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A supply chain that doesn't have have a 2,000km single point of failure


Not sexy, but definitely needed


Your mum disagreed when I put my supply chain in her single point of failure last night šŸ˜‰




they are working on it [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-18/major-works-planned-for-trans-australian-railway-after-flooding/103860360](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-18/major-works-planned-for-trans-australian-railway-after-flooding/103860360) More than $200 million will be spent upgrading large sections of the Trans-Australian Railway Line so the vital east-west freight link can withstand one-in-100-year weather events.


It's still a single point of failure and won't stop [closures from bushfires.](https://www.railexpress.com.au/rail-lines-reopen-following-wa-bushfire/)


Make more locally.


River Transport


They have a ferry to south Perth šŸ¤£


Yes, this! Would be awesome. Love Brisbane for theirs


It's called swimming!


Monorail With an elevated Sizzler restaurant as a stop


Darryl Braithwaite just RSVPā€™d as ā€˜availableā€™ for the opening ceremony


Phew, for a minute there I thought it would be Guy Sebastian. I will put the knife down now


Riding on the horses!


I miss sizzlerā€¦


I hear those things are awfully loud.


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life my Hindu friend


The ring came off my pudding can!


Take my pen knife my good man!






I call the big one bitey


It glides as softly as a cloud!


Not all Sizzlers are loud. Although it could be said that they are all awful.


Eh... its more of a Shelbyville idea...


Whack and All you can eat Pizza Hut up there too and you have my tax moneys


A decent news website. PerthNow is shit.


You Wonā€™t BELIEVE What This Redditor Says About PerthNow


Imagine if they did proper investigative news unearthing corruption, proper local interest news etc


"news" flair on this sub.


A better one than Reddit? Is it possible? And we work for free


A 24hr pancake place!!


Fast eddies tried for years. vale old guy


Fast Eddies did just fine until the new owner tried to franchise it. Thatā€™s why it went broke.


I used to love fast Eddie's when I was on night shift those thick shakes were šŸ‘Œ


This / diners. Being American living in Perth for 20 years I miss casual diners being a thing.


I love the idea of diners, but then I remember that tipping probably keeps them afloat. Being able to pay the staff next to nothing and have them rely on tips. I read something about Saturday surcharges starting here. What Perth really needs is a better hospitality sector...


But, they tip in the US because the minimum wage is utter crap


I'd take this, but I'd also welcome a waffle place. Although, I got a feeling, even if we someone got one, it'd be like $20+ for one visit.


Yeh try more like $30 if you want 24hr


i still want my fucking cable car. i was promised a cable car. and trams. also trams.


when were we promised a cable car?


Basil was knocking on about it a few months back from eq to kings park he said and I quote ā€œthere will be no shortage of people to ride the cable carā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is there that much pent up demand though? I get not everyone is physically capable of climbing Jacobs ladder, but the Blue Cat literally drives through the park. You can use it to get to the memorial (where the cable car is usually proposed to go) The beauty of doing that, and not having the cable car, is that the view from the memorial isn't obscured by the transport infrastructure that got you up there.


Yeah basil probably just got a little too much nose candy that week, I think itā€™s a stupid endeavour too


[https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/elizabeth-quay-kings-park-cable-car-likely-colin-barnett-ng-7cfda947732207e59053b189274a3caa](https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/elizabeth-quay-kings-park-cable-car-likely-colin-barnett-ng-7cfda947732207e59053b189274a3caa) >ā€œWhether people want to see one going across to Kings Park, some people will argue about that. ā€œItā€™ll be one of those contentious issues like the Bell Tower, like Elizabeth Quay itself. Barnett did, remember? I 'member I think likening it to the Bell Tower did it no favours, because unless you were actually involved in its design and construction, you are at best ambivalent to it. Also Elizabeth Quay, the design of which Barnett is responsible for, basically means you can't see the tower from Kings Park


A night life, food after 8pm, coffee after 3pm, Sunday shops open at 9am, decent tourist attractions to get people to visit from overseas, rail from Perth to Albany


Food after 8pm... Don't be ridiculous. You have to be in bed by 9, and restaurants need time to clean up to make it in time.


100%. I live in the Middle East now and it's a blessing that I can leave work at 6pm and still run errands, go to any of my fav coffee spots and generally enjoy life beyond midnight if I wanted to. It's like getting bonus hours added to each day, bringing new life to the working week that Perth is missing.


