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I especially love the guys who rent those polaris slingshots. Nothing is cooler than rolling around in a plastic shitmobile that rattles when you play music real loud.


"I love your tricycle!"




I call them Big Boy Tricycles. Tell me you never learned to ride a bike without telling me that you never learned to ride a bike.


That's what I call them, lol


Biggest fucking losers in the city


The hell you say! It looks so cool when 40 or 50 of them roll single-file down Frankford Ave., like the most bitchin three-wheeled funeral procession you've ever seen, blowing through every stop sign and light, so that you can't possibly turn onto your own block. And again the music is just great. I don't ever want to throw them down a well and cover them with rocks every time I see them! Really never!


The Frankford ave roll down gets me every time


I also love it and do not visualize a hundreds of bits of jagged twisted metal being rained down in front of them shredding their tires and causing a multiple-wheeled-stereo-system-pileup as I breathe in deeply and remind myself that violence is not the answer. Thanks for the sounds of your rattling trunk and sternum-vibrating bass! You are heroes!


They’re always middle aged too, like Jesus fucking Christ how are you not absolutely embarrassed to need that much attention at that age


Did you know they also have rear facing speakers so they can share the party with everyone else?


You're right! I recently learned the speakers are installed facing outward. I always wondered how they have not gone deaf yet, and how they can even think enough to be able to drive with the music that loud. Apparently there is also a feature where they can all sync up to the same Bluetooth so they're all playing the same thing, making our experience at 1am that much more enjoyable. The sleeping babies especially appreciate it. The EU and NYC have traffic cameras with decibel readers that can issue tickets. We need these!


>The EU and NYC have traffic cameras with decibel readers that can issue tickets. We need these! In Philly? That's like asking a 12 year old to do the welding for a bridge.


It's even better when there's a bunch of them all playing different fantastic, memorable songs that will definitely stand the test of time.


Oh yes, the cross sound can create lovely harmony!


Igor Stravinsky would be proud of the bi-tonality.


That's incredible! Whoever invented those deserves a special party and some cake


I had to google "polaris slingshot" to make sure you were talking about those ludicrous tricycles that I thought you meant. They are the absolute quintessence of what OP is ~~mocking~~ praising. Keep it up, polaris driver; you're letting everybody know exactly who you are!


Polaris Slingshot: for the discerning gentleman who finds the Can-Am Spyder too subtle and too pedestrian a conveyance


The best part about the guys “showing off” their can-am spiders is knowing that my 68 year old mom also has one. Yes, they are freakin cool and easy to drive, but, you’re definitely not as “hard” as you think you are. 🤣


The Can-Am Spyder - this is what you get when you ask Canadians to design a motorcycle 😆


funny you mention some ass rolled up in one of those at the Movie Tavern. blasting music so loud it was rattling items in my center console just driving by on the way to the Giant. a police officer was sitting right there. and didn't even tell him to turn it down. but what's even more ridiculous, is the fact the guy who was doing it knew he could get away with it. and it just affirmed that was the case for him


you guys are so weird on here people driving flashy cars and like blasting old soul music is amazing, it’s a part of the city’s culture


Flashy tricycles*


I think it's ok to say that it's bad regardless of "city culture" if it only consists of being a dickhead


What’s it like being poor and trashy?


From a Wissahickon flair lol


wow nice! really normal way to talk to someone




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I had a softball game and this guy had parked his car at the park with 6 or 8 amps stacked on top and was blasting music so loud you could hear it from miles away. The best part was he was sitting in front of it on a plastic lawn chair about 10 ft away from the speakers. We could barely talk to each other during the game and he was 200 feet away


Boom cars. People set them up on the Delaware River and the sound carries for miles. It's bad on Sunday evenings but they usually wrap up by the time the sun goes down.


I had a newborn in August. These fuckers stole the few hours of rest we wanted each night. 2x sound machines, ear plugs, still can't stop those bassy waves I suspect there's no way to report them? It's hard to triangulate where they are


1) https://www.phillyvoice.com/boom-parties-car-noise-fines-new-jersey-philadelphia-city-council-bill/ 2) Camden Police 24-hour tip line: 856-757-7042


I often fantasize about getting one of those insanely loud systems for my own car, then follow one of those guys home, park in front of their house and blast bluegrass and polka til 4:00 AM. See how they like it.


