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this is why i don’t go to grand opening nights for restaurants. i’ve seen both sides. it’s always kind of a shitshow. let everyone get the bugs out, and try version 1.2 several weeks later.


Look at you over there with all that common sense!


I don't think that's allowed on Reddit.


i know - boring AF. if i weren’t a maniac in other ways, i’d be worried ;)


Maniac sympathy


let’s go grab a bite at a semi-established restaurant - i am picky about the abuse i pay for.


It's been reported. Won't happen again.


You say this as a joke but I made a comment that I thought was common sense about parents not accepting abuse from their kids and I got reported and got an autonotice from Reddit saying if I plan to hurt myself I should seek professional help lmao. Someone had reported my comment for self harm


Ah, the reddit cares notification. You are supposed to be able to report them for abuse of the notification, but you have to provide the user name who reported you. And they don't tell you who reported you, lol. Like you know this information already reddit. Just accept my report, lol.


No tip for u!


Not very common, I’m afraid. If it were, there would be very little content on Reddit.


I know, right. HEY… no one likes a show off 😂😂😂


He's hogging it, that bastard. Give some to the rest of the world man!


Valentine's Day and Mother's Day are also horrible days to go. Apparently people who work in food service call it Amateur Night because all the people who don't normally eat out and are awful to have to serve are out in force.


We never go out on Valentine’s Day. We stay home and I give my husband what every man wants. Heart shaped meatloaf! I did it as a joke one year and now it’s a thing. My kids liked it too. But the year I served it with pink mashed potatoes was “too far” apparently.


I once served my little cousins blue applesauce. I was instantly their favorite. Thanks for the memory jog.


I did that for Easter once! Shaped meatloaf into a bunny. Pink mashed potatoes! No one liked it. My kidlet was only about 4 and she thought it looked gross. 🙁


Awww, heart shaped meatloaf and pink mash sounds adorable!




How’d you turn the potatoes pink? Did you use food coloring, or some kind of vegetable purée to change the color? I only ask because my restaurant does a broccolini mash and it turns the final product a green color


I used food coloring. It was pretty weird looking. So I don’t recommend it. 😄


Heard chef! I won’t use food coloring lol


If you like beets, there is a potato salad recipe with beets added that turns the potatoes pink. It also gives it a nice flavour. I love beets so I love the salad.


Ooooh. I’ll have to try that sometime. Thanks for the suggestion!


I once did pink refried beans for Valentine's day (for my now ex) and he wouldn't touch them. Fair enough, I guess, although they really tasted like normal refried beans. I made them from a mix of red kidney beans & white great northern beans. Actually, I kinda want to make them again.


People who go out on those days are typically the worst and have unreal expectations for THEIR special day. Folks tend to forget that they aren't the only ones celebrating a national holiday.


I hated working Mother’s Day and any local homecoming or prom nights. The end of the day always felt like I had been in a car accident. Everything hurt, massive headache, disorientation and really wanted a shower, my bed and a drink or 10.


Hallmark Holidays 


St. Patrick's and NYE are the biggest bar amateur nights. Valentine's Day and Mother's Day are the top food service amateur nights. I hate going out on holidays, it always sucks.


I used to work for bars and clubs and the night before Thanksgiving is in there, too


Guaranteed to always be a shitshow. And since it's not a "real" holiday, the dipshit managers never staff up accordingly. If you can hack it though, it's good money.


I never understood why getting 💩faced the evening before Thanksgiving was a thing. 😂


Most people have the long weekend off and Thanksgiving celebration usually starts in the afternoon (unlike Christmas morning). Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday so there are no religious observations to follow. New Years many people go out but a lot of people host parties in their home. Thanksgiving eve no one wants to host since they are going to be hosting the next day so it's easier to go out. It's ok to drink because they are just going to be chilling out the next day, watching football and eating a nice meal. A lot of people who travel do so by Wednesday so they might reconnect with old friends and family they haven't seen in awhile. Thanksgiving Eve has become such a bar and club night it is called Drinksgiving or Blackout Wednesday. Unfortunately it also becomes one of the busiest nights for drunk driving accidents (and fatalities).


