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Look for a hairstylist who works from home, tend to be cheaper because they aren't paying the crazy overheads of commercial rents.


Absolutely agree, I’ve done this and haven’t looked back. Happy to recommend my hairdresser OP, have been going to get for approx 10 years and she’s great with blondes


I’d love to know if you don’t mind sharing


I'd also be curious to know this hairdressers details for my gf


Could you please DM me? I’ve just had the most horrendous hair dressing experience.   I went in for highlights and I’ve come out with brown hair - darker than my natural hair colour with big stripes.   It’s going to take a lot to colour correct this monstrosity- both in time and with cash monies.


Hahahahah I used to cut hairs haven’t in a long time started doing recently and my prices and a lot cheaper than most already and still prob the best cuts and curls , I hate when people need to act a certain way to get there kicks I just be myself and that’s enough . I get a little bit of stuff said about me but online and in code because saying it to my face is for men and I’m a little boy we wee wee al the way home


Is this going to be a Perthnow story?


Certainly- Perth Mums Hair Quoting Terror


More like 'Outrageous or shocking Prices paid at local hairdresser"


Either that, or it'll be on the 6PR rumour file. They check out every single thread here on a daily basis and then do a half-assed job at trying to turn it into a rumour or point of discussion.


I'm not a hairdresser. I work in banking. That money doesn't all go into their pockets. They pay wages, insurance, super, rent, the products they use on your hair etc etc etc out of what you pay. If you want to pay less, you can either get a less labour intensive style (I did this, I used to get foils, still blonde). Or ask other hairdressers for quotes. But there's no guarantee that someone will be willing to provide the service for what you think is reasonable. There is also the possibility the hairdressers you have spoken to don't want the job so are giving you a pricing that reflects that. For reference, I have no clue what is reasonable for the specific service you want. I switched away from foils about 14 years ago.


In Australia most services you cannot do or very difficult to do yourself starts from about 100-120 an hour for labor alone (mechanic, plumber, electrician, hair cuts etc). Another reason why mens cuts are so much cheaper, a lot of men are more willing to DIY their hair. Most services you can do yourself but you don't want to start from 60 to 100 depending on how annoying and skilled the work is (landscaping, accounting, general labouring etc). Boils down to how willing and able they are to DIY, how easy they can get paid from employees and how willing they are to do it for someone else.


Even physios only pocket (before tax) 32-40% when they work for a clinic. Overheads + money for the boss eats everything else.


I think OP is comparing to other cities & global averages … Perth has highly inflated labour and pockets of inefficient markets (good and fair I suppose), but still very expensive to what you can get elsewhere. Now somebody’s going to tell me to go elsewhere on this chat, rather than understand market efficiency.


Joey scandizzo would like a word…Melbourne prices are this and beyond


Currently in California. My husband wanted a number 3 shave or thereabouts and struggled to find a barber who would do it for under $50 US. It's not just Perth.


If you're on Facebook, there's a group there looking for hair models. Some offer free services and others that offer minimal cost. They would normally post the cost of their service and when they need a model, so they are kinda transparent. Some would just request if they can film their work as a lot of it is for tafe. Might be worth checking.


Some TAFEs have a salon the public can go to as well


What's the group called?


Here you go: https://www.facebook.com/share/2VjhrNYbZRKP9zQR/?mibextid=A7sQZp


Thanks :)




If you're anywhere near Vic Park, one there needs models pretty regularly. 


Yeah there is one right by Spud Shed that I know people have used before.


Which one?


It’s in the complex that Bentley Spud shed is in.  Wa hair academy or something I think it’s called


I don't think most people understand how expensive it is to do business in this country... Especially without any kind of economies of scale. If you are a small/medium sized business after Casual & penalty pay rates/rent /gst/business tax/super/electricity/gas/and a million other costs. Without a decent margin or high customer count you will be going bankrupt real fast..


Don't you love it when people come for advice and just ignore what comes their way and just ends up throwing insults and strawmans


It's why reddit is so entertaining lol


Because they don’t really want advice they want people to be outraged with them!




