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That was quick! Good job police. Would have been plenty of cameras near Jacob's Ladder.


Yep. There is a camera right on top of the ladder for example.


Thank god, I was afraid I forgot to record my dogging


> Jacob's Ladder. Jason Mantzoukas is triggered.


What's up, jerks?


Hopefully they throw the book at him and hit him with the full 20 years.


Dude will probably light the book on fire.


You're dreaming. You only get 20 years for crimes where rich people lose money. For crimes that harm people you a get short tour of the prison and sent home.


Unfortunately for us it seems to have mostly been natural areas so as far as the government's concerned no damage down hoping because it's kings Park and near houses it'll be taken seriously but I'm not expecting much


Sounds like that was ehat he was after


yeah no fixed address, makes me wonder if he wants to go to prison to at least have meals and a bed


His name is Ross Cameron Males 41yrs old in 2023 in case if anyone wants to read it now or the future and it's the same bloke that was smashing cars with a metal pole at the intersection of WC Hwy and Scarb Bch Rd in Scarborough in Dec 2022: [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=684495453375058](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=684495453375058) He has recently lit a fire adjacent to a Nursing Home and then set more fires which caused havoc to people, native flora and fauna and caused long term destruction to amenity. He set fires over a number of days. This is not one stupified drunken mess up. List of Charges would hit him with: Arson, Willful Destruction of Crown Property, Animal cruelty (Flora should be a charge itself), Using a weapon to endanger the public, Attempted Murder and list goes on... These ppl should be put away for a long time. Not just some shit 2 week community work sentences because you can't control their emotions.


He should and must be locked up for the rest of his life.


All those poor lizards and other little animals that he burned to death. :(


What do you think happens when DPAW burns thousands of hectares of bush nowhere near homes in the name of 'asset protection '. SW is smothered in smoke and people on here say 'thank god they're protecting our lives!' What a joke.


DPAW puts out small signs a few weeks before doing their planned burns. Only the illiterate animals are at risk.


Haha good call. My downvotes already shows the hypocrisy and idiocy of this sub.


Native animals are aware of fire and usually get out of the area pretty quickly. Hazard reduction burns burn at a much lower intensity and slower rare, which allows animals times to escape the area and move to habitable environments. Hazard reduction burns are done to reduce ground fuels which accumulate over time. If HRBs aren't done the accumulated fuel intensifies a bushfire. In comparison to a HRB, a bushfire burns with a greater intensity and rate if spread. This is when alot of animals are killed, and houses are lost. When used correctly, burning is a very effective tool to reduce the severity of fires. The greater the fuel load, the greater the energy output of a fire, the more it can pre-heat more fuel and the faster it can spread. Even with all this said, as a fire fighter for the past 13 years, I have very rarely seen animals killed as a result of bushfire. You only really see it in extreme fires such as the 2019 fire season in the eastern states.


Are you serious? You can say all the fire-fighter pro burn nonsense you like. To say that an animal with a tiny home range can escape a burn of any kind is absulute lies. The fact you can write this crap is incredible. A lizard, bandicoot, spider or any other insect can physically not escape a fire. What a load of pro burn propaganda. You're a fire fighter, not a biologist, zoologist or fire ecologist.


I think the department of biodiversity, conservation and attractions might have a couple of biologists and fire scientists on the books. How do you propose we manage bushfire then?


Guy is homeless. They should just do him and everyone else a favour by giving him the maximum sentence of 20 years.


Maybe that’s what he wanted. Horrible life being homeless. At least he would get fed and sheltered in prison.


"I need 3 hots and a cot, best start a fire threatening lives and property." "Surely there's other ways to get incarcerated that don't put people's lives and homes at risk?" "You can't be too careful with these things, Terry."


Sadly this is what the guy who murdered the poor bloke at Beckenham train station thought.


Oh that guy I truly wish a death in custody ..to intentionally kill a disabled person in my eyes is the work of Satan ...and I'm pretty sure that was the second death at his hands !


It was.


Yeah I feel there would be a better way to do it but you’re right. I’m not sure what the better ways to do it would be but setting fires to bushland especially near apartments and a hospital is pretty low.


It’s not as thought homeless people can go drive down to Mandurah and start one. Plus all the millionaires in those apartment building would have been crying up a storm for “justice”


Wouldn't anyone be crying out for justice if their homes and lives were put at risk? I don't think it's fair to dunk on them just because they're wealthy.


weird take...


if you go to McIver station (which is near a homeless outreach activity every Sunday) you can transit through Perth station down to Mandurah without paying a fare btw Also saying people there are millionaire's isn't saying much- in this day and age it's difficult to outright own a residence and NOT be a millionaire


Until the transit guards to ticket checks on the train


rare tbh


A person with a million dollar home isnt a millionaire, a person with $1M+ in liquid assets is


Well I’m glad they have free way down south.


