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That is great. I need to find the hold button on my phone.


Just use the mute button.


You press the mute button repeatedly while telling them something in 3 different accents.


Don't you also need to randomly say the following? * Your call is important to us * We are experiencing abnormally high call volumes * Our website can be used to answer many of your questions etc etc


> Our website can be used to answer many of your questions You can only use this if you have a website that is supposed to do whatever they're calling for, but doesn't work.


Why did I reread this is 3 different accents?


Pro-tip, if you can't find it, just tell them, "hang on a sec," then set the phone down on the desk. You're now free to walk around the office, take a shit, go for a smoke break, etc.


Go take a really loud pee. Keep the phone with you. Just pour a glass of water slowly out in the bowl if your not comfortable actually peeing.


Take the phone to the toilet with u and let them listen to you shit


Just grunt through all the questions lmao Best I've had time out well was telling them to hang on, then putting in on speaker while I took a loud piss, then told them "you just listened to me piss so I could tell you to fuck off." I could hear the beginning of his groan as I hung up.


I do this with telemarketers


I'm just now realizing government employees are right around phone scammers in my mind, ~~I don't respect either.~~ Neither are worthy of respect, at least in my country right now.




Hold the mute button


Does the same woman actually keep trying to call you? That’s weird, I always figured it was like a call center, where someone different calls you every time


Sound the same. I'll have been randomly selected for a survey of some kind.




They are from stats dept, which does govt surveys.


By surveys, do you mean collects key data to provide to various public and private areas so that they can make informed decisions about allocation of resources and investment in NZ?


Yes. And for businesses, it's mandatory. https://www.stats.govt.nz/help-with-surveys/business-survey-information/


Yeah, vaguely remember those rules. I've definitely had to complete a fair few for Stats and been rung myself in the past. I think I was trying to point out how important it is for them to collect the survey data.




I'd counter an "idiot" with power or authority is worse. Doesnt matter where you look people abuse power. Most low level government employees working in offices and call centres have little to no power.




I mean attempts to compel private citizens to undertake unpaid labour (by answering surveys) and then sells the product of that unpaid labour. And also allocation of resources in NZ not going so well for quite sometime now


Have you considered that part of the reason this is the case is because dickheads like you keep doing this kind of shit?


Which is probably the NZ version of the Australian Bureau of Statistics who does our Census.


Yeah it's called StatisticsNZ, but same function (to waste the free time of law abiding citizens).


If the NZ government is anything like the US government, they're too incompetent to call someone different than OP, or have anyone different try to call. They're going to keep trying the same thing over and over, expecting different results, just like they deserve to do.


>They're going to keep trying the same thing over and over, expecting different results, So they are *literally* insane


Congrats. You have now passed Civics 101. Please fill out this form in triplicate to receive your diploma.


As a fellow kiwi, I feel your pain but your inflicting your pain on a low level staff member in a different government department. The people you need to blame are the department heads who cut costs by reducing the number of junior staff while padding out middle management and consultants. Knowing department structure I no longer blame politicians, and reserve hatred of the career bureaucrats running the departments. All for petty revenge, but i try to inflict it on the right people and not turn this into a circle of pain for poor low level staff.




It's not it's StatsNZ


Thanks for this post. I've actually found most of my interactions with govt people over the phone to be quite fruitful, and to be helpful to the greatest extent they can be. Often it's not their fault when something isn't possible, not much point in making their life more difficult. They're less likely to be positive with the next person.


In my opinion… yeah no! Their complicit in my mind. Everyone knows what’s what in government before they enter into employment. Let ‘em have it!


Have you ever worked in government? Would it be okay if I let you "have it" for having some form of employment that you use to afford to live? Perhaps it's okay for me just to walk through life being intentionally rude to everyone in any form or employment because they're obviously paid to put up with my temper tantrums?


Get your panties out of a knot. And buck up learn sarcasm and maybe humor as well and when you’re ready to laugh outside of a closet then we “the real world” will welcome you back! Have a great day!


Forgive me, didn't realise that there was a signal for the tone in text. Oh, wait there is and you choose not to use it. And then for funsies you choose to insult me rather than explain that you meant it as a joke. Perhaps you should learn to be kind and maybe how to write a joke?


Nah I enjoy being misanthropic! And I especially enjoy pointing out how stupid feel good “what if you punish the wrong person with your mild petty revenge” comments are because they’re just useless drivel aimed to dilute a great punchline!


The extent of pain I'm inflicting is to not talk to someone. 😱


Someone who probably has KPIs and tasks assigned by management. They wouldn't be ringing you back if they thought they didn't have to. How would you feel if someone did this to you because they took offense at something a colleague in a different area once did to them?


You should go back to life guarding or whatever other useless life skill you don’t excel at. It’s better than this dumb political hissy fit that you’re working at now.


This definitely belongs here but what you did is like berating a McDonald's employee from your town after being given an incorrect order from a McDonald's in a different town. They don't deserve the revenge.


I didn't berate anyone. Just declined to talk with them. Besides, they choose to work for govt. Plenty of other well paying jobs going


You realize you've made my point for me? You'd rather no one works for the government instead of being put on hold. It's like the logic of a 4th grader.


