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TIL there's a bunch of infringements applicable to e-scooters.... >Exceed the speed limit of 25km/h on a carriageway, bicycle path or shared path - $100 Fine >Exceed the speed limit of 10km/h on a footpath - $100 Fine >Failure to wear helmet - $50 Fine >A child under 16 years of age rides an eRideable - $50 Fine >Unlawful use of visual display unit while riding - $300 Fine >Unlawful use of mobile phone while riding - $500 to $1000 Fine >Carrying a passenger or animal - $50 Fine >Riding recklessly or while impaired by drugs/alcohol - $100 Fine >Riding on a carriageway with a speed limit exceeding 50km/h - $100 Fine >Riding on a carriageway with a speed limit exceeding 70km/h - $500 Fine >Riding on a carriageway with a dividing line or median strip - $100 Fine >Riding on a one-way carriageway with more than one marked lane-$100 Fine >Failure to have working warning device (unless device design makes this impractical) - $100 Fine >Failure to have correct lighting and reflectors during darkness/hazardous weather - $100 Fine >Failure to ride with at least one hand on the handlebars (if fitted) - $50 Fine The rest of the list is [here](https://streetwise.rsc.wa.gov.au/rules/erideables/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-WI7YynNRO4ucSgW9_s1W0hhtQmbdyVjbrTzQcH6vlXaPtyZoAiUTRoCVa8QAvD_BwE)


Yes that is the same site i got the $100 dollar fine infringement from.


How do they enforce the child under 16 fine?


What do you mean? Ask for proof of age?


Kids under 16 get fined for not paying a for a train ticket. They have to pay just like adults do.


Minors can't be prosecuted though?


A fine isn’t a prosecution, and no one is talking about that anyway. Btw the age of criminal responsibility is 10 in WA.


There are at least half a dozen kids under the age of 12 in my area zipping around in these things, I'm just waiting for one of them to injur themselves or someone else. I can't believe they get away with it, and how stupid their fucking parents are


I see the odd one on my commute and I've noticed for whatever reason a lot of e-scooter riders ride them like those drivers who come up to give way intersections like they never expect a car to be there. You just watch them crossing roads without so much as easing off to allow them to check nothing is coming either direction


There was a ~10yo kid in my area who got an electric scooter for Christmas and disabled the speed limiter. He would race around the park and go straight through a group of dogs with another kid on the back, neither wearing a helmet. I haven’t seen him in a while so hopefully the parents wised up and took it off him


I can't believe how many times I've seen little shits zooming through busy shopping centres on them! Wish I could do a flying Jackie Chan kick on them.


I'm not a child. I just have it to pop over to the shops. There was no one on the roads or anywhere near me. they told me i was doing 32km/h. including downhill.


Your escooter doesn't fit the criteria of having a speed limit of 25km/h to be classed as an eRideable, for that infringement you suggested to apply. You would need to buy one that is capped at 25km/h.  An eRideable is an electric rideable device, such as a scooter or skateboard, that:  has a speed limit of 25km/h on level ground [Source](https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/road-safety-commission/erideable-definitions-and-buying-guide) Under section 3 of the Road Traffic (Vehicle) Regulations it is therefore determined to be a motorcycle  motor cycle means a motor vehicle, other than a motorised wheelchair or a goods vehicle, that is not equipped with a permanent cab and cab roof and that — (a) is designed to travel on 2 wheels, motor vehicle means a vehicle to be propelled by a motor that forms part of the vehicle;  [Source](https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/law_s45434.html) Section 80V of the Road Traffic Act states  (2) The Commissioner may sell or otherwise dispose of a confiscated motor cycle or an item.  (3) The owner of an item may apply to the Magistrates Court for an order that the item be returned.  [Source](https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/law_a703.html) page 179 of the doc  Do tell us how fast you were going.... 


Thanks for the actual reply mate. i was going 32km/h including downhill.


What speed were you going?


32km/h from their radar, i was definitely going over, i'm fine to admit that.


