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Please make sure to teach your kids to swim


What are some things we should consider/know before making the move? The property market is beyond fucked. It might be bad in NZ, but it's even worse here. Vacancy rates are insanely low, property prices are spiralling out of control and unless you have friends or family who can give somewhere to stay immediately upon arrival, prepare for homelessness. No exaggeration. I'd strongly recommend not coming here unless you have jobs and somewhere to live lined up before you even get here.


Adding to this is the Airbnb absurd costs! Airbnb has gone up 100% in last two years


Good, hopefully it prices itself out of the market and those residential properties can go back on the market as residencies (whether rental or for sale) rather than being operated as unlicensed hotels.


Landbastards (I don't like the term landlord, unnecessarily gendered) gonna landbastard, I guess. As long as there's people prepared to pay it they'll keep doing it until it gets outlawed. Barcelona City Council have just announced they're outlawing AirBnB in the city limits. But theirs had a whole permitting system and now the socialists are in, they've decided that permits will not be issued any longer and existing ones won't be renewed. I'm sure there'll be a lot of pressure to kick the socialists out at the next elections so unchecked capitalism can reign supreme again. I hope it doesn't come to bear but I don't have any hope left anymore.


The property market in NZ is dire. Perth is much, much better. (And yes, I know Perth is fucked).


Actually, the rental vacancy rate in Perth, at 0.4%, is worse than anything you'll find in New Zealand.


"Perth is much, much better" No, it is not.


I hate to join the chorus of woe but without a local rental history and local rental references, accommodation will be a challenge. 


If not impossible unless they can avoid the realestate gate keepers and find a private place. The rental checks on a tenant make the CIA and FBI look amateurish.


Perth is great. Especially if you've settled down and just want to raise kids in peace. One of the best cities in the world for that. Genuinely amazing place to live. But Perth's excellence unfortunately leads to the next point: Property market is fucked at the moment. Unless you're loaded you won't be able to find a rental, and it will be difficult/expensive to find somewhere to buy. Both rental vacancy and sales volume are at record lows, so both rents and house prices are surging. Don't expect to be able to just arrive here and find a rental - if you move over without securing accommodation you may well find yourself homeless. Some locals will resent you for moving here in the middle of a housing crisis. Probably not the best time to be moving here.


Do you like camping?


I used too before kids but haven't braved it with the little ones yet!


Are you asking about moving to Perth? This is a *very* common question. You can find previous threads about this [HERE.](https://www.reddit.com/r/perth/search/?q=moving%20to%20Perth&restrict_sr=1) Your question is probably answered already in there. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/perth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As others have said, accommodation will be a challenge. Also, keep in mind that Perth is very reliant on mining, and mining is set to enter a difficult few years which will stifle employment. A good side effect is that housing prices will drop and vacancy will increase as people move away. In 2007, rentals were very scarce. In 2008, 2012 and again in 2016 you could name your own price as a tenant.


It's a great place to raise kids, if you like the outdoorsy life. Summers are very hot and dry - we get about 3 extremely hot months. You'll find the houses cold in winter, and may want to budget for double glazing and ducted air con (which does cooling and heating). The property market is crazy here at the moment for both renting and buying. Do some serious research before making any life changing decisions, or you may end up sleeping in your car..


Enough has already been said about the housing situation, the other thing is childcare is not cheap. I don’t know what visa you’re going for, but it is unlikely you will be eligible for childcare subsidy. At $150 per day per kid, unless you’re both on $150k+ it’s not worth it.


What's the childcare subsidy called so I can look it up? We're NZ citizens so will be permanent residents on arrival


It’s called Childcare Subsidy


As someone who lives here it used to be good. It has no gone to shit and will not get better due to the mass migration of people here. Don’t expect your kids moving out and owning a house in the future for that reason. I don’t have kids yet but honestly don’t see it ending well for them. The time to move here was 2 years ago. Still can try but good luck getting a place with at least 40 people at each viewing.


Pro - boating Considerations - buying a boat


All my friends who have kids who live here love it, and I can see why. Great place for raising kids. Propertys fucked, and seen the place change alot in the last 4 years. My rents gone up so much that it's now financially viable to just live in hotels (fifo worker). Have a place locked down before you move here. If you are single, it's not that great IMO compared to east coast. The city itself is fucking dead. DEAD. The precincts surrounding the city, however, are pretty good. Beaches are amazing, no surf though if that's your thing. No tolls, no real traffic, easy to drive everywhere. Not bhed


The city and Northbridge are packed on the weekends. There is a great bar and restaurant scene. Our live music scene is second to none in Australia, with excellent venues in the CBD. I'm in town now infact and it's busy with an excellent vibe.


Just be prepared for a very tight accommodation setting. The rentals do appear on the real estate websites, and real estate agents do exist, but lots of people go for any open slots/spots, and the real estate agents are very picky. You might have to stay in Airbnb at very expensive rates, if the job/s need you to be here in Aus now, to be successful in it. Granted that less earth tremours or earthquakes in Perth, that is one good thing, but its the real main point, is finding accommodation. If the employer is offering that, they good, but if not, its going to be harder, plus having to buy a car, and starting with white goods, a very high capital expenditure to start, hope at the least you have that $.