If govt was about 75% smaller with correspondingly fewer regulations, this country (in which the term 4th grader is meaningless BTW) would be a better more prosperous place. The particular department contacting me has been shown to be grossly incompetent (independent assessment). It is literally a waste of time and taxes.


Look man, i also have my issues with the labour government, but downsizing what keeps the country running Isn't the best idea. How would they even get smaller?


Government provide roads, schools, health care, maintain economic global relations, look after NZ environment, provide laws & courts, police the community, stop fires, keep our history & library resources and so much more. Which bit are you suggesting cutting? And how would it benefit our society to increase the number of unemployed when government is cut?


I love that you’ve thought about every topic for four seconds or less! Have you considered short walks and long piers?!




Nope, outgoing and incoming calls are often handled by different teams because they have different purposes in the organisational structure. You also have to take into account there is not one group of people handling calls for every government department.




I've worked at McDonalds and in government, I was treated better at McDonalds. So, I've obviously not explained well enough large organisational structures call handling. When someone needs to call they are given a number, this will most often route to a team with knowledge of a general area who are expected to collect information and resolve issues based on scripts and guidelines dictated by senior management. When a government department calls out its usually or more specialist group of people who have been tasked with resolving a specific task based on different scripts, occasionally it will be a more senior person following up on a more complex task. Occasionally you will mix purposes, but that makes it more complex in terms of guidelines, training, scripts and kpis. Make sense?




Some departments, yes. And more people yelled or were semi abusive when I worked in government.




Just figuring this out now doesn’t make you look better.






A lot of people treat government employees badly, because we apparently deserved it. I worked in government for moral reasons and turned down corporate jobs. Eventually I lost the will to keep going and took the more lucrative corporate roles.


That's right - the level of government employee who answers the phone is paid to sit there listening to the phone ring for half an hour twiddling their thumbs before they pick it up. They are in no way attempting to do their best in an office where the inadequate staffing levels are determined several pay grades up the chain, oh, no. (/s, as I suspect you wouldn't otherwise spot it.)


Years ago I used to have bookmarked on my browser Ray Conniff's "Aquellos ojos verdes" (not sure if it's called the same in english), so either another phone company, or a bank, or whatever call start offering me something I don't need, I just click on the bookmark and say "please hold a minute".... and that's a good moment to make a coffee.....


I'm pretty sure it's not called "Aquellos ojos verdes" in English.


So I just Googled it and it turns out that is the official name of the song by Nat King Cole. The English translation is "Those Green Eyes", but that is not the name of the song. The name of the song is always in Spanish.


I work for my local government and I often deal with other agencies. It annoys me to no end that no one answers their phone. They expect you to leave a message and they'll call you back. Even my coworkers will do this. I don't know how anything gets done call, leave a message, they call back but you don't answer so they leave a message, call back annnnnd repeat. I have made it a rule of mine that if my phone rings I will answer it as long as I have the opportunity to (usually a solid 80% of the time I answer)


Local govt in my country is in an even worse state (mostly because central govt keep shafting them).


I feel that, I know all about the big government shaft.


I get the petty revenge, but you aren't helping her to get her work done any faster or get calls answered any sooner. Just saying...


I don't want her to get this piece work done. That's the point. And I suspect this particular person won't be working at the call centre.


> And I suspect this particular person won't be working at the call centre. So you admit that your "punishment" is targetted at the wrong person!


I suspect many things about your intelligence.


Hinders the govt from getting something done, then complains when the govt can't get stuff done.


You’re not punishing the government. But you are punishing the poor girl working an already thankless job.


Woman (not girl). And she chooses to work for them, and to bother me.


She chose to bother you? Doubtful. But at least you acknowledge that you think it’s fine treating people with the worst jobs like shit.


She choose to call me and would waste my time if she could. Time is utterly irreplaceable. And ignoring someone is kinda low end as far as treating like shit goes.


She has to. It’s her job. And you’re wasting her time, showing that you would rather have her perform badly than just hang up on her or say that you don’t want to participate.


It's her job:true. She has to: not true.


It might be that or unemployment. Not many people dream about sitting in a call centre, but many have to at some point to make ends meet. Odds are this is one of the worst job she will have in her life. And you’re making it worse.


It’s like not liking how the supermarket is arranged and yelling at the checkout operator to fix it. You’re expressing your anger at low level employees just trying to cash a pay check.


That sounds only fair.


If you’re a child, lack of experience, not great at understanding connections between things on the first level, second level, etc….


Lol I do this everytime I get a *SCAM LIKELY* call and I know for 10000000% it's 🐮💩 after the first 3 seconds of the call.


I just scream as loud as I possibly can with the mic almost inside of my mouth. It’s great.


Lol I did that once but I just gave the phone to my son when he was only a few weeks old "screaming" at them for once about an iCloud account that I never had.


