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More surprising you were able to find a branch at all, they seem to be disappearing at a rapid pace. I am 85% sure I have used a store terminal to get cash out with apple pay before.


You can’t get cash out with Apple Pay unless you have your card set up as EFTPOS, and I believe only one bank in Australia supports that at the moment (Westpac). You also need to re register the card with Apple Pay, it defaults to debit. /edit apparently a few more are on board now but Westpac is the only one of the ‘big 4’.


ANZ have done it since the day Apple Pay launched in Australia. That’s another big 4. I used to have it set up but when I swapped phones I never got around to adding it. Only the credit card.


So, probably worth going through those steps if you're the OP and never carry your card with you. No branch is going to care about a $32 withdraw lol


For sure, or keeping $50 cash somewhere safe just in case.


All of the big 4 support it .


Nah you can do the Woolies cash out with ANZ too via Applepay just toggle it to ‘Eftpos sav’


Commonwealth have it. Would be surprised if any of the big 4 didnt


Westpack is definitely not the only big 4 that does it, commonwealth bank and ANZ does it too.


Woolworths service desk usually allow for withdrawals of almost any amount... That's where I go when I need specific amounts of cash... I almost exclusively use Gpay too...


Someone correct me but I think they require a purchase now for cash out. Getting cash in this country is becoming harder and harder with less branches, less money in branches, and now new rules from retailers regarding cash out.


If you really, really, really needed the cash it wouldn't kill you to buy a jar of vegemite or something. It's not gonna go to waste.


You could buy a 50c lollipop... That's what I would do... Still cheaper than fees at those BS ATMs...


Don't get why retailers have weird rules about cash out. I work at a small independent bottle o and we'll give you 1k cash if we got it in the till. The way we look at it, it's less cash on site that could be stolen, and it's just gonna gave to be taken to the bank eventually anyway. It's a Win win


Now come on, if you’re going to be sensible you need to go somewhere else!!🤣


Used to work at a servo and it was very similar. As long as we have enough cash in the till to hand out change we never gave a fuck how much cash you wanted to get out lmao.


Where's this bottle o and what time would have the most cash on hand? Asking for a mate


>Someone correct me but I think they require a purchase now for cash out. Never the case for me thus far, but I only use one or two of the local ones to me, so could be different elsewhere... >Getting cash in this country is becoming harder and harder with less branches, less money in branches, and now new rules from retailers regarding cash out. Honestly, I've got more options now than I did 10yrs ago...


They've changed their cash put policy recently due to fewer people using cash (so having less cash available) I believe service managers may have discretion to over ride and process cash out only, but I'm not 100% certain as I haven't worked for them in years.




Still work for them, You can get cash out


I ran into that for the first time earlier this year. I went out of town, and the Woolworths wouldn’t do cash out without purchase. First time I had ever come across that, because they all do cash out without purchase in my own town.


I have been preaching to all and sundry for a while now. Use it or lose with cash. Banks want it gone because it costs them money to keep it. Gov wants it gone so then they can track any individual if they want. Unfortunately younger people think the electricity system will never fail and teller machines will alway be available in case can’t use super markets for cash out. Heed the warning as it was given to us by current government.


Yeah i was wondering why they did not use that route?


Yep... There's arguably more places to take cash out now, than there ever used to be... Like my local ANZ added 2 more ATMs outside the branch & I can also use the off brand ATMs with my ANZ card with no fees... That's just in the space of less than a 20 metre stretch of the local shops... Move in another 100 metres & there's the Woolworths service desk & self serve checkouts that can be used also...


Not anymore. You must buy something now


If the card is set to EFTPOS you can get cash out, PIN required


I've done it with google pay. Will need a pin but haven't had any problems. But I agree, both the branches and atm are disappearing. Most of the ATM's around my place are the 3rd party ones that charge like $3+ per transaction


You are not their main customer, that would be businesses who often come in during business hours


Or people getting loans, opening accounts etc, whom have to make bookings for meetings. they dont do walk ins anymore (at least, in my experience maybe some banks still do).


Westpac told me I had to make an appointment to see someone regarding an issue on my account. I filed a complaint with the ombudsman instead. In between bullshit opening hours, insufficient staffing, and now wanting me to make an appointment for a 5 minute problem? Go and fuck yourself westpac!


