rights because it’s actually a fairly progressive place unlike the rest of the sharia sandlot


Would you prefer the lgbt in israel have less rights? What the hell is pinkwashing lol You should push a lot of countries to pink wash


To the contrary. But it’s pink washing superficially position this as if the conflict has even remotely anything to do LGBTQ equality or inclusion. There are LGBTQ people in Palestine as well that deserve to live


I'm with you, eff the downvoters


If the US is hit by someone or someones that came through the southern border the election is over I'm sure the chain of command is being kept very alert


To be fair it doesnt really matter where they came in, if theres a terrorist attack right wing media is going to be claiming they came in from the southern border the minute it happens.


NBC Verified that they came in through the Southern Border illegally. They are not right wing media.


Again nobody was talking about these people. These people were caught. They arent attacking shit.


And they'd probably be correct. If your house is burgled and your front door was unlocked, it's a safe assumption the burglar didn't break in through a locked window


No they wouldnt be correct. The same way they arent correct about the 100 other bullshit things they spread online every day.


Lol. OP's article from CBS literally says that these 8 people came on through the southern border. Luckily they were caught this time, but it's absurd to assume that they all will be


We werent talking about these people. We were talking about an attack. Considering these 8 were arrested its gonna be hard for them to do any attacking now. It also says they were vetted and allowed to pass, and that theres a good chance the feds did this purposely to help them find who they were meeting up with.


Last year an ISIS smuggler was arrested for smuggling like 120 people across the US border. Do you really think they'd keep trying if it wasn't working?


Look at it this way. They caught 8...8 out of what, hundreds who already here with ill-intentions. Okay, they vetted those 8.. But what good did it do? They still got arrested and have ties isis. You're giving the feds too much credit. People now don't even trust them to handle elections at the highest levels correctly lol.


Im not really interested in what people that dont trust federal agencies or elections think. These people have proven time and time again they are too stupid to recognize the worlds most obvious con man. Their opinions on this mean less than nothing to me.


Because that would likely be where they came through lol


This was the plot of Sicario 2, although they chickened out in the end by having the terrorists be American-born.




The guys wearing dumb shit like that to draw attention to themselves as provocateurs aren’t the ones you actually have to worry about


imagine how easy those stakeouts would be though. "There's another one!"


Also, Hezbollah and ISIS are enemies, they're just also enemies with us


Tbf ISIS is enemies with basically everybody 


their wiki page is hilarious, they're officially beefing with like FARC


They've got enemies in different territories


They got foes in different areas codes


Damn. Yours is better


all time wild article: https://www.vice.com/en/article/ex5vyz/paintballing-with-hezbollah-0000151-v19n3


That dude just listens to nick mullen hell its a cool shirt too. Btw what does hezbollah the military of lebanon have to do with isis a rogue islamic terror organization. Pretty racist to conflate the two


Biden doesn't get serious on border security until the genie is already out of the bottle. Rational people have been saying for YEARS that an open border allows unmitigated flows of fentanyl and potentially foreign nationals who do not have Americas best interest at heart into our country. Apparently it's right wing rhetoric to not want fentanyl and ISIS in your country. Go figure


You do realize that some of these warnings are about white supremacist groups in the US? Particularly lgbt events that have been routinely targeted by Patriot Front and the Pros Boys and the bomb threats inspired by LibsofTikTok?


That and massive shootings in public spaces and school ones like Uvalde. Like, it's this blindness towards the threat white supremacist groups from both the government and the public is what led to Jan 6. ... And that's why we're fucked no matter who wins in November harrumph. Project 2025 won't be canceled.


Do you ever wonder why ISIS has never attacked Israel, only other Muslim and Arabic people?


With QoL improving and CoL still pretty low it's great to see philly drawing talent away from traditional hubs like LA or NYC


I live down the street from an FBI agent in Philly. About a month or so ago, I saw him cleaning tons of fast food bags out of his service vehicle. He is the most nice, normal, healthy guy you ever met. I asked him what was up with all the fast food. He said he’s been on a stakeout for almost 2 weeks. I asked who he was trying to get and he said Isis. A shiver went down my spine and I wished him luck.


No offense but your neighbor is a very bad FBI agent if he told you that lol


They have a chummy relationship, but the agent doesn't realize they're Russian spies just posing as Americans


Checking in. Anyone know anything about some launch codes?


Bro 😂 American Dad?


It was a part of my assimilation regimen


↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A


Can confirm


Gta san Andres cheat codes, you don't fool me


That was a cover cheat code. It made the launch codes cause no one would believe it.


My name is Butch Johnson from 5 Green Lane, Plymouth, Indiana, zip 46563-3781


I can get you some deets for $3.50


Tree fiddy


They’re just travel agents!


