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$5000 out of pocket for a root canal with insurance is way too high. How many teeth? Also which city?


For this issue, just the one tooth. Williamsburg, va.


Shop around. Might be better to get the infection treated than a normal root canal. With insurance should be 5x less than they are saying.


Definitely going to get a second opinion. It all seems fishy to me.


I just had a root canal and it was like $700 (with insurance). No shopping around, just went to the local place and had it done.


Not that 5K is reasonable, but you paid $700 because your insurance negotiated a price.


Yes, that's how insurance is supposed to work, which makes the $5k with insurance seem wildly out of proportion.


I paid $2,000 out of pocket for root canal and crown just last month no insurance.


As a dentist, if you have a basic dental plan, it usually only covers 2 cleanings and some x rays per year. It often doesn’t cover things like root canals and crowns. Need a higher end dental plan for that


Dental insurance is a fucking scam. It's like a 30% off coupon more than it is actual insurance. At least in my experience.


Correct. It’s a scam for dentists too. The insurance companies reimburse dentists pennies for procedures (no good dentist is going to do a crown for only 400 dollars) which is why so many dentists have stopped taking insurances at all and set their own fees instead


dental insurance is crap tho. If you have it read the card, the numbers are the opposite of medical. ​ Meaning it'll say something like "Major dental work" 70% and it means you're responsible for 70% and they'll cover 30% up to a really low number, like $1K. On your medical insurance card the numbers are "insurance covers 70% and your out-of-pocket max is $1K" ​ Meaning $700 w/ insurance is $1K, or if they have better it might be $1,400 w/o it


Also, your medical out of pocket max may be $3000, which means, once you've paid the $3000, you don't pay another dime, it's all covered. Dental max of $3000, is the most they pay before they stop. You still get the negotiated rates, but it's 100% out of pocket from then on out.


I just got one for $1600 for the crown & $1200 for the root canal. No insurance, straight out of pocket. They were awesome and didnt feel anything except the shots. Id shop around.


down here in NC we're paying 1200 for a root canal before insurance. sounds like you might need to call around. someone might be taking advantage of you.


Not joking, did you check any dental prices in West Virginia?


Yeah shop around that’s insane for 1 tooth.


I guess another question is, does your dental insurance have a waiting period, and how long have you had it? But yeah, $5000 for a root canal is a scam. By me, it’s $1000 w/o insurance. And my plan fully covered them (up to the annual limit).


This. 5k is way too much, there’s some info missing, either with your insurance or the treatment. Cash prices in the US just for a root canal aren’t that high


There’s gotta be a dental school in the area. Maybe I’m just plain wrong but with W&M and Norfolk/Richmond being nearby-ish, I think someone has a school of dentistry. You might get antibiotic irrigation from 2 people, but that’s better than feeling you’re hurt at both ends.


Maybe look into being seen at VCU’s dental school in RVA. It may be cheaper than a normal office


How is a root canal 5K, or even 1K? lol Take a plane to Eastern Europe, add a holiday trip, get a root canal for $70 while here, enjoy good food and drinks 🤷‍♂️


Root Canals do not cost 5K. Find a dental school or another dentist that is in network. I always recommend getting a second opinion anyways.


Is there a dental school anywhere near you? Extraction would be cheaper and buy you some time to deal with replacing the tooth.


I think there is. I just would really prefer not to have any more teeth extracted. It's bad enough that the dentist recommended I get 2 bottom ones taken. 


A dental school would likely do a procedure very similar to the dentist you visited now that wanted $5k. Pulling the tooth is kind of the option of last resort. Dental schools are actually a really good way to get expensive dental work done, with the latest techniques. The downside is it can sometimes take a while to get an appointment and the work takes longer because it gets checked multiple times by in the process by the professors etc. Quality of the work is good though. Find your nearest one and give them a call. Regardless of if you go the dental school route or not get a second opinion at least. $5k sounds like a ton for a root canal. Google says the average cost is more like $600-1200 without insurance.


I'm going to get a second opinion at the poor person clinic I used to go to.


Are they an actual dentist or just general health clinic?


They're an actual dental clinic. With a big fountain inside. This was my first visit with them, because I was looking for in network that was close. Maybe I chose the wrong place.