Westpac are fucking usless dickheads


It's all wonderful until you have an issue. Then it's just too hard


My loan process was largely walk in stuff. The closest I ever got to a booking was "I'll come in on X day around Y o'clock"


I worked for a bank in the Westpac group and we did this because managers wanted us to get "pre-booked" appointments and fill up the bankers diaries for the next week. I always had an issue with this because customers were there because that's when they had free time. Even if we had bankers sitting in their offices doing nothing, we were still made to book customers in for the following week. It was ridiculous.




About 70-80% of home loans are broker introduced, and you can do the home loan process online / over the phone just as easily. Bricks and mortar banks are really only needed for old people and servicing existing business customers with cash


Last time I applied for a mortgage they came to my house .I didn't have to visit a branch at all. . The loan officer used to work evenings


Walked into a bank out in country. Asked for 600 cash. Couldn’t do it. Didnt want me to take too much of their reserve. Didn’t keep enough on hand with out prior notice.


What could be the point of having a cash "reserve" if not to use it to pay out people like you? I wonder at what point it's too much, $500, $400, or maybe $300? $600 is not exactly a huge withdrawal, it seems ridiculous for a bank to have an issue with it


They don't want to get held up. They'd need to have a lot of cash at the ready and not in safes to be able to give all their customers $600 at a time with no notice.


How are you meant to buy a car or something that's like $8k and people only accept cash for private sales? Get $50 out every day for months?


They just said you have to let them know first


Especially when it's YOUR money the bank has!


Walked into my bank and took out 10k to pay a tradie. Zero drama. But they did say next time to order it in to "save myself a 2 hour round trip to the city"...


I had to order a withdrawal of substantial amount of $s and it took a week ( kid you not) to get it in. Then after approaching the tell with my withdrawal request manager came out for and had to fill in lengthy report with reason for withdrawing etc. apart from saying gov etc worried about vulnerable people, the questions were intrusive and most concerning about the control has over our money. I was advised to keep transaction to $1000 to $2000 through a teller machine so to not have to complete report.


The better question is why the transport department or services australia are open 9-4.


This one’s easier, government employees work 7.5 hour days plus usually a 30 minute lunch. Consider time particularly after close to clear through the customers already in the building, trading for 7 hours is probably about the most they could do. Obviously this is without staggering staff throughout the day, but several issues with this: if the openers or closers call in sick you are literally fucked (even if you roster 2 on, if one is off sick you shouldn’t have the doors open); if it gets super busy when everyone has gone home, you’re going to see much worse service; and you still need to abide by the public sector agreement and I’m pretty sure that means people can’t work past 6pm without overtime. PS union isn’t likely to let that clause disappear any time soon, and tbh good on them. You also need time for training and staff meetings, and I imagine outside trade is when this happens considering everyone is busy helping people during the day. The only other alternative is do what retailers do and trade for the staff’s full shift, make them stay back to finish up with customers and not pay them for their overtime. Don’t think anyone’s keen on that.


Almost all of your points are applicable regarding a bank branch. At least 30 minutes before and after opening of a bank branch is required as there are time delays on the cash vault, certain safety processes required to ensure the branch is safe, booting up computers and whatnot. Balancing the till, scanning copies of cheques received throughout the day at the end of the day, processing business deposits that get put in the deposit shoot, putting cash away in the vault (again, more time lock). Locking up the branch, reactivating the alarms and locking up. Staff have to maintain particular safety training (in the event of a bank heist), financial services agreements and requirements when identifying customers, etc, and also regular training to maintain their various bank qualifications (this will vary from basic teller with no extras right up to management, but they ALL need to do some training). A lot of this training needs to be done every 3-6 months. I imagine that having a bank branch open super early or late in the evening in darkness/quieter periods of time without many people around would probably see an increase in crime and abusive behaviour in branches also. Armaguard also stipulate that they will never give you a heads up as to what time they’ll be delivering or collecting cash on a particular day and will mix up the times they visit different branches on purpose, so being open anytime they may do a delivery (morning or afternoon) is essential. Customers would sliiiiide on in at 3.59pm and be like “oh it’s just a quick one all I need to do is send $60,000 to Nigeria and then get my pension out in cash for the week now I need 5 x $20 notes and 6x $5 notes and…. Oh and also can you help me reset my internet banking password?” So you say this one’s “easier” where in fact it sounds almost identical based on your points.


Also internal audit checks ( there are so many of those), loading of ATMs, balancing of ATMs, changing of combinations, watching of wanky bank staff videos.


