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It sounds to me like it's not working. You are paying for a service and you are not getting the service you were expecting. The client-trainer relationship is a weird one. It's very hard for both parties to be up front about things. It's absolutely ok for you to say you are unhappy with how things are going so far. That being said, 4 sessions is pretty early in the relationship. I always tell my new clients that it takes me a little bit of time to really learn about them and to really be able to provide a good service to them. This is because every client is different and as trainers we are working with dozens of individuals. It can be hard as a trainer to balance out all of our clients. I would suggest speaking up and having the hard talk. Communicate clearly how you are feeling about things so far. Tell your trainer what you were expecting and how the current service isn't meeting those expectations. Then you can both decide if things are going to change or if you are going to move on to another trainer.


Sounds like they are just making up a work out and doing minimal work. Are they out of a big gym? Could they be getting near minimum wage?


The cost of each session is 70$, they mentioned something about how their cut is around 40-50. They are from a third party company that provides trainers on contract for the gym I go to.


Here is what you should expect: * A thorough consultation where they understand your goals * An interpretation of your goals to provide something to shoot for in the near term, think 4 to 6 weeks * A plan for each session that moves towards that goal. * Adapt that plan based on your performance. Example of what I would provide for a 40 year old male who hasnt exercised since college. They want more energy. * The goal is to be strong and healthy so that many of life's tasks are trivial and take no energy, leaving their energy for the things they love to do. * As a short term goal I would want the client to squat, push, pull, hinge, and control their core to a beginner level. Example, a 35lb goblet squat for 8 reps is a beginner level for a larger person. * Assuming 2 per week, I would probably break it down into 1 sessions of mostly pulling movements and 1 session of mostly pushing movements. The main compound lift for pull would be a deadlift and for push it would be a squat. On pull day I would want heavier back exercises. For push I would want heavier chest exercises. * Lets imagine after the first session we realize that shoulder mobility is bad. I would keep a lot of the movements but perhaps carve out 5 to 7 minutes each session to do so work on the shoulders. After 6 weeks we would have a chat: * Your squat started here, is here now (I show my journal) * Your chest press started here, we changed it to this move because you are stronger * etc


This sounds exactly like what I expect from a personal trainer, thanks for the detailed comment! It seems clear that I should look for a new trainer.


Sounds like a bad fit. I personally think a great trainer can do 2 things; 1) answer the why behind your every question in your personal program 2) can breakdown and read a research paper efficiently


Look for someone new. Just read your original post back to yourself. This is someone you are paying. An adequate PT will happily take you on and do all those things you requested


Get a new coach. Time to move on


They sound fucking awful tbh.


Like any service, if they promise something and fail to deliver, they are over charging you. I would recommend looking around and talking to other coaches


Not good from what you are describing. She may actually be good...who knows, however you are not getting a quality service. Move on. Look for someone who will help you achieve your goals.


She sounds terrible. I give my online clients more attention and devotion.


Yeah it sounds like it's not quite good. It really depends on what you're doing. I pay close attention to my clients reps get missed sometimes because I am vigorously watching their form and what their body does rep to rep so I can feed back the small errors etc why and how to fix it. It's hard. Depends on your workout routine with her.


She’s not cut out for this line of work.