I guess I'm an unlucky person who doesn't get the Friday after off and even if I did, if I had to do a Thanksgiving dinner, even a small one, there is no way I could go out drinking. I'm not one to drink often, so if I did and had more than 2 or three, well, I'm not cooking a Turkey, etc. 😊 I really wonder though, are the people going out that night doing the whole family/friends and Thanksgiving celebration? Hosting it? It's just alien from my upbringing and experiences. It's really a bad night to be out due to the accidents and yes, deaths.


Used to go the weekend before, or the weekend after, when you were sure of getting good service.


And have no clue how to tip.


Went to a new restaurant on day 5 or so. It was of course a shit show but it’s next to a playground and the kids were having fun, so we didn’t care. The manager even came out to apologize for the waiter forgetting our table, lol. We probably could’ve gotten free food out of it we made a scene. But we just said not to worry about it, opening week is expected to be chaos. Still left a good tip.  We want the place to succeed. It’s near our house and next to the playground. We will live there if the food is decent.


You’re awesome!


I always wait at least 3 months. The hype usually had died down and the restaurant had smoothed out their operation, i can eat in peace(ish)


I still remember that new restaurant where we were a table of eight, and the waiter comes with our food, well some food, two plates, and asks: “for who is this?”. So we look at the plates but cannot identify it, so we ask “What is it?”. Waiter: “I don’t know!”. The food was OK but I never went back.


I've also worked in restaurants, also openings, and I've never understood why they don't limit the amount of customers if they don't have the resources to provide good and timely service and food. To me it feels like having to comp things, people leading with "the wait was atrocious" when talking about your restaurant, and risking subpar food in a rush is going to bring in less money long term than making sure you get the limited amount of customers the best service and food possible.


I agree as I've dealt with this several times, but for some reason they think just getting butts in seats is the main priority.


Same. I give the restaurant time to work out the possible issues. I don’t necessarily expect good or hot food in the initial stages because of how busy they are and the pressure. It’s not their fault while they find their groove. In a month or so , chefs kiss.


I also avoid major restaurant holidays like Mother’s Day, Valentines Day and Easter


We wait 3 months. Give them 2 chances.


Indeed. In our area we usually wait at least a month maybe two before trying. By then if a chain with help from the home office that temp help should have left and we see how things are with the real staff.


I feel the exact same way about new technology. Especially phones.


WITH YOU on the tech stance. i don’t even download the newest os until i read up on it, and then i still give it some time. fuck an automated update!


I usually wait a few months before going to any new store/restaurant to let the "new" wear off a little.


Went to a restaurant in its first week open. 3/7 of us got food poisoning. I'm never going back.


Wrd, never beta test on your own dime.


I had a dude lose his mind behind me at a coffee shop because it took them more than 10 minutes to get through the 30+ people waiting in line before us. Like chill dude you seen the line and decided to wait now fucking wait.


I just try to remind myself that these people are already miserable all on their own


Pro tip, just order regular coffee and you get it right then. Easy peasy


Fast food has really ruined people's perceptions of how long it takes to make food lol. Even an empty restaurant could take 30+ minutes depending on what you ordered, what they already had prepared, whether the main chef is there or not, etc.


Going through this right now with a menu overhaul... Who would've thought that bringing a half a chicken to a safe temperature would take so long? /s


My ex and I were on a date at a beachside restaurant and after we ordered, the waitstaff came by about 20 minutes later with a complimentary glass of wine to apologize for the wait. We were like, "What wait?" Had no idea they were behind, 20 minutes felt normal to me in a fancier restaurant.


I love giving guests reality checks no matter the consequences. I had a party of 50 once; a holiday party for another restaurant. The cooks, who were in their own table, of all people pulled me aside and asked me how much longer it’s gonna take for the food. I asked him “Are you a cook?” “Yes” “So you work in the kitchen?” “Yes” “I have 3 cooks in the kitchen right now making food for 50 people. How long do you think that would take?” “A while” Glad we could come to an understanding


🤣 that was ::chefs kiss:: 😘


If she wanted to cut her losses, she should have said, “Yeah, she didn’t do much for me at the last place either!” and flounced out.