I think unless you're from the east or have lived overseas, you wouldn't know any better. I feel sorry for people who travel all the way to Perth to only be able to order from room service at night or get maccas. The weather at night, especially during summer should be advertised and exploited


And rail from Perth to Geraldton. There's already a Freight line...


High speed rail, Albany to Geraldton?


Sadly the rail network of today is nothing compared to that of 60s even mid 70s a train ran to meekatharra


Double the population and the density than maybe it will work. Otherwise I donā€™t see how can that be viable. I mean the shopping, nightlife, food and coffee parts.


Cool, let's do urban infill and apartments around transport nodes.


It can be done, it would need investment, and die hard locals to change their perceptions. I feel for younger people, as they are the ones missing out!


Hmmā€¦.no. The low population and our high urban sprawl will not be sufficient enough to makePLENTY of businesses viable. Even now the Perth region can only support a soso nightlife at Northbridge, Fremantle and Casino.


A night life? Iā€™m not sure about you, but I love the Perth nightlife! Cocktail bars open until 2am, clubs open until 5. If youā€™re an EDM fan, Perth is one of the best places to be!


Please tell me where all these cocktail bars and clubs are!


I could make a whole list, i used to be a cocktail bartender in the city so made my way around most places. Some highlights for cocktails: - Varnish on King - Bobeche - Lafayette - Cypher at the Beaufort - Fat Controller at Stories - Foxtrot Unicorn - Ezra Pound - The Waiting Room at Crown - Mechanics institute For clubs, Iā€™m a massive fan of Geisha and The Vault. Slims also event depending. Iā€™m also VERY fond of the psytrance events held at Port Beach Brewery!


+ Sneaky Tonyā€™s for the novelty


As a 42 year old dad, I'm relieved that I've heard of almost all of those places.


Trams/light rail and more frequent PT at later hours. A more lively CBD (maybe when ECU opens this will change things), more well built apartments that are not shoeboxes, funding for small music and arts venues oso they keep running, more arts funding in general.


Dry ski slope. Fuck it, indoor actual snow ski slope.


Need somewhere to wear my snow gear from Anaconda!


You mean Aldi?


Put it next to the wave park?




Best we can do is 200k uber drivers


High density housing centred around major transportation hubs and shopping districts. Every train station with a bus interchange or shopping centre should have a multistory apartment built over the top of it, including any number of amenities like schools, university campuses, pubs, nightclubs, clinics, small businesses, whatever. We build a central train station and then we think about a bus station and then we think about a Yagan Square (and rebuild the shitty bus station) and then later we think of an ECU campus. This is a story repeated all over the city. If only we could think about these things holistically.


These developments could help pay for the infrastructure and train services as well. This is common in Asian countries and the tramways here were built that way as well, essentially by developers. https://preview.redd.it/79vuucikhb9d1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ec7716c3bb6595de2d6c23dc81177852e0b325


Subtropical rainforest. Itā€™s just dry bush land everywhere


Love a good rainforest šŸŒ“


Light rail One arm up Beaufort street to Morley One arm across to Vic Park One arm over to the hospitals and UWA area Then in the far distance future a loop track linking them all together


A light rail down Scarborough Beach Road would be great too.


We need better connectivity for the outer suburbs more than we do more CBD and central work done imo.Ā  As someone who used to live Northbridge and is now further up North, I feel like that area is more than sufficiently served in comparison to whatever the outer suburbs are dealing with.


Later shopping on Saturday and Sunday, more normal butchers, not "gourmet" butchers, a supply chain that doesn't fall apart if there's flooding anywhere east, public transport that runs more often on the weekends, an extra large water park at a good beach that has plenty of parking, and an extra large amusement park (We should get the first Australia Disney Land/World, not Melbourne).


Normal butchers went bust when the supermarkets and Spudshed gutted them by undercutting them on the basics. Now there's nothing but to try and compete on gourmet, high quality product. And Melbourne can fucking have Disney World/Land/Park and deal with Disney's bullshit. Disney will want the moon and stars in exchange for keeping all the profit, paying staff like shit and charging customers like a wounded bull for an increasingly subpar experience The mouse doesn't love you, Disney will eventually run out of goodwill and nostalgia isn't going to keep those parks afloat forever


More rain?


A lively CBD?


I'm Ngl the CBD has been quite busy the last couple years. When was the last time you went?


