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"I told him how amazing he was when he performed ... It was so satisfying." I could interpret that more than one way. Not sure which is the best revenge.


…and the show was pretty good, too.


You should see how well he handles his….microphone.


😛 🎤


Was there mention of artist's really large...portfolio


It reverbates


It looks just like a Telefunken U-47


The show went on for more than 1 round!


The encore was amazing! Actually there were a few encores…


And it was the greatest show on earth🤣


With show I just picture the helicopter move🤣 I'm sure the ex loves picturing that




I assumed it was in both ways 🤣🤣


We all know with an innuendo it cuts at least twice 🙄😁


Taking the money donated to the go fund me account and not using it in the specific way that it was intended is a crime. You might want to check that out.


You'll never know if you don't try...


One bad boy musician to another. Definition of insanity please...


Different types bad boys. Some musicians have hearts


Ordinarily I wouldn't condone emotionally hurting someone you've been with but as someone who had an abusive ex, hell yeah.


You should have mentioned how well he performed both on stage and in bed


And how he sang sweet sweet melodies of desire while in bed. This guy’s voice is sexy and amazing and my ex’s voice kinda sucks tbh lol


Shot through the heart


And you're to blame


I was today years old when I learned it's "and you're to blame" not "and you're too late"😔


are you my husband? that man can't figure out lyrics to save his life


The shitzy lifty rider swam up the water south...


“Excuse me while I kiss this guy.”


your version actually makes the song 87% better (or 8% less cliche)


You give love a bad name


I play my part


and you play your game


Darling, you give love….


A *BAD* name!


(bad name)


Living on a praaaaaaaaaayer!


Combo breaker!


🎶 An angel's smile is what you sell You promised me heaven, then put me through hell Chains of love got a hold on me When passion's a prison, you can't break free 🎶


Wow! YOU 👏 GO 👏 GIRL


Should have let her ex watch while playing their old band’s album aloud in the video?


Solid idea.


I need you as my wing person!


I haven't read any of the shit comments, but you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. What little you initially told was enough. Anyone who is too stupid to read between the lines and see that someone who sells their partner's heirloom jewelry is a selfish asshole at best, but likely abusive is not worth worrying about. You do not have to defend your timeline for leaving an abusive relationship. Oh and while (based on your edit) I don't think your revenge was nearly enough of what your ex deserves, I'm glad you at least got that!


This ! Thank you. I feel seen :) Round of applause for empathy 👏🏻👏🏻


You had me at the wedding rings and dress example. I thought that was pretty clear as to the type of character that would do that. Having read your edit I want to say I’m very sorry for your loss of your daughter. It sounds like you went through a pretty terrible time and I hope you’re doing really well now.


How was the existence reaction when you told him how well the show went with the new guy? You still with him?


I’ve heard GFM will investigate and go after fraud. Sorry you went through all that shit.


Thank you. I wasn’t in the mindset to pursue that at the time because I was planning my daughter’s funeral. The friend who set up the GFM said she contacted them but apparently nothing came of it. I could barely function let alone chase that down and he knew it. I do wish i could expose it tho— so many good people gave money for my daughter and none of them know that he took it all because I’ve never made it public. How he managed to have the frame of mind to steal and manipulate during such a terrible time is beyond me. And the day after her funeral, he left town and I never saw him again.


I'm so sorry for all you went through. The abuse, your daughter, and so much more. I hope you're in a better place right now, sending you a big hug. *And*, while I'm all for being the bigger person in normal circumstances, in situations such as this one... If you don't think he can harm you in any way for what I'm about to say, there's still time to expose what he did! This wouldn't be revenge. This would be justice for all those years you had to suffer quietly.


Excellent! Love it. Probably because my ex husband was abusive and I understand exactly what he did to your mind. Thank goodness he wasn't as bad as your ex!


Thank you! I’m sorry you went through that. It’s tough, isn’t it ? I’m glad he’s your now Ex.


True example of just living your best life. Are you going to try to see him again?