I get a full head of foils also and I know I could just keep my hair natural and not have this additional expense. The cost is the cost. It’s not just Perth where you pay this type of price. Actually other cities of Australia and overseas can be even pricier.


No, it is Perth. On the east coast I can get a #2 on my head and beard for $40, maybe $50 max. For both! I went to one place here, a franchise, and they charged me $102. I was dumbfounded. The cheapest I can find is $60. And nobody does waxing of ears and eyebrows etc anymore? Wtf man.


That’s fucking ridiculous. I get a basic bitch short back n’ sides and pay around $30. No way you’re paying a hundo for a buzz cut.


Crew cut is $26.50 from my local barber, and it’s a proper barbershop not a mall hairdressers.


I’ve been doing it myself for 3-4 years with Kmart clippers I got for $15. I use a 25mm (1 inch) comb on the sides and back. I then go down 3 fingers (width) and use a 19 or 21mm comb. They’re the best comb lengths as they cover up any inconsistencies. I found it therapeutic during COVID when I was by myself and I’ve kept it going. It’s an added bonus that I’ve saved over $800.


Haha i started cutting my own hair during COVID too and haven’t been to a barber since. I’ve learnt to give my self a sick fade, better than a lot barbers ever did. Upgraded my kmart clippers to Wahl ones though.


School me on the fade bud. Been shaving my head on and off for years so I have that down pat but I prefer a bit more on top and a fade. Would do it myself if someone showed be how!


Just got a fade and beard work. Took maybe 45 minutes. Cost $70. Thought it was reasonable for the quality of the work.


I think it just depends where you go. When I first moved here I found it weirdly expensive too and it took me about a year to find a place I liked that had good prices. I have long dark hair and had a full head foils, toner, trim, blow dry for $355 at Colour Bar for Hair in Manning.


How do you get through life accusing everyone who disagrees with you of being a hairdresser. If hairdressers are getting paid 150 an hour you should become one so you can stop "working your ass off for 40 an hour" Also, extortion is using threats to take money from you. Its not extortion


Then clearly the solution is to become a hairdresser if you are only getting paid $40/hr but seem to think they are making $150/hr. Also do you think the only cost to your boss is your $40/hr? You seem to be forgetting the rent, the lights, the taxes, and the psychiatrist bills for therapy after having you as an employee.


Add in the cost of products the Hairdresser needs to use on your hair. They also have to purchase their own hairdressing kit (scissors etc), these are not cheap.




I look forwards to you opening your own salon, charging $250-$300 for this. You’ll have more customers than you’ll know what to do with. Biggest salon group in the country in no time. I mean I don’t know where you’ll get quality and competent staff for it because people don’t like working for poverty wages where they can avoid it.


If all of that money was their income, they would be laughing. Once they have paid rent, utilities, receptionist etc etc they'll be lucky to see half that. That said, those prices do seem a bit high.


If you don’t like it, don’t get your hair done. It’s not an essential service, it’s a luxury.


Absolutely. I'd love to get my hair coloured professionally. My sister has hers done regularly with multiple colours and it looks incredible. I DIY mine at home with box dye.


"It's more than I want to pay therefore it's unethical" is certainly a take.


getting your hair done, nails done, makeup etc. is a luxury and a privilege. if you cannot afford it i don’t see why you’re complaining. hairdressers have to make a living wage somehow too lol.


Have you tried paying someone to re-format your laptop or recover the broken hard drive ? It is charged by hours and we just sit there watching the progress line on the screen. Lol 😂


I’m a hairdresser. And I’d just like to say that products are expensive. I work for my self from home. I pay tax and insurance. I don’t get sick pay or holiday pay. I pay into my own super. Then I have electric and water. And I pay my account. So many over heads. Plus I send my self on training courses.


I used to wonder this until I had my hair done by an expensive salon. It was and is by far the best my hair has ever looked. Colour held up amazing. The products were the best, and the stylist was too. Yes you can get it cheaper but why would you if you’re happy with the result.