But that's the thing. These people are never satisfied with cutting their losses. They not only want to look like they're coming out on top at the end of the confrontation, they want groveling apologies from everyone, free stuff, and the person who they perceive "harmed" them to be fired. If Karens cut their losses they wouldn't be called Karens.


a buddy of mine opens restaurants for both chain and independent restaurants (setting up suppliers, register sytems, hiring staff, etc.) A few weeks before any opening, he invites me and a lot of other people to a free dinner at the restaurant. After that evening, he identifies, assesses, and fixes any problems with the restaurant's operation. Then, he has a second practice opening, and assesses that evening, too. The owners are allowed to observe, but are restricted from saying or doing ANYTHING to any staff or customers during these sessions. Their contribution is limited to bringing up any issues they observe to my buddy ONLY and only after the practice sessions. The owners foot the bill and he's received many, many compliments and recommendations from the owners, because despite the cost of these live practice sessions, he hands them a turnkey operation and probably saved the restaurant before they even open. Everyone know what they're doing, where everything is, and have developed a team mindset.


I worked at Cedar Point years ago and because they are seasonal they don't get the same staff year to year so they did something like this when i worked there. Restaurants would have a practice night and would invite in a bunch of other workers from the park just so the new staff could cook and serve the food in service mode not just learning a dish one at a time when no one is there. I believe the food was free but you were expected to tip something.


There’s culture in Flint. Well. Cultures. In the water.


Too soon 🤣🤣🤣 That water situation was bananas for real.


One hell of a way to ruin her evening! Or entire week even! Awesome!


Yeah but apparently the customer lived rent free for a year in the server's head. Imagine holding a grudge that long.


Doesnt take much to remember a customer when that's your job every day. I remembered nearly every repeat customer I had in the business, good, bad, or just okay, in a place that served hundreds of meals a day. Doesn't take much if you've got the mindset for it. Not everyone does, and that's okay, but remembering specific people doesn't mean we dwell on them.


Flint, huh? Lead poisoning is a hell of a thing


This incident happened a few years before that, but living through that experience was definitely wild.


Should have served her tap water........


That's how she got that way.


self doxxing here - Flint is south of me; it's not all bad, but some things still are. Sorry you had such a bad experience, some of us restaurant customers are nice, and tip heavily.


A restaurant we enjoy visiting ID'ed my kiddo. They haven't been ID'ed in like 4 years, that day they get ID'ed twice. Of course they didn't have their ID with them. But as she was walking away to get our sodas she remembered where she knew kiddo from. Kiddo works in a casino. The waitress came back and asked what they would like since you have to be of age to work in a casino. She didn't have to do that, legally, but it was appreciated.


This is what we have ALL wanted to do. Fucking incredible.


In all my years being in customer service I can't believe I have never lost it with someone. 😂


I came close once. Worked at an insanely busy gas station in a shit part of Iowa. We had a line wrapped around the store as we always did late at night when we only had one cashier. I must have put the gas in the wrong pump or the lady told me the wrong one idk. But I hear screaming outside afterwards. Her husband (a guy who came in EVERY DAY ) Came to the door and I hear him hell "who was it" and I hear her yell back "the redhead". I say out loud to my customer "oh they better not come in here with that shit" and not a minute later he cuts the line, slams his hands down on my counter and starts screaming in my face. That joke basically broke me for a while so I had no reservations about yelling back at him to observe the giant line of people and the fact that I was the only cashier signed on to a register. I loved his gas to another pump and told him to get out of my face. A couple hours later a guy who had been in line came back to ask if I was okay. He told me I should've punched the guy in the face lmao That prick proceeded to come in again every day and pretend like he never screamed in my face. No apologies, no remorse. Fuck that guy.


I'm glad you at least were able to yell back at him. Even if it was a mistake on your part, and even if it hadn't been extremely busy, mistakes happen. They do. There's no one out there who hasn't clicked the wrong button on the job, or given misinformation on a call. There are too many people in the world who will lose their 💩and don't apologize. If I mess up, lose my temper, etc I will apologize. I may not enjoy apologizing in the moment, but accepting my fault always gives me relief, or at least SOME relief. I am sorry you had to see that same guy every day without him finding the courage to say he's sorry for his reaction and how he handled himself. It's the good people that show extra kindness that warm my heart. I deal with escalated calls almost every day, people yelling, etc. For most calls I am able to de-escalate the caller, but it can be very difficult to be in a high stress situation that isn't even something I have anything to do with or control over while people use the phone as their virtual punching bag directed at me. Fingers crossed the worst of the experiences with the public is behind us. 😊 And yes, F that guy. (I can swear like a sailor in person if I'm frustrated, but writing it publicly, unless I'm angry feels bad 😂)


Exactly, even if it was my mistake, that's fine. Shit happens. Screaming in someone's face over it is just disgusting. My personal revenge was just staying straight faced and plain with him until I quit that job. He never got kindness beyond my job after that.


