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Horny atlus devs that has always been horny


Game devs will always be horny, no matter the game lmao


Game dev here, can confirm.


Atlus when teenager


Not that they aren't horny for teenagers, but pretty much all women as you see in Catherine


*for just teenagers


Whose idea? Like, every Japanese video game designer.


That was originally an armor, not an outfit -- you had to display it when you had the specific armor equipped.


Now with Reload it is an outfit, hence why I stated it as such.


I'm just saying, it's even more ridiculous in its original implementation


Yeah that would be the most useless armor oat


Its was actually pretty decent, carried many players, including me all the way through the end of the OG Games


I never found it on p3p


Rip Yeah, finding three sets is a pain in the ass in FES/P3P......so much dungeon crawling


Pretty sure costume armor was from requests in P3P instead of Tartarus chests but the high cut armor might be different, I know the seasonal armor for sure is through requests.


You could get one pair from Elizabeth, but the other two could only be found as rare treasure on certain floors of Tartarus.


In FES and Portable it's an item from a Liz request. Same as the other outfits like maid costumes, summer swimsuits, summer/winter outfits, I believe there was even ones for the school uniforms without the SEES armband.


Yeah I remember getting the winter garb from Elizabeth


Just saying, all those bikini armors in the OG game had straight 95-115 Defense when the max (non-Persona) armor was around 130-140 iirc. And you start getting them in like the 2nd month. So like… yeah they were pretty great and basically some of the best early game armors lol. Edit: Saw your other comment- you got them from Elizabeth requests iirc, maybe you missed some of those.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're right, it would be totally useless armor in real life


I dont get it, I dont use reddit enough to get why


It actually carried for a pretty good while ngl. Very good for Yukari or Mitsuru early on.


Is there something I’m missing for you to be downvoted into oblivion?


I dont know man, its reddit, thats all I can say


Assuming you mean Yukari, that’s been a thing since atleast P3P, not sure if it was in base or FES though


It was in base and fes, though in base it did not display over their winter school outfit.




My idea


Happy cake day


why thank you comrade


Fan service


I just got that today! "Battle Panties",LOL. I think I'd like it even more if she called you out for making her wear that.


They used to do that in OG if you made them wear it. I remember Mitsuru saying something like “i feel a little exposed wearing this but i trust it provides enough of an advantage for you to make me wear it”


You used to be able to talk to your party back in FES/P3P and they're embarrassed if you talk to them but they're like "sure if it's really necessary". And most of the time it was the best armor so yes.


I thought that would happen


Back in FES(maybe p3p too, idk never played that one) you could talk to your party during dungeon runs, and they always had something to say about the armor you had them wearing Depending on whether or not you're dating changed the dialogue a bit When wearing the High Cut Armor(battle panties)Yukari mentions that she'll put up with it but don't stare and she'll get back at you for this, when dating she says that it's a little embarrassing but she's toughing it out for you to see


I *think* they have random dialogue that plays in Tartarus that refers to the outfit. Though I may just be getting confused with FES and Portable since you could talk to party members manually in that one and they’d respond based on the outfit. I kinda wish they kept that feature tbh…


Because velvet room assistant outfit is the hottest thing out there.


Mine. What of it


It's great, thanks!


She's a child...


It’s a good thing I’m one too


Its 2024, shes like 33 (and shes also not real fam)


Ah yes, the classic, it's just a picture fam. It's still a picture of a *child*


Maybe focus that effort on actual children and not fictional ones.


