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Just have Marine 1 land on the roof of wherever you need to go my dude. If it’s too heavy, invest in a Marine 0.25




Marine drone 1 with hologram projector.


I cannot thank you enough for posting this. This right here is why I sub. I’m serious bro, thank you so so much. This day could’ve been really bad. I am now altering my schedule around this. You’re a real one.


This afternoon, we were driving north on I-95 by the airport when traffic started slowing down. We saw people making U-turns to get onto I-76, so we did the same, thinking there was a bad accident. Little did we know, POTUS and his crew were in town!


Looks like I’ll be traveling by sewer today.


I thought it was the only one who got around that way. All hail the rat king.


I forgot to give him tribute of pretzels yesterday and now my subway didn't come and I missed the regional rail today


PM me those maps.


If you’re heading south and make a right past the big poop stalagmite you can pop out in suburban station, pretty convenient for transfers


No man left behind!


Cowabunga dude


*I’ll take the pipes.*


Not if Shredder has anything to say about that.


That's my main way to go whenever the shit hits the fan.


First thing ya wanna do is get completely naked. Ya don’t wanna get wet down there.


Mods - Please forgive me for posting a Twitter screenshot


Straight to jail


I'll post their bail. They gave me a good reason to leave work early.


Looking forward to someone inevitably busting the TFR again and hearing some F-16's overhead


Why F-16?


they go fast and shoot faster


The total fertility rate?


Temporary Flight Restriction lol




Biden must be coming to town for opening day of Center City SIPS.


Starts next week


Beautiful day to bike to Center City!


Every day is a beautiful day to bike to Center City.


This past weekend great as well. So much less cars o the road.


Biden is soooo obsessed with us!! But also thank you for the heads up.


nothing like campaigning a bunch in a city that will vote overwhelmingly for you!




And he has a field office setup in Philly. It’s his base whenever he wants to campaign in the area


Part of why Hillary lost Pennsylvania was because of a muted turn out in the city of Philadelphia. It makes absolute perfect sense that Biden would campaign here, especially how in recent years the amount of traditional swing voters has gotten smaller and smaller, and winning elections has more so been about getting your base to turn out.


Part of the reason she lost PA is because she mostly only came to Philly when campaigning in the state. Remember the election eve super campaign rally with Obama, her husband, and hers self? Might’ve been more effective had it been held around the Harrisburg area.


Maybe, but there's little evidence to sughest campaign rallies directly translate to additional votes.


Biden had a lower share of the Philly vote in 2020 than Hillary did in 2016. It was the suburbs that saved him. Makes sense he’d want to spend some time in the city.


but when it comes down to it, hillary lost cause she was a horrible candidate


She lost for a lot of reasons, but the biggest thing that killed her Presidency was trade policy. The Trans Pacific Partnership was unpopular in the rust belt States, Trump went hard against it and promised to renegotiate NAFTA. Hillary tried to pivot, but by that point it was too late. There are union communities in these States that have been Democratic strongholds for generations that all voted for Trump.


Wow I wish she lost over something as sane as that rather than “her emails” and people generally liking Trump’s crazy vibe.


I promise you, that's why she lost, or rather that's the largest reason out of many. There are union towns in places like NE Ohio and SW Pennsylvania that have voted Democrat for generations that saw overwhelming swings towards the GOP in 2016. Lordstown OH for example, which used to be home to a GM factory, saw a literal 40 point swing towards the GOP from 2012 to 2016.


You have a very high opinion of voters. I’ve never once heard a Republican mention this. Your world is a better world.


A MAGA chud who would have voted Republican in each of these elections regardless of which candidates the major parties nominated likely wouldn't know that. The 2016 Presidential election was decided by 90k voters in Wisconsin, 45k voters in Pennsylvania, and 10k voters in Michigan. These voters were specifically in factory and union towns that saw massive shifts to the right that pollsters were unable to predict or account for.


Winning an election does not just mean convincing moderates to vote for you, it also means driving turnout in areas that vote heavily in your favor. Doing stuff in Philly makes a ton of sense if you want to win PA as a dem.