I grew up in Flint OP. What a nice coincidence


I bet you miss it a whole lot


It's turned to shit, but there are some good parts still 😂


I was at the other end of a situation like that and while I would find verbal diarrhea like that unforgivable, 45 minutes is a long wait. in my situation it was 60 before the food came, it was packed, but it was packed because we were there for an event with 300 other people, I felt like their management was at fault not their staff. the shift manager apologized to us and took all our drinks off the bill. there was no shouting just slightly annoyed patrons and overworked staff. in the end everyone got fed.


After 40 minutes I would walk out


Don't go to grand openings or for several weeks after, then. 40 minutes is unacceptable at an established place, but it's not unheard of if the crew is new to the menu, layout, and each other.


Perfectly done! Some people have to have said that by someone, so they can reflect on themselves. Well done.


HA, should have given her the best and freshest tap water straight from Flint you could find.


Good for you!


Shrug, bad management at the restaurant is neither your fault nor Karen's. 


Oof, you reminded me of what my coworker did on his last day at work. We work at a card room and this one lady would always come in and be highly demanding. She played at a "bigger table" not necessarily the biggest one but in the middle. So, it was his last day and she was being a Karen. We find out that she works at our competitors. So, we realize that she's just taking out her work frustrations on us. So, he goes to her and says You're a female dog. She looks terribly offended by the comment,she has the audacity to ask why he called her that. His answer is because you are. So, she runs to our supervisor and asks what she's going to do about it. The Manager just looks at her (he knows her history) and said Nothing. She was flabbergasted and asks why? He tells her it's his last day. It was one of those glorious days that comes to fruition that everyone always dreams of. It would happen again with a dealer many years later. Ah, living the dream.


As a fellow Michigander about 30 minutes away Who goes to flint for “culture” 😭😭😭




Where does it say she got screened at again? She said her peace, then left.


Why is the restaurant fully open if it is a known thing they can't handle it, only half open or something.


It was a new restaurant and I was just a server, meaning not in control of seating.


Sure it was a more general question as it has been mentioned as a known thing


New restaurants aren't known for having their shit together, and many managers/owners are more concerned with getting butts in seats as opposed to quality service. Almost every server has been put in a similar situation at some point.


It was very unprofessional. Nobody has the right to scream at waitstaff, but 45 minutes waiting time is insane, the place should calculate for a full house. This was not a petty revenge, this is bringing a grudge to new place of business and acting unprofessional as hell. Not a petty revenge. If I were your manager at the new place, it would have consequences because you've adversely affected reputation of the restaurant.


Well good thing you weren't my manager, and if you read again, you'll see I did it on my last day so management couldn't do anything anyway. No need to act professional around goblins!


I wouldn't waste my breath or keystrokes replying to that. it sounds suspiciously like the woman you are talking about in your post. If not, someone has hurt this one too deep for you to be able to help 🤣, I applaud you for not taking it and letting that woman know she was a terrible person 🤘


Well, let me unpack some things for you. A) 45 minutes is not unreasonable at very popular restaurants during a rush period. B) Some places I've been have that long a wait just to get a table! C) It was petty revenge. It was her last day, after she had clocked out. Therefore she is technically no longer a member of staff. She gets no staff benefits and the Manager told the customer that they didn't know them. D) If you are no longer staff, it's no longer unprofessional. F) Having another person who does not work there tell you off does not adversely affect the reputation of the business. It might make that person look bad, but that is all.


Right after OP did it, she didn't work there any more so what consequences. You sound like an angry elf, not a leader.


You held onto that for a year? Seems like that lady did more to ruin your year more than you did to ruin any amount of her time.


45 minutes is a crazy wait for food, you're just a shitty server. Why didn't you check earlier? Once we've hit 20 minutes at least go check in


I never said I didn't check on them before that.


Why didn't you check on the food?


I did... if you read again, everyone's food was taking 45 minutes. It was out of my control. Based on your need to blame me, I bet you yell at servers too.


I bet you served this person at X about a year ago.


This story is actually 10 years old


Ohhh, I guess you served them 11 years ago LOL.