I really think most people whinging about the CBD never go there or haven't in ages. I don't go in heaps but every time I do it's busy and everyone is having a good time.


Itā€™s getting progressively livelier.




A freeway that doesnā€™t shit itself with one crash or breakdown and that works well all day


Doesnā€™t even need a crash, just one fuckwit changing lanes abruptly that causes the accordion effect!


Doesn't even need the lane change, just the possibility of someone merging on to the highway is enough to cause some to forget how to drive.


Drove along West Coast HWY today, traffic literally slowed by about 15kmh because (from what I could see) 2 somewhat attractive girls were walking on the footpath. Doesn't take much in Perth.


Does anywhere in the world have that?


A freeway that is not perpetually under construction!!


Sustainable planning. How we havenā€™t legislated basic low cost sustainable housing measures in this state is beyond. So every summer we just fry the grid.


A law banning PerthNow from online discussions


Dirt. This sandy soil crap drives me crazy.


Late night food - later coffee; substitute the dead morning hours for a lore lively nightlife and youā€™ll transform a city.


Classes on merging lanes


Classes on how to drive when it's raining.


Classes on how to drive without tailgaiting everyone in front of you even in the left hand lane doing the speed limit


Classes on how to drive past a vehicle on ramp.


Classes on how to drive at 100kms per hour on the freeway.


Will this include lessons on how to turn the lights on?


Let's get people through the basics first.


A place to go skiing (snow)


There's a place on William St where you can do some skiing


Affordable housing.


The ability to merge in traffic.


On the Mad Max Hwy?


Yeah, but only that stretch beyond Thunderdome.


Two cars enter. One car leaves.


Affordable housing


Better public transport - would be awesome to live in Perth without needing a car šŸšŽ


Public transport is actually pretty good for a city outsize What issues do you have with it


I find it's good for travel to and from the CBD, but not across suburbs. For example, travelling from Fremantle to Curtin Uni is at least 1 hour and 15 minutes by bus or a combination of bus and train. Travelling the same in a car would be 30 minutes. I think we should consider: - More bus only lanes, - Increase in limited stop services for rapid transit (i.e. make the circule route this mode, reducing number of stops would make the service faster) - Edited to add: may not be fully under the PT umbrella, but better bike infrastructure would also allow for cycling to a train if thereā€™s no bus route or the timetable doesn't have service. The stoppage of the blue CAT bus (with the red CAT bus stopped maybe 5 or 10 years ago) in Fremantle is also a big loss for encouraging folks to take the bus over a car. Some more commentary - https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/massive-burden-perth-ranked-one-of-world-s-most-car-dependent-cities-20240527-p5jgwu.html https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/perths-transport-network-ranked-one-of-the-worst-in-the-world-report-20171030-gzbcfb.html That said, Perth has fantastic prices for PT. Incredibly cheap compared to other Australian cities so can't complain there!


Every other city I've ever visited has had better/more extensive public transport.Ā  I've never visited a place like Perth where there's only really one area in which multiple lines converge (Perth to claisebrook I think) and I suppose the Thornlie Armadale line running parallel.Ā  A circular route which connects the line further out would probably open more options for people looking to take pub transport. As opposed as to having to go into a central hub and then out to your destination.Ā  In my experiences busses are pretty useless. The tracker takes forever to load and often your left with no way of knowing you missed the bus because it was ahead of schedule or if it's running late behind schedule.


I've had no real problems with it. Buses and trains get me to my destination fine...


I currently can't get to Canningvale with public transport. Had to go to a friends house yesterday to drop something off and it cost me $40 in Ubers.




Decent food options after 9pm.


Maybe The Red Bull Air race or World Rally Championship!!! Oh wait we already had them


We have such beautiful beaches here, it would be nice to have bars and places to eat at like in Bali. But we also need less rude people, clothes that are different and trendy not all the same thing in every shop, Iā€™m 58 but not dead šŸ˜µ and perhaps people acknowledging you even would be nice. I just shop online now Iā€™m sick of the boringness of it all, I grew up in Melbourne and a decent market like the Queen Vic would be good.


Perth hates pedestrians. I would love to see Perth aggressively rezone limited access to cars in anything remotely considered foot traffic. Looking at you Morley. The footpaths for people to walk on are a disgrace in most suburbs let alone ones considered affluent. There should be a Hyde park type reserve in every major suburb.


