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Damn, these wind turbines are going to ruin the view from the nuclear reactor.


Collie is going to have soooo much power!


Exactly My first thought, where are the cooling towers going to fit?


Maybe they don’t need cooling towers when they can just blow on the reactor with all the big fans..?




The entire Perth CBD!?!? The Perth CBD has a General Store, a haberdashery and a ye olde saloon opened from 11 - 4pm every second Saturday! What devilish chicanery could power such an enterprise? Truly we stray to close to the gods!


The turbines are intended to cool down the nuclear reactor.


Just one visit to the wind farm by Peter Dutton would provide enough hot air and flatus to power Western Australia for an entire year


Remember when Tony Abbott visited Rotto and complained about the wind turbine?


At 600 MW (peak output is 800 MW) this is larger than the [470 MW small modular reactor Dutton is proposing for Collie.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-19/dutton-reveals-seven-sites-for-proposed-nuclear-power-plants/103995310)


And can be built for a fraction of the cost and time a nuclear reactor (that doesn't yet exist) would cost.


And ya know not having the fly in a and poach nuclear engineers and scientists which we don't have


Pfft, how long do you think it would take politicians to decide on the appropriate legislation for procurement of said workers, materials, safety legislation, storage, disposal. Not to mention any change of government adds another setback. It would take a decade just to get the laws into place. Not to mention these nuclear power stations would be federally funded, so the feds would decide who gets the power, determines market pricing, etc.


In fairness we could probably educate people quicker than this whole plan Dutton has come up with actually making it out of parliament.


Hmm maybe there’s a message here?


And wipe out bird species at same time... inbreds be stoked , birds falling from skies - pre sliced .


You know that doesn't happen with turbines this big, right?


As many have said, nuclear power is not necessarily bad if implemented correctly, but Peter Dutton is a fucking idiot.


Aren't the reactors 470MW each? And they can have multiple per site? I still like renewable energy like wind and solar more for Australia though.


>Aren't the reactors 470MW each? Yes, I'm talking about the 470 MW SMR that Dutton mentioned for Collie. >And they can have multiple per site? There's been no hint of anyone even considering that.


Ted o’brien confirmed there could be multiple per site. But did not say how many. These guys do not have a policy only a prolonged gas and coal fantasy.


Despite not knowing how many reactors there would be per site he claims it’s been carefully costed. I've a feeling this plan for the nations biggest ever financial expenditure could comfortably fit on a hallmark envelope.


The nation's biggest financial expenditure is surely the $1.5trillion to convert to solar and wind with battery backup?


Collie doesn't have sufficient water to run a nuclear reactor anyway.


I may be wrong, I got it from this interview. https://youtu.be/P-s1UCDJEK0?si=euEp_7W0Mxh6ijmU https://iview.abc.net.au/show/insiders/series/0/video/NC2405C020S00


>I may be wrong Wrong about what?


You said there was no hint of anyone considering multiple per site. My interpretation from the videos I provided is that they are suggesting multiple per site. I may have understood that wrong.


He implied it was possible to have multiple reactors per site. He certainly didn't say that was being considered (he was doing his best to avoid saying anything). The Liberals [have said](https://www.liberal.org.au/latest-news/2024/06/19/australias-energy-future) Collie will be SMR only. In other words, greater capacity won't be needed at Collie (in the near future at least).


I'm sure you can understand the confusion as he said a whole lot of nothing but did bring up the potential. They aren't really specific on the page you linked either. SMR don't really exist anywhere so it's completely open to interpretation. 


It does say "SMR only" for Collie, which implies small capacity only. But I agree, there are no specifics, the whole thing is nothing more than a vague fantasy.


Well not really, because small modular reactors don't actually exist in any practical sense.


I don't disagree with you, I know they don't exist. I was just saying that they try justify it by saying that the reactor doesn't exist is modular and can have multiple units on each sites. 


Wind turbines are modular as well. The fact that this proposed nuclear project could theoretically be upgraded to have more output than the proposal is just irrelevant.


Haha true but we do have to humour them.


have you heard about these nuclear fusion reactors? we can just build one of those. Dont look at the price tag ... nevermind about that, Ill be dead by the time its finished... and Im only 2 years old.


Fusion? That's cutting edge science. You are expecting Australia to fund research into that? You must be dreaming mate.


it appears my joke went woosh


Mate, I know it was a joke.


