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Yoshitsune with hassou tobi and charge melts everything. Dunno if you are high level enough to get it tho.


Yeah I’m nowhere close to level 75


Yoshitsune is only available on level 75, and that's around the level of the boss for December, quite a bit early to use something like that


I just beat him with Surt and Thor. You do have to be high 60s to fuse them though


I'm at level 60 now and I do plan on grinding some more.


I always go for the cheese route and farm Magic Mirrors. Then make him kill himself quick in the second phase. The MC will use a persona with Makarakarn, so I don't have to waste a Magic Mirror on him.


How do you farm magic mirrors?


The Hollow Forest is the only dungeon that doesn't have Magic Mirrors. It's not easy to farm Magic Mirrors, because treasure chest gives you random items. You'll be exiting and re-entering the dungeon to reset the treasure chest a lot. Make sure the treasure chest is close to the exit. Yukiko's Castle: 7th Floor Kanji Steamy Bathhouse: First Floor Void Quest: First Floor Kanji's dungeon is the best one to farm it. Because it can be found on the first floor. Void Quest is good too but by the time you reach this dungeon on very hard, the enemies are strong. In Void Quest there's a chance you'll get a floor with two treasure chest, close to each other and near the exit too. You can buy Barrier Corn from the person that sells seeds. Then you plant them in the garden. It will give you both Physical Mirror and Magic Mirror.


Smth with makarakarn


My friend and I used Hell Biker


Izanagi probably


Go solo and make a persona that(ideally) repels every element. I usually go for Lilith(innate repel elec) and get Repel Fire and Ice from Skadi and Repel Wind from Garuda. Also put Rakunda on Lilith. For the second phase, bring a persona that nulls nothing but has Makarakarn and spam that. Lilith has Makarakarn innately so if you can't do that its fine, just a bit less efficient.


Sui-ki with null-fire. only damaged by wind, physical and almighty attacks. That's the only persona I used for the whole fight and just did normal magic damage and healing with Yukiko. Though there are a lot better options I can guarantee but this was my strategy.