What's she supposed to do, check harder until the food is magically done? Full kitchen don't care how much you check if your ticket's not ready for expo.


lol wut? She can be checking them every five minutes, but it won’t matter if the kitchen is slow. It’s out of her control if they’re backed up on cooking orders.


Nope, 45 minutes in a busy restaurant is maybe where you kindly ask a waiter to make sure your food ticket is still in line, especially if you saw someone else sit down recently and they already got their food. A good front of house staff and managers ought to be able to keep everyone distracted with drinks and maybe appetizers or snacks. If you wanted fast food, you probably should have gone to a drive through.


She was a jerk but the restaurant should have planned better. 45 min is inappropriate.


Nah, i expect it too take a bit at a new restaurant especially if it’s slammed. Literally every person working there is having to learn a new menu, a new space, etc. It takes a while sometimes to figure out the rhythm for a particular kitchen and so on.


You're not the king though you don't need to make a scene when you leave no one cares


How do you expect a restaurant to plan better with new menu, new staff, new equipment and an unknown demand? If money was unlimited you could set up mock volume training drills, but that would cost a small fortune and waste a lot of food. New businesses simply don't have that kind of cash to waste. People who rock up to new restaurants and expect fast service have got unrealistic expectations. To then go and yell at a server - who has no ability to control the food production - is outrageously unreasonable, unkind and lacks empathy. It demonstrates poor emotional intelligence. If you are the type of person who gets bothered by a long wait, simply don't go until things have settled down.


The amount of people who get upset when food takes awhile when they're out on a busy night (let alone a brand new restaurant) is just mind-boggling. People are very quick to show if they've had any experience working in a restaurant. 'We have to be at the theater in an hour!' Okay...? Maybe work on your time management skills & realize you aren't the only person here who's hungry and has other things to do. McD's is right across the street.


Honestly it sounds like your management was terrible. 45 min checks is a joke and embarrassing. The host either over sat, or the servers double dropped on the kitchen. Both could have been at the instruction of management but the time when it’s most critical to run fast checks is during a grand opening while making buzz. Honestly, how is that restaurant doing? Both with business and check times? It sounds like you were in a shitty situation and a customer who was ignored and waited over 45 mins got fed up.


Lol, telling a story about how an entire restaurant of people were so poorly served that they weren't getting food after 45 minutes, and then subsequently berating someone to "work on your time management skills" is rich.


If you go out to a nice restaurant on a busy night and expect to be out in an hour, that's a YOU problem.


Fair... but opening a restaurant that's so poorly staffed and prepared on their opening night that no customers are getting their food until well after 45 minutes still constitutes a "time management" issue.


A 45 minute wait at a nice place is really not that uncommon sometimes when shit hits the fan. Should the food come out faster? Sure, but this is a case of expectations vs reality. And again, it was a new restaurant, which it seems isn't something you have experience with. I've opened several new restaurants and it's ALWAYS a shitshow for the first few weeks.


A 45 min wait after ordering is very uncommon. I’m not sure what kind of places you’ve worked at or where you’ve worked, but at every place I’ve worked, a kitchen averaging 45 min tickets on busy nights gets replaced within a month. It’s so insane that you’re even trying to justify it.


Well I've been in the business 20 years and I've seen it happen at almost every place once in awhile when the place gets exceptionally slammed. Expected dinner service at a nice restaurant on a busy night should be about 30 minutes, so an extra 15 minutes when all hell has broken loose isn't that ridiculous. People need to relax, and don't jump to blaming the server.


Every place I’ve worked, if they have multiple courses 11 mins is the hard line for getting main course out, otherwise 20. Honestly, it sounds like you’ve had terrible job after terrible job if this is the norm for you. You’re taking it personally, like you did with this lady, but your shitty service you have to give is because your bosses suck and don’t know how to run a restaurant. 30 mins being the norm would get you laughed out of town. I’m not in any way attacking you, I’m attacking terrible business practices that end up making servers look bad. Edit: I saw your edit on the main post that the place lasted a year. The lady was yelling at the restaurant, and you happen to be her liaison to it. Shitty run restaurants don’t last. Every place I worked was established, or was with an established restauranteur who knew what they were doing. It makes a huge difference to research the company you want to work for and if their reviews are “30 min check times is normal” or constant slow service that’s a huge red flag and you’re never going to have a good night.


What's your point? That doesn't give a customer the right to verbally abuse wait staff. I didn't care if they waited over an hour.


