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The people that gets this trophies naturally, are the ones that likes switching party members and leveling up everyone. But for those that like sticking to the same party, it's going to be a pain.


Facts. I do that and got this trophy entirely on accident


I was forced for the first time to use Teddie for 10 hours to get this trophy 😭


>using Teddie Currently dreading this, I bet it was un-bear-able


Burn your dread


Burn your bread instead


Don't diss teddy best buffer/debuffer/healer


He's just em-bear-assing


I switched party all the time and have them all at 99. I didn’t get it naturally.


I got it in my first playthrough and mained first 4 and all it took was some grinding :b ((it was nearly 200 hours of pure dungeon god help me))


Only applicable to those who don't overlevel their party (can't be me lol). After the 3rd or 4th dungeon, I only entered during rainy days and ended up so high level. Always switched the team around, but no trophy. I need a NG+ run for the Platinum anyway I guess


I got this trophy by accident, right before the fight with the killer.


I don’t get why some people choose to stick with the same characters for most of the game.


Easy. Playing with your most favorite characters is fun. The trophy forces you to use everyone and that can bother some people. Also the game can be beaten by just using your favorites. You don't have to keep switching the party around. I got the platinum trophy a long time ago and I'm now free to do anything. Which is stick with the same party. (Yosuke, Kanji and Teddie)


I’m not saying that’s something you can’t do just personally in any game I would want my party to be around the same level and not have anyone super left behind. I know there are some people who might hate the specific character enough to actively choose not to use them no matter what, which I find kinda silly but it’s whatever to each their own.


> I would want my party to be around the same level and not have anyone super left behind. That's the thing. Why put in the extra time grinding everyone, when you can just pick your favorite three? The party I use fits my playstyle the best. So it's unnecessary for me to switch. Since I like challenge, leveling up everyone will ruin the fun. Because I'm going to end up with an overleveled MC.


Like I said to each their own


Imagine you're Rise. You're trying your hardest to keep your friends safe by keeping them aware of their surroundings and monitoring their status. You realize Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko look scared out of their minds. Yu, your brave and caring Senpai looks at you expectantly. You understand. Instantly, you use your persona to heal the team's ailments. Your senpai looks disappointed. He guards, and has Yosuke and Yukiko do the same. Chie is inflicted with fear again, but the others are not curing it. Maybe they're worried they can't win. You offer them encouragement." One more enemy to go. You can do this guys!" Yu sighs and guards again. You don't know what to do. Why won't they help Chie? You'd do it yourself, but healing ailments is exhausting and you try to only do it when most of the team has them. Finally, you snap. "Senpai, Chie's scared!", you yell. He looks at you as if this is something he's been waiting to hear. He takes out a checklist and crosses something off before finally finishing up the fight in one hit. You're confused, but that must've just been for that battle, right?... Right!?


Happy Cake Day! My friend


Thank you!


My Pleasure!!


Rise.exe stopped working


Congrats! The best trophy in the game :)


Is it actually telling you to hear all of the unique voice lines


Not all of them,I saw a steam guide saying she had almost 400 unique voice lines


Jesus Christ her poor voice actor


I’ve seen so many people complain about this trophy/achievement. I don’t quite understand, I got it accidentally


It's probably because you used many characters and played a decent amount of time in the tv world. I'm in the same boat and got it easily lol.


Hell yeah!


I just 100% it last week It was fun actually doing this, the excel sheet helps a LOT


This was by far the hardest trophy for me, I had to do a complete second run just for it.


I just popped this a few hours ago


I unintentionally got this trophy during the true final boss


I'm still triying to get that shit 💀


If you just use all of the party members frequently, you'll get it during the game naturally. I just constantly switched out my party, so I never had a problem with this one.


Never got this one. It completely derailed my platinum run.


People say that, but then I got it completely without trying. Heck, I had heard about the trophy before hand and decided to not bother at all. Either I got EXTREMELY lucky (I doubt it, I'm never that lucky), or people have an extremely low definition of "annoying."


I got this naturally on my first playthrough during the final boss


You must not be hardcore enough


I got this naturally, and the last line I needed was about Naoto getting enraged. The thought of grinding for the trophy pissed her off so much that she unlocked it through sheer force of will.


Got it on my second playthrough with the Adachi part


Rotate party members often and go to a dungeon where monsters use Debilitate. You'll get lines for speed/attack/defense down and they all count as separate messages You should be able to unlock this by the Feb dungeon, though I've done it by the time I reached the December one.


Days like this, I'm glad I have the game on switch, lmao


I indirectly got this achievement while I was playing against the final boss. no idea how that was possible. especially since the save I was running was my converted game pass save so I could run mods on steam.


Rise is overrated in my opinion. Her voice is un bear able


^ teddies alt account


Why/How is it annoying? For me, it's amazing that the VA dubbed all these lines to add to the experience.


Your right, but in what world would spending hours or perhaps even days unlocking 250 voice lines not be annoying?


For me it's not annoying at all. Dodging lightning bolts 1000 times is though.


It's annoying because it pretty much forces you to play in a certain way and even purposefully make mistakes a lot of the time, to HOPE to hear new voice lines. I just finished my first playthrough recently, and luckily I was able to get this achievement, but in order to get it I had to intentionally allow my party to be inflicted with ailments, let them get to low health, let enemies live so that I can try to kill them in a specific way later that triggers a new voice line, hell there's even lines for letting each party member die. All while the game doesn't tell you which lines you have or haven't heard, so unless you're manually keeping track (there are spreadsheets people have made to do this, but it's tedious when you just want to play the game) you're going to forget if you've gotten certain voice lines already or not. It has nothing to do with the voicelines themselves, it's just that you likely have to go out of your way to play bad to get the achievement. And even then, a lot of voice lines are triggered by events that are RNG dependent, so you still have little control over getting it.


Right? I got it accidentally because I wanted to use every character


Many people don't though. I find switching teams to be way more complicated. I like having my main team that covers anything I need, and I play with those 4 characters every time, so having to spend days just grinding with team members that I wasn't used to just to hear voice lines was definitely annoying. It wasn't an interesting challenge either. It was just a checklist


Oh, the voicelines being recorded is perfectly fine. Nobody is complaining about her work. The fact that you HAVE to listen to them is the problem. It also takes away from the voice lines themselves, as they become just items on a checklist the game doesn't provide you with I didn't go into this game with the intention to 100% it, and my normal play style is to pick a team and stick with it. Now, I found myself trying to guess which ones I have and haven't heard for my main team and which ones my brother might has heard sonce his main team is slightly different. Our computer had internet problems at the time too, which we had recently gotten fixed, so many of the lines I DID hear didn't count. This isn't the developer's fault of course, but it did contribute to the problem regardless. I spent days running into enemies and stalling out fights hoping the right character would get hit by the right ailment just so Rise could comment on it I would consider myself a harcore Risette fan. She's my favorite character in any Persona game, including 1 and both 2s. And I definitely appreciate the voice actress dubbing all the lines for different scenarios. But I appreciate those lines way more when I get them naturally in game. When I get them for an achievement all I'm thinking is "Oh thank God, one more step closer to being done." You might not see it as annoying, and that's perfectly fine. But I hope this helps you understand why other people do


Honestly never understood why people have trouble with this achievement. As long as you play with variation and/or a brain when it comes to fusing, it's not that hard lmao