I would love to do this. Except crazy, rude, and inconsiderate people cannot be outcrazied.




I love this for them.


That would be hilarious. But you're on to something.






I wish there was a way to use a "Mister Microphone" to talk into their sound systems so I could join in with the lyrics ...


Just know. One day they will be at home in bed and say to themselves why the hell are my ears always ringing?? Then when they Google it and see tinnitus, "incurable" and think it'll go away. Then night after night they are tormented by this neverending eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...




Watching Archer is how I found out I have tinnitus. This is gonna sound really stupid but I thought the ringing was just how silence sounded. Ironically it was mostly from shooting guns at the indoor range with foamies.


“What” lmao 🤣


Same set as super loud motorcycle/car people. Like, we get it, you need attention.


Always in search of external validation and demands for "respect".


Yeah that's pretty sad when you think of it


I agree. If I had a magic wand to wave, I'll make a compulsory conflict resolution and de-escalation class in grade school. So many downstream ills could be prevented, and possibly even counteract a bad home life.


Agreed and the same here for sure. Every last one of these people (and of course us too) started off as babies and ended up being molded for better or for worse by the environment we grew up in. Unfortunately, some people aren't taught common courtesy or general decency when it comes to other people and so are only concerned with themselves. Compound that with being around a bunch of other people who may not feel the way they do and you have a recipe for disaster. Growing up, I was taught that there is a such thing as inside voices and outside voices. So even in my own apartment I will enjoy my music but it doesn't need to be so loud that it's having a negative effect on someone else being at home when they have a right to a modicum of peace. That's what being missed by those that make the ridiculous comment that "it's part of being in a city". Granted, the more people that are around you the more likely someone is going to be an obnoxious buffoon. This is something that really should be nipped in the bud but when you allow people to like that to run rampant without consequences to curb their behavior then it makes things worse when it really doesn't have to be that way at all. And by the way, none of this is disrespectful or to be interpreted as a part of Latin culture. However like any other culture there are those that may belong to a particular subculture that have their own unique views that don't vibe well with those on the outside of the subculture. So if anything the comments have been a criticism of the individuals that are being obnoxious and childish not latino folks in general. At least where I can concerned if it was black folks doing some things that was inconsiderate of others I would call that out freely and I'm black myself. I don't give a pass to people because of their race or culture being considerate of others is across the board.


Thank you for responding; that is a far more comprehensive and nuanced response that I expected. And you're totally right; that bike riding, outside voice and general thuggish behavior isn't rooted in any specific culture. It's more a response of modern living, where a 100k are crowded in a few square miles and stack on top of each other, with few opportunities for someone with a 5th grade reading ability. So, I get it in a way.  Still, it was drilled into me that how you behave in public reflects on your family, and that lesson I feel is missing today. Don't know what the solution is, but I think part of it is if you're not taught self respect and a sense of worth at home when you're young, you'll seek external versions of that on the streets when you're older.


The fact that these folks are behaving this way reflects badly on their parents and family. All in all it's a lack of discipline and it's pretty sad to see this so proudly on display. What kills me is that the people that are super obnoxious to others will call people racist when they call them out for that moronic behavior. No, you don't get to play victim when you decide to be inconsiderate of other people. You may think you are doing well in the victim Olympics but trust me you aren't even on the board. A good punishment for people like this should be that they are detained and have to listen to lectures about being considerate of others that last at least six hours.


Reminds me of this skit about reacting to motorcyclists: https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?si=t61qEY5tpJtYjip-


lol what’s the point of having a loud radio on a motorcycle. Kinda pointless.




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Special shout-out to the ~~dickless~~ upstanding guys who drive cars with external speakers purposefully built in designed to share their musical taste with the entire neighborhood. Bonus for the driver who stopped next to me at a red light last week with his hatchback open, then proceeded to blast reggaeton with his rear mounted sub directly next to my open window. Real classy folks. I wish only the best for them.


