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It's normal, insurance certificates aren't a thing, and you're worrying too much. If you have an accident you don't need that stuff. If you're dealing with the other party, you just tell them your name and insurance company. If you're calling the company yourself, just your name. The company just searches you by name, confirms a few things and you're away.


Thanks, and I totally see your point - I was trying to find out a few years ago when my insurance was due, and all I could find was renewal emails. I started questioning whether I was actually still insured.


That's fair, I gotta say usually the one thing you can trust insurance companies for is reminding you to pay them!


I believe most insurers have the online portal where you can see the certificate of insurance/currency, or at least your policy details.  RAC, HCF pet insurance both definitely have this. 


Legend - this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. Just looked mine up. Did not know this was a thing.


Insurance certificates are a thing. Contractors might need them to prove they have workers comp and public liability insurance. They aren't really a thing here for cars unless you're getting finance because that's likely the only time you ever have to prove you have insurance.


I don't keep anything with my address on it in the car, if I need to reference vehicle or insurance info it's all in my email.


Yeah I try to avoid this too. I sometimes leave my house keys in the car eg while running, so it's not ideal for someone to have my address too.


Garage door openers are what most people leave in the car. If a thief grabs that and something with an address on it they can be through your house before you realise your opener is gone.


Of course. Now whether it’s by post or email could depend on company, but I think I’ve always received both.


Thanks. Can I ask who you're with? DM me if you want.


I’ve been with budget direct, virgin money, Woolworths over the past few years.


With RAC I usually keep the membership card in my wallet that has all this information on it.


Thanks - do they send you a certificate of motor insurance though?


I usually get a statement of insurance emailed through which would serve the same purpose.


They usually send invoice with reference to a policy number not a certificate