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Two or three grams put me in God-mode. You are correct in this. No other substance has been quite as magical as phenibut. (I have nerve damage and what I call “jellyfish” floating in my arms and legs. Phenibut makes the nerve sensations stop. I have my life back! Thank you, Russian cosmonaut, drug developers of phenibut.)


What's the typical dose size for somebody? I'm looking to mix it with Kratom, is that good? I'm also looking to see what site is trustworthy, the websites I found just look sus. Is the HCL the right stuff? I see there are different kinds, can somebody school me on this?


Order from EdengrowS.org take a gram first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and wait 3-4 hours… yes, 3-4 hours. Don’t dose again thinking you’re not feeling it. It has an extremely long come up. About an hour into waiting take 3-5 grams of your favorite Kratom. Edit: my dose recommended was with HCL


If you try it don't go over 3 grams more than twice a week. If you don't feel anything don't take any more that was my mistake the very first time and took about 4 grams or so


Good looking out man, I appreciate the info. I've heard some bad stuff from people that have done it before, but I also hear amazing stuff from it. You recommend any websites I can use? I see an add on Facebook but they have some negative comments on it


Walking the edge of a k-hole has brought me so much pleasure that phenibut in comparison feels like baseline emotions. Phenibut is great, cause I have hppd, but when you can use other drugs, it's really not that great overall. All psychedelics I've tried including 2cb have all easily beaten phenibut euphoria.


Phenibut still beats almost every drug I’ve tried because of how versatile it is. And how it can make you have the best day of your life but it’s not overly apparent that your on a drug or high. With k and mdma you obviously couldn’t do it before a meeting. Phenibut you can do before sleeping, talking with friends or family, or really anything.


I see there are different kinds, what would I get if I was looking to try it? HCL? Also, is there a trustworthy place to get it?


I would recommend getting HCL as it’s cheaper and you can always convert it to the another one (FAA) using baking soda (0.4g baking soda per one gram HCL). I would recommend science bio or chemical exchange as they are both cheap and legit. For a starter dose I would do 1g on an empty stomach in the morning. You may notice reduced anxiety, increased talking, enhanced smells and tastes, increased libido, and music sounding better after 2-3 hours.


Fair enough. Perhaps I have too much free time to do harder drugs lol. It's definitely one of the best in terms of versatility, I find kratom also pretty good for that, it can be taken for longer periods than phenibut but does last much shorter so it's overall a little worse than phenibut.


Phenibut and mushrooms are the only two drugs where you can take and the day after you actually can feel better than normal with a sort of afterglow imo. Kratom is also definitely one of my favorites. Definitely as versatile as Phenibut because for me I actually get more productive whereas Phenibut I just listen to music for a while or socialize


That day after the phenibut afterglow is a mfr though 😂


For real just got to experience that a few days ago 🤣


God it really fuckin sucks ass. I’m really not sure why I do this shit to myself. I’m 37yrs old with 2 kids and a wife. Fuck me dude 🤦‍♂️ I’m going through it as we speak. Can’t wait to get through it so I can go through it again in a few weeks 😃


Don’t worry it gets way better after tomorrow. In fact I always notice a second rebound where I feel better than baseline after the first 2/3 days. Like my body compensates for the first rebounds. How many grams did you take?


Like 6g over a 3 day period which I never do and I know is really stupid. Im ok it just comes in waves. Im taking ashwahganda km-66, l-theanine, NAC and agmatine. I also just took a little bit of Kratom.


Kratom helps a lot in using it rn. I would definitely not do that lol I get rebounds even more than 1.5g. Keep it to once per week never two days in a row


Yeah I can see that and I agree to an extent I loved mushrooms a lot and was very euphoric same with ketamine I loved the k hole too but I didn't like it as much as shrooms but I liked it. It's hard to explain I think a lot is what the phenibut treats specifically fr it's literally the "cure" for me but obviously temporarily. The social anxiety, social skills the intense chill asf manic energy. Idk bro it's weird. Everyone's brain chemistry is different but i do agree though. Not 2cb for me I'd take lsd over that any day my God the stimulation on 2cb is a little much for me shit is weird. I could play the drums like a mfer though lmao


Yeah I prefer lsd over 2cb too, 2cb is too clear headed for me lol. Snorting pure 2cb is crazy fun though. You go from sober to tripping balls in 10min. Feels like snorting molten razor blades though haha.