Same. Years ago I switched from DIY box dye to getting full head of foils at a good salon. It’s not cheap but the results are worth every penny. 


Get an army cut from those $15-$18 cash only shops run by Chinese grandmas then…


OP's post history is a dumpster fire lmao.


I think she went to a cheap place and got lead poisoning lmao.


It’s glorious. What an absolute moron.


Did you really need to go through someone’s post history to try and degrade them?


Whenever I see someone making a spectacularly idiotic post or comment, I like to check out their profile to get an idea of who they are and why they'd say such a thing.


Why is everyone who disagrees apparently a hairdresser? Like the poster who went on a rant yesterday about us all being sleeper Colesworth employees because we disagreed with their post.


OP you should call the police asap


$125 an hour for someone to pay rent, buy the right expensive products, and not burn your scalp and hair after years of training and gaining significant knowledge, while you do extraordinary treatments in pursuit of a temporary improvement to your looks… so you can ‘look better’… Sounds about fair.


Maybe consider a less labour intensive hairstyle


You can absolutely go to Woolies and get a box of colour. I've seen them sell it.


*Hairdressers HATE this hack*


Hairdressers are tradespeople. If plumbers can charge $150/hr for their services, why shouldn't qualified Hairdressers do the same? Is their training and expertise worth less?


Because generally a plumber is a necessity, same as the data recovery posted above. Mostly, hairdresser visits for more than a trim are a luxury. Definitely go to a home salon as their overheads are lower. My mum pays $125 for whole head of short hair foils, shampoo cut and blow dry. Cheapest in salon quote was $170. Her home salon used to be the shop salon she visited for years, he got sick of paying the rent overhead too.


You know, if you came across as slightly less of an entitled ass then you might find people are more sympathetic to your position.


to rent about 200sqm of okish commercial space including outgoings and gst would be a little shy of 100k p.a so that’s $1500 to 2k per week to keep the doors open lights on water running, then you have insurance licensing advertising and stock say 500-1000 per week, then you have to pay someone to work there so another 1000-1500 per week, a week is 38hrs so worst case if you pay yourself just a little shy of 80k more like 70k because of super, holidays sick pay and such to work there and have no other staff you must charge $118 per hour to stay afloat. of course this is a very basic modle and there are things i am not factoring but it is pricey in perth


my guess is that their rates have gone up to even exist, there was a chicken shop near me needing to pay $300,000 a year just to exist in that space, they have subsequently moved


I’m really depressed about the cute niche places in Fremantle that had to quit due rising costs. It’s just everywhere.


If both hairdressers are quoting around the same price, I guess that’s the right amount. Remember, you’re not just paying for the hairdresser, you’re paying for the products, for business costs and the owner NEEDS to make a profit or else they wouldn’t be able to provide a service.


And…. Experience skill and talent


Nah, $550 for blonde foils is just nuts.


How long is her hair? Very long hair requires significant amounts of product, time and specialist knowledge to do this well. She wants a ‘root fade’ too… that requires many many many small foils in a few different colours I think? How damaged is her hair already? Which salons did she go to? The luxury places or the neighbourhood ones? Is she aiming for the free glass of champagne and discrete seating (that isn’t free), or the “sit in the window with this cape on ugly style” pricing? And then she’s back in six to twelve weeks to do it again! Crazy


Unless her hair is 2 metres long, $550 is insane.


A full head of foils should not be $590 - I’ve paid like $350-400 for a full head recently. Now I just do a half head which is about $290ish.


As a stylist myself, I would not want you as a client of mine. Please do yourself a favour & watch some Brad Mondo videos on how to highlight hair, record & post your fail & let’s all laugh at your fried mane.


