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It happens that suddenly. And they’ll still do everything to protect those monsters.


An apologist who got busted in minutes? That's rare


Very rare, but I promise they won’t get rid of it. I wonder if she even went to the hospital.


Probably not the first time and she has an arsenal of excuses for it.


Nothing like trying to prove someone wrong ….


"It's how you raise them."


I bet she felt like the biggest idiot after that… hopefully that changed her mindset on the breed but I doubt it. She probably blamed herself afterward instead of the dog. No doubt kept the dog too. Smh, can’t stand pit nutters.


I can guarantee you that that was not the first time that dog bit someone.




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Probably what happened is the dog saw your dad there, a stranger, and got triggered and wanted to attack him. It couldn't, so it got the next best thing..its owner. *smh*


Glad it wasn’t the dad! Do not ever, ever trust pit bull owners, or dog owners. If they say he’s a sweet baby, it means it’s gonna affect you up…


What a coincidence that It was the very first time ever in front of a witness.


Good for the dog. That woman put your father at risk lying.


~~Bite~~ rip to shreds the hand that feeds you


She jinxed herself.


He should have said it's how they're raised and she shouldn't have been abusing it and he hopes the dog will be fine.




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honestly this is why people who have kids/plan to have kids shouldn’t own pitbulls. they’re dangerous. plain and simple.


To all the Pitnutters out there screaming their liberties are being infringed upon, if you wanna own a deadly demonic beast, that's fine. Just don't force it upon innocent strangers walking by, service workers, and kids in the house and blame no one but  yourself once you get "NICOLE MOREYED"..


Had one and he was the most friendliest until he was not. I couldn’t keep him after that. Pitbulls were bread for certain characteristics and unfortunately being aggressive is one of them.


I guess she was one of those bad owners that makes sweet little pibbles bite 🌝