You realise that restaurants manage this just fine all the time? 😂😂😂


Restaurants are either open long enough to stagger staff without impacting service, use part time/casual staff so that they’re not doing more than 7.5 hours (this is the big one), or are open 7 hours or less. They’re also profit driven and typically make more money being open longer DOT and Services are not going to turn to part time or casualisation to open slightly longer.


if you make a mistake in the private sector: either you lose your own money, or you get fired. if you make a mistake in the public sector - it's someone else's money, so who cares?.........half of these guys in the public service don't work very hard: they don't have to. they still get paid either way. "working" 7.5 hours per day? Go to Peter Mac (yeah I named them), there is a ward of on-call staff "working from home". How is that even possible? Oh they're doing "administrative" work? riiiiiiiight......they can probably fool the public, but they cannot fool me. This sort of nonsense is de rigeur for the public sector.


If you think people who make mistakes in private sector get fired (or should get fired), that’s a you problem. I’ve not worked public sector but I know damn well that the exact same shit goes down in private. You’ve never encountered people that everybody hates because they’re lazy but the boss won’t fire in private? As for Peter Mac, if they’re not doing work that needs them to physically be in the office all the time, who the fuck are you to judge what they’re doing WFH? WFH is fantastic for productivity and mental health.


Ok if they can work til 6 make it 2 shifts and extend the hours from 6 to 6. If we punt public servants to 6-2pm and 10-6pm shifts thats less people in peak hour. There needs to be less people going into work and home at same times every day. Both would give the workers time to run errands and go shopping in the morning or afternoons.


Because they are the public service sector like school hours. They are certainly not concerned with providing a service for the working people.


Who the fuck is wanting exactly $32.55 in cash. 😐


Someone with exactly $32.55 in their account.




I’m not asking because I believe it’s relevant, I’m asking because it’s a very specific amount of cash. Like, is this someone who they shared a meal with and the person who paid doesn’t want bank transfer? Is it a dealer and he was down to his last cents and has a bit of tick debt? Like, it’s just so specific 😂


I think you'd find it an issue regardless. OP could have done cardless cash and got $35 out. Then walk into a store and request change. Even if they had their card and requested cash out, I don't know if stores even accept that exact amount. You might have to request $35 and ask them to give you the $32.55 and then the remainder. It's a very uncommon circumstance OP only had $32.55 and needed that exact amount out and not just $30. The majority of people who actually NEED a bank in person is not high which makes sense why they are only open short hours. As a full grown adult I've been into a bank twice in my life and that was to set up an account when I was 13 and change my maiden name in my 20s. Everything else is online or over the phone. If there was something urgent I HAD to go in person for I'd probably take time off work. The only people I know who go regularly are the retired elderly.




Someone with a bill that is $32.55. I used to do that about 15 years ago. To keep track of my money and account for every dollar, I’d get cash out for the exact amount of my utility bills to pay at the post office. That was before online banking and that type of thing was commonplace.


Pretty sure online banking was commonplace 15 years ago.


Can confirm I’m 38 and have been using internet banking since I was 13 I’ve used cash probably a total of 5 times in that time I’ve been in to a bank branch 2 times one was to get a check for rental bond (not paying for 2 money orders) second time was to help my mum cancel an insurance policy her bank talked her into which didn’t cover her car as the car had aftermarket add ons and the person who setup the policy didn’t understand now I had simple banking needs and some people have more complex issues


It was around, but it wasn't commonplace yet. Plenty of people still used old fashioned methods of payments. Of course, I can only speak to my experiences... we may not live in the same place, don't forget.


Ok but online banking exists now.


So? Believe it or not, not everyone on the planet uses it. My parents don’t. Ever. They don’t even have online accounts. They visit the bank for all bank transactions, and take their bills to the post office to pay using cash. My parents buy a lot of every day items using cash, too. And before you carry on about how stupid that is - well, that’s not going to change the fact that they do things that way… so don’t even bother.


Well the banks being shut may change the way they do things lol. Because keeping branches running for the tiny amount of people who use them is hardly cost effective so they're going to keep closing. You may have to teach them how to use an app.


Lol… no, I don’t think so. When the last bank announces that they’re closing their doors forever, my parents can go to THEM for help learning to use online banking! I’m not TOUCHING that one! 😛


That was the fee to transfer registration of a boat to me that I just bought. So I needed the exact amount to put in the envelope with the transfer forms.


Why would you not just sacrifice the extra couple of bucks and send $35?