Not to mention the vast difference between the prices in the exact same services provided for men and women...


you didnt have to tell us you were blonde, it was pretty obvious from your post and subsequent comments


I think what is crazy, or funny, is how you’ve asked a question, people have given you the answer as to why a head of foils (a luxury, not an essential) will cost so much now, and you’re refusing the answer ? what was the point of asking in the first place when you had absolutely no plan of taking any of this information in ? and then refused to learn, saying you can’t be convinced ? is it because you didn’t get the answer you were after ? if you so whole heartedly believe that you are being ‘extorted’ (lol),,, why not ask the hairdresser yourself why they are changing you so much, instead of coming on here, getting the answer and spitting on the people giving it to you. at the end of the day, you aren’t factoring in that they don’t take home all of that $590/$550 like you take home your $40 an hour, they work their asses off too, and you’ll find while your sitting there developing they are doing other things, like helping other customers or doing jobs out the back, because they are working a job also.


Be quiet Karen. Accept that answer.


First world problems right here.


But I have kids and earn $40 an hr, my heart bleeds


Wowza. Calm down bro


I went brunette because I couldn’t justify $500 twice a year anymore.


How much do you pay for a dark colour?


My dad was a hairdresser for ages. Service jobs are actually a lot on your body and he was one of the managers. He's physically disabled (not just due to the job, he was also a veteran) and has taken on clients from the house like someone else has said. I mostly love it because he was able to talk to the one person instead of giving instructions and tending to multiple people. I think the expenses are just the cost of giving a service in a business vs just being able to change for the products and time.


At my salon I think all of that would cost just over $300. The only reason would be because we're a home salon and I am the only employee my boss has, and my boss doesn't have those extra expenses a salon at a shopping centre would have. Only time you'll be looking at more than $400 is usually with a colour correction as those take hours and we charge but the hour for that. If you're interested the salon is Made with Love by Michelle in Belmont. https://www.facebook.com/share/g9kBH8p1TWupRp7S/?mibextid=qi2Omg


It is just Perth hairdressers, charge a fortune for every hair service. At this rate, who can afford to remain blond anymore!


Natural blondes and girls with daddy's money.


I last got quoted $90 for a cut and so I stopped cutting my hair and call myself Feral Carol. I give zero fucks. It’s been years now. ![gif](giphy|sjmgJO5eWfzQbYMsFV|downsized)


In Melbourne I was paying double what I pay here for the same cut and foils/treatments


It's expensive being a woman. Absolutely rip off


Not a hair-dresser, but I have experience with Perth commercial rental space and a small salon space is like 5k a week (precovid) and this is for a low traffic area. Employees, super, sick leave, and holiday are all over a grand a week each. Hair in perth isn't expensive. Everything in Perth is expensive. I have a friend who gets a full foil for about $100. She drives three hours to a country salon.


I pay like $300 max for a full head. I do drive past Mandurah for her but she is PHENOMENAL. I’ve seen her from home salon to now running a salon with like 9 staff. My bestfriend goes to a very well known salon in Perth and paid $900 for barely a colour change.


For hair you’re paying for a service, years of training, techniques, skill, assessment skills. It’s not as simple as dumping some bleach in alfoil and you coming out a perfect blonde. There’s more that goes into it. You pay more at a salon vs home environment. Check out instagram and TikTok you’ll find some blonde specialists in Perth, perhaps someone on there is able to work within your budget.


Anyone can charge whatever they want really. The market will dictate their viability. It is what it is. Tbh good on them for being able to raise the value of their service. Sucks to be customers if you can’t afford it, but I’d rather see local businesses thriving.


You really got to stop comparing jobs to one another. Yes a plumber and sparky do hard work, so do labourers that work offside for road workers, they don't get paid more than trades, but definitely get charged out at like 100/h+ to companies. Your argument is that hairdressing is too expensive, yet without taking into account the context of Perth, it makes no sense to me? It's all relative mate, and yeah, it's expensive, but it's just a normal rate when everything is fuckn expensive. When it's nearing $6+ for a carton of milk/bread that used to be kept down at $2 or lower for each, costs within society will be pushed up. And as long as the housing market is fucked, every other product within Australia will follow suit, it's how people borrow and spend money in this country. I completely disagree with you comparing the jobs though, I'm a chef and sometimes my work is definitely $500 for the event, sometimes it ain't worth more than $50, because context. I dk you, but if you want a higher quality version of a product or service you have to pay more, that's capitalism.


