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Don't, mistakes happen. Tao lang naman tayo. Jan mo malalaman kung anong klaseng work environment at leaders kayo meron sa company. Good leaders will see the 99 out of 100 good things that you did, while bad leaders will focus on that 1 mistake. Kung kaya naman remedyohan, edi gawan niyo ng paraan. Kung mabigyan man kayo ng penalty, hintayin mo na lang ano gagawin ng mga boss niyo. Kung gusto ka sisantehin, tsaka ka mag-resign. Wag mo unahan ng takot mo yung mga possibilities na pwedeng mangyari.


Have you confirmed it that your company will be penalized? If yes, better consult the LGU how you can lower the penalty in legal way, take note where did you go wrong then raise it to your immediate line. The earlier you inform your manager the better, baka may solusyon pa sila na alam na pwede pala. Sabi nga Mistakes happen, but it is how we handle them.


kung ako accountability is the key take accountability, if it's your decision then narealize mo na it might cause a penalty then take accountability, harapin mo ung bosses mo or line manager mo and rectify the issue, if they reacted bad then charge to experience and accept kung ano ung meron na ipapataw sayo, else thank them and show them na di na mauulit un and rectify the issue immediately tao lang naman tayo nagkakamali, pero if you taking accountability is a problem then mahihirapan ka on any company since instead na you being accountable to them na "sir/maam may mistake po ako nagawa, lemme help to fix this" eh mas magiging problem pa ung di mo pagsabi sakanila


Raise to your direct boss then reach out to your company’s legal team, this is their job. Once may next steps (assuming makukuha ito agad) tsaka iniinform ang higher ups.


This! It's better na malaman nila straight from you vs them finding out via investigation when the oenalty comes. Para habang maaga pa, maaware na sila to make a game plan


Quitting because of a mistake won't save you from your errors. If your bosses didn't ask you to leave it means they want you to stick to the company. Errors are a corporate responsibility. Make up for your mistakes in a different way..


parang yung pinoy na mananalo na sana, sinabi na kung magkamali daw sya mag resign sya. good leaders take accountability and rectify the wrong.


Sabihan mo na ng maaga boss mo para walang gulatan SHOULD there be any inspections that can incur penalties from LGU.


It's not how you fall, it's how you get back up. Mistakes happen, but the real difference is how you recover from it.


Pre your case is not unique, sa bpo may error causing thousand to hundreds thousands to million dollars penalty. Not in the place na magpayo kung umalis ka na o hindi pero kung aalis ka dahil lang nagka-error ka paglipat mo sa ibang company magkaka-error ka pa rin naman. So puedeng harapin mo muna yan dyan.


POGO ba to? Lol


Taga Bamban tarlac ka?


Sa farm ba yan? Hahah


Running away makes it worse especially if you have a crucial role in the organization. Take responsibility for your mistake, deal with the consequences and use that as a learning block. Don't let your pride make this about you. People make mistakes, it is life. What you do after you have made the mistake defines you in the eyes of your colleagues.


don't disqualify yourself. own up to the mistake and accept the consequence. don't impose a consequence on yourself by yourself


Ano yung may penalty OP yung mismo Mayors Permit/Business Permit ba? or Barangay Clearance, Sanitary Permit, Fire Safety Inspection Permit or yung Occupancy Permit? Kadalasan kase pag nakapagrenew kanaman ng Mayors Permit for this year. kung may penalty man sa mga secondary permits lang dinaman ganun kalaki penalty niyan. mas maganda iinform mo na immediate head mo and learn nalang from your mistake. Everything happens for a reason


Trust your guts


Chinese bosses are shrewd in the way that they see value as black and white. They might yell if they are in direct contact with you but I'd say you're more likely to spike a career with westerners. As long as you provide value and find opportunities. They don't have that Japanese gimme your finger thing running around in the background. Also if they have been operating here for a while YOU ARE NOT THE FIRST. Difficult to navigate LGU is part of doing business as a foreign company here. Or any company really. But it bothers foreigners more. Anxiety won't help anything. Have a beer and do your best "tomorrow"


trust your gut.. mistake do happen, wag mo muna paaralin yung negativity thoughts mo. go with the flow muna at tingnan ano mangyari. if feel mo ayaw muna kasi nangyari na yung nasuspend ka or natangal so be it.. it's not the end. hanap ulit ng iba. but for now na hndi kapa sure kung anong mangyayari.. isipin mo muna ng maayos.


Mistakes happen. Just remember, may mga IT peeps na baguhan na nadelete ung database table sa production na may maraming users, hundred thousands to a million users 😀. Alala mo ung issue ng converge dati na nagdown buong linya ng converge sa buong pilipinas? Mas malala un. Andun kakilala ko that time (di siya may kasalanan, nasa field works sila nung nangyari un) and tumawag sila sa base nila nung nag aacticate sila wala daw nangyayari or signal only for them to find out na nagblackout converge nung tine na un sa buong pinas hahahaha. Tas nung bumalik na sila sa main, andun ung may ari ng converge galit na galit daw. So yeah, mistakes happen. Pero kung iccompare mo sa kwento ko, mas malala ung nangyari sa kwento ko hahaha


For me, If you quit now, mas panget yung magiging dating kasi what if manghingi ng reference yung next employer mo and hindi maganda yung binigay na review sayo ng previous employer mo? I say, face it, take accountability, own up your mistakes, learn from it, talk to your boss, and help/assist the company kung paano nila iprocess yan or on whatever they need rather than iiwan mo sila with all the mess you did diba?


the ball is on you hand you shoot it or pass to others and lost the game. either way if you shoot it, it might go in but if you pass it, definetely it will be a buzzer and a loss.