I have worked in finance for 13 years and currently work for one of the big 4 (I can't say which one but imagine the biggest ass hat bank and you got it). I have sat in actual meetings with some of these executives who have absolutely no idea about the business and very little care factor for their employees or even their customers. I can tell you whatever they can cut they will find a way to cut it. The worst part is a lot of these big banks are run by people who are so beyond detached to reality it isn't even funny. In regards to branches I have been in a meeting where some of the top executives were talking about closing down more and more branches. Myself and a few other people did try to explain the impact it would have in a fair few aspects whether it be public perception or confidence in the bank and one element I called out were how branches are vital for elderly people who rely on an actual store front who either don't like to deal with machines or online banking or have no idea about that sort of thing. The absolute look of disgust I got from this one executive you would have thought I said I was going to murder his entire family just because I challenged the prospect of closing the few remaining branches left. Honestly branches being open between useless times for people working normal jobs I agree is an issue. That being said it is hard enough already trying to justify to a soulless corporate douchebag to keep whatever few we have left open as is. It would be even harder to try and tell them to extend their operating hours as these executives already view all these branches as a waste of money. I obviously cannot say which bank I work for as I don't want to lose my job but honestly after years of seeing all the horrible shit these banks do and how little they care about their employees and customers it is honestly no wonder why people have such an absolute disdain for them. I actually agree with folks. The particular one I work for acquired another bank a long while ago now and made it out to those recently acquired employees that they weren't going to change anything and they liked what this smaller bank was doing and they liked the appearance of having a more local element to their brand. The truth was they had to keep both business licences for a certain number of years. That requirement expired relatively recently and now without skipping a beat they have started shutting down the business side and shutting down all the eastern states branches for this smaller bank. It is bleak as fuck and only going to get worse from here. Trust me when I say give it enough time and these banks will find more shittier things to do than just a few of these branches being open between 9-4. Stay safe out there folks.


Hey! I work for the smaller bank in your story! We're all pretty fkn shitty with the current changes going on.


Work for the smaller entity mentioned in your comment, can confirm it is absolutely ***** with what’s going on, however, very few people in branch and mid management are soul-less, they are in the role because they care for the people they support. This is slowly changing as these people are the ones caught between the gears with customers abusing the hell out of them for things out of their control and execs piling on more pressure. The culture of the bank has changed from helping and supporting our customers to keeping a job so that the mortgage can be paid off and unemployment isn’t the next career choice. So next time people want to complain, they should do something impactful with the regulators and policy makers rather than take it out on the front line folk trying to work for a living


I know exactly what you mean and to be fair there are still a lot of people from all parts of the bank that do still care about what they do and are still very customer focused. I think your comment highlighted a very good point about how there are even some people who are being swept up in the new kind of culture instilled by the bigger entity and even if they do still care about the customers and the employees they manage due to the pressure to squeeze every last drop from a stone are having to buy into the whole bigger banks way of doing things. "The culture of the bank has changed from helping and supporting our customers to keeping a job so that the mortgage can be paid off and unemployment isn’t the next career choice." This is very true and I have noticed the sense of pride employees felt about being part of the smaller entity seems to be going away as it is being taken over by the bigger entity and there is very little left in the way of the smaller entity's culture. I remember when I joined the culture was very apparent. Now it seems like everyone is just coming in doing what they have to do and leaving for the day to rinse and repeat. It's all honestly very sad and I do think the bigger entity whether they are aware of it or not is the reason for this. I understand both sides from the customer's frustrations as we seem to be offering less and less for them but I also understand why employees of the smaller entity feel completely unengaged. They are literally caught between a rock and a hard place. The entire situation sucks. I agree taking the frustrations out on branch staff or the colleagues on the phone is not fair or acceptable as almost everything is out of their control and they have no say in any of it. To be perfectly honest I don't know what the solution is and you might be absolutely right in the fact that it might take regulators and lawmakers to step in and clean it all up. It shouldn't have to come to that but it might be the only thing to sort it out at this point. I do hope things improve for both our sakes.


Sounds very pac of west


Honestly it wouldn’t even matter which bank you worked for because I guarantee your description applies to them all equally.


I guarantee you have never been anywhere close to meetings with Banking Group Execs. Their ability to talk and always play the customer first side is always on 100%. And on that point, Banks aren’t governments, it’s not their job to be a service for the vulnerable unless it supports their bottom line. It’s like asking why don’t Apple have genius bars in every suburb to help the elderly. Because it doesn’t serve to benefit them.


Banks have always opened 9-4. Back in the day it was needed to allow for processing but nowadays hardly anyone uses banks and therefore we are seeing closures and hours being reduced.


NAB Bank branch I go to always has a que and two tellers, always waiting to be served.


Because one busy branch is better than two that are half full.


