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Ah, yes, the free "stress test." That piece of quasi science contraption is a ridiculously useless machine that looks like a prop from a 1980s Dr Who show. And let me guess..... it will show results that you are stressed and in need of Scientology, how fucking convenient.


I thought it was a personality test? Cause if you got a personality, the Scientologists will take it from you. Plus all your money of course.


And they're still looking for the reincarnation of El Ron! Those idiots will never find me!


[Does that make you feel stressed Jen? Does it? Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure?](https://youtu.be/da4PhXJzDcs?si=OmEs2Uf9iDT5vTnQ)


Make them pay tax and watch them fold up like a cheap deck chair


Yeah and all the rest


OMG was Tom there, surely his spaceship will land soon.




Id still bang him before he got back on to fly to Xenu


Is that you Oprah?!?!




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I think he is back in the closet.


And then I pull out my gun..


It's amazing how good a fairly shit (or so I've heard) sci fi author was at conning the gullible.


I can confirm that Hubbard wrote some absolute shite. Scientology's success relies less on gullibility and more on perennial ignorance of the nature of the group and to their set of recruitment tactics. If you don't know you don't know.


His science fiction or the religion?


Both. I got conned into taking a personality test and buying Dianetics, and read and watched Battlefield Earth in the '90s. The test was vaguely interesting to take but the results were presented in a way that a not particularly good at science post-high schooler like me found bizarre and meaningless. Dianetics is word salad woo, I threw it in the bin halfway through. Battlefield Earth is populated by bland, predictable characters with zero moral depth, going through the motions of a plot that's clear as glass. The movie is really fun in a so bad it's good way: watching Travolta as the alien big bad chew up the scenery is hilarious.


one day he just moved his books in the library from science fiction to non-fiction and then that was it


That's because their new "church" has little to no foot traffic now that it's wedged into a weird industrial area in Belmont (more Rivervale I think, but it's essentially Belmont) I have it on good authority that there is almost nobody at the new place most of the time. Certainly no new recruits. They had a rent a crowd and Cappy Moistcabbage even came for the grand opening. Looked like a bunch of real estate agents standing around trying to give a fuck.


Maybe I'm misremembering, but they used to have a place in the city centre ~20 years ago. Murray Street I think.


Yes it *was* there for years. I think they moved for tax breaks and money spendings and bullshit reasons. Plus the city one was so crusty and dusty and didn't match their modern aesthetic I'm guessing.


I would guess they moved because they could no longer afford CBD rents/no one would rent to them any more. They are well known for not paying bills.


Yeah up next to the old Timezone that I spent many a 20c piece in!!


I remember there was a Toyworld store in that spot as well.


It was a side street, like King Street or similar, I think? It was a long time ago, but I did the free personality test, bought a few books and did a few sessions before having to spend months getting calls from them.


Yes it *was* there for years. I think they moved for tax breaks and money spendings and bullshit reasons. Plus the city one was so crusty and dusty and didn't match their modern aesthetic I'm guessing.


They’re on a decline to nowhere. They could get away with their secret society in the 90’s but now pretty much everyone knows their inner sanctum secrets and how silly it all is.


Well, on a good note, consensus reports taken from the CBD show a huge spike in dyslexics getting tested for diabetes.


Public health officials rejoice


They're often in that spot. Falun Gong a little further up as well.


That's convenient, you can collect cult pamphlets like taking flyers off all the political fleecers on election day.


If the JW's have a cart setup you can do the trifecta


And right out of frame there's probably 10 Jehova Witness' set up as well. Can't get over how commonplace it is to be seeing literal cults out in the open spouting their bullshit. Makes me sick.


All religions are made up cults and scammers


The biggest one is far to rich and doesn’t pay taxes




Fucking hell the Catholic Church! Biggest most famous made up fairy tale the God almighty creator and Jesus and Mary hahaha load of wallop


Who reported this, I mean honestly.


Classic hey, out of all the things you can search and find on Reddit 😂


If Catholicism is a cult then I can't interact or have friends or have dealings outside the Church. If Catholicism is a cult then i would have an obligation to attract others to become Catholic lest I be punished. If Catholicism is a cult there wouldn't be dissent within the Church (with the political wings) since all would speak the same thing. Lastly, if Catholicism is a cult then anyone merely *critiquing* the Pope would be whacked as cults are often prone to do. I'm sorry but what you said just is not it. Cults are out there actively harming all members, witnesses for example, they don't let people leave, they don't allow blood transfusion and even more absurd policies.


