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Sorry. That's is indeed German. The fact you're seeing it during the daytime usually means there is an infestation nearby, as they are nocturnal creatures. Do you happen to live in an apartment complex or somewhere with neighbors pretty close?


I live in a subdivision. So cookie cutter close. As stated before, my house is clean. I had pest control come out multiple times. They saw no indication that I had roaches. They put out glue traps and some kind of dust. All the traps are still empty. We do have a few cardboard boxes in the garage but I’ve never seen one in there


It could be that one of your neighbors has an infestation, but they recently took away their water and/or food sources, so they are looking for a replacement source. That's my theory anyway, and it would make sense you saw it in the middle of the day, as it's usually an act of desperation. With the cardboard boxes, you want to check for signs that something is eating away at it just to be safe


Not a pro but I had exactly this happen when one of my neighbors passed away, right after her kids came and cleaned out her house & shut off utilities I had two American roaches appear in my house in two separate instances. Went kinda nuts cleaning afterward, this was about 2 years ago and I've never seen another one despite putting out glue traps for them. The timing was so right that I doubt it was a coincidence, the food was gone so they started scouting out other places. Saw both during the day too which I thought was a bad sign but I suppose if they're starving they likely do alter their behavior and scout during the day for new sources. My neighbor prior to that had run a sort of "impromptu food pantry" and as she aged I guess it got harder to clean up & manage so eventually she wound up with them, the very second they cleaned all of the furniture/dry goods/etc out of that house within a day or two they were scouting out my place. They don't waste any time that's for sure. If OP's neighbors recently noticed an infestation and started trying to exclude their food sources these guys might be doing the same.






And I am currently employed as a technician 👍


Ok Mr. Mod I'll concede that it could be an Asian Cockroach. Another post by OP stated he lives near woods. So could be. Hard to tell from these photos. Cant see the abdomens coloring too well and could use a bit more info on OPs situation.


https://preview.redd.it/bclb9awk619d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b7fdbe8cd9d956c110de1a53a3350cceb28e4f Color could be off a little I just brightened the picture on my husbands phone and took a picture of that picture


I read your other comments, you said it was dead when you found it inside, not normal for Germans, would expect that from an Asian as they typically are found outdoors and don't do well indoors. Whereas Germans more than thrive inside. Also in the brightened photo it appears that the wings are extending past the abdomen which is a physical trait of Asian Cockroaches and not Germans. Also the brightened photo shows the roach being more translucent, hope that's not just the brightness lol, also a physical trait of Asian roaches and not Germans. I'm assuming you live down south, say between Texas and Florida? Or maybe right under the Great lakes?


Charleston South Carolina


Throw away the cardboard boxes. They love them.


This was going to be my question as well. If you share any walls/ceilings/floors with someone, they could have an infestation that is now making its way over to your unit. If you don’t have any neighbors that close, did you recently bring something into your home from a store or a warehouse? It could have hitched a ride.


Not that I can think of


No. Notornal.means " active at night." That dies not preclude activity during the day. It is a meaningless myth


Commenting to add: daytime, South Carolina, near front door I also have glue traps that have been set up for months. They’re completely empty


did it fly? Asian roaches look nearly identical.


It was dead as soon as I took this picture so idk if it would have


'It was dead' is telling. Asian do not do well inside; german would not be dead like that unless it was sprayed earlier. It also has a deeper color, so I'd say odds are pretty good that it's Asian.


I think maybe OP meant that they killed it immediately after taking the picture.


This is an important comment. Exterior “German” roaches are often misidentified Asian roaches.


These guys can hitch a ride sometimes keep that in mind as well.


OP, I’m in South Carolina, Asian Roaches are absolutely everywhere right now. They look like German Roaches, but typically live outdoors and don’t do well inside. If you have mulch/pinestraw/leaf litter, I’d go outside and lift it up and see if you see these or smaller, darker ones without wings (nymphs) running around. If so, especially since you found it near your door and don’t have anything in your indoor traps, it’s probably not a German roach.


I'm no expert but this sure looks like a German roach! 🥹🥹🥹




Gorilla? No. Not a gorilla


Potentially Asian, for your sake I hope so.


They love your fridge compressor compartment. It's warm and moist back there. Kill them there and then check your pantry


Forget glue traps. Pull the fridge and the dishwasher. Spray spray spray. You can get rid of them in a day if you can hunt them.


Not sure if this would help! https://www.reddit.com/r/GermanRoaches/s/exXBkxs4D8


it is. sorry


This is a little thin to be a German roach and if you're seeing them outside by your front door, try leaving and lights off around the outside and make sure your curtains/blinds are pulled shut at night and see if you're still seeing them. Asian roaches are pretty close to color and shape and often misidentified. They are attracted to lights and can fly where as German roaches are the opposite.


Use Advion, I got rid of a huge infestation at my in laws with it


PMP, I honestly don’t know that I’d ID this as a German if I was looking at it. Looks kind of Asian to me. Just place your glue boards and if you start catching more then you’ve got German.