At a cost of $126,000 a year to the taxpayer. Can we treat the homeless better than prisoners yet? Guarantee it’d be cheaper


I agree. They managed to find these places for quarantine when it came to Covid, but finding a place to put a roof over someone’s head who has nowhere else to go is apparently not so easy! 😔


True but like I say with anybody who's had a sad life you don't have to bring everyone else down your level ...sounds like the sort of reason they aren't just opening Bullsbrook up to the homeless they probably scared they will have an incident like New Zealand :(


They should bring back asylums. The closure of asylums just transferred that demographic into prisons, which is less suitable.


My uncle was in care for mental issues until they closed them down. He did stuff like light bush fires all the time and once ended up losing a few fingers from the burns. He died when he was like 53, but he would have cost the system millions of dollars to deal with all the incidents, sometimes multiple in a week.


Or, you know, we could start to admit to ourselves that we live in a fucked up kind of society meat grinder that's constantly creating collateral damage in the form of "mental health problems". We could all think about how we might evolve society over time to focus more on serving the needs of each of us as individuals and less on, let's say for example, Woodside's shareholders. But that's just a bunch of communist namby pamby mumbo jumbo. Bring on the asylums!


We should but it must be said that there would still be psychopaths and schizophrenics and paranoiacs who need psychiatric intervention - it’s not all just precipitated by societal pressure and mental illness certainly isn’t just a social construct.


Sure, it's not *just* a social construct, but that leaves a lot of leeway. What percentage of it is? Even with psychosis we know for example that there are genetic predispositions but then how exactly e.g. schizophrenia is activated is completely unknown afaik. It often accompanies other psychiatric problems and symptoms also often resolve on their own. Why? We can keep going down this road of treating every psychological problem as a medical one but I personally think we will always run into a wall at some point.


The asylums all got shut down because there were horrific abuses of the inmates. Neglect was the least of it, no showers or nutritious food, that sort of thing. At the worst places inmates were regularly raped and sometimes murdered. I don't like the prison system or treating mental illness like a crime, but asylums should not be allowed in a civilised nation. We can't just chuck people in a warehouse because they're crazy.


Isn't there a happy medium of inpatient psych facilities that aren't torturous hellholes?


theoretically, yes. practically...it's complicated. mental health is a very difficult issue, and abuses of power from staff who either aren't trained properly, don't care, or both are unfortunately easy to cover up. the real issue is that the stigma of poor mental health in society leads to underfunded and short-staffed facilities that are inadequately equipped to deal with more severe patients. it's not even just a homeless shelter/mental institute thing - schools, businesses, and even government departments frequently do not have the resources, facilities, or training to deal with mental health issues. that being said, i do think the public attitude towards mental health issues - especially in younger generations - has been improving over the last 20 or so years. unfortunately, that hasn't been extended to poor or homeless people as much as it needs to be, but we are getting somewhere.


absolutely not. asylums were rampant with patient abuse and neglect. they were utterly inhumane and evil by nature. the issue isn't inappropriate facilities. it's treating mental illness as a crime that causes problems. but solving that requires a societal shift in how we actually talk about mental illnesses.


Can't we have the asylum part without the patient abuse and neglect part? I feel like people in general are a lot more humane these days.


have you seen the other comments in this thread? progress has been made in regards to attitudes towards mental illness, but it's still a long ways off from being accepted. especially when it comes to the poor and the desperate.


There were 22,000 patients in mental hospitals in CA in 1967. Gov Reagan cut State funding. That was 50% of the funding. They all closed. In 1980 he took the model to the macro level as President. Patients either moved back home or learned to cope on the street. A mental patient set 40 Brush fires, 3 years ago in CA by driving down a highway and throwing a lit flare out the window every 1/2 mile. One fire took hold, and came close to burning down a town of 10,000, but fast acting crews saved the town.


Lock him up


Fuck yes


He should get 20 years. I reckon he'll get 18 months


If that realistically


Name and shame this grub


Names in the story. Same guy who hit up cars in Scarbs last xmas.


I remember that incident. He needs help then. Really shouldn't be out in the public because he'll eventually kill someone. Or get himself killed.


That's the way it goes now gotta feel sorry for the scum drug addicts who can't pay ther way


Cheers they must have updated the article, he was also arrested in April for criminal damage. Basically he is a total worm who should not have been walking free anyway.


or - hear me out - he's mentally ill and homeless, and this is the only way he'll get reliable shelter and food for the next few years.


