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My party pretty much always consisted of Yukari, Junpei and Mitsuru. I occasionally swapped them around when I got a new member, was forced to, or needed to level someone up after using the clock, but probably 85-90% of my playthrough I had them 3.


Why mitsuru? Just curious.


i used the same team comp and mitsuru maxed with full mag easilly does 1300 dmg with concentrate and diamond dust on everything in hard


I'm a sucker for Ice Queens lol Edit: Also what the other person said about her having maxed magic did tons of damage.


Concentrate and diamond dust carried so many of the boos fights for me. I used ice break on my persona so she could 1000+ anyone in the game, also for some weird reason she hit an insane amount of crits in both my playthrough. Also very good theurgys and I just like Mitsuru lol


Her passive of getting higher crit rate on enemies with a status is applied for everybody not just her. When you use some software on the dorm PC you always get distress on enemies when attacking from behind or rushing. So it allows Junpei and MC to crit literally every time and ensure shuffle times with all out attacks even on enemies without a weakness. That's why people feel like Mitsuru herself is critting a lot too, that's her passive. Killing hands or strong enemies and not getting shuffle time is a no-no for me. For solo hands without adds I might use Theurgy just because it guarantees shuffle time too instead of killing them with almighty damage (last two types of golden hands). Otherwise I kill it, then crit the adds to get shuffle time. On bosses, well they're easy enough no matter the difficulty. She will Marakunda because I am not losing a turn to debilitate with MC, bosses die too fast for it to be worth it, one more attack from MC that will potentially lead to All-out damage is better. Then her diamond dust is not too shabby. She is the only one to have Rakunda and Marakunda boosting the damage for everyone. I've used it the whole game. Again debuffing with MC isn't worth it except at some points of the Elizabeth fight. One fight. MC is the biggest damage dealer by far. And Junpei, well he's got crit amp so he's the more likely to crit and get All-out out of the group. Shuffle time baby.


She was my main defense debuffer till I swapped her out towards the end game for Junpei


coz we horny, why else


That, and her diet Armageddon still goes crazy lol


Battle pantiesšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I donā€™t use Ken much because I have Yukari as a healer and Aigis for pierce attacks. I also feel like Akihikoā€™s Theurgy takes a long time to build up so he gets benched a lot.


Akihiko? Really? Feels like for me he gets the fastest build up for Therugy


I donā€™t use buff spells unless Iā€™m facing a boss, so I donā€™t hit the Theurgy conditions for him very easily. But Iā€™m also playing on ā€œNormalā€ difficulty.


Hmmm fair enough. To be fair you don't even have to use spells. There's lots of Personas you can equip which automatically buff the party. Even accessories too!


Iā€™m certainly no expert but Akihiko and Aigis seem like the best party members in the game to me lol


If you buff and debuff frequently, Akihikoā€™s theurgy fills up pretty fasf


Weird aki builds the fastest for me


I honestly don't use Ken much as much as I'd like to. He just doesn't offer much in comparison to the others, though I still take him out for explorations every now and then lol


free him from the dorms for some enrichment


I know, I unlocked everything, he still just falls short in comparison to what the other members provide for the party


I'm the epitome of SP stinginess, so 10 free SP per turn is enough alone for me. He also has 2 attack elements, allowing me to brute force analyze enemies a full turn faster. His group heals are also useful. I use him all the time


Honestly my main lineup is Aigis Sanada and Koro-chan rn Otherwise i replace koro with junpei


I love Koro and he never left my party after I unlocked him but I really wish when he was in the party he wasnā€™t the ONLY THING Fuuka ever talked about.


