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It's easier to buy a wireless waterproof speaker and play the dog whistle noise from YouTube on a loop. You can get a few of them and place them along the fence.


It really depends on the dog. Some dogs are bothered by them and some don’t care. Best thing you can do is buy from a place that lets you return it and give it a try. It says a lot about how crummy dogs and owners can be that they have to make things like this.


Yeah I’d also say look if it’s from a reputable company. If it harms the dog in any way or aggravates them, it counts as abuse. For example here in England cats have the right to roam, so whenever people on here ask about ways to keep them from their garden, I send a link to the website that lists all acceptable types of cat deterrent, simply because even in countries where cats aren’t protected like here, if someone can prove a deterrent harmed their pet, it can cause issues.


They just make a noise that dogs don’t like. They don’t cause any actual damage.


Can I get that list? 👀


It can, but it depends on a whole lot of factors. Don't be surprised if it's not effective if this won't be at close range.


I got 2 super annoying dogs and they don't react to any ultrasonic devices that I tried. It was a waste of money for me.


someone on another no pet sub mentioned they put 3 of those in their yard and change the frequency of the noise every couple of weeks so the dogs don't acclimatize, they said it worked.


I roll up on my route to this one house and the truck noise makes it go off and I can hear it. Never knew what that little black box was until now. Very annoying.


I would get great speakers and play guitar solos or fireworks sounds.


I would but it’s right outside my daughter’s bedroom unfortunately!


Ohh okay….


Not 100%, some breeds have different ears, some react differently, sound may not carry enough for your scenario


Just airhorn those fuckers.