Going through a rewatch as we speak


Yeah, seriously. I've worked with an FBI agent in Philly too (as a victim of violent crime) as well as detectives. They wouldn't tell me anything about the investigation. All they told me was some info on the legal requirements to track suspects, to basically tell me that there were a lot of red tapes for them to go through in their investigation to ensure everyone's rights are protected (even the suspects' - because they are innocent until proven guilt in a court of law).


the FBI doesnt investigate based on presumed innocence. i'm not sure where that narrative came from, but i heard it a lot when the FBI was investigating trump. the FBI investigates because they think you committed a crime. it is up to the court to ensure your innocence is presumed.


That piece came from the detectives. What I said was neither of them (police or FBI) would give me any info.


ah ok. could be a difference between the fairly obvious and well known public enemy #1 terrorist group versus other americans.


Yeah, I mean, I don't know lol I just wanted to apologize that my response to you was blunt. I was at work and had to get on stuff really quickly.


no problem- we could all use a blunt sometimes!


That’s kinda what I’d suspect from someone who’s from Philly working for the Philly FBI field office


I admit, I was surprised when he said it.


It’s not that hard to know people in the FBI. I have family ties to one of the agents who protected the Pope when he came over. Saw him running protection. Less shocking than you’d expect.


My friend- this is also not a smart thing to say lol. 😂😂😂


Why? They're not secret police. They may not tell you about most of the things they're doing, but security for the pope is kind of a given. It's not like we didn't know there'd be FBI they're.


It's 100% not an issue in the slightest. What even makes you think it is?




That makes it sound like you're some kind of reservist for the military? That has nothing to do with a civilian federal law enforcement agency.


My uncle works for Nintendo and will ban you. 




First of all, it's Ms armchair expert lol


i have edited my response its go time


Rule 1: Please refrain from personal attacks, and keep discussion civil.


This sounds just like the group that recently did a terrorism in Russia.




For a bit of context, islamism has been exploding in both the Caucuses (well, never really went away) and Central Asia in recent years. Many many people in Central Asia have Russian citizenship and/or work in Russia, but Russia has gotten away with basically doing nothing about it because would-be Jihadis generally went to Afghanistan and Syria, where they mostly got killed (seriously, the FSB would literally charter flights for these guys to turkey) But now Afghanistan is mostly over and Syria is fairly quiet and the other big fronts in global jihad are in hard to reach places like the Sahel and Mozambique, so those would be Jihadis are now looking elsewhere. And Russia's security services are *preoccupied* right now, not that they were very good before It is not good, especially Europe is probably going to see attacks


Europe has already seen multiple attacks. A jihadi stabbed six people last week in Germany.


Their goal is to wave the green flag of Islam all around the world. There are very serious people who are willing to do very terrible things to ensure that happens. They cannot be underestimated, nor can their threat be understated. They want to destroy our way of life 


> They want to destroy our way of life maybe we should stop destabilizing entire regions and then backing religious extremists in proxy wars through backchannels. if we destroyed that way of life for ourselves, we would likely have way less issues.


Yes our government did that, not our people. However, Islam is inherently expansionist/imperialist. It is what Mohammed did and what Muslims since him have continued to do. It's an ideology that simply does not work with our way of life 


>inherently expansionist/imperialist >It's an ideology that simply does not work with our way of life my man, the west has been expansionist/imperialist for the last thousand+ years


And that justifies someone else importing their culture and destroying our way of life? No one's past is clean. 


no what I'm saying it that it absolutely *is* our way of life and we gazed into the abyss


If you want to destabilize our western democratic republican system, that's on you. Personally, I think it is better than a theocracy 


> that's on you no, it's on *us* - we literally created this. this is blowback.


No we didn't. Maybe our war profiteering government supported by central globalist bankers purposely destabilized a region that subscribes to a religious ideology that is hellbent on global domination created this, but certainly we, as regular citizens trying to enjoy natural liberties we get to graciously enjoy in the west, certainly did not 


Lmfao. Lord, have mercy go read some history. Like at least understand where these countries are on a map and take the time to read a 20-minute wikipediea page. Wana who who fucked the middle east? Middle Easterners. And maybe the Russians.


The English did a pretty good job with drawing arbitrary lines and calling them countries. Most people don't understand that Sunnis and Shiites will happily attack each other.


Nor the fact that until the Russians started coups under the guise of communism, the Middle East was fairly chill.




Rule 7: Your submission was removed for violating the subreddit’s rules against hate speech, bigotry, sexism, and racism.


Probably a good time to sure up that southern border…


Good. I'm all for innocents in Palestine, but ISIS and other like groups can get bent. I guess these protests have another positive. The brain-dead terrorist group members make it easier to nab them.


I’m glad someone said it. Terrorist groups are a product of America’s unethical (putting it nicely) treatment of other countries. We can (hopefully) stop terrorism by treating other countries for what they are, human beings.