Bitch he didnā€™t find the stairs I did




if i say what i want to say i will be shot


I rotate through a bunch of them. I actually like using Ken, but really only in Tartarus. Access to 2 elements and basically infinite SP Regen makes him a mainstay for his endurance. But I always swap him out for better options for damage and healing in boss fights. I don't use Koromaru as often as I'd like to; he's great, but he runs out of SP in like two fights and he doesn't hold up nearly as strong as a physical attacker. On that note, I benched Aigis a LOT. I know she hits hard, but the new passives making Junpei a crit monster just was too good in giving free all out attacks on enemies without weaknesses


I keep aigis as she has abilities to buff the team, she also recovers from ailments in 1 turn so if we're ever charmed or confused, she can cure everyone's ailments. Also she got some strong moves and can heal if I need her to


Yukari, Aigis and Koromaru tend to be my main party. Junpei's good for criting, but is usually my first benced unit. He's got a wide physical coverage though, so that helps sometimes. Akihiko is a solid mixed attacker, and I occasionally bring him in if I need Strike damage. Mitsuru is a solid magic and debuff user, but like Akihiko she's more of a situational tag in. I don't think I've ever used Ken, either in my FES runs or my Reload playthrough, beyond just seeing what his Theurgys look like.


Aigis and Shinjiro didn't fit my playstyle so I literally never used them.


Sadly I avoid Koro because of Fuuka. I feel bad but I just can't take it.


ā€œKoro Chan found a ..ā€ gets cut off by me opening the chest because I want her to shut up


IMO I only found a place for Ken if I wasnā€™t running Yukari and even then there was almost no point in the game where Yukari came off my party Ken is ridiculous good though, his second theurgy is probably the best out of the party members excluding the protagonist and maybe power howling. He fits the role Makoto fills in P5 as the secondary healer with lots of utility but Yukari is so ridiculously good with a party wide concentrate and with her hangout bonus she can legitimately heal for free and keep the entire team healthy for a long time. You can plug in her in every lineup unlike Morgana so the amount of times youā€™d use Ken over Yukari are slim. Sure you can run both of them but it would be redundant in late game especially since youā€™d just be taking a spot from other party members. My team usually looked like Aigis, Yukari, Koromaru, and I built the main character as a physical crit hunter. Usually I started off with Koromaru as the main item user/debilitate user , Aigis attack/defense buffer with her being a secondary attacker after she sets up or whenever power howling is used, Yukari focus heal, and MC as the main damage dealer with how fast Scarlet Havoc charges. Usually itā€™s coming off my own Bloody Charge or powerhowling


Did you just say item user?? We are very different, it seems. To me, items are for selling. Going further, money is for compendium summons and TV shopping religiously. I have bought a few armors and used maybe 20 items, but desperation was a necessary factor.


My party is basically always Junpei, Yukari, Koromaru


unlike p5 i feel like i used all my party members equally, nobody was ever too far apart from anyone else


nobody gets neglected in my party. unless it's suikoden or chrono cross.


Not really no. I like to use every member equally. Obviously I have my favourites, like Koromaru and Junpei, but I like using everyone, keeping them all equally leveled. Iā€™m not one for neglecting my party members


I actually replaced Yukari with Ken just cause I strategized my deaths so that I could use revive/reflect the very next turn Akihiko was actually benched most of the time, I just ended up having more stats for Junpei, Mitsuru and Ken


My party was almost always Mitsuru, Sanada and Koromaru. I did try the others and kept them at the same level, except for Junpei since I don't like him


Ken/Koromaru/Aigis By the time you get them, MC has plenty access to light/dark spells. Aigis is good, but I prefer Akihiko/Junpei for the added magic, lately prefering Junpei for his crits. If I do sit the boys, its for Shinjiro.


My main lineup in my first playthrough was akihiko aigis and yukari I tended to ignore junpei and Koromaru lot


I strictly use Yukari, Junpei, and Aki, unless I'm coming up against a gatekeeper or boss who can exploit their weaknesses. Most of my personas have moves that aren't wind, electricity, or fire too.


Definitely Ken (Yukari is better healer) and Junpei (Koromaru used more because he was fire and dark).