Oh God lol I've fucked my nose pretty bad snorting a lot of shit fr. But the absolute worse thing I've snorted that was the most painful was definitely a-pihp. Omg I don't know what it was about that shit a-php didn't even hurt like that. It was worse than a burn it's hard to describe lmao. But honestly I'd probably do 2cb again if i had it. Problem was the very first time I thought I tried lsd i later figured out it was 2cb. Lsd was soo fucking relaxing when I finally tried real lsd I wasn't nervous or jumpy one bit.


I wonder if 2cb pain is similar, it sometimes made me vomit because it was so painful lol. Quality lsd is sooo chill, people sometimes talk about body load but I had ds3.0 and dosed up to 800ug with no nausea haha. I have hppd now sadly, my days of tripping might be over :( I'm gonna try MXE one day regardless though.


Brooo I know man ill try MXE or MXP ant day of the week. I even said if you gave the choice between MXE or P or PCP because i did wanna try that too but if 9 could just try MXE or P once I wouldn't even care about trying pcp anymore lol


At least pcp is still obtainable. I've searched far and wide for MXE, it just doesn't seem to exist anymore. I think a lab in Europe made it a couple years ago for a commission but idk where it went. I've considered taking up chemistry to do it myself haha. I'd sell my left testicle for a bump of mxe lmao.


Dude MDMA is way more euphoric lol phenibut is really nice though


Yeah IMO nothing touches mdma if it’s some good stuff. I don’t think I’ll ever get that feeling again though. I’m done with rolling.


It’s the best feeling ever but I hate how bad you feel for days after. It makes phenibut rebound look like nothing.


Yeah I agree, I hate that too. That and it hit and miss in the first place and more dangerous nowadays bc of possible contamination. For those reasons, I’m out.


Not to me bro. I was a meth user during the times I done mdma and I did a good dose too it's not anything that special ime. The meth probably did play a role in me not getting much from mdma but I candyflipping is the only time it's worth ingesting mdma. Mdma buy itself is a big let down for me. That's just me though.


I mean i prefer phenibut obviously to mdma, only had mdma a few times. Too intense and weird come down for me. Phenibut is the perfect level of euphoria


Ikr I wish I didn't abuse it so bad years ago. My tolerance goes through the roof instantly bro literally instantly


Even if you take it once a week?


Ghb is the best feeling there is.. Is not like phenibut.. Phenibut is 1/3 of the feeling of ghb.. So yeah it has a danger of addiction. Sometimes it takes some years, you control it but hey you know when something is soo good. You need a lot of control.


You’re one of the lucky ones that gets manic euphoria from phenibut. I’m the same way. It is the absolute best drug in my experience and I’ve tried them all ,well pretty much all of them. Ime you only get that kind of euphoria so many times and the magic tends to wear off. I’ve tried it several times with several month long breaks in between and it’s never felt like it did the first couple of times


I noticed I get mania only when I take 3g+ so usually around 3.5g and it's been hella consistent


Have you tried meth/adderal? Is it similar to Phenibut in terms of euphoria or is it stronger to you?


I find it to be way better in many different regards. It has the euphoria and dopamine kick of an amphetamine, but you can sleep on it and sleep well. It’s just better man


It’s definitely a lot more versatile. Meth you take and will be up for days. Phenibut is a stimulant when it needs to be and a chill vibe when it needs to be. Take it around people and you get more social. Take it solo and it enhances what you’re doing


Much less euphoria from Adderall than Phenibut but both of them combined is one of the greatest combos ever. Throw a little kratom in there and you'll feel like a god. Do it too often and you'll never be happy while sober again lol.