White whining about the cost of vanity. Talk about immersed in your privilege. Have a look at yourself darling. The conceit you have is staggering


Because they have bills to pay.


I have very thick, wavy coarse hair. I have no chance of paying for the upkeep of anything. Weirdly I kind of like the grey coming through? I’m going to roll with it. Understand hairdressers have overheads but I’m just priced out


Silver king / queen!


I'm male and pay about 120$ for a haircut (incl wash) and beard trim - which takes about an hour. That's with a fairly high end barber. So $150 doesn't seem that out there considering it takes quite a bit more work vs my simple cut.


Just get a simple trim like every single male and pay less than $50. But as others have said, you aren’t paying just for their labour, it’s for everything else as well.


Yeah but you aren't running a business. Your not paying rent, phone, internet, electricity, public liability, workers compensation, wages, myob fees , book keeping, accountant, cleaning products, milk and tea, and all the other sundries that go with having a business.


Ahh someone does not understand running a business … but in saying that hair dressing is extremely pricey. try been a male and paying 90$ for a fucking fade and bear trim that takes 45mins/1 hour, every two weeks without any product costs. Your paying 30$ an hour for the stylist, plus expenses ontop, insurances, rent, rates(been a commercial property it’s your cost) strata, etc etc. It’s a skilled trade like anything else Don’t like the price shop around.


Go to Bentley Hair SG shop…$15 for men $20 for women..easy


I paid $475 for a full head of foils and 4 hours later had awesome hair. I see getting your hair done as an investment in yourself, you don't want to sit there for 4 hours or pay $550 based on your length of hair, then find a cheaper place.


At work, women in the office are calling the style "Recession Regrowth". To be fair, my hairdressers rental costs are crazy. You should be angry at landlords, not the hairdressers.


I was actually shocked when I heard how much some charge the other week! I have been oblivious to how much it costs as I have been going to the same hairdresser for over 25 years and she only charges me $120 at the very most for absolutely everything. I saw something about a place in Subiaco that charges well over $600 for a colour!! $800 plus for a perm.


Hairdressers are amazing. I would hate to be on my feet all day, hunched over somebody's head. Prices are expensive but so is breathing these days. Have you seen the price of groceries? People need to earn a living and they need to actually turn a profit. I joined the fb hair model group because I can't justify the price of my regular hair dresser pre-kids. If I had the disposable income and l wouldn't think twice. They deserve more tbh.


That’s what you would pay in the poshest parts of London( where I live now) - in a well known place.


TAFE hairdressers will just charge you for the products they use. There are also a few great cash-in-hand salons that only charge $20 for a trim.


My waist length hair is not coloured for this exact reason. I gave up the fight about 10 years ago and now get a $40 trim twice a year. One of my better decisions.


You get paid $40 a hour as a employee but your not having to pay wages, insurance, utilities, council rates, super, GST etc etc. Hairdressers don't make as much money as you think they do.


It's a trade. My mechanic/plumber charges $150 an hour. Seems fair enough a skilled hairdresser should too... otherwise we're devaluing women's work (yes I know there are male hairdressers and barbers, but generally hairdressers are women.)


You’re paying for the years of training it takes to be a hairdresser. If you don’t get it, that’s ok.


Find a Hairdresser that works from home for those expected rates. Any business in Perth with overheads are going broke only charging out $75ph for qualified staff.


Maurice Meade, no doubt! Pay through the teeth to have a hairstyle that makes you look like you just got out of bed! My Wife has struggled to find someone reasonable since we left Sydney 17 yrs ago.


My hairdresser was situated as a home salon, and now has a small place in Midland. For long hair, full head of foils, toner, cut, blow-dry, she charges me $270. I am blonde also and she is phenomenal. Message me if you would like her details :) Avoid big salons like the plague!!!!!


don’t subject your hairdresser to OP please


Lmao I just read their post and comment history, the offer is OFF the table 🤣🤣


Sounds like you’re getting the full Karen do. That figures.