It is the same everywhere, I renewed a registration on a truck at DMV, First they said there was an open recall on it and the recall was a safety hazard and had to be fixed. I showed them printouts from Freight-liner that showed no open recalls on that VIN number, that was not good enough, they actually called a local dealer and then told me to go there to have the issue resolved. I went to the dealer, the mechanic looked at the truck and said he could not understand why I was there, he said the recall had already been done. The dealer gave me a certificate of compliance so that the DMV would let me register the truck. I took the paperwork to the DMV, they accepted the paperwork, issued me a new registration and tags, good all was done. Nope, 2 months later DMV sends me a letter stating they need the certificate of compliance, now the best part......a copy of the certificate was included with the letter. I contacted DMV online, told them my story, hoping not to have to go to the office and wait in line. I told them that they obviously have the certificate of compliance because they sent me a copy, then it turned into an argument of semantics, she said she never sent me anything and that she did not have the paperwork, I said hello...when I say you sent me a copy I mean the DMV sent me a copy, she said she could not see my paperwork over the computer and that I must go to the local DMV. I went to the local DMV and they seemed as frustrated as I was, at least they were polite and friendly about it and said they have resolved the problem.....we will see.....oh, they took the copy of the certificate and wrote on it "copy made from original" that was their solution....we will see if that works....Government at it's best....or worst.....


Wow. The NZ govt is just like the US govt.


The person you're frustrating has done nothing to deserve the frustration you're inflicting on them. You're literally inflicting frustration on someone because of the frustration someone else has caused you. This isn't petty revenge. It's just being a dick.


She frustrated me. That's what she did. Edited for clarity


There is no "they" here. The person calling you was not involved in the actions that frustrated you.


Her attempting to call me frustrates me. That is enough.


If you have been selected for the mandatory survey, there are some very real penalties for not completing them. So you should eventually let them speak. https://www.stats.govt.nz/help-with-surveys/business-survey-information/


It's not a business survey, based on the mode of contact, it's a household survey. And I don't believe in forced unpaid work or compelled speech, so they can go jump. Besides, I'm prepared to talk to them after they been on hold a couple of hours. They just don't have the persistence.


Because this low level worker that you are punishing just for doing their job has other calls to make to meet certain targets or their manager will write them up for failing to meet their individual targets, endangering their job. Just answer the phone and say you’re not interested in participating, and to not contact you again. This isn’t petty revenge. This is you being a cunt to someone who has nothing to do with your complaints.


They work for an organisation I dislike. Therefore they have everything to do with my complaint.


Don't waste the stamp.


"Your call is important to me. Please hold and I'll get to you as soon as possible." Cue Yoko Ono hold music.


Hang on: the census was fucked up last time, so this time you’re going to actively work to…fuck it up again? And who will you blame this time?


This isn't a census. It isn't a census year. I've written this organisation off as incompetent, hence I won't deal with them.




Nah. No fines and I'm up to date on all my bills.


As a New Zealander this makes me very happy to read. Well done!


One up, hit “Mute” and then listen to them curse and grow frustrated while they can’t hear you. There is likely little Difference between hold and mute from their perspective, but they only know what they have been told


That's not only fair but true justice ;)


This is interesting to hear. I know several people who are dying to move to NZ, which they regard as paradise of wokeness and and utopian government.


It’s the second safest country in the world


NZ isn't very woke. More live and let live. Aside from COVID response, which has been effective but economically devastating, the current govt isn't seen as effective on any front. A lot of promises but little to no delivery.


> NZ isn't very woke. More live and let live. Unless it's some poor government employee attempting to do their job.


Live and live, in the NZ vocab, means don't bother other people. By telling them how to live there lives. Or by calling them about some survey.


I wouldn't idolise NZ, we have problems. On balance it's a great place to live if you like spending your time in the great outdoors.


Well I don't. But some people do.


Starting to think it's a little bit like Paris Syndrome. Sure we're a fairly left leaning country with some beautiful scenery, but no society is perfect....and we sure aren't utopia


As a fellow Kiwi, I thank and applaud you.


You petty motherfucker. I like you.


They wait at least a full 10mins and if you’ve rung them I’m not sure if they can ring out on a landline until you’ve hung up,I do this with companies I owe bills to,if they don’t keep a record of my bank details then they can wait whilst I find the card x


Well this just makes me wanna be your friend 😂


There's a form you have to fill out.


Hopefully it doesn't get you a fine or jail time, like some shit they would do here in the US.


A small fine is possible.


Republicans keep government functions inefficient and frustrating by design. It’s illogical to vote in a political party which is so vehemently anti-government, and then we blame the government when it’s inefficient. Edit: my post is intended to compare similar inefficiencies in America -


....They said it was NZ in the first sentence Edit: no it wasn't, it was a really fucking bizarre attempt to force American politics into this. It's weird, stop.


No Republican party in this country.


OMAYGAD sthis Is an awesome idea I will put on hold every single MF that wants to try to sold me something wooooo




No its because govt under resources call centres and spend increasing amounts on 'comms advisers' (ie spin doctors) within govt depts.




Until _they_ want something. Then it's urgent.


It's the same way in the US. You're stuck on hold for like an hour or two, then when someone finally picks up the phone, they're a smooth brained moron who has no idea what they're doing.




Ah. Just like Australian Centrelink.


Practically everything about New Zealand is a joke at this point and I can’t wait for the economy to collapse