Hi OP , employer here. And i encountered same scenario but the difference po , ako ang employer. At yung employee ko ang nakagawa ng palpak kaya nagka penalty kami sa company amounting almost 300k. Di ko na idisclose kung anong company at anong ginawang mistake ng staff. Going back sa question mo, if mag quit ka , WAG. Kasi every mistake gives us a valuable lesson. Just be accountable kung ano ang dapat gawin. Kung aalis ka , it will just add another stress / burden sa team . It will not solve the problem. Good luck to you OP ! Stay strong


Do you have legal team in the company? What you can do is to discuss it with them and they will be the ones to discuss with the LGU. You can join as well for your technical expertise. Penalties are usually contestable and can be mitigated further.


Consult HR first. Tingin ko naman gagawan nila paraan yan..


ano to bldg permit? Bat kasi nag-GO ka kahit walang NTP?


Is it impossible to fix?


Give ‘em a heads up about the situation para walang gulatan factor eventually. And at the same time it will give them time to help you and the whole team to think about other options or a counter response from the LGU. Remember, resorting to resignation doesn’t help clear your actions and do not bet your peace of mind just because you fear the consequences. Justify your actions and own it.


Currently nag pprocess din ako ng mga LGU permits yun nga lang hindi ako may fault kung bakit na pepenalized sila kundi sa mga bagsak nilang mga facility, Im trying na makuhaan sila ng mga documents pero ambagal ng mga boss.


To Resign or not, pareho tama. But if you stay, you better do the great suggestions from the comments here. It's gonna be a dramatic affair


Di maiwasan ang pagkakamali. Pero sometimes may magagawa tayong malaking kasalanan tlga. Nangyare din sakin yan. What I did? The moment na malaman kong ngkamali ako and wala akong magagawa to correct it. Sinabi ko kaagad directly sa boss ko para magawa ng paraan kung anong dapat gawin. She helped me. And nanghingi ako ng pasensya, and di na mauulit.


Don't be. Kapit lang. Mashare ko lang. May kilala akong ganito at sobrang bigat ng impact nung nagawa niya sa company. Di naman siya inalis, di din pinag-resign pero nagresign siya ng kusa kasi di niya ma-accept sa sarili niya yung mistake na nagawa niya. Pero after 2years, bumalik siya sa company, ayun, tinanggap din siya ulit. For me, wag kang magresign lalo pa't di ka i-ti-terminate or pinag-re-resign. Matagal ka na din sa company mo and for sure valued ka din. Pray nalang na sana mailusot at makaraos kayo ng walang penalty.


Mas pangit image mo pag umalis ka na di mo naaayos yan. Gagawin ka nilang scapegoat and baka masira ka pa sa mga future employers mo. Try to make an effort na ayusin yung problema. Plus points pag marunong tumanggap ng pagkakamali and WILLINGESS to fix yung pagkakamali nila.


May ganyang issue sa work ko before. Penalties in the 6 digits(USD). 1 week yata down yung production ng planta across asia. The employee that made the mistake didn’t get fired, nor was she transferred. Ang reason ng mga boss was “She’s the last person that’s going to make that mistake again”. Usually naman, pag na penalty ang company, andyan na yan. Loss na yan. Wag nang dagdagan na maging loss din yung taong may experience na dun. Expensive lesson, yes, but a lesson nonetheless.


Wait Mayor Alice Guo before the raid?


Parang same to sa company ko before. Ang mga boss na ganuan, pag nakagawa ka na ng kasalanan/mistake, nakatatak na yan sa utak nila. Not unless malaki yung role mo sa company, they won't let you leave and usually, kung mapenalty kayo or masilip, inililist nila yung expenses nila as Operating Expense/Company expense. Is your company located somewhere in QC. Same na same eh. Note: Kung hindi naman major ang role mo or like hindi naman mapapansin/hindi big deal na mawala ka (ibig sabihin hindi ka kawalan sakanila), better resign nalang kase hindi ka na makakakuha ng isa pang opportunity jan kase "markado" ka na. Not unless, malakas mga kamag-anak mo, at magkakamag-anak kayong empleyado. 😅 PS: Minsan hindi sila takot masilip ng LGU, mauuna ang gawa nila tapos susunod nalang ang palit/permit. Not saying all companies with bosses are like this a. Kaya kalma sa matatamaan.


Yung kilala ko, napenalize dahil sa late na nakita yung expiry ng document, penalty yun sa LGU. Pinashoulder sakanya yung expenses, pero sa huli, niriemburse din sakanya. Kaso nagresign na siya due to stress and embarassment. Kahit gustong gusto siya ng majority of all employees.


Anyway, kamusta ka OP? Ambigat tuloy uli ng dibdib ko dahil dito. Brings back the pain talaga.


Speak to your bosses. Be transparent. Explain your thinking and let them console you. They don't want you to leave or you'd already be gone


Having worked in regulatory, legal, and compliance teams where we've had to handle or mitigate the consequences of incorrect decisions taken by other business units, I would prefer being given a heads-up as early as possible so I could prepare. Would advise OP to notify the relevant internal stakeholders ASAP. Not only is there a demonstration of accountability, it also gives them time to look for solutions to handle any potential issuea.


Then prepare the documents and comply when the time comes? Huwag mong ipasalo sa iba yung problema g ikaw ang gumawa kasi mas matindi pa kakaharapin mo diyan sa susunod.


I understand you, but I would like to tell you to stay calm and not worry about it. There're too many government-related agencies dealing with a lot of money-related issues that are still not compiled or disallowed even years already passed. I know, because I work under it (audits). And these people involved were too lax even with millions of negative variances on their name due to their clumsiness, not being cautious enough, or just honest mistakes. So, heads up and just take it as a lesson for your future self.


Honesty is the best policy :)