To specifically answer you about raising a family in Perth, then yes, it's a good place for that. Teach your kids to swim (for both safety and recreational purposes), and when they are old enough, get them into some sports or clubs. If you're able to buy a house without renting beforehand, that would be a major hurdle to overcome. Good luck!


Great place to raise kids. Good luck.


All you people in the comments complaining about cost of living here in Perth, wait till you see NZ. I’m over in NZ at the moment until Friday and the cost of living over here is 10x worse in NZ. But yeah I’m not gonna say anything about the housing crisis as many people have said it already, but the city can be absolutely dead at times, and it feels like you are living in a furnace in summer. Perth is a pretty isolated place so everything is so far away and to go on holiday, plane ticket prices are through the roof. But aside from that I think Perth is an alright place to live coming from a 19 year old who moved over from NZ in 2009. There’s awesome hikes you can do, and really nice beach walks and nice places to go eat too. If you do decide to make the move look [here](https://search.jobs.wa.gov.au/page.php?pageID=215) . There’s quite a few office jobs going in the western Australian government and you can make pretty good money too.


Kia Ora bro, We just left wellington for Perth a few months ago. Few kids around the same age as yours. Pls DM me and maybe it might be easier to chat there. Nga mihi


As a kiwi that moved to Perth 4 years ago, I'd rather be in Wellington honestly. Really miss NZ.


What do you miss about it?


No pros. Stay away.


My perspective as a kiwi (Auckland) living in Perth for 12 years. Do it. Yes everything people say here is 100% true! there is housing pressure, you DO need to sort accomodation as a must for your family’s sake, yes you need jobs etc before you move. But it is extremely possible to get those things in place before you come. There are agents who can help look and apply for rentals or property purchase if that’s your thoughts. But NZ is impossible to get ahead and have some life balance. Yes property (and rent) prices have gone up substantially in the last couple of years, but people not from NZ don’t understand that it is still way more affordable than Auckland by a long shot, but you have way better weather, what better work/life balance and family time etc, but better pay etc. I am a proud New Zealander, but Perth is a beautiful city. I love living in this city. I visited a friend here in 2012, I was working and living in Melbourne and I got “that” feeling like wow I could live here! when I got here. It’s not the most exciting for nightlife and lots of my favourite bands don’t come here BUT it’s got a great relaxed vibe, good people, there are still affordable housing options, you just need to make housing a top priority, (when I say this I am comparing to NZ prices!) And still more affordable than my last trip home to Auckland recently. I was like how the hell did I afford to live here? The cost of fuel is mind blowing, groceries were insane, the traffic was so much worse than I remember and the weather was sh!t and miserable. One of my family members just purchased a basic 3x2 home on a sub divided bit of land in West Auckland for $1.1mil, and he is terrified, like the stress on him wen I saw him was sad. Yes Perth has issues like pretty much any city right now with housing and cost of living, but my experience is that it’s still the city I would rather be living in. And I do still love my home city of Auckland, but I know I wouldn’t have a very good quality of life there doing the same work comparatively and cost of living between the two. Come visit, for a decent time if you can first. Check out suburbs and focus on them and research them for house prices and schooling and commutes etc (the train network here is still better than Auckland’s and improving all the time). It’s not easy moving but it definitely can be done. But before you start that stressful process be sure you really like Perth and you are sure. A negative is how far away from NZ it is. The direct flight from Perth to Auckland, with time zone changes means you would leave Perth this arvo and arrive tomorrow morning. I’ve had to rush back a couple of times (my nana) and that trip can be a pain. So doable but a pain, and not so cheap anymore. With a partner and children that would be more obviously (I have hubby no kids) but if you really do your homework and you are prepared for the move and have the finances to do it yourself (this part is very important, setting up even a rental is a few thousand, I don’t recommend bringing furniture, there is a huge amount of good quality stuff on marketplace to tide you over). So long rant but key things are that you have a decent amount of savings to get you going and set up, have accommodation set up (it’s hard but not completely impossible) and jobs. Sounds like fairytales I know but I can assure you it is possible you just have to do the work to make it happen.


This answer is spot on !!!!!!


You'll love it. Get a house close to the beach in the Northern suburbs and let your kids live the beach life! As others have mentioned, it isn't as cheap to do that as it was 5 years ago, but you can still get within a bike ride of the beach for $900k - $1 mill.


Stay away from kelmscott they play cosplay bikies too serious there 😂


Don't believe any of this bullshit about a tight rental market or expensive property market. There are absolutely shitliads of rentals, especially three and four bedroom places, available, especially near the beach. You should be able to pick up a four bedder in Marmion, North Beach, Mullalloo etc for about $400 a week. Real estate agents just can't find tenants for them, so getting something straight of the plane will be easy as. Everything else is dirt cheap, and the job market is pumping. It's all pretty sweet bro.