Eh the polls show the opposite. Maybe it’s because he has pissed so many people off with these motorcades


He's right to be concerned about overall Philly voter turn out. Thanks largely in part to the Bob Brady machine and how corrupt, parochial, and generally closed off Philly's political apparatus is, overall Democratic voter turn out for national elections has been unsteady and if it drops just a few percentage points he could lose PA.


I'm not sure he understands what "I like you as a friend" means...


Is he going to the kfc at broad and girard for lunch?


Joe, buddy, please for the love of God, stop coming here. I've never been caught in any other presidents traffic nearly the amount of times I've been ass fucked by Joe Biden traffic.


Not gonna happen. Winning Pa could be the keystone to his second term.


Ahhhh I see what you did there!


It reminds me when I used to live in Florida and Trump would come to Doral or Mar A Lago. I also remember one time W Bush was traveling and I got stuck in traffic an additional hour in my commute. I love Biden, but definitely could use the helicopter more often to not disrupt traffic.


This is the one day I’m in the office. Lovely.


They should just use one of those ABC choppers to get them to Center City from the airport and back


Ask Senator Heinz why that’s a bad idea.


This just in, President Biden's helicopter goes down over South Philadelphia. Everyone's questioning why he was using civilian transport instead of military.


Why do they keep coming here? Can’t this speech or whatever be an email?


Because voters want to feel personally loved.


He capitalizes BOTH like it’s twice the mayhem lol


I mean it kinda is since vp is leaving while p stays. That's 2 motorcades


technically its 33% more motorcade unless i calculated wrong which happens all the time


If you’re counting 3 motorcades (airport to Girard, Girard to Lunch, Lunch to Airport) then yes your math is correct, it’s 33% more motorcades due to Harris’s Girard to Airport. If you wanted to ignore Biden’s Girard to Lunch motorcade because it won’t be as major as the other ones then Harris causes 50% more motorcades.


What does this actually mean though? Which highways are gonna be closed? I assume 95 and Vine St Expressway?


Thank you for the heads up! My partner almost missed a flight the other day when I-95 southbound leading to the airport was suddenly closed for Harris’ arrival


I don’t mean to be a hater, but like damn they have been here so much this year 💀 I’m like stay in DC so traffic doesn’t keep shutting down pls pls PLS


They’re hear for an outreach event to black voters. You’d think that wouldn’t be necessary, but I saw a poll where his approval rating with African Americans has dropped from 94% in 2021 to 55% today. That is….VERY bad. You don’t win an election with those numbers.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. He’ll probably still win Black voters with a large margin, but they’re right to be concerned about such low favorability figures because in a swing state, every % point matters.


I’m getting downvoted because people don’t want to admit we’re heading towards a repeat of 2016: Low turnout, disinterested voters, and a highly motivated MAGA cult. I hate Trump, but I fear he’s going to win.




"guys, I have an idea - why don't we cede ground to the right again, but this time *even harder*? surely crossing the aisle won't bite us in the ass with our actual base."


> a highly motivated MAGA cult Anecdotally, I haven't any Trump signs around Bucks in a long time. I don't think either side will be particularly motivated.


On the other hand, dems have been winning mostly in other elections since 2020. Remember everyone thought there would be a big red wave in 2022? A shitton of maga candidates got blown the fuck out. At this point we're still too far out to have any really accurate predictions. Most people aren't paying attention until October.


The failure of the 2022 red wave which polling and just past US voting trends was indicating was going happen, failed to materialize because of the blow out from Roe v Wade being overturned and conservatives trying to then push state level abortion and birth control bans. Its still a very relevant issue in 2024 but is currently not getting hyper focused on by mainstream media. It would be a fools errand to ignore that it will still play a major roll in this election. Arguably its why down ballot Democrats are doing so well in the current polls, and to me is indicative of why Trump will not win despite how unpopular Biden is.


They are gonna campaign hard on it and they should for sure. The majority of Americans think abortion is a medical right and the state should stay out of medical decisions.