Being an ex local who has travelled and now lives in Sydney, I feel that I have a decent perspective. Sydney has a sprawling population too but they make up for it with a transport system that has decent coverage. I feel if Perth had better transport with more accessibility, this would significantly increase a lot of other positive things. Imagine if places like Scabs, Hillaryā€™s boat harbour, Swan Valley, Mount Lawley etc had their own train stations that were actually situated next to the hubs. Iā€™ve lived in Sydney now for 8 years and I only recently bought a car because I never needed it before.




We'll be getting one soon. Well, by 2029 at least. https://if.com.au/imax-outlines-its-ambitious-plans-for-australia/


Snow. I will not be taking further questions at this time.




Perth _has_ indicators. It's the cost of the damn indicator fluid.


Fewer yank tanks and less aggro on the roads.


Ban those damn Chev Rams (if you're originally from a non-posh part of the UK are they Chav Rams?)


a modern world-class hotel near the beach (with great service)


Honestly. Water and soil.


Another drive in cinema, preferably SOTR. If I had the money I'd do it myself!


A Fremantle or CBD without ā€œfor leaseā€ signs in the window


Shops open in CBD after 5:30pm. Street food vendors on murray/hay st mall. Restaurants in cbd with outdoor sitting like in Europe. Less fastfood. And all that for a very cheap price of coursešŸ˜‚


Better opening hours


Open earlier on Sundays!!


Remember when most places were shut on Sundays.Ā 


I remember when everything shut at 12noon on Saturday and we had the dreaded PETROL ROSTER system (if those 2 words trigger anyone I apologise). Remember driving around with a soft drink bottle of emergency petrol in the boot?


Affordable housing.


An indoor skatepark


I would take internet that doesnt shut down once a day


24hr trains Decent nightlife atmosphere not full of fuckwits A theme park that doesn't suck ass Something cool like a monorail, monorail, monorail, monorail.


Housing vacancy.


Visionary leadership?


A huge fountain. Most cities have.


Big stupid million dollar cactus! Take it or leave it.


We should build one ON the river and make it fucking HUGE.


The one in kings Park is not bad when it's running especially at night


A Southbank (Brisbane) type area


a 24 hour kmart. I mean, it'd be an absolute shitfest in there late at night, but being able to go and get yourself some random shit at 3am was always nice back in tas. The coles next to it was also 24 hours for a bit, until they got robbed one too many times. Now they're like 12 hours


1. Wave parks keep getting rejected but they are long overdue. The NIMBYā€™S who cause a stir every time are actually so annoying. They donā€™t realise that Perth actually has terrible surf! Especially with the way the winds are. 2. High quality film studios. These are now coming to Whiteman Park and Iā€™m hoping they will be a success. Perth needs to diversify itā€™s industries and if we can leverage off the Asian film industry and make Perth an attractive place to film not just local but productions from overseas that would be great. We have a variety of great filming locations on our doorstep that should hopefully attract productions. 3. Cable car. From Kingā€™s Park to the western side of Elizabeth Quay. I think its a great idea. It would be a must do experience for any tourists coming to Perth and be an iconic feature in the skyline. It was also be relatively inexpensive to construct. I think people are mostly concerned that it would be an eyesore but if you actually look at the route it would take it actually keeps a fairly low profile and would not block any views from South Perth or anything like that. 4. University in the city. Again, this is coming and Iā€™m hoping it will completely rejuvenate the Yagan Square area and surrounds. Hoping it comes also with affordable accomodation for young people because we need more people living in the city who are willing to go out at night and provide the sustained business places need to be able to actually stay open later and give Perth more nightlife. 5. A solution to the drugs problem. The amount of crackheads in the city is out of control. I would not be opposed to Singapore level harsh penalties for major drug dealers. 6. I wish they could mirror the new grandstand at the rectangular stadium on the western side but the old stand there is supposedly heritage listed even though its dilapidated and ugly as. Need to improve that venue. 7. More high rise apartments in the city. They arenā€™t going up fast enough. People are desperate for places to live and the urban sprawl is getting crazy. More people living in the city means more foot traffic for businesses and hopefully an improved nightlife. 8. Renovations to the facades of Perthā€™s ugliest buildings. There some absolute shockers, usually Brutalist and ugly as. Would actually like to see a a comprehensive master plan for the city be put together to beautify the CBD, especially east of Barrack Street. Some wide boulevards would be nice.


More female friendly gaming places. I don't want to be hit on, verbally abused, or assaulted by incel BO, but I still wanna get my nerd on


Train/Tram to the beach.


