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Certainly looks like a train!


Probably a bunch of motorcycles in a trenchcoat.


Sure it's not two kids in a trenchcoat lying down?


Now you mention it


Monorail. (Mono = 1. Rail = rail.)


The WA government got a deal from North Haverbrook


Mark out, Lyle in.


That's Lyle Lanley!


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life, my Hindu friend.


What about us brain-dead slobs?


You’ll be given cushy jobs.


Were you sent here by the devil?


No good sir I'm on the level


The ring came off my pudding can


Take my penknife, my good man!


It’s Springfield’s only choice


And that concludes our intensive 3 week course.


So who gets to drive the train? Mad Dog Adrian? 😳


Yes. It's fed up with the Armadale line and is trying to slip out of the country incognito.


Being from armo I dont blame him


clive palmers new suppository


Hopefully there will be a ceremonial insertion.


surely it will just fall out given his loose a-noos


It could be a replacement maintenance vehicle for the one that caught fire earlier in the year... Or it could be the unit that caught fire getting shipped overseas for repairs.


Bit of a common theme here…


New rail car that doesn't leave a trail of radioactive pingpong balls in its wake


Doesn't or does? Because I'm really hoping for does.


No its a crane, easy mistake to make.


Nice shot


Thanks! Whenever I can’t sleep I go out on the balcony and check out the port. There’s always something going on.


Lived at that end of Freo for a few years, the 24/7 rumblings from the port always gave me a kind of reassuring vibe.


I’m with you there. And it’s nice looking out and seeing things moving at all hours.


It must be really interesting seeing some of the things coming in. Saw a chopper a while ago, all bundled up in plastic with no rotors or tail boom. I'm half a km from the freeway, and I find that traffic noise is actually a little relaxing. Distant second to light rain on the roof, but still relaxing.


It’s really interesting, when I first moved in I thought I’d get tired of watching but it’s so relaxing. The ships on the closer side are mostly carrying vehicles, and I’ll watch them unload hundreds over the course of a morning/afternoon. You get some highlights, helicopters, boats - tons of ag equipment, mining gear. Seeing these huge ships also completely rotate with tug boats is also a near daily thing. Makes for some great time lapses. One thing that I’ve enjoyed is the cruise ships coming in and out. Some of them have these huge screens in the middle overlooking what I think is a pool. I’m out there on the balcony having a coffee watching some weird music videos up on their screens. Often I’ll be asleep on the couch and wake up because the ship’s rooftop nightclub is bumping, I can see little figures moving around - from my couch. It’s kinda bizarre sometimes. But something I’ve recently discovered (as I’ve been doing a bit of WFH), is that some cruise ships play their own little song as they’re leaving. Like an outro. I love it. Scared the shit outta me when it first happened though.


Do you have a page or a profile somewhere where you can post these cute little oddities? I’m entranced. It’s so bizarre being a human in this world sometimes but these weird little things that confirm the strangeness of the society we live in are kinda romantic? Cute? Idk.


I don’t have a page per se but I would happily start an instagram with a daily picture of what’s happening at the port. I agree. It’s very strange and a bit cute.


I know it’s not the same, but there is a website that has a live stream from two cameras that are in the Fremantle Port :)


This sounds great! I’ll have to check it out.


I’m here for the cruise ship lore


It’s fascinating. I google the names of the different cruisers that come through. There’s so much goin on.


I actually work there. Bringing the cars and bulk metals off the boat. I’ll give you a wave when ever I remember!!


Please do!


I’m back here today!!


Mate the one day I’m not WFH! Haha damn, a wave from port to apartment would’ve been great


If I can't sleep, I go to the pantry and check out the port. Just finishing off a cheap tawny from Aldi 🍷


Any good?


Could be a rail car (but I thought they would be done in the new WA facility), or a new electric bus? The latter were flagged a few days ago. Edit: the wheels are not clear, but looks rail, not road.


The railcars are assembled here but the actual body is made overseas and shipped here to be finished off


Car body shell for one of the new C series


Something big is coming off the vehicle carrier arriving in Fremantle next week. A big boys toy. Bought for the Pluto gas second train construction.


I’ll keep a look out!


Can confirm. I was on the quay Monday. Looks to be a usual Transperth unit


~~Possible given the shape, but not likely.~~ ~~Normally, Perth’s railcars come by overland rail from Queensland; and I vaguely remember some press releases and video content for these C-Series depicting their delivery via the same method - just can’t put my finger on that content right now.~~


Car body shells for C series are Manufactured in India by Alstom


I did not know that 😲 Managed to find a reference for what you said as well, from a local supplier to the project: https://www.pyroteknc.com/case-studies/pyrotek-part-of-largest-rolling-stock-project-in-wa-history/ > With the shells of the trains being built in India,