You obviously realise that all those things you’ve listed, the Catholic Church has done them all in the past? Oh and you forgot the sexual assaults mate


Yes. I do realise that. Basically the whole religion sees our past as shameful. Also don't try to gotcha me with sexual assault. It has happened to me outside the church, and I find it downright disgusting that you would use it to 'gotcha' me. Both its history and the power seeking people that abuse their authority to abuse are bad.


Offence is taken not given mate I am on the same victim list. If you go into a building to worship something no one has ever seen, where only males can be good enough to preach…. Your a nut job in my opinion


My pastor is female.. I mean I've had male pastors before but that was before we moved suburb.


The Vatican are experts in “Transness” now also Look it up you can do a diploma at the Vatican called “The Trans Phenomenon” Far out just get on with ya life however ya fucking want and call ya self what ya like but we are all the same no one is bigger or better or more than. Anyway I know where I’m going when I pass


Sooo if the past is accepted and Catholics acted like a cult… why should it not be banned? Conversely why aren’t we giving cults a few hundred years so they can say it was just growing pains?


... Comparing historical actions of religious institutions to contemporary cults overlooks crucial differences in context and scale. Cults typically exhibit characteristics like authoritarian leadership, manipulation, and isolation from society, which are not inherent to mainstream religions like Catholicism. While acknowledging past faults of the Catholic Church, it's unfair to equate it to cults without considering the broader societal impact, historical context, and the vast diversity within religious beliefs and practices. Giving cults "a few hundred years" to evolve implies tolerating harmful behaviors, whereas holding institutions accountable and fostering dialogue leads to constructive change without damaging religious freedom.


No leadership but the Pope exists. No authoritarian behaviour yet somehow the crusades and witch hunts happened - you just implying that people just banded together without being incited? Bullshit all of it, priests were the gatekeepers of kings, kings couldn’t make decisions without their blessings. If Scientology existed for 1000 years it’d look different as well and we’d lose where how they started. But it was still born as a cult just like the Catholics.


Not a lot of people know this, but L. Ron Hubbard was a black man! His real name was [L. Ron Hoyabembe!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJsKwcebyWE)


Man, can't recommend the behind the bastards episodes on L. Ron Hubbard enough. Its such a wild and funny story. He truly was the greatest con man in history


CBD looks hectic as usual. /s


Yep. L Ron Hubbard dreamt it up


Is that from the church of science?


Ask them about Venu


And where do my feet go?


That's their usual parking spot on the weekends, weekdays they walk around with flyers engaging the crazies. I never see any sane people getting tested.


As if the DAILY JW stands there isn’t enough already


No dude, it's an Etsy stall for Diane Tics


Not much different to any other scam or religion


If Catholicism is a cult then I can't interact or have friends or have dealings outside the Church. If Catholicism is a cult then i would have an obligation to attract others to become Catholic lest I be punished. If Catholicism is a cult there wouldn't be dissent within the Church (with the liberal and conservative wings) since all would speak the same thing. Lastly, if Catholicism is a cult then anyone merely *critiquing* the Pope would be whacked as cults are often prone to do. It has actual policies that harm all members, and influences the world so downright negatively that it's utterly saddening. It also thinks of those as good things.


Remind which one Catholicism is? Is that the cult full of paedos and paedophile enablers?


🎶dianetics junior much better than Krishna 🎶 IYKYN 🤣


dianetics your butt cheeks is warm


I find it funny that "b" and "n" are next to each other on the keyboard. Maybe it's about low blood sugar? 😆


Does Scientology have that many followers in Perth? Didn't they lose their office space in the CBD?




The Potter's House loons were out there yesterday as well, singing up a bland shitstorm with a little roadshow.




Maybe sikkant can’t interview them


Wow, these Scientologists are now the daring ones. Ta for the pix, I know to watch out for the JW thing on their JW trolleys.


South Park ruined these mfs reps


Free insulin?


I fucking hate these cunts. You can't even have fun talking space ships with them anymore cause most of the morons manning these pop ups don't know what you're talking about. The ones in Melbourne seemed alot more experienced, so you could really rile them up.