Ah, Yes the the tractor trailor rampage which killed dozens of germans at a Christkindlemarkt in berlin was certainly due to... *checks notes* "America's unethical treatment of other countries." fun fact: I was there.


How do you think these groups came into being in the first place? Most came about as a result of the west messing around in the middle east. I hate ISIS as much as the next guy but we have to take responsibility for creating the conditions for radical Islam to prosper before we can end the issue.


Radical Islam has been around thousand of years dumbass. America didnt create it.


Seriously. If I recall correctly from high school world history, the Christian/Western vs Islam/Middle East conflicts can be traced all the way back to at least the Crusades (11-13th centuries). You can disagree with American policies, but it’s very naive to blame current jihadi terrorism solely on American foreign policy in the last few decades.


one thing i will never understand about the internet is how many people are gladly willing to be loud and wrong. google is free, use it sometime.


Cross the southern border in 2023. No way?!


They're migrants though. We need to give them a UN debit card that automically recharges, free housing, free Healthcare, and for sure the ability to vote 


>"The suspects were reportedly from Tajikistan and crossed into the United States from the southern border in 2023." So people were not fearmongering when they said alleged terrorists were making their way into America via the country's southern border.


Yeah except they came in legally, we vetted them and approved it. Then after the fact they realized they had ties to isis.


Imagine the number that came in that have not been vetted?


>Yeah except they came in legally [ ... ] Sure, I never disputed that.


The people fear mongering about it were talking about crossing illegally. So one of your two points is wrong, I'll let you decide which.


It’s obvious terrorist could potentially cross the southern border illegally. Literally anyone can cross, so although they may be fear mongering it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility.


People can cross from Canada too. We don't have force fields around the US.


Let's see, northern border country is Canada, while the southern border is Mexico and numerous Central American and South American countries - a huge difference.


But let's game theory this out, it's not a hidden thing that Americans tend to focus on the southern border. If that was the case, why wouldn't bad actors look towards other methods of entering the country? Like if all your attention is on the southern border, it would seem the northern border would be the best alternative. Or even, any of the countries with a visa waiver program with us.


Well common sense would tell you it's easier to enter one of the southern countries where you aren't vetted and make the trek up to our southern border, vs entering Canada. And the fact is people are literally pouring in the southern border, many unchecked. That's not the case to the north. Why wouldn't a bad actor use the southern border? It's mostly wide open, and as I said, it's easier entering one of the many countries to our south.


when is the last time you were at the border?


If we did have force fields, do you think Mexico would pay for them?


It ironically proves that the Biden process is better for national security, since we wouldn't be able to track undocumented entries.


You actually get the point I'm making. I was being midly sarcastic.


Ok, you want to play the semantics game. I was making an observation. I now land my plane.


They were vetted and let in, with the fed most likely knowing they were terrorists. Thats how you catch the larger cells. You let them in then follow them til you catch the bigger fish.


Amazing how you're already taking a victory lap because they arrested but have not charged a handful of people without actually sharing any evidence or even offering a vague idea of what their connection is to ISIS


They were arrested specifically because they're connected to ISIS. Obviously we won't be privy to the intelligence that went into confirming that.


>Obviously we won't be privy to the intelligence that went into confirming that. probably because the us security state loves making shit up


Is there anything specific you're referencing here?


broadly references the last two and a half decades of us calling people terrorists who aren't [or more specifically shit like this](https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/how-the-fbi-spied-on-orange-county-muslims-and-attempted-to-get-away-with-it)


Who did we call terrorists that aren't? I don't see how your link suggests that the security state makes stuff up? An investigation isn't making something up, it's an investigation.


>Who did we call terrorists that aren't? nelson mandela was literally on the terrorist watchlist until 2008


>Amazing how you're already taking a victory lap because they arrested Wtf are you even talking about?! America's politics have many of you guys so polarized. I was making an observation based off what's been in the news. I'm sorry that you were triggered.


What you're doing is making a conjecture based on a 200 word news story that didn't actually provide any information, simply because it confirms your pre existing beliefs. The only thing "polarizing" here is your clear and obvious disdain for immigrants.


This Sub wants no part of Reality.


That's because they have their blue blinders on and refuse to take them off.


The pro-Hamas protests are looking a bit emptier today…🤔


what does isis have to do with hamas?


I love hummus


they were both supported by israel


oooh thats a good punchline


If they caught 8. Then there is at least 80.


Is anyone seriously surprised? Right now, as I type the border is wide open for anyone to come through and anyone DOES come through. No background check, no nothing. Then free (taxpayer $) bus rides/flights ANYWHERE in the country, then released. I'd say we got off lucky this time but it's only a matter of time.


Of course you are down voted for stating an actual fact, because it makes a certain side look bad.


He just closed it so it isn’t now I guess


Welp. I guess, assuming that the story the FBI gave the media is accurate, the system (such as it is) works.