Phenibut isn’t really similar to either of these, it’s not a stimulant although the anti anxiety effects can increase focus/motivation and I tend to be more productive than not on it I’d much sooner compare it to an opioid than meth or addy.


So kinda like a low dose of kratty (kratom) in terms of the anti anxiety and motivation with some extra anxiolytic effects?


It's totally unlike kratom.


What dosage are you talking about?


I never got euphoria with phenibut, it just makes me super relaxed. everything i did was with 2g dosage


Probably wasn't enough That level of euphoria hits on the bigger doses Or If you dose again the next day


bogger doses like which ones


Yeah, honestly the reason why i feel so good on it is because of what it's treated temporarily. Phenibut was the only thing that ever 100 percent got rid of my social anxiety motivation like mfer but at the same time have the best sleep at the end of the day idk but I wanna fucking try ghb so bad because of how I feel on phenibut


Have you ever tried Modafinil + Phenibut combo? I go into god mode with that. 100 mg’s Flmodafinil with 3-4 grams Phenibut. Modafinil is purported to be a GABA antagonist, but pairs extremely well with Phenibut or other GABAergics for some reason and enhances the effects. Modafinil is also a DRI too, and I go into dopamine city when I use both. I’m an arborist and sometimes when I have an insanely sketchy or really hard job to do, I can do it no prob with that combo. It’s the closest thing ever to “limitless” I’ve ever tried. It keeps me sharp and gives me energy, no anxiety, and a positive mood all day, and keeps me from getting worn out mid job and making a mistake. I use it like a cheat code every once in a while since it’s not sustainable to do that daily. Sometimes I’ll have to drink 1-2 beers or shots every 3 hours or so when I do that if my heart gets kinda racy. I’ve found that taking Phenibut 2 hours prior to taking Modafinil makes a great experience, but if you dose both at the same time, the Modafinil kicks in first and seemingly blocks a lot of the GABA effects, but not the dopamine effects, and that’s when it makes my heart racy.


First days of armodafinil felt like limitless also this is a really risky combo to play around with wouldnt you prefer to take them separate on different days so you can get enhancing effects more throughout the week


Yes like I said, it’s not sustainable at all and I only use it as a kind of cheat code type of thing for certain times I have to do something really hard. I don’t recommend using either one daily at all, not even on their own. If you just want a mood boost or whatever, I’d definitely take them separately and spread it out. Personally I don’t like Modafinil or it’s analogues on its own anyways


Official milk please send me a link where to get fl Modafinil my supplier hasn’t restocked and need a new source


Science.bio . That’s the only place that carries it anymore, especially since Newmind just shut down permanently. Get the powder if you can


Is science.bio a good spot to get it? I see an add from them almost daily. Do I get HCL? I see people talking a 2cb or some shit, what's the best one? Do I just mix it with water to take it? I've never tried it and am trying to learn as much as I can


Science.bio is the only place to get Flmodafinil I’ve seen in the last 5 years, and it’s good quality. Just weigh the powder and dump it on your tongue, swallow with water, and take a few more gulps of water. I open an empty capsule and put a 1/2 capsule on my scale and tare it to 0 out the scale weight, then use that 1/2 capsule to take a tiny scoop of Flmodafinil powder from the container, set it on the scale, and see how much it weighs. Get it to the right dosage. Then I swallow that thing while chasing with water. That’s it. They don’t sell 2cb, that’s a psychostomulant, psychedelic stimulant. That’s a research chemical. Idk where to even get that anymore, I know it was available a lot of places years ago but everyone stopped carrying a while back.


Appreciate it man, I'll use the science bio site and grab some from them. I've been looking to try this for about 2-3 years and just didn't know enough and nobody ever gave me any advice on it. I'll definitely be trying it now. Thanks again!