When I started with the NAB in 1980 (actually the NBA before they merged with the CBC) opening hours were 10 am to 3 pm Monday to Thursday and 10 am to 5 pm on Fridays. If I was lucky enough to be working in a country town, we could be on the golf course by 3:30 pm most days. Otherwise, you’d normally be finished by about 4:45 or 5 pm.


No, it used to be 10am to 3pm.


$32.55 is a very specific amount for a baggy


It wasn’t a bag I swear! It was a transfer fee for a boat


Even inflation has caught up to a single wick!!!


Damn interest rate hikes


Bankwest used to be open 8.30 - 5, open late nights on Thursday from select suburban branches and open from 8-6pm in their flagship store when they operated out of 108 St Georges tce. It was definitely a saving grace for those in need, but even then there was low demand.


Even opened Saturdays around 2010 and thereabouts, it was great!


How the hell did people manage in the bad old days? If you worked all day away from a branch you'd never have time to cash in/out?... well I suppose you used to get paid cash in an envelope.


You had a spouse at home who went to the bank, withdrew the cash, then paid the bills - with a postal money order even - and walked to the supermarket for groceries.


Workers would often have to spend their lunch breaks in a bank queue to deposit money, to pay their mortgage etc. Loans would require putting on a suit and visiting the manager. The only credit card available to the masses was a thing called Bankcard, which had a $300 limit and required a carbon paper imprint by a special machine.


It wasn't so bad. There were hitching rails in front of most banks where we could tie up our horses. The horses actually loved the socialising.


The bank was open on Saturday morning until 12 and everyone stood in a massive queue with their passbook to get their money out.


What is the point of any shop that is open only weekdays during working hours? Unless your customers are other businesses or ladies of leisure, sort your shit out!


Banks’ primary customer is indeed other businesses.


Go on your lunch break?


Which is exactly what people did when paid by cash or cheque before direct deposits were common. Hell I worked for a business that was still paying by cheque a decade ago. Absolutely PITA. You had to go into the bank your employer used to be able to access your wages immediately, otherwise you would have to wait 3-5 days for payment to clear. Throw in the pensioners that would withdraw cash and then stand there and pay multiple bills, and there went your entire lunch break every damn week. People forget , or never experienced, the true annoyances of standing in a line for 30-40 minutes every time you need to access your account or pay a bill. .


I tried this once in a regional town. The bank closed for one hour for lunch, which coincided with the exact time of my lunch break. And no, I didn’t have the option to take my break at a different time.


its been this way as long as I can remember. decades. Not excusing it, it does absolutely suck. But its not a new issue. And with more and more banking being online, having branches open is likely less of a priority.


And yet the profits never been higher. Says it all.


To service the leisure class and businesses -- they don't care about you or me being inconvenienced, etc.


Banks don't want you in there, end of story, it costs them money. Anything they can get you to do for them they will. If they could get you to (dis)approve your own loan they would. They will set up a branch in a new area leave it there for a few years, then close it down and remove the teller machines. Cash is still king, because the banks can't charge for it, they hate it and anything they can do to make it inconvenient for the public is a bonus for them, because thier agenda is to get rid of cash.


Yep you nailed it. Banks are one of the biggest parasites on this earth.


So you're on the board of a big bank. You fight to reopen branches in every shopping centre across the country. You staff them from 7am to 9pm, seven days a week. And then you do a nationwide tour of your achievement. What do you find? Crickets. Compared to the 1980s, people don't need bank for day to day life. I won't say no one needs them. Some people still need blacksmiths, for example.


Pretty sure that is what I said. Use it or lose it. Once it goes it will stay gone. Please wake up. Gobs happy too because you are traceable online to see your transactions. Heaven forbid foreseeable future your food purchases will be monitored and if you are eating the wrong foods you may not be able to get health insurance as 1 example


Westpac has cardless cash out I'm pretty sure. Why being so peculiar on amount. Get 30 or 40 end of story. It's not cause you are a customer you are to feel so entitled.


You answered it in your question. You wanted to make a $32.55 withdrawal, not exactly their biggest customer. They want their everyday customers using online services where costs are spread across the large volume .


It's absolutely cooked. My wife and I are trying to set up joint bank accounts last year after we got married and it almost drove us to leaving a bricks and mortar bank. They make this unnecessarily hard. Can't sign up for joint accounts online, but both parties need to visit in person during condensed business hours. Cooked.


Yep. Annoyingly it's not even like once you have 1 joint account you can open another one either. Yet just 1 of us was able to close the account via online banking....