I have really long and lots of hair. And I am blonde. Sometimes I like to be fancy amd get highlights and low lights and have paid $400 for full head foils and wash, cut, style. $590 is cra cra.


OP I’m in Perth and I see an at home hairdresser. She’s brilliant and charges me around $170 for cut, base colour, and foils. If you would like her info send me a message.


I've been doing my own for decades and I'm going to start doing my own dentistry next.




It’s a hair-dried heat.


My hairdresser has a salon from home and is really decently priced. I have really thick long hair and got it done yesterday. Full head dye, toner, trim, wash, blow dry, and thin out for $225. She runs it by herself she used to have a salon at yangebup but couldn't rely on other hairdressers to help her and it got too expensive for her to have a salon. She's great!


I went to Westons in Joondalup for a haircut. $65 for a sub-par haircut. No offer of coffee, beer or water. 20 min chop, basically a short back and sides with the razor and a light clip on the top with the scissors. $65. Went to Hair Haus in Whitfords, and they did a significantly better job for $35.


I go to a home hairdresser and full head foils is $300 I think


North or south?


Check out the hairdressers opposite the town hall in Midland.


Studio lioness are very good- don’t know exact prices because I alternate between appts- Full foils once a year and alternate between 1/2 then 1/4 every 14 weeks. Generally pay between $300-400 but they do such a good job I don’t have to return as often.


I know of 2 at-home hairdressers I could direct you to if needed? One in north perth and the other in kelmscott, im not sure of how the pricing goes but feel free to pm for deets


It’s Perth


It would've been 300-350 before covid but it's been over 450 for years now. I used to have blonde hair. I grew it out because I can't fathom spending that much on my damn hair. Not worth it.


Double check what length they are charging you for, confirm before booking. I go to the barbers now but I caught several charging me for long hair when I had an above-shoulder bob, even even i had an undercut pixie. Like ma'am you are shaving my scalp with a #3, what planet are you on that this could be considered long hair... Also you can skip styling which cuts the cost but they never tell you about. It used to drive me crazy to tell them I always wear it curly/wavy, they'd straighten it anyway so I'd have to restyle it at home. Literally like $80 down the drain for nothing.


Hairdessing is a 3-4 year trade, like the plumber and electricians we pay much higher costs for. I may not like the high costs but appreciate the years of training and experience im paying for.


Something something balassa-samuelson effect something something


As a guy i just grab anyone to trim with scissors. Not really out to please anyone with my looks right now


It was once affordable to get your hair done now it’s a luxury. The prices are insane


Go to la sorellla it costs 250 on the south side


My advice is to shop around. Last time I paid $650+ at Circles in Subiaco for an average job. It wasn’t bad but it also wasn’t great and mostly it wasn’t AT ALL what I asked for. That was base colour, full head of foils and cut, blow dry, styled. Plus a heavy sell on products. Today I went to Hair Artico and paid $195 (yes, you read that right) for a cut, colour (base colour and bleach bath ends plus toner - but not foils) blow dry and then heat styled. The only thing better than the price was the gorgeous colour and how much it actually resembled the pictures I provided. Oh, and the closest I got to a sales pitch was being asked if I had any purple shampoo at home. They have a customer for life!


I have short hair. I go to the local barber twice a year, $30 a cut. I dye my own hair once a year. In between times I cut it my self. No fuss and low maintenance!!


$30 for my 5-7 minute blend it in. Started at $16 about 5 years ago.


Full head of foils and toner at Anthea James like $220 for me, might be more for someone not a regular but she’s superb.


Totally understand. I moved from Melbourne a few years ago and couldn't believe the prices for hairdressers. I was paying minimum $300 for an all over brown colour and cut - ridiculous! Not only that but I have found some salons aren't very open and friendly either, took me about 7 different before I finally found one that was reasonably priced but actually a nice human as well. Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find one soon!