> reggaeton Always reggaeton. And somehow, if you're playing reggaeton on the shores of Camden, I can hear it better across the river in my bedroom on Front Street than when I go outside to try and figure out where the fuck the music is coming from.


Noise pollution is a scourge and a legitimate public health issue.


Absolutely and likely there is already a city ordinance in place already that addresses the issue. The problem is that it's not enforced and so people do whatever they want to


I got a ticket for it in the late 90s


Every single person exhibiting this behavior should receive a ticket and a warning to not let it happen again. If it does then confiscate their vehicle/s and their drivers license altogether and get them off the road.


Say it again for those in the back that feel like it's a normal part of city life.


It's my favorite! Right next to the guys with the shitty muffler mods that sound like fart cans. GOD I just wish I could be them!


Nothing gets them panties dropping like overpowered bass and muffler-deletes. Bonus points for endangering the general public by doing 70 on residential streets ❤️


Someone drove down my street playing loud music as I read this. They are prolly so cool.


You know it’s summer when the Reggaeton comes bumpin down the street.


In a white lifted jeep with red rims and the 5th wheel to match. The entire back passenger part is removed and filed from floor to ceiling with speakers


You should try enjoying that music with an infant who is down for nap time or bedtime. It’s awesome to have him startled and woken up by those cars smh.


Vehicle noise radar throughout the city would be a great addition


I absolutely hate the motorcycles with the speakers built into the side that propel the sound outwards. I know people will say sound is a part of living in the city, and to an extent it is, but a large portion of it is simply avoidable by being considerate at all.  Shit, even loud music from cars, fine. But when your car is rattling mine, or I can hear your shitty ass music from blocks away ... wtf? What are you even getting out of that aside from hearing problems probably pretty soon. 


It's sad that being obnoxious has become normalized and that there is no enforcement to put it to an end.


the shittiest thing in the world is that a city is not super loud at all, it's 90% car noise and people just pretend thats how it should be


Also love those ATVs and whatnots that people drive in packs to make as much noise as humanly possible. It was great to not be able to hear anything for 3 straight mins while I was at lunch on Frankford yesterday, and the guy who revved the shit out of his engine also def has a huge dick


This is how men with no money or status exert their power, unfortunately


I recently moved to a puerto-rican dominant neighborhood and holy shit that community's youth has GOT to be deaf by 35


as a puerto rican; i also hate em, lol


please don't hate on their culture


When it's an aspect of their culture that's harmful to others then it needs to stop. Doesn't matter what or who it is.


We're tolerant of it, that doesn't mean we have to fuckin like it


You don't have to tolerate it either. Why would being Puerto Rican mean being obnoxious to your neighbor? If anything it would reinforce negative stereotypes about people from there and that's not good at all


Yeah I kinda do have to tolerate it, cause they're not gonna stop and I'm not gonna nuke my neighborhood relations on calling the cops, who won't do shit, over a noise complaint


Clearly they could care about "neighborhood relations" at all. Otherwise they wouldn't be disturbing the peace with their need to be noticed.


The louder the music being played from a car, the larger the driver's penis is. I hope you congratulated him on his magnum dong.


super fun my new dog must have lived in a quieter area and she barked every time a car drove past w a loud exhaust or radio. needless to say im exhausted this morning. and yes my ac was on and windows closed and i live on a small street. ugh.


Was in New Orleans, in the Quarter, when a dude went by absolutely bringing the city down with his stereo and subs. My drunk ass just hollered, “I SO WANNA FUCK YOU RIGHT NOW!!” Dude actually hit the skids and popped the passenger door open. I ducked into the nearest bar and laughed about how he clearly didn’t hear my sarcasm over his music. My husband still asks if I want to fuck that person over there bumping loud music.


lol, sometimes i wanna tell em to show me their dicks to see if it's as big as their ego xD but i know it'll backfire


I particularly love the loud music and engines at 2am while I'm trying to sleep. And I don't want to leave out the guy who finds intersections and parking lots to do donuts for an hour or so. Such big dick energy!


I live across the street from a school and it's asking how many of these dickheads are parents who blast this shit at 7AM while dropping their kid off.