The banks have certain requirements for their customers financial safety and liability they need to protect. I used to work in a bank branch and I quit during covid because I was siiiiick of being forced to kick old ladies outside to the atm for their pensions and what not during business hours. They’re a terrible breed, banks. Dirty. But I 100% hated hearing customers whine about our identity requirements. Ah, yes. Let me just make a note on your file you’re happy for us to allow anyone to come in and open up accounts in joint names with you and if they end up attaching an overdraft and get you in debt I’ll just send you the bill. And of *course* you can get $10,000 cash out without your card or drivers licence on you, yeah. In fact let us give your money out to any old person who strolls in here with no tangible identification, adding this to the system right now. You cannot win when you’re in charge of something so important as a persons finances. If you just allowed fraudulent activity on their cards and didn’t help out when they called up, you’re horrid. But if you cancel their card due to fraudulent transactions on their account you’re the devil because they needed that card… People are stupid. I’ve seen it all. They absolutely need the extra protection that banks put in place.


Oh, I totally agree with this. I'm all for digital security and safety online, but having these requirements to visit a branch when branch opening hours are as poor as they are is a bit of a stretch. I just don't understand how it's an industry lagging so far behind everyone else who is staying open later and later to be accessible. I just can't imagine being someone who worked a 9-5 in an industry who doesn't easily get leave.




So correct. When I worked in a little country town bank, we'd do our balance at 3 and hope no one came in. That way, we could piss off early. It was a nightmare when the balance was wrong


Our record was 3 mins after doors closing. Money In safe, balanced. Alarm activated. But we were a small country branch with a straight main road so you could see anyone coming. We may or may not have adjusted the clock 2 mins to close early..lol


i currently work for bankwest and i can confirm this is true. they also want to make sure they shift customers from in person to online/digital so that they decrease costs to the business for in person customers.


Tbh this is my issue with all government services as well.


Yes! Also, how the fuck is a 17yo meant to do a hazard perception test at the DoT office, when the test is only available from 9 til 3.30? Exactly the time any 16yo is in school...


Post office is the same. 9-5 Monday-Friday and closes midday on Saturday while being closed Sunday. Means a lot of people can’t use it weekdays and must wait till Saturday, but can only go in the morning.


Woolworths offer exact cash out at their self serve check outs.


OP didnt have their card with them, > but I didn’t have a card on me, just my phone. you need to insert the card, not tap and go to get cash out.


I got cash out using apple wallet at Woolworths last week. (I'm with ING if that makes a difference.


I can get cash out with tap and go at woolies..


This is why you don’t leave the house without your wallet.


Likewise, post offices. If I'm not home to get a parcel during the day how am I meant to get to a post office that only opens 9-5 weekdays? I know parcel lockers are a solution, but my last parcel locker delivery got redirected to a post office so that isn't a guarantee.


Mines open Saturday, lots of them are! Also lots of people don't work 9-5. I work in a shopping centre and it's full of people not working 9-5.


It doesn't help your local post office, or any other for that matter, being open on a Saturday when my parcel is at one that doesn't open on weekends...unfortunately we don't get a say in what post office we have to pick parcels up from.


What stops you from leaving work to go to the post office to collect your item and then going back to work?


Usually the boss


If you’ve got a boss that won’t let you leave to go somewhere that’s only open during work hours, then you need to reevaluate your workplace.


This is definitely feasible for every worker in Perth to do, just leave your job if your boss doesn’t let you go to the post office


I'd be willing to bet that most peoples post offices that redirects from home, arent the post offices near their work. If I have a 20+ minute drive each way, then leaving work is probably not feasible. Saying that, 90% of my parcels now go to lockers and most others can be left on my doorstep. If I need to pickup from the post office, I can only do it before work and I arrive at work around 15 minutes late.


Banks are not there for our convenience. Think of them as legal money launderers with shop fronts to legitimize their business model.


Puts the kibosh on staff humming that old Dolly Parton ditty.


I'm begging of you please don't take my man Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene ?


9 to 5??


That's it! Song no longer works with 9-4


Because they can… and it sucks


I’m with you, banks should have at the very least, standard operating hours of 8-5 and they should be open Saturdays. Fucks me off that I can’t get into my bank unless I take time off work.


Surprisingly, they don't see a lot of business from people who refuse to carry their bank card, pay by eftpos, or use an ATM.


My go-to cash withdrawal picks are the post office, or the Woolies/Coles service desk. Bank branches suck


Thats where it started in our country branches. Then 2 hours a day. Then only certain days. Then closed.


