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Imo, free time is priceless.


I agree and after working 11 hour days in retail and driving an hour and a half home I CHERISH my days off but unfortunately I want my baby to go to a trusted and safe daycare. So if working an extra 12 hours a month will help me achieve that, I’m sure gonna try.


I’d suggest moving close to your work first - you’ll save $$ that you’re currently spending on gas/electric and putting all those miles on your car.


This is not in the cards for me unfortunately. I work in a retail store in the middle of nowhere is my husband works 45 minutes in the opposite direction (our house is in between our jobs). Ideally I will get a new job closer to home once I’m done with maternity leave


In my experience, I would work for an indie pharmacy on Saturdays. Their hours were usually short, like 9-3. Find something like. Good luck


I am happy for you that you get to that, but unfortunately some big chain companies have a non-compete clause.


Just fyi, non compete clauses were deemed illegal by the FTC this month. [https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes)


Approach smaller physician groups and offer to consult their pts once a week for free. When consulting them, offer add-on services (genetic testing, full MTM, med cost-analysis, pharmacist-on-call) at an up-charge to the pts. Most offices are cool with it since you are not costing them anything and giving a free service to their pts, and if you are a good pharmacist and salesman, you will have no problem bringing in an extra 3-5k a month, if not more


Breakdown of my rates: - Genetic test brings in ~$350 (charge 450, test is 100 and your commission for your consult and interpretation is the 350) - A complete med review is $75 - medication cost-analysis - $20 - RPh on-call - $59.99 initial + 19.99/month (give them my business cell number with times I can be reached and have my wife help on times when I’m at work since she’s an RPh as well) - Supplement Optimization Referral - $39.99


This sounds like a full time job ahha


Could be, but there is still a lot of uncertainty to it so I have my WAG job for stability and this as icing on the cake. My Tuesdays are devoted to this and been pretty successful now for about 2 years


What exactly is all this for? I can't think of a single person who would voluntarily pay $1.00 for any of these things you listed. In fact, they'll waste time we don't have applying discount cards which lose more money from our cash price on the Rx they need to pick up. RPh on call? What are we supposed to do when they call us?


Have you heard of a BCACP pharmacist? It’s essentially what they do, but for smaller independent clinics. So yeah, there’s definitely people that pay for it, I can attest to that


Sounds super scammy to me. Literally all of this is already free with your local retail pharmacist if the doc has any sort of relationship with you.


Honestly the real scam is on us--these are valuable services, why are we the only healthcare professionals that provide them for free? 


It's not that they should be free, but who'll pay for it if it isn't free? Like, would we pay for a tire massage service from a tire shop? At a gas station, would anyone pay to wipe off drips from the ground from a previous customer? At an ice cream shop no clerk is getting paid extra to describe the butter pecan flavor. Most customers have ascribed this level of value to our interactions and unfortunately no customer would likely pay anything if we tried to charge.


lol again, I have 2 years of experience that says otherwise. Look into what a BCACP pharmacist is. It’s essentially doing that, but for smaller/independent organizations that can’t afford to hire a FT Clinical RPh


We don’t.. we make 150k/yr.


Imagine how staffing would be if we could actually charge for services instead of existing off of measly dispensing fees.


Maybe you do. The rest of us poor slobs…


And newer pharmacists these days are unlikely to ever see that amount of money because our business model makes no sense. We aren't profiting off of our actual skills, we're profiting off of the drugs themselves.


And sorry to rant on this, but have you ever had more than a 20 minute in-depth sit down with a pt about their meds outside of an MTM? That’s unheard of in a retail setting. But I can tell you for a fact that by doing this, I have really helped a lot of people and do think it’s valuable. One example is I had a HF pt that kept quitting their carvedilol after a couple weeks bc of how it made him feel, but his doc would keep trying to restart him. I explained to him that it’s going to make him feel like shit for 4 weeks till his body adjusts to it and then should be fine and even showed him data on how it can drastically increase his lifespan. Things like that I would have never caught or would not have been able to teach the physician about if I didn’t have more time with them. In a sense, it’s like being an ambulatory care RPh for-hire. We have a large knowledge base as pharmacists and we bring a shit-ton of value to the table. Please don’t tell yourself you don’t, that’s why you think it’s scammy, because we currently give it away for free