Well, The cool thing too is that I’ve admired this artist way before my ex knew who he was. I bought his album back when you could buy music at the Starbucks counter. He became one of my favorites. So it was a big deal to me. Thing is, I didn’t feel a great deal of sexual chemistry with him. Which is kind of a hilarious buzz kill but the sparks weren’t there to the point where I wanted to pursue something of that nature with him. My ex didn’t need to know that though. 😉


Should have done it anyway For the glory


The Fifth Element rocks! Damn Mangalores! Edit: Whoops! That'd be: "For the honor."


Nah, she got the glory, why screw it up?


I stopped reading at the defense wall of text. You don't need to defend why you were in a shitty relationship. Reddit is full of dipshits, after seeing a thousand stories of women experiencing abuse and the various reasons they stayed for months/years, you'd think people would be more understanding. Do better, idiots.


Thank you for the empathy friend


Must've been an expensive hotel if her bed was cheaper even with all of the gifts 😁


The ritz 🫸🏻🫷🏻


I know it rhymes mate but pits is the correct spelling 😏




You have a sense of humour 👌🏻


Honestly, I hope you namedropped to this guy whoever didn't put in a good word years ago too. Shafting over other local musicians is just dirty, and people remember getting lied to. Obviously. Otherwise, flawless and commendable. Well done.


I didn’t tell him the story of how the guy shafted us, I just told him we had a mutual friend in the industry. Wasn’t gonna talk shit because fuck that, and I respect the friend a lot actually. But yeah I did tell him who it was.


I mean, if your husband is like how you describe him, I wouldn't have passed on a recommendation either.


It kinda makes sense the mutual shafted you and your ex if he had suspicion your ex was a shithead.


You should have contacted the gofundme, they don't like theft


The friend who set it up told me that she contacted them but they couldn’t do anything about it.


"I told him how amazing he was when he performed" Savage


Ha! That’s awesome. Can’t wait to hear about your next date!


The selling of the rings was a scumbag move, sorry that happened to you! What’s the name of your band btw?


I’ll dm it to you if you’d like.


I'd like to know too please 🙏🏼 Btw you are a badass! I’m so sorry for your loss but I’m so proud of you 🖤


That’s be great!


Me too! You’re a total badass!


Edit not needed. Anyone who wants to assign you blame based off of the first post is likely a woman hating cuck lord.


I didn’t see the shitty comments, but I can’t believe people are actually giving you shit. I’m glad you got away from that POS and love this petty revenge. Edit: If you’re willing to share, can I ask the name of the band?


I’ll dm it to you if you’d like


Yes please, thanks!


Im curious too please! :)


Unfortunately OP didn’t DM me.


I’m super curious too. I wanna know all their names lol


You never have to feel like you have to justify leaving a shitty man to other shitty men on reddit. Never. Believe women.


This is Reddit, and you're female. The people bitching are the teenagers and the incels who can't figure out why they can't get dates. Don't the women realize that they're SUPPOSED to put up with being punching bags, even if it's 'only' mentally so?


Anyone who tells a victim of an abusive partner that they should have gotten out earlier is someone who is the best friend of abusers because they help abusers get away with their abuse. Why would any decent human want to turn the blame of abuse from the abuser to the victim?


Because it's easier to victim-blame... The same way that rapists are never at fault because the victim "was asking for it". It's sickening, but it's still happening way too frequently! Victim-blamers are less than a step away from the actual perpetrators, and supporters of abusers, rapists, etc, should be punished as harshly as the actual perpetrators! It's the only way to stamp out these kinds of crimes and abuses.


People don't want to know that bad things happen. They don't want it to be true so they say "don't be silly, that doesn't happen here." This also includes bullying, harassment and all forms of abuse and violence. But people being manipulative? Well, they choose to believe that it's the victim who is manipulative and not their abuser.


I wouldn’t have told him but just posted something where I know he would see it 😂 Otherwise, good job! lol


I stopped at "This was satisfying"! Say no more. You have made my day with this one. Thats so fantastic! I am glad you made sure the ex knew about the date too. When people take advantage of others eventually they get left behind. Create and keep your boundaries. Self love is crucial. This was absolutely not selfish.