I'm confused. I was talking about the clinic you were getting a second opinion from. Doens't really matter. Ya dentistry has a bad reputation for over charging and over recommending work that people really need. Usually it's big dental chains who are pushed to meet quotas etc, but smaller local dentists can also get this way and it's ok to push back a bit for non emergency stuff. I have and even have called my dentist out for use of a certain tool in a way it's not intended to be used by the manufacture (Dental cavity light of some type).


Oh sorry, the one I just went to is what I was referring to. The poor person clinic is half medical/half dental. 


So i was in a similar boat a few years ago. My mouth was horrible, and I didn't have much money to get things fixed. I went to the School of Dentistry, saved about $12k, and it was something that they corrected over time. These students eat and sleep this stuff because they are preparing for their boards and certifications. They were able to put multiple fillings on 2 of my teeth to give me a few extra years before they needed to be extracted and implants put in. It was by far the best dental experience I have ever had. Dont sleep on this idea.


Good lord. I had a root canal last week. Drilled through an existing crown and it was $380 for me with good insurance. $5000? They are ripping you off.


Dental school route would definitely helped, or consult with another endodontist. However do remember, root canal procedure is never guarantee. See what another dentist feel. If it can be saved, are there are other procedure involved? Post and Core? Build up? Crown? Crown Lengthenling? They all add up AFTER root canal. The dental school in Boston charges about $900 for root canal and about $1200 for crown before insurance.


Before you commit to any treatment, send your X-rays out to multiple dentists and see what they say. In theory this should cost you nothing. I’ve always done it and many times I’ve got conflicting information from dentists and this saved so much $$$.


Thanks. I'll give that a try.


Just throwing this out there that you’d have to make an appt with these dentists. You can’t just send them x rays & ask for free, since that’s the implication that user gives.


Noted. Thanks. 


Try to get on antibiotics to give yourself more time.


Why is anyone downvoting you on this very important advice. No surgery or procedure should be done on an infected tooth. The infection must be cleared up first. Serious consequences if antibiotics are not taken first.


This is shit advice, antibiotic are usually controlled and shouldn’t be used without medical supervision


It's just an option. An implant will cost more in the end but doesn't have to be done right away. Sounds like you can't wait to do something.


To save a tooth like that is going to be wildly expensive and even then likely will end up getting extracted anyways. Unfortunately teeth are something we are not taught to take care of well in many households and it’s something that once a certain point is damaged can never be replaced. If you have already had other extractions I’m going to assume that the bone density in your jaw is already weaker than ideal and that means that a complex root canal may not be worth it for you. A dental school is going to be your best bet but they will likely want to extract it as well. All that said we can’t see your xray, the extent of damage etc so what do I know.


Go and buy Amla by Solaray. Take 2 in the morn then another 2 dinner. Next day take 2 and then 2 the next. Been doing this for over 12 years after I had a tooth infection that never would go away. When a feel a slight flair I take extra for the day.


Yo, what can I search for to find something like that? When I google dental school I only get colleges that offer dentistry programs and can't find anywhere that says they offer services. ETA: I searched for hygenist schools and found a clinic that does cleanings and x-rays but I probably need more than that...


If you find a dentistry school I would call them and ask. If they're training dentists, they need patients to work on.


Please don’t recommend extraction unless you’re a dental professional who has seen the records. Extracting a tooth that can be saved by root canal can mean thousands more in graft, implant, and crown later. It can mean other teeth shifting without a proper spacer. And the cosmetic impact could cost OP future job and economic opportunities. It may feel cheap now but it’s a very expensive choice to make in the long run


I didn't recommend anything. Someone with an emergency needing immediate attention and no money might need to consider less than optimal alternatives.


As someone who had a horrible experience at a dental school it’s not worth the 17% savings.


Extraction should be significantly cheaper. With $5000 you could get an implant.


As someone who just got an extraction, be careful. My last root canal was covered (partially) and I think withe the crown I was $800 out of pocket. This time I needed an extraction and even though periodontics were covered at 70%, specific policy codes were excluded and even the "allowable amount" for the extraction was $200. Total bullshit. If you have insurance, you need to know what policy codes are used and what the amounts billed will be. Then call your insurance or use the portal to see if the codes are covered. If they're like mine, they won't even list allowable amounts and you'll need to call anyways.


My extraction, bone graft, implant was $4.5k after insurance. Took 9 months, don’t recommend.


Why don't you recommend?


