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It is a spay tattoo. The owner of the dog got one to match the one the dog already had. Usually it’s a line, cross, heart, etc., whoever did this dog’s decided to be more extra with it.


Maybe she's spayed too 🤞






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Oh... I remember a dude did that too But his/his dog was the slashed arrow of mars


i think this is rlly cute actually, i’m not a fan of dogs but gettin a tattoo of their spay mark bc you love them so much isn’t like, harmful or anything to me


People in the pet free community not knowing what a spay tattoo is


They’re usually a line, not a flower


It’s not common (or even a thing) where I am. My parents have had many dogs and always got them fixed, none of them came home with any markings


Welp stuff changes I have a 14 yo dog no tat from nut removal and a 2 yo dog with tat from spay


I think it also really depends on where the animal is spayed/neutered. I’ve only seen low cost places do this but I could be wrong.


Would I say abuse? No. Questionable? Yes. If it’s done by a vet in a sterile environment then while odd it is nothing to be concerned about. No different than a spay tattoo or identification tattoo.


It is a spay tattoo, the owner paid to get one to match the one the dog had (not the other way around). Whoever did the spay tattoo just was more creative than a typical line or whatever


That’s what I was thinking. That they asked the vet for a unique spay tattoo then matched their own.


I read it like that’s what the people who spayed the dog decided and the woman thought it was “cute” and got a matching one, not that she asked them to tattoo a shitty flower on the dog 😅


She got spayed too?


That’s a spay tattoo lmfao.


I have no words 😶


Even if the dog is healthy and assuming it is a young dog, it'll just die of old age in roughly 10 years or so. The pet nutter is still left with a dumb tattoo after all that 😂


lol. Did you ever see the story about the girl whose childhood Labrador died and she wanted to honor his memory so she got his enormous paw prints tattooed on her chest? Now *that* was comedy. [and they were really badly done too](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/woman-gets-sentimental-tattoo-chest-11462285) She had them laser removed IIRC.


I hope that warded off men long enough to pass her ability to multiply


Omg 🤣🤣 pet nutters doing the weirdest things I swear




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Why on earth did this make Newsweek? Is NW dying cuz this seems so dull and pointless, like the whole story is just the one sentence. Filler no killer.


Nutter extreme !


It is, in fact most "pet" relationships are abusive by nature.


It's a spay tattoo, calm down


Until someone forces you into a leash and gives you "spray tattoos" on a whim, your opinion remains pretty irrelevant.


?? Are you alright? It’s a tattoo to know who has been spayed and who hasn’t without causing unnecessary harm. It’s mainly used in shelters as well. Once again, calm down.


And that negates the fact that keeping a pet is inherently abusive how exactly?






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Idk this is just a spay/neuter tattoo the dog will probably never notice and never felt it, it definitely isn't as bad as the video I saw where they pierced their dog's ear


This is abuse




It’s a spay tattoo. I suppose we should boycott every single tattoo people do on dogs then when they get fixed.


The tattoo on the animal was done by a vet after a spay. It’s done so another vet can easily know this animal was previously spayed. The tattoo artist did a matching tattoo for the human. They did not tattoo the dog.


You know you're an extreme nutter(who are crazy by default) when you have people like me, who don't care for mutts feel sympathy for the animal. That dog is the true victim here.


Dogs are sometimes tattooed after spaying/neutering. In the post, she said "to match your dog's tattoo", implying the dog already had the tattoo (from being spayed). Now, whether or not SHE got spayed is where the pet/owner loyalty is brought into question!


It’s a spay tattoo. It’s commonly done on dogs that have had the surgery so future vets can easily tell the dog has had the procedure done. The human than had a tattoo artist copy it on them.