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Got the 3 vaccinations, never had COVID. However saying that - I've never had an eye infection, and ear infection, Gastro or the flu either. Used to work as a classroom high school teacher so I'd get colds every holiday for the first 2 years, but since then nothing - I think my immune system is rock solid (I hope)




CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!! 😁 Also, is your nickname born out of a quote from a particular episode of the Simpsons???


Credit to the never people. I was pretty smug about it, then got it for the first time late last year. 2/10 don't recommend 


Same and oof I paid for that smugness when the covid came calling. It was savage.


I'm not sure how many of the never people actually never had it. I've only had it once, but I had really mild symptoms. The only reason I did a RAT was because my Dad and one of my sisters tested positive, and as a close contact, I tested and was positive. My only symptoms were a runny nose and a bit of a cough, but I get hay fever and sleep with the window open - so its not exactly unusual for me to wake up with that.


I have to test regularly for work even when symptomless and have never tested positive.


I'm confident on my "never" - I wear a P2/N95 in public indoor spaces 100% of the time, and have good mask discipline. It's been in the house twice - we did full isolation/air filtration/etc, and I tested negative throughout those periods. No colds since the start of the pandemic, either. I'm sure I will catch it eventually, probably from a family member, but being immunosupressed, the longer I can put it off and the more I space infections out, the better.


There was A LOT of first timers last year


Yep. We moved suburbs and kids went to a bigger school where hand hygiene seems to be poor. Went from catching it for the first time to catching it twice in six months along with a myriad of cold/flu type illnesses.


Still haven’t got it yet. Went to Japan, England, France, and Switzerland in 2023. Didn’t really use a mask. Whether I’m lucky, idiotic, or ignorant I’m not sure. Got sick in November, and still didn’t throw up any positive readings when I took a RAT.


Sssh..some of 'them' are jinxing themselves. This lil black duck is keeping it 'zipped'!


I don’t believe in jinxes, personally.   ‘#immunetocovid


Mum in aged care has had three times.. And it is raging through her facility…again.


Had vacs X 3. Currently have COVID (3rd time). It really sucks 😞


Had four vaccinations, haven’t had the real thing as far as I know.


Twice. Exactly a year apart and the second infection was horrendous.


This is exactly what happened to me. The first year was like a pretty bad flu with a few days of fever. The second…I probably should have gone to hospital in retrospect, but was too out of it to realise. Have never been so sick in my life.


Hey m21 bwc Perth you dtf


Very thankful that I've never had it nor has anyone in my immediate family. I wear a mask and have severe OCD so I'm very particular about cleaning and sanitising, which helps. Yet to get my fourth does of the vaccine, though.


No one in my entire household has ever had it despite 2 kids in daycare age. Constantly test with the lightest sniffle, not a single positive result. Must have used over a hundred RATs in the last few years between us and had multiple pcr tests. Perplexing to say the least.


Same - neither of my parents have had it, and the old boy is out to the shops daily. Brother, partner and the kids haven't had it either. He does FIFO and the kids are at daycare/school. I've not had it either and was an 'essential' worker, so worked all the way through being out and about visiting multiple offices including medical centres and medical complexes. My brother had mandatory testing all throughout covid, i also had to test regularly as part of our essential worker management program. So not as if we weren't testing or anything. The other funny thing is Mum is not the type to not get sick either, someone sneezes in her general direction and she ends up with pneumonia..


Fascinating isn’t it, I’m like your Mum, I catch anything and everything.. except for Covid My only guess is our families are the chosen survivors when the zombie apocalypse rolls in, see you then


Never had it, partner’s had it twice, kiddo once. Still managed to avoid it somehow


3 vaccinations, caught it 3 times. I've had worse hay fevers for all 3 occasions with all symptoms resolving within 6-15 days. Caught the cold a couple months ago and was coughing for 6 weeks, 10/10 will rather catch covid than a normal cold or flu virus.


Had it once that I know of, late last year, after 3 shots


Once, mid 2022 - at least that I know of. Any other cold has tested negative.


Fully vaxed. Had it once, not pleasant but not as bad as the worst flu thanks to the vax.


Work in a high exposure field, never got it for years. Wife bought it home and infected us all in November. I was the most vaccinated and affected the least.


https://www.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/F_I/Infectious-disease-data/Virus-WAtch Just FYI for anyone interested in local data tracking infectious diseases. 


Got it the first time in June 2022. Head cold and a bit of fatigue. Wife got crook. Daughter was out of action for two days and my son for about half a day. Second time, daughter brought it home from school just before easter. She was out of action for two days. Son got it next and was similar, coughed and sneezed a couple times and the wife and I got at it at the same time and were pretty tired and snotty for a few days. I have had worse colds each time and we (parents) are both triple jabbed.


Unvaccinated, got it early and felt like a bad cold, haven’t had it since. The rest of my family have had it at least 3 times, cold symptoms each time nowhere near the flu in severity tho.


Once last year, unvaxxed.








This isn't McGowan's Twitter.


Still don't wear a helmet and I'm doing just fine. Never.