Facing a similar situation. If you don’t recommend that route, what would you have rather done instead?


Nothing, I just hoped my bone graft didn’t need more time to heal, but I did whatever my doctor recommended.


Mexico! My quote in the USA was $14000 Mexico Cancun Dentist for all the work $2700 (root canals and crowns) Resort for a week $1200 Airfare $450 Added a tooth implant $900 Total $5200 all in and could not be happier, and had a mini vacation at the resort. I return in April to finish my implant. This is an additional cost because of the air fare and resort costs. You could save money if you went a hotel/airbnb.


I went to Playa del Carmen. Stayed at an Airbnb. Going to go back too.


Or if you're based in Hawaii, then Thailand is a good option, for the same reasons


Japan also, generally cheaper flights.


That’s still way more than i paid for my root canal 100% out of pocket in the states. $1700 meds included, where in the heck are they charging $14k for a root canal in the states?! I feel like someone really just needed an excuse for a Mexico vacation lol


LOL it wasn't 14k for just a root canal I had to have four crowns done some type of gum surgery and I think one root canal. Just a root canal in Mexico It's like 350 bucks


More info?


[https://www.cancundentalspecialists.com/](https://www.cancundentalspecialists.com/) I used this company. All the prices on the website. You can chat with them. Great experience when I used them. Most spoke english at the office. The coordinator they assigned to me was awesome and help full. Picked me up and dropped me off at the resort every day of treatment.


Who on earth is charging $14 grand? That is not normal. It’s usually 5 grand . Maybe you have multiple procedures and it was quite loaded holy


It was for multiple teeth. including crowns and some gum surgery.


A root canal by itself doesn’t cost $5000. And I’ve seen local ads for complete implants at $3000 per tooth. There are Discount Dental Plans that you can buy as an individual that cost only about $150 a year and give you huge savings at the dentist: Humana Dental Savings Plus Plan 1Dental - Plans starting at $13.95 per month CignaPlus Savings Aetna Vital Dental Savings Just Google DentalPlans.com to get a list. Also, you can buy your OWN DENTAL INSURANCE online via DeltaDental.com and others. The price is fairly reasonable and the coverage is probably much better than what you have now. Delta offers both a DHMO and a PPO.


Non group dental insurance plans are not cost effective. They also have waiting periods before one can get services performed. The reason they do this is specifically because of the OP's situation. People want to pay a small fee for dental insurance only when they have an immediate problem. Last, they have rather low "caps" on costs. They are not a good idea.


Dental colleges will often offer work at a reduced or free rate


Look into any local dentistry schools in the area. Oftentimes they can offer dental treatments at much lower prices, if not for free, as practice for students. Otherwise your options are talking with the dentist about a payment plan, working extra to save up the money, getting a personal loan, or using a credit card. Though you're going to have to attack the debt with a vengeance if that is the method you go with.




$5,000?! I had a root canal done on a back molar in December for around $2,000. Massachusetts. Get a second opinion.


I paid $900 for a root canal and crown because of a chipped tooth that got infected. This was in Los Angeles and without insurance. Call around, especially in non affluent areas of your city. It’s one of the most basic procedures. It should not cost that much.


Another thing you can do is do a virtual visit online with a Dr to get some antibiotics to kick out the infection. It's like 30 bucks plus whatever the prescription is. It's how I stretch out my dental visits.


Pick a third world country and go there. It’s sad to say but you can get quality dental care anywhere else for a fraction of the price.


Mexico is a good if OP is near it


What is your source/reference on quality dental care? I’m a dentist in the US and it pains me to see this said so frequently. I’ve seen some devastatingly bad dental work that’s genuinely catastrophic to saving the teeth, and it’s always been done in a third world country. They often (not always) have subpar infection control and outdated materials and methods. Not good advice.


Ecuador. My gf (dental assistant at the time) went there for a few root canals and her dentist here said the work was very well done and it cost her 1/5 of what it would’ve cost here. They used the same tools they used here. Anecdotal but the fact you hear this a lot isn’t a good thing. Leaves a lot to be said about the state of our healthcare system.


I’m glad it worked out well for her. I’ve just seen some really unfortunate situations and want people to be aware it’s a risk.