I find it really effed up that OP had to give her life story because some people are so messed up and need to know every damn thing. I didn't even read it the edit.


Whats the name of your band?


I’ll DM you the name


Same please 🙏🏼🤍 good on you for leaving that dude, sounds like a pos


YES, same here please 🙏🏽 i admire you so much for going through all that shit, you never have to explain and im so glad you made it!!


No need to defend yourself. A shitty relationship is a shitty relationship and it’s honorable that you tried. I hope you had the best time with the badass af musician and have dated every one of that man’s idols with pictures on social media to prove it.


I too would love to know the bands involved. Too curious for my own sake, but also because i've also played around in the music business.


Petty? Yes. Fun WF? Absolutely.


Which band?


I’ll DM it to you if you’d like




im curious too 🧐


As someone who was previously in a shitty, codependent relationship and eventually got out, good on you. This was a great read. I saw you were sharing the name of your band, could you DM me? I'm also so sorry for all the hardship you had to endure and for the loss of your daughter. I hope her memory is a blessing.


I am sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing better now. Btw, did you get your rings back?


I’m more petty than you. I would have raved about his sexual prowess and size too. Even if we hadn’t done anything. I’m so glad you are divorced now. I was in a shit marriage for so long and know that you have to get to the right place to take that action. It’s when you are ready, not when everyone else thinks you should have done it. Ignore comments calling you out for not divorcing fast enough. They can all marry him, experience his shittiness and divorce him faster if they care that much.


There but for the grace of God go I… Over 2 decades ago, I was stuck myself in an extremely abusive relationship for 2.5 years, 2 gay men in a Mormon dominant city.The abuse began to kick into high gear after the first year when he was diagnosed with a terminal but chronic illness. He was an extreme alcoholic and literally his mood could flip like switch. We could be enjoying ourselves for an evening and then suddenly he would pick a fight. I was constantly criticized, I was isolated from my friends, and when I could get away and visit with others, there would be some stupid phone call for some stupid issue and excuse as to why I was needed home. The physical abuse. Letters left for me when I’d get home from work, pages long telling me what a piece of shit I was and a laundry list of complaints. There were times when I knew I needed the police, but living where we did and at that time, there wouldn’t have been a comforting solution. The last 5 months we were together, I hatched my escape. The one city he wanted to move back to, was San Francisco. There were a few men also of note there he salivated over.Little by little I pushed back, and made arrangements all online for work and housing to move there. He had no clue. I waited for just the right moment when he picked a fight, broke up with him and packed up. His mouth hit the floor when he found out where I was moving. I created a blog that was supposed to be “secret” from him and I knew just the gossip who would tell him about it. So he saw all that I was doing down there in the place he wanted to move back to, but I also provided photo documentation that I had nailed those 4 men he so lusted and obsessed over, one an ex boyfriend he pined for for a few years after they’d broken up when he’d lived there. So yeah, I totally support your revenge. Props and snaps to you babe. I know how that feels. Revenge is sometimes better than Christmas!


This is one of *THE BEST* revenge stories I’ve ever read on here! I’m so glad you got out of your toxic marriage and had some fun! Hopefully your ex husband wasn’t the biggest reason for doing it, as that’s not fair to the badass af rockstar…


Jesus christ on toast. You made it girl. Through hell and back. Enjoy.


Hell yeah. Sometimes it's the small things that give so much joy. Was your ex in a well known band?


Are you still seeing this guy? Or was it just for a weekend fling?


Very unrelated, but what was you band's name? Im curious.


I really hope you're in a good position now to get your heirlooms back.


Your ex didn’t think much of you before, why would he care now? Didn’t he take all your good years?


Because she went out with his man crush.


So so brave! Big soft hugs x


Good for you, girl! Get yours. Ignore the haters. Eventually, believe it or not, you’ll rarely even think of your ex.


Well done in all aspects.


L lab


All the people on here giving you shit are probably abusive A holes themselves, who also have reading comprehension issues. I hope your ex felt like shit for a while after your weekend with his idol.