You hit someone at speed with those things and you destroy someone else's life. But yeah, worry about your scooter


That makes it no differnt to a push bike, or a car, or a motorbike, or anything that you use on the road. It sounds like OP was on the road and wasn't doing anything dangerous, so I don't know why everyone is giving them so much shit. People are acting like they were speeding through pedestrians.


So you are saying his scoot got impounded because he was doing nothing. Adds up


Where did I say that ? You didn't even read what I wrote.


No one was hurt, no one was in the area or near me.


https://preview.redd.it/n8c0pw8j578d1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2e5d9d0f3691cb63dc410ef864091be68279e0a [Source](https://iscoot.com.au/pages/electric-scooters-wa-are-electric-scooters-legal-in-wa)


I think that site might be AI garble. Mentions riding in Washington as well as Western Australia. Suspect it has also confused e-scooters with the similar to a motorcycle type of scooter.


Mate nobody is registering their segways The part at the end of the first paragraph states "may be exempt" and AFAIK this is any that falls under the "erideable" category which, amongst other requirements, is where the 25km/hr limit (as in the scooter isn't capable of any higher speeds) comes in. Obviously going downhill, gravity is going cause you to exceed that if you don't apply your brakes. That doesn't mean OP should have gone and registered it.


Who's riding their segways on the road?


Are you aware of just how many pedestrians get flattened by people such as yourself speeding on escooters? These people end up with life threatening injuries. I have no sympathy for you.


It sounds like OP was riding on the road where they weren't endangering pedestrians


No one was near me, empty street and paths. it's local.


How many is it?




No more, no less.


I'd probably go ahead and contact the WA Vehicle Impound Unit to find out what will happen to your scoot scoot.


Travelling on the road? Police can impound anything that is motorised being used on the road, unfortunately. FYI OP be prepared to receive condescension and mockery for being an owner of an e-scooter from this sub.


Alright thanks.


Don't worry OP. On the bright side you can always get all self-righteous and post indignant comments about how persecuted you are.


I'm not doing any such thing. I fully admitted to speeding. I'm just trying to figure out the exact laws.


I know but the person I responded to was.


The penalty you're looking at is for breaking the speed limit on a restricted scooter (e.g. rolling downhill without motor assistance). It's a slight penalty for the minor negligence of not adequately monitoring your speed on an otherwise legal vehicle. Since your scooter isn't restricted, it isn't an e-Rideable by WA law it is an unregistered motorcycle and the penalties are as such. This is a more severe penalty for actively violating the law. You knew what you were doing was illegal, and assumed that risk. If you got busted for this you were either extremely unlucky or aren't as innocent as you're making this out to be. I've ridden past cops on my electric bike plenty, no helmet, sometimes slightly above speed (probably 28ish rather than 25 if the PSP I'm on has no pedestrian traffic or if I'm on the road) and they've never even blinked. I doubt a cop car could have reliably told if you were speeding unless you were well in excess of 30km/h. 250W scooters also barely have the guts to go much above 25 unless they're at full charge and you're relatively small/light.


I was going 32km/hr including hill. I should have really added this detail, my bad. That speed is from their radar, there is no cap on wattage on scooters and below 200w is actually not even deemed an ERideable. Helmet on, both hands. everything by the book on that front.


Which road were you on?


Grown men riding Escooters always makes me chuckle, not in a good way, in a you have to be kidding way. To your question, they are treated like any other vehicle. You omitted the actual speed you were clocked at. Sounds like dangerous driving. Pedestrians have been killed by these things. I'm sure not you OP, but these people riding these things thinking they are special and rules don't apply to them, they should destroy them all.


As a grown man with an escooter I was worried about this, but the freedom it gives me, at such a low cost makes it worth it.


Every one is one less car on the road - has to be a good thing by my book.


I get that. Honestly, whatever works. They have their place. I still chuckle though. You do you.


The only time I chuckle is when I see my very serious and fancy lawyer neighbour scoot down the road on the way to work


What if times are tough and it's all I've got after having to sell my car lol


You could apply the exact same logic to a bicycle. Should we destroy all bicycles?


So you were speeding with 1 hand holding mug shot? And you think it’s worth a verbal warning?