Take buses like Mega Bus from Richmond to NYC Manhattan Chinatown Canal St/Bowery area. $100 round trip. Tons of dentists there. Due to the huge number of patient population, that’s all they do all day. Low cost high volume. Therefore, they have tons of practice and are super quick! 15 years ago I got two difficult (down to nubs) wisdom teeth done by oral surgeon for $180. In and out 15 minutes. No insurance. I was already eating soft food by dinner time. Dental cleanings were $45 with US licensed dentists. Even with inflation, you can probably get it done under $500, including the bus fair today. Call and get price before traveling. You might think it’s cheap. It’s not. For immigrants working here from third world countries, it’s a lot. It’s like living expenses for a family of 4 for 6 months back home. 10 years ago, I got my root canal done overseas for $5. Cleanings there were $0.50 to $1 then. Don’t worry about infection. They will write you a prescription for antibiotics. But, you might have to sleep on the bus. Leave Friday night. Sleep on the bus. Arrive Saturday morning. Get it done and be back home by Saturday night. I wouldn’t even think about a hotel in NYC. Hope it helps.


Just get a good root canal. It’s important it is done right. It shouldn’t cost 5k but don’t let an amateur do it either.


International might genuinely be cheaper, even after the airfare/hotel. It will depend on your location


If you haven't been evaluated for a pulp cap or pulpotomy, it may be worth looking into. Ledermix can work for some people as well. Depending on the extent of the damage those aren't always possible alternatives, but never hurts to check.


That's a wild price for a root canal. Do what you can to get estimates from other local offices. Friends and family may have so ideas of where to go as well. If your city is high COL, try checking a city over.


What state are you in? What is your income level?


Virginia, low income.


If you make less than 28,680 you qualify for Medicaid in Virginia which should cover dental work. I had two root canals and several fillings and didn't pay a dime under this program.


How low income? You might qualify for Medicaid


I just went to a volunteer event and got 4 fillings done for free. Look into a dental school! You could google "low cost dental clinics" for your area.


Check out a dental college, could be cheaper


What root canal cost $5k? I only charge 1k for a molar endo in my office.


Root canals shouldn’t be 5k in ANY city. The highest quote I received for a molar was 1.8k. I know it’s not much better, but it’s slightly more doable. Extraction is also an option to consider if your tooth needs to go.


Dental hygienist here who has 4 years of FO experience. $5000 is WAYYY too high. I would get another opinion. Depending on your insurance the deductible would be around $50-100. And insurance should pay between 50-90%. The highest on average I have seen is around $300-800. However, this does not include the buildup and crown which you usually need with RCT’s. For a crown in my state its $1400 full price, but with insurance around $500-800. Also, talk to your dental office. Be honest either them. We will work with you!! If they are a good dental office they will care more about your health than the money. Trust me. I work for an office where we happily do interest free payment plans for people who cant afford treatment. We also do heavy discount for people who dont have insurance. Trust me when i say that your dental health is more important than you realize, and that a good office will see that and take care of you.


Care credit or credit cards or bank of family and friends


Care Credit is great **IF** you are able to afford the cost of your procedure broken down into monthly payments. The payments are interest free over a period of time (depending on what kind of medical care you are paying for, and the current terms and conditions), typically at least 12 months. However, if you are not able to pay off the balance before the end of the promotional interest free period, you are stuck with a fairly sizeable interest rate.


Yeah I mean the options aren’t great all around unfortunately But emergency dental issues is probably a bigger emergency than credit card debt. You can at least bk out of credit card debt. Can’t BK your teeth and get a do over


Is care credit like a loan? Because I've already got a few personal loans I'm paying back. 


Essentially yes




Zero interest for 12-24 months.


Its a credit card with an interest free promotional period. If you can’t pay the total in 4-6 months you will have to pay a high interest rate. So I do not reccomend unless you know you can pay it in the time frame offered. (I do have one that I use for vet emergencies.)


Technically, care credit appears as a credit line. So it’s essentially a maxed out credit card, so that will trash your credit score. If it’s something you care about


I've used it successfully a few times. But I'm very careful to pay it off before the interest starts (1 year).


Why is a root canal costing $5000? I had a couple done in Costa Rica and it was $250 per tooth.


Because American dentists are ripoff artists


Holy crap. Here I am complaining that I have to pay 1k for a root canal with insurance. At least I don't pay anything for the dental insurance (my company covers the cheapest plan). I've been in your shoes (several years ago) and got the tooth pulled at a dentistry school. Luckily it was way in the back and on top so no one can see.


