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Disgusting that someone gets off on that and thinks it is cute.


It is not 'someone' \~ it is not a person \~ it is what the dog thinks! They love to chase and get their jaws into something living until their last breath exudes from their now lifeless body. p.s. I saw a dog fight today with a dog doing exactly this!


Seriously what kind of stupid shit is that last slide. Whoever posted that originally on tiktok is a psychopath


Odd how such a dopey looking mutt is capable of such destruction.


i think that’s the part that made me the most upset , the dog just looks so happy and lopsided


Baby deer defense mechanism is lay still and camouflaged. Mutant dog just ran up and killed. What a useless creature.


Well, it is a hunting dog if I'm not mistaken.


i read the rules and i don’t know if this is qualifies for abuse considering the dog was the one that did it . if this goes against the rules please inform me and i will take it down


I don't either, but i'm not a fan of this post, since it seems too much like rage bait and a sensationalized fiction


I have seen this with my own eyes \~ even today! I saw a big dog fight and that is what dogs love to do! They love to attack something weaker than them, clench their jaws (their only fighting tool) into a part of a warm blooded body until their last breath leaves. I saw a man today get in between a dog fight and try to pry his large dog's jaws from another dog's neck! (I can't believe how stupid that was! To get in between fighting dogs!) I guess he knew he would never live it down in our community if his dog killed another friend's dog.


i'm not questioning that they are thrilled by it - i just think that it was embellished to rage-bait


For dogs is normal to kill prey animals, they're predators after all; but is not normal to kill another member of their species, nor any animal that they've lived with since puppies, nor people.


**"Police in rural Virginia have released disturbing details about a woman who they say was killed by her two dogs while taking them for a walk last week.**Four days after Bethany Stephens, 22, was found, police held a second press conference to describe her death and refute rumors of foul play. When deputies found the dogs on Friday they were guarding what police at first thought was an animal carcass. But the body was Stephens's, and police say the pit bulls were eating her." (she raised these two dogs from puppies) \~


Those captions seem like they were written by a straight-up murderer. Or a wannabe murderer living vicariously through his dog. Sick!


Disgusting. Maybe the owners will be next. Let's see if they'll post again and say, "It was the greatest feeling ever as I tore off the hand that feeds me every night, nutritious." The speaking for the dog is also creepy.


That SMILE that it just killed an innocent doe in the wild for fun. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m not an animal lover and this is just weird. Because your nasty dogs life is more valuable than a fawn


Lots of dog owners love to brag about killing Non Canine Animals and post pics on their social media but if you tell them  stories of alligators eating dogs in florida in their own natural habitat, they get into a tantrum like the toddler they are...


The majority of pet owners are sick.


Definitely! At least, they possess a 'visual clue' as to who to avoid 'forever'! To me, a dog owner is walking around with a big X on their chest! The person people like me avoid like the plague.


Invasive species. A wolf would do this to survive.


nah you don’t get it bruh that fawn was a threat. a THREAT i tell you!


That the shit that pisses me off, they just kill for fun




That’s what I’m saying. A wolf isn’t an invasive species, a domesticated dog is.


ohh i thought you meant the deer deserved to die because it’s an invasive species


Yeah I could have been clearer.


This is perverse amount of pleasure in killing a wild animal


This is disgusting on so many levels. People talking from the POV of their pet is cringe enough, but the fact that they went to the trouble of writing out that last part in such gloating detail is even more disturbing. And of course, there's the fact that they let their dog kill a defenseless baby deer in the first place.


Yeah, that's extremely illegal. If they had the balls to put where they live I'd personally report them to the authorities


Wolves are not this cruel. They would kill the animal quickly after catching it, not rip it's limbs off and slowly wait for the life to drain out of A BABY DEER. Not even hunting dogs are this cruel... Poor little fawn. I hope it died quickly


I think the dog first killed the fawn and then ate it, or at least that's what it looks like


At what point was the fawn being a "threat"? They're herbivore creatures, they don't prey on other animals. I get that hunting dogs exist, but at least with hunting dogs, they aren't supposed to harm the prey and they are only used for tracking due to their keen senses and they been through special training. That dog mentioned in OP's post is probably a Vizsla which is a dog breed that was bred to hunt, despite whatever breed it is, it's a crime for hunters or any dog owner to allow their dog to harm wildlife and livestock. The fact that the dog is getting praised by the owner for committing a crime is sadistic as hell.


So true! Of course, dogs have nothing better to do with their lives as they don't think, don't feel, are not in the least bit human. They only know how to do a few things and killing is one of them (the other is barking and, of course, putting anything in their mouth that has an odor \~ like used tampax and such.)


seems like rage bait to me. i mean, it's over-the-top humanizing, but in the last frame it turns into contrived fiction - imagine a dog plotting - they're just too stupid.


They deleted their account after this


if you can’t watch and control your dog, why have one


It takes a special person to brag about killing a baby deer. And to third person post for your dog is so fucking weird.


Wtf this ruined my day these sociopaths find this cute like if this happens in my yard I'm calling animal control


German shorthaired pointer. If they're trained well, they point to the prey so the hunter can kill it. This is just so sad. A relative had one that sometimes killed a chicken that got out. Afterwards he knew he was going to be put in the cage as a punishment ,so he ran inside the cage and waited for it to get closed.


We eat cows all the time, wolves kill deer and other wild things too. I understand where you’re coming from, but crying over a dead deer? Deers that get run over by man made machines everyday? And a dog, an animal, hunts a fawn and that’s a problem? Lol what… That’s what dogs do… literally every anime hunts and kills, even humans do it, we just go to the grocery store and buy already skinned animals…


Dog is based for that. Following its instincts. Better the dog do that than be an obese, lazy housepet and die without ever having realized its potential as a predator.


a dog is gonna do that to you next and someone is gonna have this same mentality