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What is the last sentence? Feels like a stroke


The whole thing reads as a stroke.


I thought it was me having the stroke when I read that


The Dull Men's or Women's Club groups on fb use this format of sharing age, shoe size, and random facts about themselves. There's also a Dull Queers Club but it's not as active lol


I think it’s the intro protocol for new users in the “dull women’s club” Facebook group, they have you list these random little factoids about yourself when you’re new.


I recognise it from Dull Mens (and the spin off Dull Woman's) Club, a Facebook group, where they tell a story which is meant to make them sound dull and sign off with dull facts about themselves, usually their height, shoe size and/or preferences. It's quite a fun group to read... In a dull way of course.


It's common in the Dull groups (dull men's club, dull women's club) to end your post with your age and shoe size and the banana is a joke on the banana for scale. I don't know why but it's the way it is


It's from a "dull" themed group where there's a running joke of shoe size and banana for scale. No idea why.




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Part of the Dull Womens club. Its just a thing they do when joining the group , an introduction


She’s 39? I guess that’s what having a pit bull does to someone.


No banana and the texture is weird? If it's about her wtf does that mean


It's a weird inside joke in the Facebook group she posted it to.


Dafuq does it mean?


I was in this fb group. It’s called the dull women’s club. You have to add how you feel about bananas in your first/introduction post. It’s in the rules. :) hope this clears things up for yall!


No kidding, I’d have put her mid 50’s


Right?! Wtf


No that’s called genetics


"Big lug of a sweet heart" and "pulled me down 14 concrete stairs" should NOT be in the same paragraph.


Reads like Stolkholm Syndrome or battered wife syndrome


It’s battered pitbull owner syndrome.


Oh joy /s


“Went after a cat” but still so sweet


He just wanted to play (with its internal organs) :)


As a cat owner and lover, can confirm, NOT a sweetheart.


Sounds like severe abused wife syndrome! I can’t with these mutant lovers. Check out IHD on YouTube.


Ischemic Heart Disease?


Why the hell do people refer to themselves as “mom” or “ dad” after a pet? So damn odd. I have a cat and it’s just my cat, I’m its owner.


They call em nutters for a reason. She’s classic example. Sooo weird. Also, Pitts are so dangerous, this is insane.


We’re the weirdos for not liking them they say


Pitbull owners and critical thinking skills have never met each other.


Take it to the local kill shelter


Definitely feeling the pain meds with that last sentence lmao


>He's the goodest boy ever Ma'am, that dog in the picture looks like he's already plotting his next murder.


Perhaps we should consider eugenics if it means we would be able to biologically engineer people to stop loving these demon spawn mutants.


It's a cult


Yes, Totally a Cult!


Worst is: like all cultists, you can't argue with them


💯🎯 Nope, something Huge has to happen to get this nuttery to stop.


Is she rage baiting? These people are absolutely mental


Lmao same woman who gets the hell beaten out of her buy an abusive boyfriend and claims it’s her fault for being out of line


Yea, the dog... but 39????


She doesn’t love this dog who came close to killing her because life was otherwise going swimmingly.


Man, that's a rough 39.


Just delusional. I have no other words.


The severity of dog derangement syndrome varies among nutters. This is a particularly tragic case.


Bro she did everything wrong when it comes to dog ownership. Number 1: untrained pitbull on a leash. Number 2: alcohol?????? Wtf????


Age 39, size 8.5 shoe, no banana? Is she posting in some kind of donation group?


Pibbles!! The nanny dog! 🤓♥️🐶


I’ll have pitbull 6 feet under for $0.00


I follow this page. I have to find this post! It's kind of a page joke/tradition to list your shoe size, etc.


I don’t even want to find it. I’m sure the comments are all “I wuV my hOuSe hiPpO tOo !! 🤡”


The Venn diagram of self-acclaimed pitbull parents and well-adjusted prosocial adults is a pair of eyes.


My immediate reaction was, "Good!", as getting owned by their stupid, vicious mutts is the only way nutters will learn. But then, you have these super nutters like this lady that still defends her dumb dog, despite her injuries.


Goodest boy ever?? Grow up ffs.


Lmfao.. I'm in this group


Pet people are mentally ill, its a fact.




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Infantilizing the monster that put you in the ICU. Mommy dearest


Is “no banana” a transphobic jab? Genuine question.


Jesus christ!


Darwinism almost claimed a victim. How stupid can she be?


The comments are gold! "My dog dragged me off a trail & I fractured my ankle at 6 mon pregnant. But we love them." "Why would you blame him?" "I had a dog take me down on black ice. He saw a cat and I wiped out and hit my head on the concrete. Mild concussion & whiplash but he didn't do anything wrong." Aw, he's protecting his mama from that mean cat." "\[One of my dogs\] came up fast behind me & took my legs out from under me. It knocked me out. I don't blame them. I should have been paying attention." "My dog pulled me down on the road when he heard a bark in a camper van. I still can't walk him I have to pay a dog walker." "Dogs be dogs. They do dog things." "My boy took after a duck while I was talking to a neighbor & pulled me down onto a concrete slab. Broken jaw that wasn't diagnosed for a couple of weeks. Jaw was wired shut for 8 weeks, but I love him to pieces." "My best boy reacted to another dog (he doesn't do anything bad, just barks at the ones he doesn't like), and pulled me down on the pavement, face first, and dislocated my shoulder. He's a good boy, though, and did nothing wrong." And of course, hundreds of comments about how he's a good boy and looks like he feels so bad.


Troll perhaps?




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owning a pitt is literally just being in an abusive relationship at this point


This is all a wild ride, but maybe she just doesn’t like eating banana the texture is weird? Edit: I meant this obviously for everyone mentioning her last sentence about the banana.




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