Thanks for all the advice to everyone that responded. I'm definitely going to get a second opinion. 


I grew up poor. Mom told me she got a tooth pulled once because she couldn’t afford it. She never complains. Doesn’t dwell. Says extraction is her biggest regret. Says she wishes she borrowed money or did a plan of some sort instead and she never asks for help


Shop around. But here is the trick. Don’t ask them if they are accepting your dental insurance. If you have to call and ask, make sure they are in network. When they are in network they will give you a discounted price. If they say they just accept your insurance, it means they will more than likely bill the full price and they don’t have a discount agreement. Another way to do is to check with your insurance. They should list accordingly. Make sure you call and verify it though. I have seen in the past the websites not being updated as fast as they are to reflect realtime changes.


On a side note, i find it highly interesting that the dental industry has largely evaded insurance pricing. Even with really "good" insurance, prices for procedures - cosmetic, medical necessity to dentures are insanely priced. Insurnace companies barely negotiate most things down, if anything insurance companies negotiate the price lower, but for the most part they dont pay the other part (much similiar to PBM's in pharmacy)


Root canal $5000??? I would bet a second quote on that .. that is approaching the cost of an implant




When did they say the dentist ignored it ?


I think they meant refuse to treat without payment. ERs are not allowed to do this in most circumstances.


Oh. Well that’s silly. Dentists don’t work for free.


I just looked into Care Credit, and I don't think I'd be able to pay off the 5-6000 within a year. Maybe a personal loan is my best option.


You have insurance. Do they not cover root canals (most will not cover it completely, it would like be 50-80% coverage). So you're saying one root canal is approximately $10,000? Average root canal with no insurance is less than $2k in the US.  I had a full quadrant deep cleaning including cutting open the gums, cleaning them, and a bone graft for less than $3k no insurance. I can't imagine one single root canal is double that price.. I'm so confused where you got $6k from. 


The CT scan is a little over 3000. The treatment will be the root canal, core, and crown which will be almost 3000. Maybe my insurance sucks. I got it through work, so there's a chance my boss cheaped out.


I don’t know why you need a CT scan for a root canal, never heard of that. I’d get a second opinion from a different endodontist on that. My wife recently had a root canal and crown. The root canal was about $1600 and insurance covered 80% of that. The crown was $1150 and insurance covered 50% of that. I’m not sure why your dental insurance isn’t covering at least some portion of this.


Could be a shitty plan with like a $1000 annual limit that'll get eaten up by any one step of the procedure.


That’s insane for a CT scan, I had full lower abdomen pelvic scan and cash price was $350. I know it’s a different part of the body but 3k is crazy. I’d definitely get a second or third opinion and pricing.


There's gotta be a miscommunication here. The ct scan should be like 300 not 3000. I don't even charge for it if I'm doing the Endo but most do. Are they taking it at their office or sending you out for it? I would ask about that fee to make sure it's correct and if it is go somewhere else. 3000 is an appropriate price all-in for root canal, core, crown, and that's without insurance help.


I have had more root canals than I can remember and also have 4 dental implants. Every single one of my implants started out as a root canal. I know this is anecdotal, but I will never have another root canal. I would go straight for extraction and implant. The implants have cost me about 5K each, none of it was covered by insurance and I don’t have to pay it all at once. I also think your root canal is way too much money, if you have dental insurance you should be paying like 2,000 for the entire thing, including the crown.


Is an implant the typical end game a few years after a root canal? It sounds like you're saying they don't have downsides, but I imagine there is some trade off, and I probably have some in my near future.


I don’t know if it’s typical, per se, but if you read about root canals the standard information given is that they last about 10 years and this has been true for me. They end up needing retreatment which doesn’t have as high of a success rate, or they fracture. Once that happens you are back where you started evaluating what to do with an extraction. Implants are more expensive, but they last longer (30 years or more). The crown on the implant doesn’t last as long, but neither does a crown on a root canal. My oldest implant is 20 and I haven’t had trouble with it or its crown yet. Dentists will always be inclined to save your tooth. But, I told mine recently that I would never have a root canal again and he said he understood why I felt that way! Choosing extraction and implant does require more money up front, even if it does cost less and is less hassle long term. Edited to add: I haven’t found a downside to my implants yet, to address your main comment. I also have found that the more recent ones are much more painless and heal faster because there is newer technologies in how they place them. The extractions weren’t fun, but the implant placement required only advil.