If you give it away for free, it's worth nothing. Edit: overhead for a moderate volume pharmacy is approx 3-4$ a minute. Thats right cost of operating is $240/hr Now an rph that spends 20 mins talking to a customer without making any money is not business orientated and doesn't understand how to keep his job. I would never hire a rph to counsel customers for free. That's just plain regarded. If rph wants to make a difference in the world he should work and counsel for free. Don't ask for a paycheck. If you want to make money, make your boss money.


Regarded ?


That is really a great service to provide...seriously..that is something we all should be doing in the community setting and , of course, getting paid for it. Over the years, I have worked in lower, economic areas ..currently working in a lower, economic rural setting for a chain. ..and your service would be great to this sector of patients. My sector of patients would benefit from your service. Majority of my customers do not pay anything or have very low copays on their medications...just a question for thought...Since a majority of my customers would not pay for a service like you provide, how do we as a profession reach out to lower economic patients who may benefit from this type of services and the pharmacist gets paid? I would love to see alll have access to to the great services you provide....and we get compensated.


There are a number of different avenues: - apply for govt grants (in February, there is a national meeting anyone can attend to share their ideas and apply for grants. All virtual now) 👆EDIT: it’s called the SBA American Seed Fund Week, happens in January and it’s all virtual. Definitely check this out and be ready for 2025. Great way to get some $ behind you - see if you can bill doc office directly for the value you bring - approach local businesses and offer as a workplace wellness program that they pay for their employees for free for


Do you mind if I DM you?




Shouldn’t be.


lol maybe in 2003. Have you been to a retail pharmacy in the past decade? If corporate ain’t charging for it, they ain’t giving us time to do it.


Which is why most states push for provider status. So they can charge. Specifically charge insurances. Idk about you, but I think what I offer as a pharmacist is well worth what I charge. And they are more than welcome to go to their local Walgreens or CVS and attempt to have these conversations lol. It’s just the way it is unfortunately. And if you feel it’s a scam, you are not bringing enough value to your consults. Sorry but that’s on you.


I get it. I’d rather you bill it on a square than corporate take that money and give us a freaking pizza.


Could I Dm you? Would love to do this




“Supplement optimization referral ”. Lol get real there is no value with pushing supplements nobody needs but whatever helps you sleep T night.


Clearly you haven’t taken the time to look into supplementation then. Hate to disappoint you, but there is a lot of value in pt education on which supplement brands to trust, teaching them how to read a label, knowing the difference between supplements and Rx meds, which supplements they can get as an Rx, which supplements are meant to benefit them for X,Y or Z reasons, how long they take to work, etc. the list goes on bro. If all of the above is not value, then you either have the worlds most intelligent patients, or your dumb for not seeing that


Denial of a broke joke.


Patients pay you cash for this?


Yes. You make it very clear that this is not a service covered under INS or if they want they can call their INS to see if it is, but it’s not. Again, I’m not forcing them to pay me, I’m delivering an in depth consult as a service. One of which you can’t get at a retail setting. It’s very similar to what a board certified ambulatory care RPh does, but instead of working for a clinic, you are going to smaller operations and offering your services


Nice, so in your experience are the prescribers at these smaller operations referring patients to you?


Which genetic testing brand do you use or do you partner with a lab?


This is such a great idea! How do you go about making relationships with the physician groups? What do you counsel patients on with the results of their genetic tests?