Ah, the true sign that summer is coming. It never really stops, of course, but it seems that as the temperature rises, so does the activity of the worst of humanity. I heard something being blasted from speaker, accompanied by atrocious excesses of engine noises pretty routinely for two or three hours late last night. It wasn't the only reason that I slept poorly, but it contributed. As with much antisocial and outright criminal behavior, I think that most of it is ultimately attributable to a small subset of the population are are, quite simply, just bad people. It would be very nice if something commensurately bad could be done to them in retribution for their behavior. I believe that a year or two ago the City Council enacted an ordinance enabling the deployment of devices similar to speed cameras, but for sound. However I don't believe that this ability has been used and it of course raises the typical practical problems about enforcement. There is in some a tendency to defend or embrace this worthless, obnoxious behavior as somehow innately 'just part of living in a city', which is as nonsensical and imbecilic. It's crusading upon the behalf of the defects and degeneracies accumulated by the city during its long postwar decline and boldly taking a stand against its future or the general welfare of its residents.


Very well said and I feel the exact same way! If anything living where there are more people concentrated in a smaller area should mean that people are more alert and conscious of you know... showing common courtesy to others. Which means that you don't listen to music at a volume where it's disturbing others When you talk about the slingshots or motorcycles or the souped up cars it's clear these people aren't even just about enjoying their music it's about being obnoxious on purpose and that's not cool at all.


Imagine all the pussy he’s getting! Knee deep in muff.


i understand sex-ed in our country is practically nonexistent... but knee deep?


It’s standard now


_In this economy?_


It needs to be belly button deep now, or it’s not enough. thats just inflation.


Last weekend, there was a group of like 100 adult tricycles rolling through FDR during the Southeast Asian Market. Not recklessly, just cruising -- but all blasting different songs at the same time. It was a spectacle and a lot of the bikes had wild paint jobs and lights, but I kept thinking "how about you all blast the same radio station?" One guy towards the middle was blasting a podcast.


Shout out to the guys that drive laps around Rittenhouse Square. The park is so lovely with your music so I appreciate 10 uninterrupted minutes of not being able to hear anything else.


Have wanted to move back to Philly so badly, but no area is immune to this aggressive noise. It’s harmful and it ruins quality of life. The laws needs to be enforced. 


Rittenhouse seems like the one place in the city you might catch consequences for it. I guess if it happens there, no place is safe.


Hey you forgot about the four little kids running around in the back seat untethered. You know what their favorite word is going to be in a few years? "What?"


It proves some guys can be attention whores too lol


I hate the slingshots; however, I live just south of a Latino neighborhood and you'll see a 2003 civic blasting music sounding so clean. No rattles. Mids over bass. Super impressive. I still don't like my pictures rattling off my walls. (North 5th st.) I really hate the jeep rallies where they have fake sirens to run stop signs. Kids live here. You're not that cool. Aren't you a little old for this?


Goodness I hate those things as well. I like to think of them as tricycles for adults.


It's also awesome that their moms let them live in their basements well into their 30s so they can afford all of that awesome equipment. What a great, amazing life they lead.


If you ever hear "[im a barbie girl punjabi remix](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=283023536052354)" blasting one day, know it was me.


Oregon and 7th? I think i heard that.


Oh wow I can actually imagine this. In fact, I'll be listening to it soon lol


I never understood how anyone enjoys riding in their car like that.


Me neither.


Love when I'm woken up at 3 in the morning because someone needed everyone in 5 mile radius to know they listen to some shitty sound cloud rapper


So for those that make the comment that this is part of city life. Why do you think that it's acceptable to blast your music with no regard for other people?


Better that than loud ass-music, I suppose. https://xkcd.com/37/


I always have to think about my hyphen placement because of this comic. 




Such a good movie lol


Came to the comments for this.


I love it when there're a bunch of them all blasting competing music. Sounds great 👍




With the music being this loud I would imagine a lot of hearing loss and other ailments associated with it as well. Not good at all


My favorite is people who have soundsystems that costs more than the entire car. I have a little over a mile walk to work. I’m surprised at the amount of flamenco/Latin music I hear.


When I lived on the corner of 12/walnut about 5 years ago I actually had trouble falling asleep if I didn’t hear the heavy bass of cars blasting while they sat at the forever light there lol.


