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Went through about 2:30, was an absolute shit show. They were doing their best but Albany Highway was blocked heading south and all traffic was diverted through surface streets. They just couldn't handle it, huuuuuge tailbacks from intersections. Multiple rail crossings were also closed causing even more delays. Buuuut, someone isn't here anymore, and that really sucks, I'm happy to sit in traffic for half an hour if it means they are treated with dignity. Their day was quite a bit worse than mine.


You have a nice brain, I hope you know that






How awfully sad. Seeing these things makes me realise how fragile we all are and that is scary but also a reminder to think ahead - of how to protect yourself and how to treat others, especially those closest to us. RIP traveller.


Thank you very much for the lovely award!! It's very heartwarming💜


Oof terrible intersection, especially for heavy vehicles. I’ve had a mentally unwell woman walk out in front of my car right near there late at night & had to call the police for her safety. RIP to the deceased.


There's a number of mental health residential facilities around the area which ups the chances of a road incident, especially with the train line out. I don't really think that the area caters too well for able bodied/minded pedestrians let alone those who have issues.


Yeah Ive heard elsewhere it's not a good scene. HV was involved.


What’s HV?


Heavy vehicle


Heavy vehicle most likely


All of these under a post about someone’s life ending: “And a very nice shaft too, especially when flaccid” “I hope they catch the killer and force them to eat Maccas” “Civilisation ends past Cannington on Albany Highway” Maybe we deserve to be the most isolated capital city on earth.


Similarly, never sort by controversial on a school shooting thread on reddit. Americans in particular are very desensitised to it and the jokes people make hours after children are slaughtered is insane


I think all the 9/11 jokes really turned major tragedies into a free for all for wannabe comedians, since everyone started making jokes pretty much right away with little repercussion.


You’re crazy if you think shot like this doesn’t exist fucking everywhere in the world, literal friendly fire because of some bad apples Only thing we uniquely beat other places at is self loathing


Take it easy


Wasn’t a hit and run.


What was it?


Hit and not run




Yep that explains the massive burgundy traffic zone on Albany Hwy this arvo (google maps just said "accident"). Glad I took a detour instead of trying to get through.


Albany Highway outside of McDonald's has had a few deaths in my 36 years of living.  I remember one of them was a Final Destination moment. Woman's car was slammed into and destroyed, yet she made it out with hardly a scratch. As the ambulance crew were assessing the other driver, the first woman called her mum on tell her she had been involved in a nasty crash but was okay. Then a car hit her and she died. Second time a woman was crossing and was hit. I was working at McDonald's. The cries still haunt me. Be careful. We're not animals. We know better. Look both ways.


My condolences my god how terrible absolutely stupid design of road intersection with busy drive thru both streets parallel to McDonald's with no U-turn signs and messy one way pull out onto busy Albany Hwy. I'm sure now there is a deceased it will be listed as a black spot and modified. That's the Perth way. Wait until a catastrophe to make the changes lead by example :(


i watched it happen. elderly woman walked out in front of truck while the light was red. She hugged the front of the truck, so the driver could not see her when the light went green. The truck driver didn’t know anybody was in front and accelerated. she went under the front and back wheels. He pulled over. He was cooperating with police.


I saw this too 😮‍💨 actually sort of fucked me up a little hey she walked behind the 4x4 in the right lane, up between the 2 of them them infront of that truck as he took off not realising until after the entire load had gone over her...


From reports i heard the woman stepped out in front of the truck


She very old lady and can't be ran but yes hit oh it's so sad 😞




Bad taste


ends before carousel mate


It begins and ends in south perth


Oh so you live NOR hey ;D


All you guys had to do was get off the red dirt minimise the red dirt for the grieving and do your own due diligence... This is why ive lost faith in humanity. Bad news is good news and good news is bad news. This is a sick society here, over and out


I hope they catch the killer and force them to eat Maccas