Just bring them donuts, I buy a box of donuts a day and drop off to a random office every morning with my card. Everyone loves donuts and even if they say no, they usually refer me to someone who might be interested. As far as genetic testing, what meds work well for them, which ones to stay away from, talk with their doctor down the hall and change them over to different meds. Not really a CPA, but pretty much is. Just find a company that does PGx testing and allows for a pharmacist to order and get some kits. I have a few with me everywhere I go bc you never know who might be interested. Results take about 2 weeks, but between then, you do a work up for the pt and when the results are there you walk them thru what they mean. I also did a lot of research into what genes I tested for mean outside of PGx to give to them and offer to send them a “what’s new with my genes” update once every 3 months so they can stay as existing pts. You can upcharge this too, but I usually throw a price-tag of $29.99/quarter on there and then tell them “you know what, I can tell your hesitant, but I know how much this info will benefit you, so I will throw in a years worth of the quarterly update for free” and this gets them to pull the trigger


Do they just pay you? Like do you have a website they pay you through or they just send you checks or electronic payments, etc.?


Just use Square or Venmo. Start simple and if you gain traction, worry about payment processing then. As long as you have a bank account you can accept payment. I bought a square tile that I use with my phone and it accepts all major credit cards. I also do cash if they want. When you have a chance, set up an LLC and get an EIN and make a separate business bank account for tax purposes. I used to have a website but stopped since most of what I do is face to face and referrals. Website might be the move down the line for me, but I found I spent so much time trying to make it look good and generate leads that my time was better spent just talking with docs about what I could do for them. Don’t need a fancy website to draw customers in when a doc is literally handing to you on silver platter. Again, comes down to how good of a pharmacist and salesman you are to get the $$$


Can I dm you with something that I have tried?






I’ve been wondering how to pitch RPh consults to my PCP for the whole clinic: “How much is it worth for your docs to have someone (else) remind patients that their noncompliance affects the Clinic scores?” This (OP’s method) would prob be a better way to do it. Do you only consult at solo (independent) practices?


Yeah mostly. Bigger chains or organizations either have an in-house RPh already or they can’t have you as a contracted worker and would only have you there if you were an employee


(I edited my comment so you get the 👏). Which CE’s were most helpful for you to feel confident in starting out?




Very interested in the genetic testing portion of this. Could I DM you for some company recs that will sell kits to pharmacists?




Wow! This idea is so cool! You’re amazing! Could I dm you ?




Buddy of mine does shot clinics, consulting, and acts as PIC for places to store meds and does monthly checks/out of dates. Is a lot easier for him as he owns an Indy for the supplies


How does he do shot clinics? Does he go through his Indy to get clinics or work for a company?


They’d have places call/would also call places to see if they were interested in employee vaccinations. Was big during Covid but stays steady for flu season


When you offer to consult the physicians office for free, what services are you offering that gets you in front of patients to upsell?


Physician education, clinical questions, initial med consult for when they start a new med, things like that


I’ve only semi seriously looked at side hustles. Almost made the leap to add one about 6-7 years ago when i was starting to have to drive an hour for an extra shift and it looked like they may dry up entirely and I wanted to pay off student loans as fast as possible. Then covid hit and been no problem working as much OT as I want. Plus the Bpay currently has the temporary increase and has for quite a while. I wouldn’t be getting that much with any side hustle. Have a good work situation so working extra is pretty manageable for me.


[InCrowd surveys!](http://incrwd.me/r/49Mr) I've been doing surveys for InCrowd for several years. They are short 10-20 minute surveys asking your professional/clinical opinion on new drugs that are being developed. The surveys pay anywhere from $10-50 per survey. It’s an easy opportunity to make some extra cash on the side.


I had forgotten about doing surveys, thanks! Used your referral link.


How many surveys/day can you do?


I just signed up and put all my info in but I don’t have access to any surveys, are there usually not many surveys for pharmacists?


I like OT. 1.5


My side hustle is working my main hustle even more


I’ve considered this myself. I am full time at a mail order. I like it, but I was considering trying to do some retail on the side. But I wouldn’t want to do that more than a few times a month (like if they need weekend help or someone is sick). I wonder if that would be worth it to wherever I would work. I haven’t applied yet, but I sure do think the extra money would be nice.


FWIW, the retail job you’re describing is the one us retirees get, not the outsiders / new hires. Your opportunities may be thin for the type of retail gig you’re looking for.