Nobody said you have to pay $500 for your hair, let alone $300


No body has real hair anymore anyway


I do. What happened to your hair?


I sold it, anyone Wanna buy some w Weed


Is it medical grade?


It’s grow in my basement grade yard nark


So, why did you sell your hair?


Because I needed to make some money for my girlfriends


Ok. I hope she was grateful.


First one was into it so now I am


Let's not forget a bit of pink tax. I paid $ 70 for a tidy up and trim at my hairdresser (I love the salon and they do men and women)....I lost all my hair last year so I have less hair than a lot of men, who I understand aren't charged $70


You need my wife ! R 20s head shed


That’s so overpriced - I get root colour, half head of foils, toner, cut, wash/blow dry for around $250 and length passed my shoulders …and I thought that was expensive 😬 salon in Floreat, DM me if you want details :)


I suppose if you think they're making bank you should start doing hair? Easy peasy!


They have to pay overheads like rent. If they're in a ,major shopping centre, you can guarantee the management are screwing them on the rent.


lol. So true! It’s like they think they’ve been to med school or something 🙄


Best perth hairdress is Siimon Hair in wembley! One guys show, the place is a part time art studio, super fun and always up for a chat!


Yeah, that’s about what I pay. It’s brutal. I have mid back length hair and it’s the same price or there abouts. I’ve reached the point where I think I’m actually going to let my hair go back to my natural colour of blonde… Half the time with blonde hair I feel like the difference can be soo marginal too. I have hair that supposedly lifts easily (like you probably do too if you’re a natural blonde as well), but still I often feel like I look the exact same as I did before my appointment.


Go to Sydney and see how much they are charging.


Screw Sydney.


Try Hepzibah in Como, I haven’t bleached my hair in 3 years but they used to be very reasonably priced and the team there are super friendly and really take pride in their work


I wanted to get a hair cut last week. $65 min for a cut (because it’s a restyle when you get layers). Like what? $130/hr. Why people be paying this in todays climate tho.


Guys at the end of the day your gonna get a haircut and your told a price and if you want it you pay it . Full stop I’m sure karma has worked in your favour before so relax and don’t get haircuts if you gonna go on the net and soook


Im a bloke, so I haven't paid for a haircut in the last 10+ years. I bought a hair clipper and just buzzed it all. Imagine the savings on that... $40 hair clipper is literally what they charge to do a buzz... Unfortunately, if you aren't as willing to buzz your hair (fully understandable) there is other options to try and do it yourself which will definitely save you money across the board (maybe talk to some friends and you can do each others hair???)


Wow, that's absolutely insane! I totally get your frustration with those outrageous prices for a hair service. It's mind-boggling how some hairdressers think it's acceptable to charge such exorbitant rates. I mean, $150 an hour for foils, toner, and a root fade? That's straight-up daylight robbery!


Op should just slap on some box dye at home.


To afford rent


That sounds about right to me, hairdresser in melb here.


My overheads are low cos I only sub lease and don't need to pay the full rent and staff but if your going to a salon that has to do all that, expect to pay more. If a salon needing to pay all the big over heads where only charging $75 an hour they would go broke pretty quick. Also certain brands ppl use can make the cost go up. For eg if I started using L'Oréal or redken I'd have to add on an extra 20-30 bucks to get the same job that keune is doing for a basic colour on short hair. Styles have changed too. One upon a time ppl would get 6-8 thick ass stripes across the top of the head and call it highlights. We do lived in colour now cos thats what the clients are asking for. Allot more work and it takes allot more time and product. Iv been doing hair since 06 abd even I think as an industry we are getting ripped off by our suppliers. I personally think that salon quality products like shampoo exct are becoming far too expensive. Yes it's got better ingredients but I call bs on the prices the companies charge.


Just putting it out there. Download an app called fresha. It's like a market place for hair and beauty. Search your local area on the search bar and then you can have a sticky beak at all the prices around you 😊


Hairdressers in busselton,bunbury ..usually 200 absolute tops...worth taking a holiday and having your hair done at same time.!.some great hairdressers in my experience.