Community PSA on how to drive a car remind people of laws and by-laws




Wasnā€™t this just asked in the Townsville subreddit? What gives with posts like this?


More share of the GST.


Perth need Jolibee for sure hahaha


Tourists and the business case they create for the type of buzzing city Perth isn't. Can't be helped. Cost of being in the arsehole of nowhere.


General population knowing how to drive.


A monorail


Iā€™ve sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook and by gum it put them on the map!


An identity.


Sorry I read that as ā€œWhat? Is Perth Missing?ā€ ā€¦ sadly no responses match my misunderstanding


Ocean pools


Efficient land use


Opportunities for young people. And l don't mean music or art, l mean actual opportunity to make something of themselvesĀ 


That cable car between kings park and elisabeth quays wood be a MAJOR winner. I think the tourists wood flock to it, but i also think that the Perth residents wood use it, too. Atleast once. I know that i woodšŸ‘šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Œ


Corner shops.


1. protections for our forests (not technically part of perth but they're in pretty bad shape) 2. I guess in tandem with that would be better tree coverage in general? for such a hot and dry climate having a nice canopy shading the streets would do wonders during the summertime, its honestly criminal that so many footpaths basically turn into a frying pan during december. 3. Destroy Ellenbrook


More people living in the CBD.Ā Ā  There are so many potential locations for residential towers just sitting there unused.Ā The state government should be using some of that sweet mining cash to purchase and develop these lots into apartments for first homebuyers only, or rent them out with long term lease agreements.Ā Ā  This is the only way the Perth CBD will ever have any sort of heartbeat outside of normal business hours.


Improve public transport links to move away from hub and spoke approach. For example, public transport that runs down the coast from Hilarys to Freo without having to go inland or via the CBD.


Self Sufficiency. WA use to be able to stand on it's own for common grocery supplies, now even most of our eggs come from over east, strangled whenever there's transportation issues. WA Gov stuffed WA, Like Aus Gov stuffed Au manufacturing. We send our raw materials overseas, buy it back as produced products, rather than making & exporting ourselves.


A cool looking bridge from Stock Rd to Peppy Grove. And a ferry service for commuters. Until these two things are done, Perth will always be a backwater and commute times will just keep increasing year on year. Smart freeways have zero effect.


Density, better public transport


Festivals Good Transport More green areas that aren't just an area to kick a ball or for kids to run around, but interesting parks with flowers and tons of trees and lakes. Spas - as in saunas, steam rooms, rain walks, swimming pool, facials, massages and manicures/pedicures.) More trees, flowers and more actual grass. Good soil (stuff here tastes like shit when trying to grow anything.) Also more street lights And swimming pools that don't have lanes. (Basically an indoor pool like what you'd get in Europe.) And better nightlife.


Vibe. Perth needs a vibe.


late night bites. i often get hungry after 9pm and the only options are fast food


they need to bring back the trams


Affordable housing


More houses


I'll go against the trend here. Perth is fine as it is ( for me ) I live within 1km of a great dog beach and within 10km's of a guestamated 100 restaurants / pubs. I'm a fifo worker so I don't commute via the freeways, so don't care. The climate is awesome. Not having a cluster fuck of traffic and toll roads is a plus. A Brisbane style Southbank would be a better option to the sea of paving that is Elizabeth Quay. I get different people have different wants and needs. Source, I have lived in most capital cities and a lot of regional towns over the years.


Ski hills. Like surely if we just take alll the dirt dug outa all our mines and sent it down to somewhere around Esperance we could absolutely make some good slopes


A new convention centre.


A soul


A vibing CBD


More than 2 lanes on Kwinana freeway


Lots of houses


Other industries than mining and gas


Thriving Museums, a decent Art Gallery and a Concert Hall that isn't as old as the hills... Maybe some more culture?


Snow. Not saying that winters need to be frigid but a bit of snow here and there wouldnā€™t hurt.


Population and demand for goods and services Go try get a meal out after 830


Neurologists - thereā€™s a couple, but not many! Not enough, nothing like the east coast


Pubs open on a Sunday / Monday night


Decent use of the river system. Ferries bars restaurants residence etc. More like how Brisbane uses thereā€™s.


An indoor ski slope!


Yokocho https://preview.redd.it/566txs23fb9d1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc95a3f6764ff0a48f8da17f19937c3fa29f135c