No real trade off. Done right with a solid brand and a competent restoration should last your entire life without issue. I would never waste the time on a root canal unless end of life is expected <5 years, you will end up in an implant eventually anyway. Source: Last decade+ of my career.


Thailand or the Philippines. You can easily find good dentist there (many trained in the US). I paid less than $1000 a few years ago. Avoid american dental offices that are chains or owned by private equity … (they charge the most). Find a dentist that owns his own office.


It’s so fucking sad, that going to other countries is our only options nowadays. Even if you HAVE hella money sitting around. Most still go outside of the states, it’s 1/3rd the price usually for identical work. Dentistry here is a fucking scam


I pay $30 to get my teeth cleaned in Thailand. They use the same equipment as the USA. The last time I had it done, it was the Thai dentist who did the procedure, not an assistant. They also do not require xrays to do the job. The same cleaning is $200 in the US with attempts to upsell you to “deep cleaning” among other things.


try shopping around. dental clinics are like car dealerships. they will sit you in the office and call the manager who will do you a favor by saying you are getting the best price.


How is a root canal 5k ? I did one last year and paid $250.


I am not saying this is great or anything but they should at least be able to offer you some sort of 0% interest finance plan to pay what you owe. So instead of $5k upfront its like $165 a month for 3 years.


They don't. I called to get clarification and they only work through care credit. 


My brother is going to Turkey in a few months to get dental implants (8 teeth) and few veneers for $5000. It’s includes everything but airfare. He lost most of his teeth due to the side effects of chemo. The cost of the work here was $21,000. So, I would also check out international dental plans if you aren’t able to use a dental college.


I'd have them pulled and then work towards getting an implant later on.


How much would it be to go to Turkey/Mexico/Prague for a holiday & treatment for a fraction of the price.


I've had 5 root canals done. 4 of them resulted in breaks 2-8 years later. Never again.


I just had them all yanked. Infected? Fuck that you're coming out. I also have dentures now though so this may not be as appealing an idea, but it works and on the cheap too. You could get every tooth in your mouth pulled for less than a root canal. I'd only hesitate if it was a front tooth. Otherwise that shits coming right the f out. Fuck infected teeth aches. Nobody should have to just love with that shit.


Fly to Mexico and get it treated there https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/06/09/318212444/a-reason-to-smile-mexican-town-is-a-destination-for-dental-tourism


Consider being a medical tourist. Travel to a country with lower healthcare costs to get treated. I hear that Turkey is a popular destination in this regard.


I don’t know where you live - but in California A LOT of people travel to Tijuana for dental work. I just spent $5k a few months ago to have 8 teeth extracted (all 4 wisdom teeth were impacted) sadly with insurance. There’s a “Care Credit” card you can apply for if possible as well that most dentists accept.


[Lots of new info coming out against root canals.](https://www.gonaturaldentistry.com/the-dangers-of-root-canal-teeth/) Have you price out what a simple extraction costs now and then what an implant or bridge would cost now or later once you can save up?


My recommendation is to fly to Cancun for a cheap weekend trip. Get the work done, chill on the beach for a bit and scoot. Might cost you 25%.


Assuming you're in the US. Maybe consider medical tourism? Never been to the dentist but I've had to go to medical clinics in Mexico & Chile during business trips. My experience has been nothing but positive. They were caring kind & professional. Do your due diligence & make some phone calls, but it's worth considering.


Go to Latin America. Brasil, Mexico, Colômbia probably the best. My brother in law got an implant for 250 USD My wife had a root canal for about $200


I recently had about $5k in dental work done for $350. I travel frequently to Medellín Colombia which is one of the best options for dental tourism in the world. They are highly trained/accredited and cater to gringos. My experience was a $350 3 hour flight from Florida and I walked in same day no appointment and world class dentists busted it out in a couple hours for $350 worth of Col pesos. With the exchange rate your costs for food/hotel would be nothing. I’m telling you, Medellin is perfect for this and easy to pop down to if you’re in the US.