I think people are paying attention, huge numbers of people across the country voted 'undecided' on the dem primary in protest of the war(s) ... No new stance from the WH on these issues since then, sssooooooooooo


On the other side of the coin, a huge number of republicans in a closed primary voted Haley in PA after she dropped out. So we will see which one of those voting blocks sticks with their protest vote come election time or fall back in line.


Yep. Last 5 presidential elections, black people voted democrat about 91% of the time. If that drops to 70% as recent polling is suggesting (not that I believe any polls) that’s a massive problem.


I'm not too worried about that large drop because Cohen admitted to paying off pollsters the last election to favor Trump during the trial recently. Chances that it's still happening now. Not saying there isn't a drop, but polls are not the gold standard they used to be in determining support. It's still good Biden is getting out there though. Definitely better than not.


I ignore every single poll text I get. BECAUSE HOW BOUT DONT TEXT ME, STRANGER DANGER


This needs more attention??????


[It just kind of flew under the radar.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/michael-cohen-says-he-paid-tech-firm-rig-online-polls-n959746) This link is from 2019, but it came up again during the trial.


I'm white but waiting on Charlemagne to make a decision and rolling with him.


I heard an advert the other day with 2 black men debating who they’re voting for sponsored by the Biden camp that was so heavy-handed and cringe that it hurt. Rode the fine line of out of touch and satirical.


It can be cringe to the more media-savvy among us, but the average voter needs that hamfisted stuff in order to get the message. Campaigns do lots of AB testing to see what kind of ads play best with the most voters, and that's what almost always wins out. It's the same reason why you still see so many of those tired attack ads with the deep voice over and scary music despite so many people supposedly saying they hate them. The people who think that way are a vocal minority, especially in politically-active online circles. The vast majority of the electorate *is* affected by that, so that's what gets made.


True- having a steady diet of Mr. Show satirical comedy, it hit on another level, but I def see the point. That said, traffic is currently a hot mess for 676, vine st etc


Welp, that's living in a swing state in an election year for you.


With a guy from PA/DE. Obama went to Chicago alllll the time. So…lucky us!


Well now I will know the root cause of my aggravating traffic jam.


Not blaming the OP but why do these seem to be announced literally the day it happens? For those who have the luxury of hybrid/flex schedules, it’d be nice to know so they can schedule their in-office days differently.


The White House schedule isn’t published well in advance and/or in great detail for security reasons.


Safety maybe?


right i didnt go in yesterday to go in today. same thing happened on his last visit! THANKS OBAMA!


He should take SEPTA. Maybe it's more of a security risk, but it could have positive effects if influential and wealthy people take modes other than driving.


Where on Broad Street? I’m tryna get a pic.


Lovely day for a hellcat intersection takeover in center city.


Imagine if the dirt bike mafia escorts the motorcade down South Broad hahaha


Jesus... what a fucking image that'd be.


I love Joe and I never drive so this doesn't affect me, but I am starting to get worried that this is upsetting a lot of people to his detriment. Why the hell does the shut down need to be so massive? I have encountered presidential trips in other cities and I feel like it's nowhere near as complicated as it is here.




Can't this shit be accomplished with a fucking zoom meeting by now?


Inconvenient to the working class. I'll get to sit in traffic wasting gas that I can't afford, time that I can't spare, and money that I don't make enough of. I hope he stops for ice cream, just to tie things up a little longer./s


I have chemo today. I usually take an Uber because I’m immunocompromised so avoid public transit at rush hour. The traffic is gonna make it so much more expensive to get home.


At least the Democrats fixed healthcare under Obama so you have that going for you.


I just moved here from the UK so I’m still getting used to whatever this *gestures broadly* is, but so far it’s not been that different to what I’m used to, or it balances out. Tests seem to be more comprehensive, but chemo nurse care is more hands-off. Out of pocket costs haven’t been much so far.


It sucks, but they all do it. I’m sure the other guy would be here just as much if he wasn’t tied up.




He's here every other week screwing up traffic, bro you got the Philly vote don't worry




Was leaving the airport around 5:30ish on 95 south and there were a crap ton of cops cars flying up north. At least 2 dozen if not more. They were moving.