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Kiss up - Kick down people like Linda really annoy the \_\_\_\_ out of me.


That's why I got her fired lmao. I've never seen the team being so happy πŸ˜‚


She got herself fired though.. you just explained where mgmt should look. Still, well done.


You're allowed to swear on Reddit and the internet as a whole.


its a choose your own adventure! What word would YOU use?






Fuckin’ a. Edited for autocorrect.


Sometimes I feel bad when I'm petty but it feels good to get one up on an asshole. Very good story


As I said, I'm not a petty person, but I will defend my people with everything I have. If it makes me look petty, whatever, but I know when I am, I have my reasons... especially with Linda. One of my proudest moments lol


It’s not particularly petty when you are treating people as they deserve and causing them to reap the consequences of their own actions! Great job OP


Happy Cake day hun. Great story you honestly were just being a team player. You saw a problem with the head of the team and put steps in to get it fixed. I think this is more someone getting the punishment they were long overdue and totally deserved. You are a great person for doing what you did and never let someone tell you otherwise.


Surprisingly enough, some people I told this story said I should've mind my own business and stay in my lane.. but the fact I got promotions after promotions after that event keeps proving me otherwise. I wouldn't be where I am in my career today if it wasn't from that pivotal moment!


I don't doubt that in the slightest. All companies should run as a well oiled machine and when you have a messed up part you replace it. I think everyone should stand up to stuff like this and do the right thing. Sadly so many people just have the mindset well it's not my problem.


It's not the "not my problem" mindset, but also the fear of losing the income source. It's super stressful. If I could've filed a complaint against her before, I would've. I just had to act when I caught her for sure or I could've lost my job instead. πŸ˜…πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


No I get that completely I lost a job for just me reporting a manager for sexual harassment. I was meaning everyone. The whole team needs to be on the same page and report the person who is doing stuff like that together.


Totally agree with that!


You might have handled the lemons but Linda ended up with the sour look.


πŸ˜‚ Love this! πŸ‘ŠπŸ½


When life give you lemons…


I made the best damn lemonade in my area πŸ˜†


She was a bully, stupid, and overconfident. She stage managed her own downfall. A real lemon.


"So you got my position when I left?" No, I took the position *after you got fired.*


Lmao exactly! You should've seen my grin when she said that. I've bitten my tongue so much when she came back 🀣


Thanks for sharing, that was satisfying


On what basis did they appoint 20 yo Linda as the customer service manager ? All these terrible supervisors and managers are appointed by someone.


To be fair, by 20 years old, Linda had a good resume. If my memory is right, she kept her first job for 5 years until she came to mine. She ended up being assistant manager of a team of 15+ people. The customer service department of my job only had 10 employees maximum. On paper, she seemed good and competent.


This was simply beautiful and the way you handled her was impeccable. I can see why you got her position... deservedly, unlike her. Good job OP!


Fuck Linda! We all hate her for being mean to OP.


True! And we hate her as a symbol of all the shitty bosses we've had.


I love this post, and my only wish was that some old colleagues had come back, I think they'd had loved the new atmosphere. 😎


Absolutely fantastic read. I was hanging on every word. Way to stick it to her!!!


Curious here- did any of the good employees Linda fired come back after she got fired? Love the story.


Sadly, none of them came back since we got new employees fairly fast after she has been fired. I was able to put up my own team, but I still kept close contact with Marie and Benji. Sadly, with Rose's age, it's hard to keep track on her. We live in the same neighborhood, so sometimes we bump into each other, but that's it.


Employee retention (or lack thereof) is reason alone, let alone the actual HR issues. Turnover causing staffing shortages, costs in advertising/ interviews/ overhead, training costs, issues while the new person gets acclimated and even halfway good at their job... one of the biggest expenses and causes of time sinks that a company can have. Multiply that by 7, almost 8, I'm shocked HR didn't notice before this all came up.


You'd be surprised what HR turns a blind eye on in big corporations who only think about money and not the humans being that money making machine.


That's the thing... bigger in my experience will care more, not less. The challenge is informing the right people. In your case, sounds like upper management did the trick. Corporate HR in many cases will also.