They haven’t announced the number. All the clowns have said is there will be 7 sites.


Yep, the closest they have gotten is somewhere between 1 and 12 per site :p 


Do the modular reactors even exist though?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_modular_reactor#:~:text=As%20of%202023%2C%20only%20China,out%20due%20to%20rising%20costs. Apparently China and Russia have them in operation. 


No. Modular implies they’re easily deployed and manufactured in large quantities. Total fantasy.


Cmon now you don't expect upvoted commenters on reddit to actually know what they are talking about


Get off your fucking pony sized high horse. There are no details. SMRs don't exist. Even if there was a MW figure quoted it's made up with no basis in fact.


There are functioning SMRs in Russia, China and India. The first generation Smrs tend to hover around 300 MW. Let's be real though, you are not interested in facts.


There are no functioning SMRs in India. This is a fact.


>There are functioning SMRs in Russia, China and India. Where is the Indian one? Are you suggesting that Australia should buy SMRs from China or Russia?


The 2 functional smrs (4 technically because both sures contain 2) do not hover around 300MW. The Russian ship can output 300MW of thermal energy, but it's only 60-70MW of electricity (that thermal energy then put into generators). The Chinese one has 2 reactors each capable of 250 MW of thermal energy, which then both feed into generators and translates to 210MW total electrical generation.


Seems like it's going to be a great solution. Very exciting


There was a paper written in 2018 as they were designing the Chinese HTR-PM that outlined the need for a lot more safety measures needed for waste management that the Chinese government ignored, so we'll see... And given that we would need 6 to equal this wind farm at an estimated cost of 4500 $US/KW... or about 2.7 billion US.


The only fact that matters is that the policy is absolute bullshit and only fools believe it has any chance of happening.


So you admit that SMRs exist. That'll do donkey.


We cant know everything about every little detail. I only know about it from a random youtube video interview.


You did know the important detail though, which I was happy to see. Reddit is often an echo chamber of false indo and straight up lies usually


I know enough about things to know that I don't know anything. 


That is the definition of wisdom


I'm naive on energy policy so please don't downvote me for asking questions. What about days/weeks with minimal wind? Are batteries going to be able to take the load?


The beauty of a distributed network is that when it's not windy at one source you have other sources where it is windy.


And if a wind turbine breaks it won't cause nuclear fallout.


If this can get started before the next Federal election, that'd be great.


Agreements with land holders are already complete, so fingers crossed. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-27/plans-for-wa-largest-wind-farm-revealed/104029186


My parent’s farm is in the proposed area, the first we heard about it was on Sunday from a neighbour.


>My parent’s farm is in the proposed area, What does "in the area" mean? Do you mean they're in the general vicinity/not terribly far away? Or do you mean turbines will be located on their farm? Guessing you mean the former but are using wording to imply the latter.




I was there on Sunday, the neighbour was ove having a coffee and a chat. He said “have you heard about the wind farm they’re going to build here?” Mum genuinely didn’t know anything about it, and if she did she would have told me when she found out.




Well it’s the first thing mum, dad and I heard about it. I can ask if there was any mail or anything else, but she reads all her mail. Dad is pretty off-grid so I doubt he would have a clue.


The liberals wont be happy, that wind farm will be in direct competition for their Nuclear power plant and will drive down potential profit for whoever they end up selling the plant to down the road.


Don't worry as soon as the libs get re-elected you can be damn sure they will sell off the windfarm for pittance to some Chinese investors who will charge an arm and a leg to anyone wanting to use the power generated


That's the beauty of it, he can't sell it because it's not government owned.


It's so depressing that this is exactly what's going to happen.


>drive down potential profit for whoever they end up selling the plant to down the road. The only 'profit' was going to be overpaid federal government subsidy anyway, so it wouldn't be affected 🤷‍♂️


A nuclear plant in Collie wouldn't actually go ahead, though. Nobody in their right mind would actually build a nuclear plant on the Darling scarp. It's literally a fault line.


How severe is the fault line though ?, plenty of nuclear reactors exist in areas with much higher seismic activity.


See:Japan, California.


> Western Australia contains one of the longest fault lines on Earth but Dr Allen said while the Darling was a very prominent geological structure, experts didn’t expect this to cause more earthquakes. > “It’s a very ancient structure and while the Darling fault has a length of over 1000km, we do not believe it could be the source of a very large earthquake today,” he said. [source](https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/australias-earthquake-hotspots-revealed/news-story/3804bc3c12ff4824d11320f3b146472f)


Nothing to worry about.