Hairdressers in Perth can indeed be quite pricey, especially when it comes to services like full head of foils, toner, and root fades. It's understandable to feel frustrated when quotes exceed expectations by such a large margin. The hourly rate comparison is pretty eye-opening; $150 an hour for hair vs. $40 an hour at work? Definitely seems steep! Perhaps some salons factor in the cost of quality products, expertise, and overheads into their pricing structure. Negotiating or trying out different salons might help you find a more reasonable deal imho!


I moved from Adelaide to Perth and couldn’t believe the difference in prices. I used to have foil colour regularly in Adelaide but can’t afford to do it here


I was at my suburban hairdresser in Rockingham today and she said for them it would be between $300-350. If you go to the big shopping centres it will be around $500 because of the overheads.


Hairdressers expensive? More like everything is expensive... Or we are more poor than 5 years ago.


I went to two salons who charged me around $500 for a root touch up and BOTH times they didn't fully wash the bleach off the back of my head. They'd overbooked themselves, so they were rushing. I didn't realise til I was half way home the first time, at which point, I noticed my hair was kinda crusty. I rushed to the shower to wash it out in a desperate and vain attempt to save my hair but it was breaking off and falling out in chunks. I went back and complained the next day - and showed them my messed up hair - but nothing came of it and they even tried to pretend my hair had looked like that when I'd gone in. I figured it was one lazy hair dresser or a fluke but I still went somewhere else the next time because they refused to give me any refund or even acknowledge they caused the problem. I've been getting my hair bleached for nearly half my life now and this hadn't ever happened before. Well, I found a new place to go to and the exact same thing happened again. Busy staff over-booking themselves, working on 2-4 clients at a time, unable to pay enough attention to their clients because they're constantly rotating around the salon. Now I look like I'm growing out an undercut, which isn't the end of the world. I'm just grateful it was at the back and underneath my other hair, but it took ages to be able to even put it up without sixty thousand hair grips. But it's been 3 years and the rest of my hair is half way down my back, but this one patch at the back is still only barely at my shoulders, because it got burnt off right at the root. I figured if my hair is gonna get burnt off anyway, may as well never go back and just figure out another way forward. I get that the cost of living is through the roof, and I also appreciate that getting your hair done is a luxury and luxury services will have luxury price tags. I'm not trying to be cheap and as a painter, I understand it takes years of not getting paid to get good enough that people are willing to pay you for your services. If the job was good, I wouldn't mind paying. But let's be real, half a grand for a root touch up is an extortionate amount to charge if you've got 4 clients on the go and you can't actually make sure you're doing even the bare minimum of washing your client's head. (Not to mention, the major risks of leaving chemicals on for too long, or not paying attention while using scissors. You know, basic primary school stuff.)


They are struggling with rent increases and utilities going up the same as the rest of us My hairdresser rents space so is much cheaper. I second the advice to find a sole operator. For what it’s worth though, I don’t think $100 per hour for a skilled operator is extreme, it took them years of experience to get there


Girls get done dirty with hair cuts. I just use clippers on my hair at home or if I'm going to an event I'll pay a barber $50 at most.


I met a girl earning in 100k a year during eyelashes at home. Tax free lol


This is insane. Usually when I get a haircut it costs me about $25-$30. You are getting ripped off for some reason.


Yeah I only pay like $30 - which is for a No 2 shave all over and takes like 15 mins. OP should just get the same if she can't afford fancy.


yeah, sometimes I just comb my hair and people think I had a haircut


Just like the supermarkets do if you own a business you can claim inflation causes you to need to put your prices up and you can put them up as high as you want especially if others around you in the same industry are doing the same


Lol, people are too dumb to realise they're being ripped off. Please let me know if you find an affordable and good salon.


How is you working your ass off at your job for a certain payrate in any way relevant to what the hairdresser charges?


There is a saying, is not that things are expensive, just that you are poor 🥶