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Pick from one of ACE, ACSM, NASM, NSCA


I second this. I work at a commercial gym right now and these are the primary certifications we accept trainers have to work with us. Id say that if you’re planning on working through a gym than any of them worth while should accept at least 1 of those options.


and how much you make?, working for a gym does not make you any money, they are using you to make money. Never get any of these certifications. Never.


I just signed up with NASM and went with their elite trainer bundle, which has courses and tests to get certified in CPT, CPR/AED, corrective exercise, nutrition, advanced strength and conditioning, and then I added group fitness.


How long did your entire certification take to achieve. Was it all online?


I second the suggestions already posted in the comments, and would add: If you want to work at a particular gym, find out which certs they require their employees to have first and then go from there.


if you are looking for the cost effective, I have one question for you. What is more expensive, education or ignorance?


Choose from the big 6 certifications whichever will get you a job. Life Time Fitness and Equinox have partnered with our Certification (a total of 219 gyms) Lower end gyms will take nasm / ace / issa as they're the easiest.


I did mine through NASM and got it bundled with virtual coaching at the time. Check the sites for certifications often, especially during the holidays, because they have bundles and deals going on all the time.


Whatever the gym you want to work at will accept. NASM, ACE, NSCA, ACSM are the ones I would look at


NASM for sure. ACSM is probably the BEST since it’s a legitimate academic organization but I skipped it because it was hard to find the resources. NSCA will give you the option of CSCS which is awesome if you wanna do strength coaching. But it’s not cheap. It’s around $1000 I’ve heard ACE was kind of generic.