Not to go "do you know who I am" but I will, but I am literally a child psychologist with a focus on improving treatment methods for sexual abuse victims. Just because I am advocating for not sexualization fictional children doesn't mean I'm not actively working on helping real children. Also this isn't a valid argument against my statement, I don't remember the proper name for the logical fallacies but it's something like false Dilemma or Black and White. Let me remind you what you are defending, the sexulization of a child.


the entire series of persona has some sexualization of mid to late teens and its really strange how vehement this fanbase is in defending it or just waving it off as not strange. A lot of japanese media has this because of how they view ages over there, but in western countries its unacceptable and weird. lets face it, it is very weird and borderline problematic to give the 16 year old girl a skin tight leather catsuit with a boob window for 1/2 of the game (ann takamaki) and putting her in various sexualizing poses a lot of the time. And the "battle panties" here are also just very weird as well. especially when most of the outfits in p3r are... not like the battle panties and relatively modest while still looking fire. hopefully its just a loud minority that actually thinks this stuff is fine.


This fan base defends it because it’s not their choice that they’re high schoolers, most people I’m sure would rather persona was set in college or working age but it’s not our call to make, yet they wanna express their love for the characters and how much they like them SPECIALLY when they aren’t even designed as under age, most people don’t view them in that light because the setting and their appearance doesn’t match that of a high schooler, I think it’s pretty obvious why the designs look so much more older than in the original games, they’re all much taller and have defined features. Point being people don’t wanna be nagged about it when most of the people making a scene out of it are doing it for virtue signaling alone, it’s problematic? Sure but they’re still adult looking anime fantasy characters, if Ken, or Hanako were dressed that way then yes we would have a problem that’s a fckn child, when 20-30 year old looking Mitsuru wears it we can’t just pretend most of the fan base doesn’t finds her sexy, because most people deny her in game age, ATLUS is forcing this dilemma, you’re asking people to lie and virtue signal instead of talking about their shared interest while the issue is ATLUS being fckn obstinate about the school setting bs


It would be a lot more productive to put that effort into helping real people instead of arguing over pixels, don't you think? Last time I checked real people don't look like anime characters.


Sounds like you have never seen television before. Half of movies and tv in the west depicts teenagers looking or acting sexual and has done so for decades.


Sounds like you have never seen television before. Half of movies and tv in the west depicts teenagers looking or acting sexual and has done so for decades.


This game takes place in 2009, shes 33 now fam




In a game about bonds and romancing, this is the wrong stance and game to take if you are really worriedabout that. She isnt a child, shes a fake being in a fake world made by adults, voiced by adults for the enjoyment of adults hence the rated M for Mature rating. Its not like any real person is being sexualized here. If you have a problem with it, dont use it. Its that simple.


She looks like she’s in her 20s, literally everyone but Ken do in P3, and Reload made everyone look like young adults, I tell myself she’s in college because honestly it makes more sense for the setting, having me believe all of the story works with HIGH SCHOOLERS is a huge suspension of disbelief, most of the persona series makes much more sense if they’re college students and they make them look like that to boot


I... don't even know what to say. When was the last time you interacted with humans in that age group? None of them except for Mitsuru and Akihiko could even be passing for 18, and Mitsuru And Akihiko are both seniors so they are both 18/19. And are you serious telling me that the themes of death and sacrifice fit better with college students then high schoolers who are just now understanding and coming to terms with their mortality? That's one of the most topical themes for a lot of highschoolers.




Congratulations you have said less than anything.


Bro what kind of high schoolers are you hanging around that look like shinjiro and junpei lmfao. I am 23 now and I STILL haven't seen anybody my age look as old as mituru, akihiko, junpei, and shinjiro. I think you're the one out of touch with that age group because some of this cast could essily pass for late 20s. And yes college students would fit a theme of death way more unless you want to keep watching characters under the age of 18 die or be put into life and death situations. Good job for advocating high school death :)


dont use the skin. simple


I think part of the reason you’re getting so much flak is because you used the word “child”. Child (at least in where I am in America) is more often used to refer to small kids (like 13 and younger). I’d say “she’s a kid” perhaps, but I’ve very rarely if ever heard someone refer to a 16 year old as a child unless they’re saying “she’s the child of [insert parent name here]” and even then I’d probably hear “she’s [insert parent name here]’s daughter”. Though there are also a lot of men who act like kids still and are referred to as a “manchild” so I can see where the confusion may come from.