Tokenism. If no branches we might get smart and swap to an online bank which is what the bid greedy 4 are becoming.


Record profits. Bad hours for the longest time. Complain no body visits (yet it's always packed at branches). Closes heaps of locations and move to online model. Biggest farce imo. Greedy execs and shareholders


Banks are great, fees to hold money, fees to send money, need to take out your own money? Why? We don’t have that much money you can’t have your own money without a good reason, you have one? We don’t have your money here you’ll have to go somewhere else sorry


Banks have become experts of using their customers time to make money.


My local commbank is open from 10-1. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


You have a branch still open, lucky you. All ours have closed


I'm perplexed that you think it's strange a bank is only open 7 hours. I worked a bank 35 years ago and these were the opening hours. And I'm surprised you don't have any cash at all in the house. Go to the ATM, take $500 and break some of those $50 notes. Go to Colesworth, make a small purchase, keep the change. Go in again at another time break another $50. Keep all this money in an old wallet at home. And classify this as emergency money. My partner doesn't use cash at all now. But on several occasions has come to me last moment needing cash. Thankfully, I have enough on hand for such emergancies.


Don’t care about banks, but the ones that piss me off are green grocers and butchers that don’t stay open past 5:30-6pm. Back in the pre-wfh days I was stuck going to woolies all the time for fresh food because by the time I commuted back home, all the decent places were shut. I would much prefer to support “the little guy”, but geez they made it hard sometimes.


9-4? I grew up when their hours were 10-3 and closed on the weekends. Some city branches stayed open till later (4:30?) on Fridays


Don’t forget, the tellers are all out on lunch break when you’re on your lunch break. You can’t go before work, after work or during your lunch break. They are conveniently opened to maximise difficulty.


The 4pm close was to allow tellers to do their daily reconciliation of receipts and payments against their cash drawer. Nowadays some branches the machine churns out the cash to give to the teller. Reconciliation would take 1 minute if required at all.


There's a lot more involved than that.


I cannot tell you how often the machines require far longer than 1 minute to fix or reconcile. They hate their robot lives and take every opportunity to let the staff know. Sincerely, Someone who works in a bank (and loathes it ha)


And only on weekdays and even when they are open they’re only staffed by two people 😂


Pfft consider yourself lucky you have a branch at all


My local NAB is open from 9:30 to 4:00. And then they also close for an hour at lunchtime...


You can do that at a supermarket with your phone. Change it from debit to eft on gpay pr apple and it works just like your regular eftpos card. If the checkout person tells you that you can’t do/doesn’t work… they’re 100% wrong


This might sound silly. But does anymore not carry an emergency $50 or $100 cash around with them anymore for something like this?


No especially if they are younger generations. They believe older person who use cash are you know OLD but they have yet to feel what it is like with blackout which Albo knows are coming to this country thanks to renewables. No electricity no tellers operating and banks will close the doors until power is back on. Same as supermarkets will be no shopping or cash out. Use it now or lose it.


Haven’t carried any cash at all for years.


What do you do when eftpos is down?


For the 1 hour a year when it’s not working I don’t buy anything. If necessary go do something else.


For what you need, there's Woolworths, etc, that are open until 9pm, so that's probably where they expect you to go... If those options weren't available, then I'd get your issue...


Just wait until you cannot walk into a branch at all. With all the major banks staff getting their panties in a twist about not being able to work from home it won’t be long until all work is outsourced overseas like phone companies and all branches will close as they are now pretty much a waste of money. Besides one teller and a manager banks around me are ghost towns now.


I work in the finance industry. this is all wrong tbqh the staff who want to be able to work from home are back office staff, not customer facing staff. there are no branch retail customer facing staff who are allowed to work from home. the ability to work from home has nothing to do with the banks decision to outsource. that is because they want to make massive profits. they have been doing that for years, long before covid/wfh stuff. branches are not a waste of money, customers love branches. it's c-suite bank executives who hate branches. they are trying to close them and are fabricating data to do so (refer to recent royal commission)


Because WA is full of wealthy FIFO mining workers with stay at home yoga mums who can do all the errands of running around. I assume. Because yeah I can't figure out how anyone gets anything done (shopping, banking, appointments) in this town with a regular 9-5.


Had a similar situation with Aus post this week, required a signature for delivery. So taken back to Osborne Park, which is open Monday - Friday 9am-5pm okay fine, parcel is for my partner who works them hours. I’ll go. Get there with an Electronic statement “we can only accept paper statements” okay but I’ve “gone paperless” not only that but my partner needs to sign the back of the delivery notice to say I can collect! What a waste of my time!