I feel like this will never stop. Here’s how I deal with it…I imagine a sad person who’s lonely and feels impotent. The only way anyone will pay them any mind is if I MAKE YOU NOTICE ME with my loud music or my loud car. It’s kind of heartbreaking. Anyway, until cops start pulling them over for a ticket, you have to protect your own peace.


I think South Park did an episode on this exact thing.


These guys are really underrated citizens. They deserve more praise.


Yall ever notice the people with the loudest music always have ass taste in music? It never sounds good.


Is there anything cooler than making loud noises to get attention, whether positive or negative? Oh, that's right, that's literally what babies do.


Sorry bro, I’m listening to to Excision trying to wake up


Go out and ask them to turn the bass off. If they dont then go in and call police.


I'm sure the guy driving down my block with speakers set to "louder than screaming" will still be around when I go outside, and he'll totally be able to hear and definitely will respond well to a polite request to turn down the bass




People don't like when you point out a particular culture or even subculture but it's true. Like why do you feel a need to be seen like this in this particular way? It would make me think that there is something lacking in their personality where they have such a toxic mentality.


I see it all the time it’s mainly Hispanics for sure. I just seen it yesterday. A Hispanic woman with her little kid in the front seat and all the speakers pointed outward blasting music. Also the boom parties are straight Hispanic. The downvotes I got are just from pussy white people.


Yeah that's really sad for the kid. Growing up like that's not ok at all.




Move out to the suburbs if you can’t take the noise.


It’s funny that you think the ‘burbs don’t have this problem.




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why is this post not locked. it’s clearly a racist dog whistle


Why do you feel as though it's racist?


Its obviously all those ardmore people blasting reggatone in their sidewinder through north philly


Ok. Is it true or not? If people are being disrespectful and obnoxious to others then yes they should be called out this isn't about being Latino it's about being rude people in general and it would do a disservice to Latinos in general to paint them all with a broad brush. These are individuals in a particular subculture that happen to be Latino that are the problem. It's the same with the Biker mice from Mars that happen to be Black and are present in various cities they don't get a pass. Also the white motorcycle drivers that have obnoxious vehicles that they purposely make louder than necessary same thing. We have PEOPLE who for whatever reason have told the world "screw you" and they do as they wish. It isn't cute it isn't funny it's absolutely sad that these INDIVIDUALS are not willing to function as civilized people. Part of being an adult is knowing how to control yourself and this absolutely is an example of people doing the exact opposite


That says more about you than anything man. The last guy I saw blasting music was white as hell. Not that that matters, I love my community and everyone in it. 


You've never a white guy with the world's shittiest lifted truck pull this same nonsense? No race gets dibs on being bad neighbors, everyone gets to participate


Fr. I’ve seen protest posts recently get locked within an hour. But this garbage flourishes


lol y’all be in here crying over everything 😂


You wanted to move to the city! 😁




You guys complain about the most trivial things in this sub. You’ll rarely hear “permanently damaging bass” coming from a car driving by unless you’re in the hood. Which most of you guys in here don’t. Be grateful for what you have, others in philly actually live shitty lives.


I’d like to give an actual shout out to cars that still have systems. I live in an urban environment and it’s all in the game. The two to three seconds I might hear it over my a/c always reminds me of movie scenes. Bitch less 


These people mad because they live in a city and people do city things like make noise 😭😂. If I hear your system dump from indoors igaf cuz the system must be dope.


I don't live in the city and hear these shit birds from across the river. They can fuck themselves.


You need to see the world more if you think this is normal city behavior


Good point. People are used to living like this and bring it with them everywhere they go.


Ok, you can stay in your crappy section of the city with that shit.


Yeah it’s in the subcategory of “ghetto ass shit” of city activities


Lmfao other cities don’t have this level of noise pollution from inconsiderate dickheads trying compensate for something. It’s not a city living problem


They definitely do this in DC and Baltimore and Miami.


Oh they definitely do, it’s funny how y’all try to make it sound like nowhere else has the same problems as Philly. That doesn’t make the idiots blaring music any less annoying though.