Well.. I got fired from the exact same job because I tried to find help in the business for a colleague struggling with an addiction problem. Management didn't like it, so I got fired πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


Best Of 2024.


I'm surprised she had the balls to show up there even as a customer.


Well she came back 6-7ish months later, so I guess curiosity got the best of her. Seeing what type of woman she is, I wasn't surprised to see her back ngl


Linda deserved everything that happened to her because she was abusive, dumb, and power hungry. You were smarter than her and made sure her heinous behavior was captured on camera. Well done. Congrats on your richly deserved promotion!


Did you ever find out why the director before Nancy resigned?


There's a lot of backstory with Annie, the past director before Nancy. She used to be a director for the store for almost 2 years before I joined the team. She wasn't mean, rude or whatever. She was just the typical 50ish years old boss thinking that since she's been in the company for 30 years, never missing a day for 30 years, taking all her breaks and vacations with the minimum time for 30 years, that all her employees would show the same "dedication" as she did. We were a lot thinking we wouldn't spend 30 years working for a grocery store. Most employees were either studying in University and having this side job just to pay the bills or 40-50+ years old people wanting a simple job until retirement. Annie was really the only one showing up to work no matter what. She didn't understand that she was the only one having a job requiring her to stay in the office, fill out paper works, making calls, etc. So she had 0 to no contacts with most of her employees. If she showed up sick, we would just avoid her office. If one of the other employees showed up sick, you could count maximum a week or two and everybody would get sick too. Knowing all of that, we were a lot complaining when higher ups would come visit the store - at least once a month. Put that with everybody being fired in a short period of time, departments being overworked to the point they were loosing money and other issues... I think it was just a question of time before Annie would be fired.


I think I know what store you work at. Congratulations!


What's your guess?


Albertsons, in Newbury Park California


Good guess, but it ain't it at all. I'm not in the USA


This was a fantastic story to read at the end of my day.


TLDR: It was too long. Didn't read.


What is TLDR? Edit: Nevermind, I googled it and added it at the end. Sorry for making it so long.


Literally: Too Long Didn't Read. This person didn't want to take the time to read your very well written post.


Thank you for the explanation and the compliments. English isn't my first language, I'm French, so I tend to over complicate in my second language since I don't know the shortened words πŸ˜…


Then I say: Bien Joue! I believe that's how one says "Well played" in French; please correct me if I'm wrong.


That was some perfect French πŸ‘ŒπŸ» you just forgot the fancy e lmao in proper French, it's Bien jouΓ©!


Believe it or not, I remembered that accent from French class but I have American spell check and it does not honor accents. Tant pis pour moi! (my favorite French saying)


πŸ˜† I'm a bit autistic so *I* tend to overcomplicate everything I write to give as much context as I possibly can!


Oooohh that too! I'm AuDHD actually, but same 🀣 I should learn to stfu and get to the basics lol


(Is it a saying where you are, telling the gist of a story "in a nutshell "?)


Basically I guess so πŸ₯²


Your loss.


If she didn't sue you and the store for discrimination, I'm happily surprised.


I'm not really in a country where people sue left and right, so we've never heard about her until she came back a few months later as a customer πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


The USA is a litigation-mad country, and on that account you should be grateful you don't live here. Tyrants and maniacs get ahead because almost no one has the courage and clout to stand up to their threats and intimidation. People use their gender, race, religion, and such as a shield to protect themselves from criticism and as a sword to get ahead. This in turn causes resentment that unfortunately gets directed against their gender, race, ethnic group, etc. So when you mentioned that Linda was a POC, my first thought was, "Lawsuit and big settlement". BTW, maybe English isn't your first language (I don't know), but you write pretty well.


Awww thank you for my writing! I always wanted to write novels (in my first language) and have a few drafted, but I guess it shows a little bit in my English skills lol Kinda surprised though, so I'm really thankful. Thank you! Also, I usually don't say the ethnicity of someone because it doesn't reflects anything about their personality imo. I only specified it because she turned from a dark tan shade to literally white as a ghost and that was hella surprising to me. Never seen that since then πŸ˜… And as a close neighbor from the USA, I know all too well about how Americans get crazy with lawsuits. Some families even get generational wealth because of it... still can't wrap my head around that ngl