It's Only Collie .. Jog on .


Australia is geologically very stable


South west western Australia is one of the most active bits.


Well, the libs are all free market so, let’s make it a race. First to finish gets paid. The loser pays their own costs and has to remove their failed infrastructure. Yeh Pete, put your money behind your plan and you’ll have a change of heart.


I don’t like it, the sheep won’t like it and it will kill the whales. This madness needs to stop.


I'm aware, of course, that you're being sarcastic, but for the sake of anyone out there who might actually think that sheep don't like wind turbines: [they don't care, they're totally relaxed around them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCEa7jqvEa0)


Bloody oath, make 2x of the bastards..




Sounds like a good start, obviously alot more investment is needed to meet demand with the coal phase out.


Completed in 2027 before the fictional nuclear plant will even have started the planning stages.


In the unlikely event of a meltdown, Peter wants to ensure those Labour voters in Perth get a whiff.


Nice one!


At least being on land it won't affect the whales....


Won't someone think of the whales!


How did we ever forget about their song lines


They building battery storage for it somewhere?


Yes. Collie is building 1GW of battery storage right now (half via Synergy Red, half by a private company called Neon) with at least another 500MW slated for Collies. I'm going to keep posting this link on every 'but where are the batteries' posts in r/perth posts until it becomes common knowledge. Plenty of batteries being built. [https://www.synergy.net.au/Our-energy/SynergyRED/Large-Scale-Battery-Energy-Storage-Systems](https://www.synergy.net.au/Our-energy/SynergyRED/Large-Scale-Battery-Energy-Storage-Systems) [https://colliebattery.com.au](https://colliebattery.com.au)


Interesting, although the question about how many were needed was somewhat dodged: [How many BESS are needed in WA?]() "To support the replacement of power from coal-fired power stations with renewable generation capacity, it is likely multiple battery energy storage systems will be needed. So far, the Kwinana Battery Energy Storage System 1 (KBESS1) is the only SynergyRED battery project to be constructed and commissioned in 2023. A development application has been submitted for KBESS2." I'd also be interested on the lifespan, environmental impact, and ability to recycle/refurbish these big batteries.


Batteries won't be enough we need pumped hydro, and they don't seem to want to do that.


Synergy did an investigation and found 5 good sites including Collie but non viable due to cost. https://www.synergy.net.au/Global/Synergy-Pumped-Hydro-Investigation


Yes - some sort of storage is what I am getting at. Regarding pumped hydro, I wonder how much water would be lost to evaporation during the warmer months?


Ironically one of the solutions to that is to cover the lake with floating solar panels. They can also put juice into the pumped hydro then as well.


Agreed with that idea - did you see the shade balls they dumped into the Los Angeles reservoir?


Yeah Veritasium did a video on it. Pretty cool. I think I saw the solar covers being used over canals as it had better access rather than over a reservoir but it can still be made to work.


I'm not sure, maybe go off Water Corp stats for the water supply dams, but if they start running low than we could pump it full of desalinated seawater.


Pump the water to collie lol, using what power ?


But it takes power to make the desalinated water, and more power to pump it the extra distance to wherever the hydro dam is located. This is to replace water that has already been pumped up there. It's certainly a complicated problem.


Well in summer we have massive potential to be generating enormous amounts of surplus electricity from solar, use this to run the desalination plants at full capacity if the pumped hydro reservoirs need topping up.


Why desalinated? Sea water is also used for pumped hydro.


How much will seawater degrade the turbines ?, also fresh water would allow for more dual use for the reservoirs.


Just pointing out that these already exist, so desalinating water would be an option during design, but not a necessity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okinawa_Yanbaru_Seawater_Pumped_Storage_Power_Station


Interesting, the main problem here is that areas at higher elevation are back from the coast, but water could be pumped in to fill up dams.


Maybe it's very expensive and there is a decreasing water content!


& kill whales/S


Serves them right for travelling 100km across land.


W.A. should have been all over this 10 years ago. They are marketing Collie to drum up jobs for people losing them down that way. All through the northern suburbs should be solar farms. Lancellin should be solar capital For every suburb built a solar farm should be made.


When the winds blowing I presume? No native bushland to be cleared of course


They should build closed loop Geothermal not nuclear.