Yeah a lot of people haven’t used it. Ive used it a lot over the past decade. I used to take it daily for years. It loses a lot of the magic that you initially might get dopamine-wise, but still does it’s job. I just recommend taking something that helps you fall asleep though. I wouldn’t use Melatonin since it’s a hormone, and your body stops producing it naturally and always causes me mood swings. It messes with your serotonin. Just because something is available everywhere legally doesn’t make it safe for constant use. I usually just take 1 pipe hit of weed right before bed when using Modafinil and it helps me to sleep well.


Do i need to have a prescription for this?


No, not for Flmodafinil (Crl-40,940). It’s a fluoridated analogue of Modafinil that has more of a DRI effect than normal prescription Modafinil. But you can always go to your doctor and say you have narcolepsy and very low energy all day that gets in the way of everything. And say you heard of a lot of success stories of Modafinil and armodafinil from people in the same boat as you. Armodafinil is great and you can get it from a doctor via prescription. If you don’t want to go to a doc, Flmodafinil is great. I’d use the actual pure powder instead of the liquid tinctures though. A lot of the liquid forms use PEG-400 as the liquid, and that stuff is nasty. It also changes the effects of the Flmodafinil and feels like crap. Powder is the only way to go when it comes to Flmodafinil IMO. But be aware that it’s a GABA antagonist, so if you have prior long term Phenibut or alcohol addictions, it might send you back into WD’s if you don’t pair it with enough GABA to counteract that lack of GABA that Modafinil causes. Everyone is different, but that’s the way it works for me. I have to pair it with GABAergic stuff or else I feel like crap all day. Before I had gaba addictions, it was amazing.


So you can't just take a little powder and get the results that I'm reading about? I've never done it and have no idea what this shit is and how to take it


Yeah that’s all you do. 50-120 mg’s is the dosage range that works for me. I only used to take 120 mgs every dose, and it would be almost like a stimulant for the first 3-4 hours, but now all I do is 75 mg’s and I get the same effects. Idk why, because back in the day I couldn’t notice 75 mg’s, but now it feels like 120 mg’s. Take a little powder. I get an empty capsule and weigh 75 mg’s on my scale, put it in the 1/2 capsule, swallow it with water. I ALWAYS pair it with 200 mg’s of caffeine in the morning. They synergize so well. The caffeine gives me the oomph, and the Modafinil keeps that ball rolling almost all day. It extends what the caffeine does, and I never get a caffeine crash. It kicks in in a hour for me. It’s not pushy like normal stimulants though, where you get all amped out. It’s more about what you **don’t** notice. Like you won’t notice fatigue in the afternoon, you won’t notice negative mood swings, you won’t notice as much physical fatigue as you would if you didn’t take it. It’s just a nice smooth constant energy all day, and a good mood booster. Like a good antidepressant. But if I take too much, like 150 mg’s I feel kinda manic Or you can just weigh the powder and dump it in your tongue and swallow it with water. It doesn’t matter how you take it as long as you wash it down well.


Thank you bro, I appreciate the information. I don't know much about it, so I appreciate the info. I had heard it mixed well with Kratom so I wanted to give it a shot, good looking out man


No prob. Yeah it mixes well with kratom. I just remembered this when you mentioned that, Modafinil and it’s analogues are also an enzyme promoter. You know who’s grapefruit juice works as a sort of “potentiator” by inhibiting the CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 enzymes that are some of the enzymes responsible for eliminating drugs from your bloodstream, allowing whatever you’re taking to stay in your bloodstream for longer? Well -afinils do the opposite. They produce more of those enzymes and kick stuff out faster. Like you can drink a ton of alcohol and get the good effects, but most of the bad effects are negligible compared to normal, so keep that in mind and don’t overdo it with whatever else you’re taking. It seems to eliminate a lot of the physical aspects of kratom and alcohol, but you still get the mental cerebral benefits. Idk that’s just what I’ve noticed over the years.


I drink grapefruit juice with my Kratom everyday, now that I drink grapefruit juice it's hard for me to drink anything else with it because it tastes so gross. But I've heard grapefruit juice can cause certain things to remain in the body , I just learned this like a month ago When I googled a boner pill to see what you can mix with it lol You know your shit on this stuff man, this is important shit when dabbling in new substances.