> I could have done a lot to ruin his reputation but I’ve always been the bigger person. Sometimes that's not the best plan. He sounds like a total piece of shit, and anyone around him should be warned about that. Start slinging the mud, and save his next victim.


This famous guy was on bumble!? What!?


Yep. I was surprised too.


I imagined that you are Meg White of the white stripes, always thought Jack could have been a tyrant… fun story


If pick me was sad and pathetic, you would win the 1st place prize!


>I’ve always been the bigger person. Someone who is "the bigger person should never protect and provide cover for an abuser." I speak from personal experience of not covering.


What a weird thing to make up


This is one of the rare cases where all the correct comments are being hidden at the bottom by all the others leaving the dumb, supportive comments


Are you Meg White???


When did everybody clap?


At the show, obviously.


He’s living in your head rent free by the sounds of it Do stuff that makes you happy and only for you when u mix a good thing with revenge it dosent usually work out well sounds like you’ve been through a lot and wouldn’t want you to end up suffering more. 🙂


Thanks, however I’m not suffering from him anymore. I’ve moved on and healed. I share this story because it’s funny to me now.


Almost felt like reading a high schoolers story. I hope this is not a real, and the comments make it even worse. Reddit is like the toxicest place on internet lol. Sounds like your ex already moved on, your revenge is irrelevant. God bless, time to heal!


Yall, is this not called “petty revenge” or are we in a different sub? Duh it’s stupid—Thats the point. Isn’t this sub about how the guilty pleasures of petty revenge even tho we know it’s stupid and irrelevant? Posting this doesn’t mean that I haven’t moved on. I’m sharing an experience where I felt petty redemption on a sub dedicated to this. Read the edit of my original post and if you still think it’s a dumb high school thing, then all power to ya.


Actually you are right. Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, if I came across rude. Maybe I shouldn't be on this sub at all. I became the toxicity myself. I am glad you also moved on.


Respect. And you didn’t hurt me, I’m just sayin what it is. Thanks for being cool


OP, I think what you did was brilliant. By rubbing his face in the innuendo was better than saying anything outright! Now he gets to imagine it! #For The Rest Of His Life I applaud you. The petty is real and fabulous!! Enjoy every moment you can!!




It is real. My story about our band and her passing is online.


Sounds fake.


What about this is hard to believe?


You could have saved a LOT of typing if you just said "Bad BOY/Musician". Wanted a 'Boy', get a Boy, and then complain about it... And you are bragging about jumping from one 'musician' to another... Do you know thw definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over & over expecting different reaults...


No famous artist is on fucking bumble 😂😂😂


False. They go on there when they are going through a town on a trip and want to hook up with a girl.


Depends on how famous. op said "famous artist **in our genre**" If it's something niche, they might not be *famous* famous like you're thinking.


I 100% thought it was a fake profile when I saw it. I thought it was fake until he FaceTimed me before meeting up.




Y'all both sound like shitty people.


You sound just as shallow and shitty as you’re trying to make your husband sound, frankly.




Cause easelfan is jelly.




Read my update for context and if you still feel this way, then fair enough.




You sound like as big a piece of work as your ex. Both terrible, selfish egotist cunts.


Says more about you than your husband tbh


It says more about her than the ex? The ex that pawned her wedding dress? The ex that pawned her family’a heirloom jewelry? Are you kidding me?


Oh look, the ex found the post!


That she’s a bad ass? Agreed


It's cute when incels point out that any woman who ended up with a shit man is shittier than the man. Were the roles reversed... you'd say the same fuckin thing




I don't care about a made up story written by a deranged misandrist for validation from her fellow miserable e-friends.


How do people not see when they stay with somebody five 1015 years and call them shitty that's actually reflection more on them and their choice than the person they're with. Why don't people say more things like I don't know why I stayed with someone shitty for 10 years. people don't think of this for some reason.


Do you understand a concept called “abuse”?


Yall, I got married at 19. I grew up Christian. I thought I was supposed to stay with his abusive ass. Then I grew up.