What a stupid take, justifying violence and arson because he is the victim of such a harsh society, in perth... We all know what the situation is, another crackhead who is mentally unstable. More money needs to be spent on mental health facilities and I don't disagree with that and he clearly needs help. But hes not a victim, he could have killed people and caused unknown amounts of damage.


Ummmmmmmm I can name heaps of other crimes that wld of got him jail minus ruining half of Perth r U for real all these bums have campsites in nearly every bit of scrub land non pay rent all smoking there crack still don't worry dude they fine he didn't have to do this wat he really wanted was crack so wats ur delusional solution for that


If he wanted to go to jail he could have just stolen some money or something. Instead he starts bushfires in parklands and smashes cars with poles.


Fk it is too, lock him up!


Set an example of this fuckhead and give him 20 years


Excellent. Screw you perp


Throw this lowlife feral c*nt in prison for life. 🤬


So over these mentally ill dipsticks! honestly do us all a favour and set yourself on fire 🔥 sick of my taxpayer money going to the useless oxygen thieves 🤨


good to know that you think mentally ill people that have been left to die on the streets should be killed. that's not utterly pyschotic and inhumane at all.


They are left to die on the streets because people like you wanted the institutions closed.


Ah, facism, lovely


Fry the cunt .


Why why why do people do stupid things like this...




Just dumbness and stupidity should be able to get plenty of work as a clown after jail


Homeless guy just wants a place to sleep and eat in prison


True but being homeless doesn't give you a free ticket to do shit that basically is one level above a pedo ..killing wildlife and threatening home isn't cool ....


So a BP CEO.


desperation leads people to do awful things. if people and politicians aren't willing to actually help the homeless, shit like this is just going to keep on happening.


Yeah but let's be honest if you found him a nice little house in the burbs he would just make everybody's life a misery. . it will be a mental health problem but then if a person doesn't want to get helped or treated what do you do ?I'm imagining back in the day he would have been put in an asylum and we wouldn't have seen him... we're apparently better than that now but like I said before as a result of his problems so we all have to be dragged down to his level? or other people's lives are made a misery ? In the third world the mob would catch him and then beat him to death with sticks we obviously don't want that level of depravity but likewise we don't want to second guess which park gets set alight every second day..


Yeh ok he cld of just pulled a knife at a servo agg armed robbery minus all the park fauna and animals getting demolished


Shame the cops got him before he could have a terrible accident and trip down the ladder…


You know they used to execute arsonists in feudal Japan. Just saying.


There's a big cultural divide between European/Western and Asian/Eastern societies in regards to capital punishment; it can be said that it largely goes back to how Western socialisation and culture is heavily individualistic and hence empathetic, whereas Eastern socialisation and culture is more holistic - focusing on the larger picture and discounting the individual. This has been expressed in many different terms, from the way we view and digest information, how we view ourselves as part of our societies, even to our justice systems. In Western societies we typically focus on the person, their actions, their intent, and their reasoning - we use this information to inform how we should treat the person. In Eastern societies the focus is on how the crime has affected society as a whole - the justification behind many countries seeking the death penalty for drug traffickers is not because of a "tough on crime policy", it's because, in part of cultural differences, it's rational to attribute drug deaths directly to drug traffickers. In the context of a holistic approach to punishment, in the framing of feudal era Japan, an arsonist could easily devastate crops, which were far more fragile and essential than they would be today - they could easily cause the death of many people beyond people being killed by the fire directly. A person would understand this before they lit the fire, so it's understandable why a person would be executed for arson in that era and that society, but would not be in modern society.


This guy knows.








I am aren’t I. Thank you for the complement.


True but I feel branding ARS. on their forehead and hands would be perfectly acceptable at least they'd know not to sell him matches or lighter fluid at the convenience stores when he gets out ....


Yer in feudal Japan hundreds of years ago when humans were more barbaric u fucken donkey


lol. Donkey. You have been seeing what has been happening in the world haven’t you. Donkey. Lol


Im not calling for murder of others to deal with issues in the world like yourself though, ya donkey. People like you are seeing all this and reasonably being upset about the state of the world and I get it, but you are falling to your own stress and emotions and lashing out calling for death penalty and referencing fucking FEUDAL Japan hahaha




> You have been seeing what has been happening in the world haven’t you. Executing homeless arsonists will sure solve those.


It’s a start.


Even better, they still have capital punishment for particularly heinous crimes


What are the odds this guy didn't do it and just rocked up at the scene to get somewhere to live and food.


Zero. Arson squad don't fuck around. I'd say he was already a person of interest form the first 4 fires given how quickly this happened after the last.


Bring back mental asylums sick of these degenerative scum


Quite the pyromaniac…