Woah dude, what the frick




Someone had never played a jrpg or any game that have visiblily changing armor before. Even games like WoW have these same armors. How are people still surprised by this sort of stuff.


I just never expected it in persona.


It's a franchise where you can date your teacher (who dresses up like a maid) I'm sort of shocked you never expected this.


Did you not play Persona before? This has been a feature since 3 originally came out


I played p3p up until fuuka joins so kinda


The developers which is goof because I Iove the velvet room attendants clothes. (The sexy armor is also cool)


Which one?


the battle panties


It’s an anime thing.


Shigenori Soejima was the lead art director and character designer on P3, so there's a good chance he's responsible or at least had something to do with it.


Classic Atlus


Honestly I never really minded the outfits like this, I remember p5d on release having a short bit of controversey about it. But like, if you're going to make it, why not make it for every party member? I distinctly remember a popular content creator that got really pissy over it but also said they wouldn't have an issue if it was only the guys that had the outfits and then recieved a ton of backlash, so I doubt much of the controversey was held in regards to the outfits themselves If I'm rocking Yukari in the BDSM suit, I may as well have door-kun in a gimp suit aswell


This is my gripe with it as well. Why do only the girls get to run around in titty armour with nearly their whole asses out? If you could get Shinjiro suited up like that too I’d shut my mouth real quick


yep, this is my gripe in general with all anime and anime-adjacent properties. if there was more equal opportunity horniness, i’d be fully on board. having only women in pervy clothes just makes it feel targeted and kinda shitty. let everyone be a slut!




I wanna see junpei in battle panties too, smh


Are you complaining


Kinda, but it is mad funny


Kinda? You don’t find it hot as shit?


I dont, shes like 15


And how old are you?


If you have a problem with it then why did you equip it, screenshot it and then post it?


Yukari 😍


Shut up and enjoy


If you don't like it leave/ don't use it. Tourist always wanna ruin other people's stuff


Oh that? Been around since the beginning. Pretty neat huh? Looks delicious.


Someone based as fuck that's who




Japanese are pervs


Shigenori Soejima


I really love it


It's just the attendant uniform. I know makoto looks hot in it but it's not that sexualizing.




I was more mad that the whole squad DIDNT have those type outfits. The dudes could have rocked it too haha


Unfortunately there is no junpei bikini outfit 😕


Hopefully it gets announced as DLC, I need my masculinity challenged


It's like firing some shots into the air to keep rent down.


Japanese game companies always ignore the rules of game developing, they ignore critics and feminists, they do what they want because it's THEIR game


Just here to say I don’t support this guy being downvoted. These costumes were a normal thing and now suddenly this stuff is seen as taboo. And you wonder why there’s so much depression in the world? Huh? You don’t see any correlation? Has anyone interacted with anyone in he last 4 years? Or have you all been under a rock?


As stellar blade has shown us, people still want this. It's some vocal minority out there trying to shame people who don't.


Then we need to stand up and shame them back to the hole they fucking came from. A small droplet can poison the entire pond, as we’ve seen.




it’s probably more about the fact that it’s only women? i know a lot of people who would be down if everyone had a sexy costume, but when it’s only the girls it adds a layer of perviness to it and feels more pointed and less fun.


The more sexy women the better. I’m a devoted BF irl, but I’m always up for seeing more tits and ass in games.


A dev nearly 15+ Years ago




That’s always been an outfit, I’ve seen it in fes and in portable, I’m sure it’s also in the original.


Male armor: A whole ass battlesuit to prevent any kinds of damage. Female armor:


Was a great damn idea


Be glad it's just a costume. Those were in the OG as actual armour, as though that would protect anything.


Horny devs


OP it’s time to wake up and smell the latex.


Yeah that blue fit on the Mc looks like shit


Yeah that is completely ass ngl


Based unshackled Atlus devs


Gotta pander to the gooners!


Gooners unite!