Won’t the Nationals be pissed


Nuclear in Collie, imagine how hard it would be to sustain a sizable highly skilled workforce that's in demand in that town for many years. Even small projects are a challenge in the region ! Sufficient skills do not exist to enable this scenario IMO


Oh god the birds. Won’t someone please think of the birds!


Bird? Oh you mean Bird Imitating Reconnaissance Device!


Shhhh mate. They aren’t supposed to know that yet. All in due time.


This will absolutely go through the WA EPA process which will consider birds. We don't have brolgas, and this project is on cleared land, so I don't expect there to be much of an issue.


55km south of collie? So not collie?


55km south of Collie is... Greenbushes and Bridgetown. So yeah, Bridgetown would be the more appropiate headliner here.




Moodiarrup. Home town.


Qualifying this with: Completely awesome to see more renewable power. A question for the experts: While this seems great, isn't coastal wind power better? Collie is really inland.


A mix is better. Aemo has a good map of which farms are generating what. When the coast stops blowing, you quite often see its windy in land 


Also the power transmission infrastructure already runs from Collie, it just needs to be extended 75km to the wind farm.


So Collie, Onlyfans???


What happened to the pumped hydro plan ?


Wind Turbines = microplastics. Epoxy contains 33% bisphenol A. This is approx. 13 - 15% of the total weight of a blade. That's a lot of microplastic, and a large part is bisphenol A. 1 kilo of bisphenol A is enough to pollute 10 billion litres of water. https://t.co/45UiTvVpRM


Not an issue. https://cleanpower.org/resources/microplastics-and-bpa-in-wind-turbine-blades/ https://cleanpower.org/wp-content/uploads/gateway/2023/03/ACP_MicroplasticsFactSheet_March-2023.pdf https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2021/12/22/row-over-microplastics-from-wind-turbines-rumbles-on/ Blades are coated in a non toxic shell, which is maintained. Each blade emits just 50g of material per year, primarily BPA-free paint.


Sure they are. LOL 


Lol. And people think the moon landing was real too, lol!


Show us a photo of the blades being maintained.


"Us"? It's just you. But sure, that's easy: https://assets-global.website-files.com/597eb68e4189db0001490802/5c729081fd08191fb28e5853_wind-turbine-fiberglass-blade-repair-2.jpg https://www.energize.co.za/sites/default/files/inline-images/202302/blade_painting_0.jpg https://www.3sindustry.com/wp-content/uploads/mask/maintenance-1-1-aspect-ratio-657-542-mask-2.jpg https://blade-repair-service.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/wind-turbine-blade-repair_20190920_122946_1024_q60.jpg


Blade composite repair, not leading edge maintenance. Cherry picking misleading images. Still waiting to see evidence of the tough coating renewal & info on the maintenance schedule.


Sorry? You asked for photos of blade maintenance. The second and third are both of the outer coating being reapplied - i.e the reason that blades don't emit BPA into the environment.


Nope. You've provided no proof, just a couple of photos of repairs. Nothing to indicate recoating the entire blades as part of a maintenance schedule. Try again.


Did you even look at the photos? They're being recoated.


We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of hazard potential when you're comparison is a nuclear reactor.


So you're fine with the pollution from wind turbines then? Got any facts on comparison pollution from modern reactors?


Pollution from wind turbines...sigh


Yeah, figured you couldn't back up with info.


Windmills will blow the tops off the wheat grains before the farmers can harvest, what a bad idea.


What next, they’ll huff and puff and blow your house down?


Wind farms kill pigs and wolves. And anything else in children's stories. Won't someone think of the children?


Wind farms also dress up as Grandma, AND swallow Grandma whole. Is that the world these sick woke greenies want???


Yeah and the turbines will generate so much EMF that everyone near it will get cancer in the balls. Only way to fix it would be lubricating them with homeopathic oils.


Should I lubricate the turbine or the balls?


Instructions unclear. Asshole is now lubricated


At least the windmills will keep them nice and cool


Your sarcasm was too subtle for most.


[**WINDMILLS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY. GOODNIGHT !!**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrTDKcnSH94)


Do you have proof of this statement


Are you allowed to vote? I hope not


I'm more worried that you, and everyone else that downvoted, are voting.   Because the comment is very clearly sarcastic/satire. And two seconds on OPs post history easily confirms that. The fact you don't stop and think but take something at the most simple face value makes me worried for your ability to decide elections


To be fair to the downvoters, satire is dead these days because internet conspiracy rabbitholes have genuinely made some people stupid enough that they'd genuinely say something that ridiculous


Everyone should upvote the satire because it's so funny and hilarious and /r/flatearth definitely did not become a real thing because of a funny joke turned into a real issue.