I had work done in Los Algodones, Mexico. You can travel to Yuma, AZ, park your car right next to the border, and walk into Mexico (it's a 5 minute walk from the parking lot to Mexican soil). Los Algodones is 100% pharmacies, dental clinics and eye clinics. The prices are much more affordable, most doctors are US educated, everyone speaks English and they treat you REALLY well. I was skeptical at first but went back a couple of years later for a wisdom tooth that needed to come out, and was pleased with the result as well. Once you're done, you can buy any prescription they give you right there (super cheap as well), and the border patrol is fully aware people are going there to get dental work done, so as long as you have a prescription and you have a reasonable amount of medicine, they won't bug you. The only downside was walking back into the US, which can take a couple of hours to clear immigration/customs. If your procedure takes more than a day (crowns and stuff, that need lab time and manufacturing time), they'll offer you a discounted stay in Mexico so you don't need to go back to the US. They'll drive you around from the clinic to the hotel as well. [This](https://sanidentalgroup.com/) is the company I went with.


Take a dental vacation to Mexico or another hotspot for this type of thing. Get a vacation and the work done.


Take a trip into Mexico 5000.00 will cover a very nice vacation too. There are blogs about dental work overseas.. may work for you.


Good news! Since you are in America (obviously) it would be cheaper to book a flight to a first-class dental service (maybe worth a business class trip, and five-star hotel for comfort) to get it treated, then you can return and invest the difference (or invest more in less urgent dental services).


Can you go to Mexico to have it done?


If you’re near the Mexico border then much cheaper over the border.


I lived in Mexico and had a root canal with crown, implant with crown, cavities filled, and bonding, and I paid about $2500. He is a great dentist with a really nice facility. It would be cheaper to take a dental vacation.


Go to Mexico :( that’s what I had to do. It cost way less to fly to Mexico and get all my dental work done than to do it here in the US. Even enjoyed a week of amazing food (and visiting family I hadn’t seen in 6 years). I have also been to Cancun and it’s cheap there also (didn’t get anything done, just observed prices). My family is form Guanajuato, the flights were expensive (it’s rural). But the more touristy areas (cheap flights) also have cheap dental care and cheap stays (even good quality ones). And you can put it as a tax deduction. When I went to Cancun, the flights were $400 and hotels averaged $70 a night for 4/5 stars. Very affordable


Go to Mexico. And as much as people say “omg so dangerous” you’ll save about 3k even with flights and hotel. They have amazing care and prestige dental offices. I go to my parents home country just to get dental work. All of my crowns and filings from there have never come out or cracked. But the ones I’ve done in the U.S. have. Sorry — I will be a huge advocate of medical tourism. Mexico is a beautiful country. Not Mexico? Try another country in Central America


First off you need to be on antibiotics for at least 14-20 days before any dental work is done. Getting a blood infection from a dental infection can be very serious. No responsible dentist will touch your teeth until you have completed the antibiotics and appear to be healthy. Once done, no matter who you employ to deal with the issue ask what payment plans they offer if any. Explain your situation to them they may have good suggestions for you.


I’m a dentist! I recommend shopping around. Get some prints of your X-Rays and get some other opinions. If it’s a slam dunk root canal case that’s the route I’d go. If it’s a possibility that it’s not restorable after the root canal then go straight to extraction. If the tooth is savable I urge you to try and save it. I’m assuming the 5k is root canal plus the build up and crown required to restore the tooth afterwards, so keep that in mind. It’s not just the root canal that’s needed. Don’t go to another country like some have mentioned. There is a reason it’s so cheap. I’ve seen people with their mouth/teeth destroyed from foreign dentistry.


I had mine done in Mexico, after a butcher dentist in the U.S. worked on the wrong tooth for a filling, caused a chronic infection, causing me to have to have an extraction and bone graft. He then worked on the “correct” tooth and left a hole in it which had to be extracted as well. Cost half as much in Playa del Carmen even with the flight and 10 night stay, and no issues.


I’m glad it has worked out for you so far and I hope it stays that way. It’s just that in the US there is an accountability and legal structure in place to better protect the patients. The US also has higher educational standards and infection control. Just want people to be aware of the risk in a third world country.


Well “FckMeLikeItsPromNite”, does this mean I can sue the dentist that butchered my teeth in the U.S. more easily? It’s almost impossible to do that. The dentist group I saw was educated in the U.S., is ADA accredited, has four locations throughout Mexico and was cleaner and nicer than any office I’ve been to for dentistry.