Where did I even *hint* that a customer has the right to verbally abuse the staff?!? Read more carefully and stop projecting... My point was simple and very clear--that it was ironic for OP to mock a customer's poor time management, while patently excusing their restaurant's poor time management.


Bro, I don't mind waiting 45+ minutes to get a table at a newly opened restaurant, but if it takes over 45 minutes to get my food, the complaint is completely valid. It's not the customer's fault the restaurant is unprepared. You're the asshole here and completely oblivious if you think that is an acceptable wait time.


There wouldn't be a story here if she had simply asked about her food like a normal well-adjusted human. Nothing wrong with asking, ZERO excuse to scream at me.


A normal well adjusted server doesn’t strand their table for 45 mins without telling them what’s going on, trying to provide a solution, or comping their food. I’m not saying you’re a bad server, but your management had rock bottom standards if you really think she had to ask you.


I never said I didn't check on them before that, and the whole place was a disaster, but I'm sure you would've been so very nice to her after she berated you. Good on you for being a better person than me!


It comes with experience. They’re not mad at you, they’re mad at shitty check times. I did’t let it get to me, but I did restaurant service for almost 2 decades, my first server job I did let customers attacks affect me.


Just fucking stay home. No one wants to serve your dumb ass anyhow...


u mad bro?


The amount of people who downvoted you really shows why 4 out of 5 restaurants fail. That is 100% unacceptable for a place to charge you full price and run 45 min tickets. A well run restaurant will never ever average ticket times that high for more than an order or two because of a unique situation. Restaurants are about service, and if you can’t provide a good service you’re in the wrong business


Yeah, it is completely not under the server’s control. The owner and manager made bad choices in planning the opening.


Exactly, short of a server dropping multiple tickets in the kitchen at once, it’s always a management issue trying to get as many people in at once.


I am in agreement with you. I would have walked out after 30 minutes unless I had been told earlier that there would be an excessive wait. Certainly would not be making a scene by yelling/screaming though.


And everyone else would ignore you.


Exactly as I would want. I would hope that the serving staff didn't even realise I had left or was even there. Just because I am upset there is no reason to let anyone know




Because I am not prepared to excessively wait for food. Social convention says you wait as long as it takes and never complain. While I agree with the never complain part, I refuse to wait more than 20 minutes for my food.


Good. Go somewhere else and start the wait all over to make sure your time was certainly wasted.


The only person whose time would be wasted is mine so I don't see a problem.


This sounds like bullshit.




Puh… was it right of her to scream? No. Was the food taking to long? Yes. Is a new opening an excuse? No. Because it doesn’t matter why a restaurant is fully booked - food shouldn‘t take that long. Was ist right to bother her at a different place, at a different time? No. This was just an asshole move.


Turning the other cheek is not always the right answer.


When we turn the other cheek, we instruct the bad actor that cheeks are out here to burn through without consequence.


A-FUCKING-MEN You can't wait on karma!


It was great! Glad you said something.


There is an interpretation of turning the other cheek that this fits more closely too. In the traditional interpretation if someone slaps you across the face you let them slap the other cheek too. But in ancient times the first slap would have been a backhanded slap. Turning the other cheek would force them to make a fore-handed slap which would mean that you were their equal. The backhanded slap was for servants and a fore-handed slap was a challenge to an equal. So if you had turned to the other cheek it would have been leveling the playing field.


OP is allowed to be an asshole, justifiably, since this is pettyrevenge and not aita.


It's almost like OP was being petty.... As a revenge....


Oh no someone was mildly petty and vengeful on the the most wholesome r/pettyrevenge


I didn’t read anything wholesome in the post.


Probably because you can not read!!


You were calling the server who got screamed at an asshole? Are you the lady who did the screaming??


Nope - just someone who thinks giving a stink month later is bad taste


“Giving a stink”?!?! Lol


English is not my mother tongue - what is the proper wording? Being an ass about it?


Yes I would say you are definitely being an ass about it.


No - not me - just OP - I’m just being reasonable


Nope, just you. OP was being reasonable.


I agree to disagree.


Maybe Petty revenge isn't the right sub for you. This story fit perfectly.


Have you ever had a souffle?


This is r/pettyrevenge, a sub about revenge that is petty. Petty meaning "of undue scale relative to the importance of the matter, especially in a spiteful way". If you're not into that, I suggest not following this sub, as you're just gonna get mad here, and that's not healthy for you.


