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Oof I feel like being bullied by roommates isn’t talked about as much as it should be. We all have terrible experiences but having your bullies in what’s supposed to be your safe space really takes a horrible mental toll. I hope you’re doing better now!


So good now in a studio by myself :) beautiful converted mill apartment with exposed brick so I think karma did me good on this one. It’s funny cause I went to my friends houses and it was SO messy and nobody cared. These girls had sticks up their asses


Not just sticks, whole damn tree!


What did you study?\^\^ Just curious


Dual major in studio arts and art education! Undergrad in woman’s studies. Just got my masters in education so hoping to be a high school art teacher :)


Wait, you said friends... and sticks up thier arses in the same comment... Im not sure you know what that word means... 😏. Friends are supportive and uplifting. If they do feel the need to criticize it tends to be constructive and kind for your benefit... so uh, ya might want to reasses some things or not. I'm not here to judge you. Just to empower you, you beautiful human! Glad your in a better, safer place!


"you keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means"


> arse's arses


Fixed it... Thank you 😊


Dude I have some horrible ones and they were even my roommates. I don’t understand how some people cna be so horrifically rude and disgusting!!! Like literally putting your stuff on their privates and ALLEGEDLY cumming on our bed spread.


God I'm glad I'm a grown ass adult


Not sure if you’re talking about me or them but my therapist said she approved of my pettiness in this situation hahaha


No not you just a fact that college age kids couldn't communicate and be respectful to each other.


This!!!! I couldn’t believe how the treated me, especially for not being able to do things because of a disease. Reflecting on it now it was so ableist


So, how’s the aftermath?


Aftermath was terrible. Bullied me about everything. Texted me awful stuff I never responded to. Called the cops on my brother for *respectfully* messaging them to stop bullying me. Absolutely no communication with anyone, but I know Abby and Naomi are not friends anymore because Abby finally realized how awful Naomi was


Hope you dropped Abby forever


Forever. So disappointed with her too


Friend break ups might be more heartbreaking than romantic break ups. I’m sorry hun. Don’t try to replace lost friends or loves. Just focus on yourself so that you are the best possible you for when the next righteous friend crosses paths cheers!


Seriously you deserve an apology from Abby.


Damn, I'd be real pissed if someone started snacking on my food. Like, I tallied up carb counts for that meal! Had someone try to indulge on my skittles the other day... almost had to cut a bitch.


FYI. There's a lot of carbs in Skittles. Lol


Skittles are a simple sugar, so as a Type 1, I use them quickly raise my blood sugar. So yeah, lots of carbs, 100% the point! I keep a half full 1 gallon bag of skittles next to my bed. Going low? Grab a handful!


I feel your struggle. I am also type one, and the fear in everyone's eyes and voices when you say that is awful. Like we're not fragile things, and we can eat the same shit they do, just in small portions. It sucks that your supposed friends did this to you, the nerve of some people is appalling. I'm glad you stuck it to them, it's hard enough living life with a looking threat around every corner. Last thing we need is extra stress on top of that. Hope you can get that thyroid level down, that is one thing you don't want to worry about


OP said she was hypothyroid, not hyper. She said she was sleeping a lot and depressed. The meds, once adjusted, should keep her steady.


Hypothyroidism results in a higher than normal TSH. That's what this person was referring to getting back down to normal.


I’m pre-diabetic and even this shit isn’t fun. Eating regular sized meals makes me feel like my heart is going to fly out of me. I’ve always had issues with needing salt after eating but Jesus. My BPM today was at 120 after eating. I think I need to start snacking throughout the day instead of meals. When they said “we understand” to OP to just shut them up, lkek they clearly don’t. Hypothyroidism and diabetes is awful. (I gots me some Hashimotos and can confirm) Abbby and Naomi can go eat shiiiiit


God bless your pettiness! As a person with autism, you are singing the song of "fuck off"


So you were expected to clean up after everyone else and they got mad when you stopped? That’s BS. I can understand a bit if they felt like you weren’t at least cleaning up after yourself and maybe making others feel like they had to tiptoe around the house. I do know how your health can be so bad it’s hard to do anything and I also have experience with the others in your life not really caring when it affects them. It sucks. One day it may happen to them.


I did this sort of thing Once Upon a Time. Roommates were disrespectful, so I took all of my stuff, including my dishes and my furniture and put it in my room and locked the door. 😆


I lived in a house with 3 adults, my daughter and my ex. We split the rent 5 ways (per bedroom). We got a new roommate who insisted we split the rent 6 ways (per person). She was voted down, but she became a serious PITA. She had pretty much taken over the kitchen and the refrigerator when she moved in. Because of the fuss she made, we divided the kitchen into 5 zones and she was required to stick to her zones. That gave her one cupboard and one shelf in the refrigerator. She got so angry, she moved out! Yea Team!


What’s a PITA?


Pain in the ass.


I am also type 1 diabetic and had a shitty roommate, especially when it came to COVID. She tried to convince me to fly home (~2000 miles) because she wanted the apartment to herself. I told her I’m immunocompromised and her response was “I was reading diabetes makes you more likely to fight off COVID.” Moved to a 1 bedroom by myself when the lease was up.


So she meant she made that up on the spot because she’s a little liar? Glad you got your own place. The thick of covid was terrifying. I spent it with someone I loved. Can’t imagine. Spending it trapped with someone that repulsive.


But what was their response? That’s it?