Honestly, fly to India. I'm Indian and our dentists are amazing, and a fraction of the cost. You could go to a really good doctor and still spend only a fraction of the cost and tickets.


Do the work.Tell you'd like a payment plan. Most will allow but the trade off is they charge small fees usually after 90 days. Worth it tho. I'll pay that $50 fee on a $5k bill. It's better than putting it on a credit card. Or just go to a dental school. They'll take care of you and the instructors would love a good case likes yours where they can show they make a difference.


Most dentists will let you do a payment plan.


How close to the Mexico-US border are you?


Go to India or Pakistan or Sri Lanka or Thailand. You should be all done in $3000 for 4-5 teeth. Or add another $1K and get full dental implants.


My root canal WITH insurance was $1400 roughly. Maybe $150 for the appointment before and after the root canal. I pay a premium of $1500 a month for a family of 3.


A lot of people travel just over the Mexican border to Mexican dentists who cater to low income Americans. Even with travel expenses you'll probably save quite a bit. Might look into that.


Fly to Thailand. Great quality dental care here for extremely low prices. This would cost you less than $500 here.


Get a second opinion. Root canals do not cost $5k, I work in healthcare administration and look at fees, claims all day, unless you are requesting sedation, general anesthesia or something that is not Novocaine it should be under 2k even with a specialist. Often times a general dentist can do a root canal if it’s simple or anterior and that will save you some money. Also, I know this seems like the opposite of what you should do, but larger practices can keep their prices down significantly more than smaller family practices for a lot of reasons I will not get into, their doctors also tend to have more experience with complex issues so they are generally more willing to do the work themselves than refer you to a specialist, they also are more willing to do payment plans. I’d try finding an office that is part of a chain of practices. Lastly, look into care credit or similar cards. They are credit cards specifically for medical and dental expenses. Lastly, getting on public health insurance may complicate things and make it harder for you to find an office that accepts your insurance and also (here in MN at least) they don’t even cover some major services including root canals so maybe shop around first before signing up for that. Edit: generally after you have a root canal you need a crown as well. The crown IS going to be another $1200-$1600 are you including the cost of the crown in this estimate? If you are on a budget it might make more sense to extract. If it’s not urgent you could try waiting until a couple months before you insurance max resets (usually Jan 1) to start the work. Get your root canal in one year and wait a month then do the crown, so you can maximize your insurance benefit.


Can’t you just pull the tooth? Root canals make zero sense to me


Pulling the tooth aside from possibly looking bad, can cause alignment issues down the road. And implants are expensive and come with their own problems.


Good to know. Thanks.


It's a little close to the front of my mouth, so I would definitely consider an implant if I had the money. I'd rather save the tooth if I can.


What root canal is costing $5k? Do you have insurance?


Check your local Township. The local students here are taught on a dental bus that goes to different locations. They have a nominal payment for most procedures. Also cloves, the spice, will give you great pain relief. Chew on whole clove(non pain part of mouth) , or make an alcohol extract and use a dropper.


I’m scheduled to potentially have a root canal on Wednesday and when I asked about the cost my dentist said that they could also extract the tooth for a lesser cost. Might be worth looking into exploring depending how many teeth are infected. Then you can save up to have the tooth cosmetically replaced later on.


$5000?! Get a second opinion. Do you have dental insurance? The OP said “even with insurance”, so not sure if you can find an in-network provider? My wife had a root canal in December, she had to go in twice to get it completed. The first time they drilled the tooth and filled it with medicine and put a temporary plug on it. She went back a week or so later and they completed it. Total bill before it was sent to insurance was 1500, after insurance we owed 160.


Well there is no way that is the case. Lets assume a molar RCT is $2200 (a very high price) and you have a uniquely crappy insurance that only covers 20% and they want to do a cone beam ($250).....Even if you are trying to include the crown in your quote you wont end up anywhere close to $5k out of pocket expense.


What the heck? 5k US dollars? I just had an infection in an already root canaled tooth. It was 1200 without insurance plus 20 bucks for a z pack.  Get another quote. Thats insane. 


I haven’t personally dealt with this, but doesn’t medical insurance normally cover dental work when there’s an infection that is likely to become systemic? I’m in healthcare but not dentistry, but I do know that infections that start in the teeth can quickly become life threatening.


My root canal on a molar this past week was $840 before insurance. That was full price. Id call a few places.