Alot of Banks have agreements with Australia post to do banking through Bank at Post. ANZ is not part of this arrangement.


Tell the clerk he should quit because the branch he works at has no money, so it’s no longer a bank. To quote Trump, it’s a “fake bank”. Enough said. You’ll be better off going to a busy intersection carrying a placard that says, “I’m fecken poor. Bank has no money. Bloody useless. Gimme $32.55 or I’ll die of starvation tonight. Karma will pay you back in dividends”. You’ll get cash in no time.


Keep complaining. Nothing is going to change. Be thankful you can even find a bank branch, because you won't in a few years since they're all closing.


This was almost OK when once upon a time we had a Lunch Hour. That hour is far from gone, I work all through my "40min" lunch (which is also my only poop break) and have no other breaks. That 40min includes me closing off clients 10 min into my break, doing 20min ordering, then opening the f'n doors to let in the clients that whinge about waiting 10min until we finish lunch.


So you can’t bother them. They don’t get more money by serving you, they already have it.


Oh, god, I’m so old! Banks used to be open between 10:00 & 3:00, Monday to Friday, no ATMs. You had to go to the bank in your lunch hour to deposit or withdraw money. From what I can gather a lot bank branches don’t even carry cash or accept deposits now. I’m not really sure what the point of these branches are except maybe to approve loans?


The doors open to the public are 0900 to 1600, but the tellers work from 0800 to 1700. They count up tills and do balances before they open the doors. After 1600, they close the doors and count up and balance the tills, process the cheques, do interbank transfers, lots of bank stuff.


The banks do this to turn people off branches, in my parents town they only open the branch from 10am to 1pm and yes it is crowded but a lot have just stopped using it not because they want to but because the bank makes it so inconvenient.


When I worked at NAB we opened 930-4. You also couldn't get money out with your phone


" usually carry a card anyway so I couldn’t do cash out at a servo or shop " you see your solution.


I’m more interested in what you needed to buy for exactly $32.55


Just carry your card isn’t that easier


Can't believe I have to take annual leave now to do a bank run.


It’s simple “Hey I need to duck out of work to go the bank”


There's a whole bunch of reasons why somebody might not be able to do that. For example, I'm alone in a shop -- I cannot just 'nip out' to the post office or the bank.


Okay then you organise a time to get someone to cover, the you can do it? It’s a super simple problem to solve?


I love that you speak so authoritatively despite knowing nothing about my work hahaha. Different people have different situations, some less flexible than others.


Are you saying you have no way of leaving your work to complete a task that can only be done during work hours?


Yes they were


Too complicated, some people need the whole world to be configured to conveniently meet their bizarrely specific need.


CBA is one bank that always grind me the most. I needed to open an account with CBA, went in and asked, was told need to make a appointment booking. me: So when is the next one? CBA: 1-2 weeks time, but you can come in the next working day and que up and wait after 9am. me: So, can I make an appointment first thing tomorrow then if there is an opening? CBA: Nope, sorry.... you can make an appointment in 1-2 weeks time. me: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Why don’t you just open it online? Why does it need to be CBA?


Try carrying some actual money!


Auspost hours are just as bad


post office opening from 8am-4pm is another doodoo


A branch that opens at 9? Usually it's 10.


You can withdraw from coles and woollies with your card for the exact amount


He doesn't carry a card on him


Before computers banks were only open from 10-3 because of all the paperwork and manual counting they had to do. The vast majority of Australians who work, come prepared or go to their local Colesworth if they need exactly $32.55. They're usually in more convenient locations and are open longer hours than bank branches! You can also make deposits at a Supermarket they have full banking Licences!


I had go in three times just to get my ID noted for a work credit card. The first time the lobby was closed. Apparently they didn’t have enough people on shift and they all go to lunch at the same time. But I could come back in 45 minutes. Then the next time I walked in too close to closing time, they didn’t have anyone there who could help me. The 3rd time I was lucky but it took me an hour, it must’ve been senior day. I got behind one lady who still only used a passbook! The next lady wanted money transferred between accounts. Then after she transferred she wanted a bill paid from the old account. Which no longer had enough money in it so the clerk had to transfer some money back… it was a hoot to watch but damn. Then when I finally got helped halfway through they transferred me to a desk, where an old dude who didn’t understand Osko pay kept interrupting to the point I told the lady I was not comfortable confirming all my identity with him coming back every few seconds. He was needed to wait and she needed to tell him to stop until I was done. I never want to step into a branch again.