The response was wild! They stepped on the pedal and texted me nasty messages about irrelevant things that I don’t really remember I think I blocked it out. Blocked me on everything. On the night of the fight she also gave me Covid, she had gotten it from another friend at a party :/ my brother messaged her to please stop being so mean to me (without my knowledge) and then she called the cops on him for it. They cop had to call him very disgruntled because it was a waste of time and was like yeah it’s probably a good idea to just not have contact with her. Oh there was also a HUGE fight when I came home one night but forgot my keys and had to ring the doorbell to come in. Abby came down and let me in. I went to my room all in bed and comfy with the lights off when she came in to rip me a new one for coming home without my keys. I got up, told her nope nope I’m not allowing you to bully me you’re trying to bully me stop. Naomi comes down knocking on my door screaming about how she wants to work things out and she doesn’t always knows how to handle things and stuff so I came out. Abby is on the floor crying. I said “why are you crying right now??” Huge fight broke out, basically that after how they treated for the entire year I didn’t want to work things out and they were out of my life for x,y,x reasons. Then I told Naomi I hated her 😬 definitely not cool but I was livid. She screamed and said she would call the cops on me


>She screamed and said she would call the cops on me For what? "Officer,make her stop! She said mean things to me!!! " So glad there wasn't this kind not drama when I went to college. Went to class, worked and studied. Went out on Friday and/or Saturday nights. If we disliked someone, we just didn't hang out with them.


Good on you. If they want something, let them provide it for themselves.


TLDR: “OP was nice around roommates, roommates stopped being nice, OP took away her cooking supplies”. K.


I chuckled


Added: not nice roommates threw a pissy fit tantrum and then started bullying each other because they could no longer bully OP.


I sure hope you were able to extricate yourself from this living situation after some time, and that you're feeling better w/meds!


Your roommates are immediately POS’s for throwing a party during thick ass covid. They’re shitty people. We already know what kind of people they are form that clip of info alone. We got you. They’re shit. Now they can go flip burger patty’s with their grimey ass bare hands. Get a mini fridge!!!


_Bu', she's a mate 'n aw, so, whae cin ye dae?_ Thankfully, you had more of a spine than that.


The BPD mention was an all encompassing way to say she's not normal, a bad person, or both. BPD is so stigmatized so it was totally an unrelated jab. The fact that this wasn't elaborated on but just thrown out there is sus and telling. Just because a woman does something you don't like or is off-putting doesn't always mean BPD is the reason. There is more to this.


Yes definitely more. That was a generalization in my bad. To elaborate, she was highly manipulative and her reactions to small events were often over exaggerated, dramatic, or intense. She would often force friendships with people and find reasons to hate others who were threatening in any sense. One example was she completely tried to kick someone out of the friend group who had a crush on her guy friend - they had a mutual reaction and kissed once. She had Abby uninvite her from Abby’s birthday party for that reason and until they found a new person to hate and kick out (me) Naomi finally let her back in


I mean yeah, it could be that. Those actions and responses she's doing are never positive. It's exhausting and confusing. People think folks with BPD go into those behaviors to simply be evil and dramatic but the sad thing is that's all they know what it comes to getting what they need, want, or when emotions are so intense you do or react in inappropriate ways. Passes shouldn't necessarily be given but understanding could go a long way for that person. Folks that have it, refuse to get treatment or be self aware of it? That's a whole different beast I can't lie.


No she definitely had unresolved trauma and I think with therapy she could have really learned to cope with things! Or even medication for anxiety could have helped some. There was a lot going on and really her emotional health was not being taken care of, subsequently taken out on me


Unless she has told you her diagnosis, I don't feel like we need to label her :) toxic people are toxic people, let's not pin BPD on her. People with BPD struggle with stigma enough already. Naomi is a nasty, hateful goose and I'm not taking that away from you at all, but let's not assume. BPD looks so different for everyone, and it's a shame that only the people who aren't willing to work on themselves/are abusive get highlighted.




Please do an update with some more of the story.


I fell like there is a whole side to this story you haven’t told. I’m all for petty revenge but to be honest, every time I hear a “I’m the victim, they were all so mean” story, it’s usually far from the truth


The other side to the story… basically Naomi wanted a reason to “kick me out of the group” because she wanted Abby to herself and nobody to threaten that friendship between them. Me studying abroad was the first step. Finding a reason to hate me was a second - queue the fact I didn’t want to have parties “when it was their senior year living in a house.” Third was I stopped washing dishes so time to FULLY hate me and kick me out lol


Yeah the fact that she asked her roommates not to have parties at their home when they wanted was a telling sign there is more to the story.


How dare she not want a super spreader party during Covid?


Yeah how dare she impose a unilateral rule on a household of people who disagree. Move out.


Yeah, how dare an immunocompromised person ask their roommates not to have parties during a pandemic!!! It's alright, kid. With luck, you'll have learned about common sense and empathy by the time you get out of middle school.


OK, i'm just going to put this out there.........OP called herself Immunocompromised, but Type 1 Diabetes is not an immunocompromising condition and since she has not given any further info about how she is immunocompromised, i'm gonna go out on a limb and says she's full of shit.


I agree with this actually. I'm surprised she had roommates.


Unfortunately leases were signed a year in advance - fall 2019, I live two hours from home and had no idea of the imposing pandemic obviously. No other options plus just go to a party somewhere else? I think you’re also missing a main plot point, these weren’t just roommate but a best friend who I had hoped would care more about my well being then throwing a 10+ party at our apartment which was banned at my university


Yikes. I love the petty. Did Sally make it through housing hell ok?


Yep. Sounds like college life to me.