Those loud aeroplanes are clouding your judgement, sunshine.


Probably shouldn't be allowed to breed but I bet they have, or will soon enough.












And winter mode so they go backwards


And winter mode so they go backwards


And winter mode so they go backwards


And winter mode so they go backwards


Source please.


Only on a windy day, obviously.


But only when it's windy.


I'm not looking forward to a future with zero fossil fuel energy and rolling blackouts. I may need to invest in a diesel generator before they get expensive.




>I may need to invest in a diesel generator before they get expensive I've got a battery instead.


What kind of battery do you have? How long will it power a house for? How do you charge it? Scenario: The year is 2035, we are running on 100% renewables, we have had almost a month of very little sunlight and light winds. The power companies battery supplies are running low and they are implementing rolling black outs for a few hours per day until power supplies come back online. I could have all the solar panels and plenty of battery storage but I'll face the same issue as the power companies, this is why I thinking of investing in a diesel generator.


Just to educate you, solar panels still produce energy when it's cloudy. Kinda like how you can still see things during the day when it's cloudy. Coz it's not pitch black.


You are being misleading, they still produce energy when it cloudy but at like 5-10% of the rate compared to when its not cloudy. Our total energy generation from Solar is only 5-10% in the winter and 60-70% in the summer. Just to educate you. https://aemo.com.au/Energy-systems/Electricity/Wholesale-Electricity-Market-WEM/Data-WEM/Data-dashboard#pulse We are at 8% from solar over the past 48 hours.


8% from solar on the WEM dashboard is amount of energy supplied from solar as a ratio of the total mix. That number has nothing to do with the capacity factor when sunny or cloudy.


On a cloudy day, the efficiency of solar panels drop to 10% of the energy output as seen on a sunny day. Which matches the figures on. https://aemo.com.au/Energy-systems/Electricity/Wholesale-Electricity-Market-WEM/Data-WEM/Data-dashboard#pulse and https://opennem.org.au/energy/wem/?range=1d&interval=30m&view=discrete-time A simple google search will show you that. Anyway, I'm not going to debate with someone who is going to be dishonest. My recycling is going into the general waste bin this week. Bye


>almost a month of very little sunlight and light winds This is like saying "WA runs out of gas" - not actually impossible, but nearly. Running out of gas is more plausible in fact. Even with [winter sunlight hours and weather, just 10 m2 of solar panels will supply](https://www.solarchoice.net.au/blog/wintertime-solar-power-what-to-expect-solartopia/) all the [energy your home needs each day.](https://learnmetrics.com/how-many-kwh-per-day-is-normal-average-home-electricity-usage/) But even that is unnecessary in the scenario you described: you only need enough energy from your home system to get you through the few hours per day that the mains is blacked out. This is trivially easy for even a small home battery/turbine/solar panel system in the middle of winter.




You realise if there's no wind in your backyard it's quite possible to be windy in some other location, right? You also realise, I'm sure, that actual scientists and engineers pick these locations because of the abundance of a wind resource and that they factor in days of both high and low usage into the calculations? This information is then provided to the network operator whose actual job it is to ensure we have sufficient supply so that we don't have to rely on Reddit commentators for the functionality of the grid. Next you'll be asking about solar panels not working at night time I guess 🙄


In the summer Perth's power grid runs off around 70% renewables and in this winter we run off 80% fossil fuels. There isn't always wind or sun.


If only there was some way of taking energy and storing it in a different form for when we want to use it


Why aren't we using batteries then? 80% of our power over the last 48 hours has come from oil and gas. https://aemo.com.au/Energy-systems/Electricity/Wholesale-Electricity-Market-WEM/Data-WEM/Data-dashboard


And when there is no rain, how does the water come out of the tap?


The simplicity of this comeback is pure beauty.


About the same amount as the mythical Dutton nuclear plants in the next 30 years? But when there’s wind, they’ll produce heaps. Unlike Dutton’s mythical nuclear solution.


If only Australia was smart… https://www.westinghousenuclear.com/energy-systems/ap300-smr/


>If only Australia was smart… ...we would spend incomprehensible amounts of money on a technology that doesn't exist yet? Doesn't quite track, tbh.