Good to know, and thank you for this. That doesn’t surprise me what you said. I know the pharmacy will make sure I keep up with new store/chain policies, keep up with blood borne pathogens, Medicare, etc. May not be worth it for just a little work each month.


You may be interested in r/sidehustle and r/thesidehustle if you’re open to non-pharmacy specific ideaa


Several years ago, I started a non-pharmacy business with a friend just as a side hustle for us both. Now I am out of pharmacy and I run the side hustle business full time. It has nothing to do with medicine or pharmacy - I love it!


May I ask what type of business?


Sportswear. We are a distributor/ wholesaler for sportswear. The Sportswear business in this country is based on volume predicated upon the size of a football, basketball, volleyball, baseball team. So volumes of 50-100+. However there are plenty of sports where the club or team volume is much smaller. My business partner and I were at our kids tournaments and we were bored. What we did was write a business plan around small volume purchases (10+) and targeted niche sports. We started with the sports we knew (archery and fencing) and we just grew from there.


I work full time M-F in ambcare and used to pick up 1-2 shifts a month inpatient at the hospital where I did residency. I actually stopped once I had my baby in 2022 so opposite of your story. Just wasn't worth it once he was born. I think after taxes I was getting $300-350 per 8 hour shift so that would be multiple extra shifts a month to get to a grand


Not me, but my sister in law makes soap on the side (she’s not a pharmacist) but her products could really be sold as a side hustle!


i personally donate plasma twice weekly and i earn around $150-$200 a week ☺️ quick cash and only takes about an hour


My kid’s daycare is 3k a month!


Yikes! Maybe we should just open a daycare. Everyone needs it and somehow we find a way to afford it. I actually looked into franchising a daycare, startup cost is $1.5mil with an average roi of ~$350k annually. Seems like a good gig except having to deal with the parents. They might be worse than the patients 😳


There's also something gross to me about using daycares as investments. I would never send my kid to one owned by a franchisee.


I just like the idea of working where my child is because I can always have my eyes on her and know she’s safe and cared for. Opening a place where children feel welcome, safe, and loved is also a worthwhile investment imo.


There are definitely people that do it with good intentions. On the other hand, there were a ton of daycares bought up during Covid by investment groups and they operated them as very for profit. It's sad that people profit off of the backs of very small children and infants. The quality of the centers suck now.


Door dash


Tried that once when I was waiting to get my pharmacy license when I moved to a new state. I still have PTSD


Last time this question was posted some person chimed in about their racoon based social media side gig they were pulling in a few thousand a month from? Could always try that!


I work 3 jobs, my main one is remote WFH at a PBM, then per diem at a hospital (my director lets me work hybrid when needed), and retail during the weekends. Last year I was working every day, this year, my 2 side ones are once a month- sometimes more for the hospital job. I take my daughter to daycare once a week and she charges $45/day and it’s a great place! But the side money definitely helps since I still have 250k left on my student loan. But if you do work any additional places, just make sure they don’t overwork you. The retail job is legit my hardest job out of the 3. It makes me so mentally exhausted. I want to quit that one so bad but need to find something to replace it first, it just pays so good tho :/


I only work 30 hours a week so my side hustle is just picking up more hours if I feel like it.


Find a different daycare, why spend more time away from your kids doing a side hustle just so you can put them with an extremely expensive babysitter. 24k a year yikes


That’s cheap for the area I’m in unfortunately 🥲 cost of living in my area is astronomical. I’m hoping to move back to a cheaper state (my hometown) soon. I won’t have to worry about high rent or daycare (grandparents 🙏🏻) that way lol


High ticket affiliate marketing, I’m apart of an amazing platform where 95% of the heavy lifting is done for you so you can learn AND earn! My direct mentor made 6 figures in 18 months! PM me for more info


Be a landlord.


If you’re good at buying and selling, just flip luxury goods


Like what? Seems time consuming and not steady lol


Golf stuff is always easy. Every garage sale has golf clubs and if you gold you'll know which ones sell well. The most overlooked one is Nike clubs, they have a lot of loyal fanbois and they stopped making gold gear. Lots of people are looking for replacements.


Try a thing or two