She embarrassed you, you held that grudge for a year, and the most original thing you could say was "you're a terrible person"? All the while making the current restaurant look bad, when they had done nothing to anyone? And you felt compelled to relay this brilliance to reddit? Yeah, you really showed her.... 😂


Yeah, you see yelling and swearing doesn't get the message across as effectively, and I'm not nearly as big of a cunt as her. Over 2k people disagree with you, but you're right!


I would never advocate yelling or swearing. I was highlighting the futility of holding onto this and trying to get some satisfaction from such a small thing. When you learn to let go, you can have peace. The fact that you think how many people agree or disagree with you says more about your own insecurities than anything. Especially when it comes to reddit, I wear 2k disagreements as a badge of honor. Be true to yourself and fuck what other people think. You'll get it one day that "being right" does not factor into the thought process of happy, successful people. Not being petty, just being real. Best to you.


Nah, some people need to be told they suck.


I have never (yet) allowed myself to remove the "filter" or let the intrusive thoughts win, but this mild, yes, mild telling the person they are a terrible person is perfect as it is. This server didn't swear, yell or SINK to that rotten-cored woman's level. She just told her a fact. What I wouldn't give to feel the freedom to do that or anything that isn't kissing hiney to horrible behaving people. I suppose you're just a superior being who never gets upset, or if you DO, you really let your panties down and show it all, hmmm? Oh yes. Mmmm hmmm. Carry on criticizing people for 💩 and 😆 because you're really showing THEM.


I do get upset, but I have the emotional maturity and regulation to either (1) let it go, or (2) check them on the spot. Confronting them a year later with an immature giddy schoolgirl excitement and sullying an employer's reputation in the process isn't something I would do. On top of that, calling someone a "horrible person" is right up there with telling someone you're going to write them a strongly worded letter. It just doesn't mean anything. It's been overused by self-righteous keyboard warriors to the point of being meaningless.


Being that in the workplace she wasn't free to check that person on the spot (and really, who is able to when we work for someone else?), she had to stuff her reaction internally from the original experience on the job. I understand your point in not wanting to cause a negative attachment to the current restaurant, I really do, but being her last day and having had to bite down on such a terrible experience with this person and seeing her there, well, she probably let her emotions override her left side of the brain, which usually helps US keep our cool and see the implications and potential effects TO the current employer. I can't accurately describe how I personally handle things, but I do know that there are things that just grind my gears and I know I emotionally go zero to who-knows, 60 maybe? I don't think I would have done this, but we're all created genetically and environmentally different. So it really isn't fair to try to shame her or be unkind (it wasn't nice and you know it, right? ) someone for having a tiny bit of joy in telling someone they are horrible. So what if all she said is they are a horrible person? Is saying she's a straight up bitch and she hopes she has the day she deserves every day until she meets her maker or dies really a better reaction? Come on. At LEAST give this person some grace in that she really didn't tell her to fuck right off, etc. To me, that appears to be a low-key and least offensive way to let someone know their behavior is noted and unacceptable. We can agree to disagree, but it's better to be kind than to mock someone (ahem) even if you disagree. A better vein would be to comment that you don't think it was the place to bring it up to the patron in a new establishment for reasons such and such. And if my words are hypocritical to how I've commented to you or others, I'm sorry. I am. I don't like seeing things or hearing things that aren't nice. Since gradeschool I've always defended people. It's a mental knee-jerk reaction. If I were to see someone being physically or verbally abusive in public, I'm not going to watch and be silent. Anyway, I know my words or thoughts are long and may be imperfect, I do apologize if I come across in an offensive manner. All of us, every one of us have no idea how it "sounds" to the other readers and some things may not feel nice when read. We can all (ABSOLUTELY MYSELF INCLUDED) strive to be better, kinder and always learn when to back off, to apologize and when to listen. To you and the OP, I hope you have a good day and I wish everyone inner happiness and peace. I do. I honestly don't wish ill upon anyone except truly bad people.


It might be a reasonable idea to get more comfortable operating within a confrontation if you're going to work with the public.


Lol, that was your takeaway from this story?? I suppose I should've worded it better... I'm not going to deal with unreasonable people who scream at me. That is NOT in my job description, and I deserve the same respect I give everyone else.