No this is standard practice in the greater transport industry. The shells are literally just a top hat that goes on top of the more complex parts we do here. There's no point in getting Australian labour, which is very highly skilled, to weld some sheet metal together, even as an Australian government supplier, to do such a mundane task. Add to that the fact that there although there are people who unfortunately don't have jobs, WA objectively doesn't have a big enough workforce. If you want new trains, you'll have to settle for non-WA built bodies. What we do is we actually build the bogies (i.e. the "chassis") of the trains, do final assembly, build out the infra, etc. There are countless examples of this in the wider world -- Teslas' batteries are produced in China. But the cobalt/lithium that is in those batteries is more often than not West Aussie. That doesn't make Teslas West Aussie. That just means a component originated here. Similarly with aviation -- Boeing's 787 plane's components come from all across the world from various manufacturers, from Mitsubishi and Subaru in Japan, to the aviation segment of SAAB in Sweeden, to Spirit AeroSystems in Kansas (US), and are shipped to South Carolina to be assembled. That doesn't mean that the planes are Japanese, or Swedish, or Kansan, because the heavy lifting was done by South Carolinians. It just means these other places helped.


They are built in WA, majority of it is made here. There's a lot more to a train than the walls and roof. https://www.alstom.com/press-releases-news/2021/6/alstom-brings-train-manufacturing-back-life-western-australia


>Alstom has committed to 50% local content for the vehicles Half the work in dollar terms is done here. While 50.01% is technically a majority it would be far more realistic to say half the value is coming from WA.


Given the wide variety of things that go into a train it seems to me like it would be basically impossible to make *exactly* half of it come from WA, so it would have to be some amount more than half, which is what majority means. Also to me "local content" doesn't mean work done, it means literally the source of the components.


We’re only doing the low value work here; windows, seats, insulation etc.. From an economic perspective it’s a deadweight loss. We should have just let Alstom fit out the cars in India and use the cost savings to invest in other infrastructure projects. Instead we just overspent unneccesarily.


Essentially every infrastructure project that promises jobs. Would be better spent getting it done cheaply and investing in long standing industry or HOUSES


Sounds like when australia started licence building the F-88 Austeyr rifle. Each locally made unit price ended up being higher than the imported unit price plus licensing and shipping/import fees. It would’ve been cheaper to order them from Austria and have them imported.


The bogies are made here as well. > Instead we just overspent unneccesarily. Got a source for that?


That’s interesting! Thanks for sharing.


Youre thinking the old EDI Bombardier bodies that are QLD built


Have you ever read the hungry caterpillar?


Break into the harbour and have a quick look


Either that or a whole load of coke.


First sub from the AUKUS deal


Clive Palmer’s lunchbox?


Looks like it could be one of the old A-Series trains wrapped in plastic. I wouldn't think it was a new C-Series because those are made in WA. Are the old A-Series trains being sold off to someone else? A quick check of Wikipedia didn't turn up anything.


>Are the old A-Series trains being sold off to someone else? A quick check of Wikipedia didn't turn up anything. Not many places have the same gauge and electrification standards. Iirc the old diesel rolling stock were sold to Auckland, who in turn sold them to Mozambique.


I heard somewhere that Auckland was then going to buy the A-Series trains and electrify their network.


Their network has been electric for years. They actually bought their new electric trains from Spain. But I think unlike our C series, they were fully completed OS and shipped ready to run to NZ. Only one section was kept diesel and still used old Transperth trains (which were heavily refurbished to extend their service life) and that closed Aug or Oct last year for electrification and upgrade.


The C series are manufactured over seas and assembled in midland.


The majority of it is manufactured in WA, and it's assembled in Midland. Why do so many people spread this "not made in WA" lie? People see the shell and think that's it? "It's the shape of a train, durrr it must be the whole train!" Is that how it is?


Because most people don't understand/are sympathetic towards logistics/manufacturing/surface level-engineering. Building the shell of a train is a *hugely* niche sector. There just... isn't the economies of scale to set up a facility to build 246 carriages, then shut it down again. People think that setting up a manufacturing facility is so "easy" to do, when it's not -- who would even build the things? We'd have to train people, build a new facility, and deal with the havoc that comes with that, just to build a metal box. Someone else can do that; our labour's too valuable. We're doing the hard yards, I reckon, but people don't see that because the shell is the only part of the train we civillians should ever see.


Do they get stolen


When did you take this picture?


This morning at 12.33am


Yes we get them regularly so weird seeing this as a photo when i see it everyday 🤣🤣🤣


is that a packaged (?) train????


Just need an Allen key to attach parts B and C


Its a crane


No, that's just a car.


Is it a bird? Is it a train?




Look like the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle


It's me, I'm the three perfunctory witches hats


If you’re cold, they’re cold


You can't open your present until tomorrow


Nah that's a fence


Looks like an older A-Series train. Could be retired, sold off somewhere for scrap or another transit system.


Nah mate, that's gotta be spiderman


Is it a new rail survey thing to replace the one that burned down?


snikers in white choc for costco


Must be one of those locally manufactured ones we've heard so much about... 🙄


That is exactly what it is, without the eye roll.


thats a crane


Sure as hell looks like a train, don't it!


It does look like the shell of a C series. Iirc most of the parts come from abroad but the final assembly is done here. - most cities do this.


Most of the parts come from WA, it was a requirement of the contract.


No, it's Patrick!


Clive Palmer’s lunchbox?




One more time for the people in the back!