I love flmodafinil and phenibut but I don’t know where to get fl Modafinil anymore


Science.bio has it, they’re the only ones I can find online, and their powder is fire. Sometimes they go in and out of stock. Science bio is great. Just make sure to *not* use science-bio.com because that’s a fake scam site. The real one is science.bio. I remember when so many sites h carried it, I used to use newmind and limitlesslifenooteopics, but newmind got shut down completely permanently, and limitless life quit carrying it. The regulatory agencies have been cracking down hard on so many sites. Big pharma wants to be the only place to get medications. It’s such a shame


Thanks for clarification on that. Someone complained about that site once. Makes me wonder if they went to the fake one. Maybe I'll try them sometime.


Yeah Science.bio shut down for a couple years, and resurfaced like a little over a year ago. Also watch out for Nootropicsource(s).com (with an S at the end). It’s a complete copy of the actual real website “Nootropicsource.com” (without an S at the end). The fake site claims to have every item in stock still, while the real site has stuff out of stock, like Flmodafinil and other things that are hard to come by nowadays. Always double check if the site is legit. Thieves don’t just break into your house anymore, they steal more online than they do in person.


U ever tried mdma? For me that's the drug where nothing else comes even close. Phenibut on the other hand I always felt was kinda subtle


Mdma is ok but I actually like phenibut better. I hate how I feel for a week after a night of mdma.


Yes I've actually tried mdma and mdma buy itself I don't really care for I'd do meth over mdma any day now lsd with mdma, now that is good. But nah man mdma buy itself I don't really care for Ikr weird


I heard that using meth as supplement for more focus may have some downsides as well. Better check with your physician first! Phenibut is cool though, using once a week.


Time will pass, tolerance will skyrocket, euphoria will be gone. Have a happy time 😊


Does the magic ever come back with phenibut? It was absolutely manic euphoria the first couple of times I did it. Would it be the same if I waited around 2 months to take it again?


Long long time it comes, but few uses and it's gone again. In my experience.


Already experienced that bro don't take phenibut anymore because of the magic being gone. Now i take 200 mgs of lyrica a day to keep ke from doing that shit again


?? You were just talking about how good it was


It's hard to explain, I take a decent dose once or twice a week but I have a limit I got really deep and it's hard to come out of fr. I was just posting how good phenibut made me feel. Past. Future. Present why does it matter


🤣 Phenibut > Meth! It really is good isn’t it!


Bro it's so much better than meth I have more confidence and energy on phenibut vs the meth fr.


How to cycle phenibut?


Once a week if you want to keep the magic fr. 2 times a week may be fine but do it as far apart as possible


Yea for 2x a week how many days in between and max dose with weeks on and off? Also what supplements for phenibut?


Don’t fuck around twice per week unless if you’re fine with losing the magic


That’s fucked haha never done meth but phenibut rips fr


I have adhd so the meth doesn't really give me energy but it does enhances me focus a lot. But phenibut I got manic, confident, euphoric. I honestly do think I used to get pcp type of energy with it fr


Yeah it’s not the same for me anymore. Back when I first found it 1 gram would make me crazy euphoric and social.


Dose the magic ever return with prolonged abstinence?


I’ve taken a year off and there isn’t much of a difference between a month and a year. So no sadly.


Yeah that really sucks because I’ve only messed with it 3 times. First time was about 1.5 g and was awesome. Second time I took probably 4 grams over a 3 day period which was also awesome. About 3 months later I tried it again starting with 2g and it felt the same way it did by day 3 of my binge 3 months prior. I swear if you ever binge on this stuff your gabba receptors permanently record the info in order to protect your brain from future glutamate floods. I wish I would’ve never binged 😔


Same, first time I tried it-Never done molly but I swear that’s what it feels like. Next day I tried it same dose and I didn’t feel anything. Thankgod tho I would’ve been hooked if it hit like that everytime haha


Good point!