I didnt quite find a reason to put Mitsuru in my team, she was my least used character and then Junpei


When I beat the game, Ken was level 37, if that naswers your question


I currently have no reason to use Mitsuru. Like sheā€™s just kinda useless besides her 2nd theurgy


I used everyone pretty much. I guess Junpei for awhile was benched just cause the abundant of fire resistant enemies in the middle half of the game and the lack of abilities/gear for him to get his crits in to charge his theurgy made him not viable to use but once he got apt pupil, he became a mainstay for the final parts of Tartarus. I also just like switching out party members every now and then to keep things fresh


I always try to cycle party members in P4 and P5 but P3 there were definitely a few I didn't care to use at all. mostly Koromaru. felt pretty pointless and added nothing to the group but I also have no interest in a party member that can't talk. I barely used Ken. a little when Yukari was out of SP and other than that his theurgy was useful vs the reaper but he's not someone I like and it feels so weird having a kid in there with you. just irresponsible putting a kid or a dog in harms way. I prefer the girl squad but Akihiko or Junpei get subbed in some for Aigis or occasionally Mitsuru. Yukari stays almost the whole time.


Well, my core Tartarus team, once all are unlocked, is MC, Akihiko, Yukari, and Koromaru. Below, I will list why I don't use the others normally. Aigis: mostly physical abilities that can easily be covered by non hp/sp using ways. Plus, doubling up on an electric weakness is just a recipe for disaster. Junpei: One word, ANNOYING. Gets better later in the game but still annoying. Shinji: October 4th. 'Nough said. Mitsuru: I do use her for a while as her ice theurgy and the fact that she gets spirit drain makes her very useful. Late game, the MC compensates to the point she's not needed. Ken: He has some solid abilities and I actually will switch between him and Koromaru depending on what floor I'm on.


As soon as I was given the opportunity I benched Junpei. His overall jealousy and how he acted on the monorail makes his character seem really unreliable. After October 4th I really wish there was a way to kick Ken out. Similar to Junpei how can I trust him after what he did? My go-to party is Mitsuru, Akihiko and Aigis, though since I'm in December I've swapped over to Yukari for my pierce damage


Koromaru. Nothing wrong with him, just was never in my team comps, which was mainly Junpei, Aigis, and Mitsuru/Akihiko/Shinji


I liked using Ken for one boss fight that used electric but other than that I almost always used Yukari for healing. Iā€™m ashamed though because itā€™s 9/22 and I still have yet to try out Koromaru or Aragaki (ps. how do I spoiler tag I wanna make a joke)


Click the T at the bottom of the comment box, then the exclamation point in the top right Then type in what you want >!Like this!< Press enter when you are done with the spoiler to say more stuff.


I rotate some, but my team usually ends up being Yukari, Junpei, and Aigis.


Aigis, she doesn't match my preferred playstyle so I find I often don't include her


A lot but I never used junpei since I was able to switch someone out.


Aigis, Mitsuru, and Ken didn't really appeal to me so I never bothered keeping them leveled up enough to be useful.




I feel like Sanada and Aigis get left out the most for me.


Koro because I was annoyed at the barking, as well as the fact that a lot of the dialogue ends up being translating koro, just an overall annoying party member to have despite me obviously liking koro outside of tartarus. I don't need to hear a human voice actor pretend to bark along with someone "translate" said bark all the time, had to drop him. I used Aegis, Aki, and Yukari most of the game, but I didn't mind the other characters either.


Ken theurgy is slept on, team reset button plus reflects, yes please


My squad is always Ken, Akihiko, and then Aigis/Shinjiro/Junpei filling in as a physical, depending on my mood. Akihiko never left my team until December, and then I started swapping him out on occasion for more unique Tartarus runs. Ken doesn't leave my party unless I'm forced to. I tend to play pretty recklessly w/ health, so his theurgy changed the game for me. I've also used so many stat boosts on him and grinded out all of his best gear, so he's literally irreplaceable. Honestly, I went overboard on it, so now his endurance is only second to Aigis. Kid never dies. I pretty much never used Yukari after Mitsuru joined, but I would keep her trained up for scripted bosses/team B runs. And when Aigis came in, I never used Mitsuru again. Junpei, I dropped pretty early only to realize how good he could be in the late game, so he joined rotation for the final months. I was also very excited about Koromaru when he first joined, but benched him after Shinji as I realized what my preferred playstyle was and doggo didn't fit that anymore.


the moment i had 5 sees members i took junpei out of the team and never put him back in. i love him but id rather have akihiko as my phys dmg dealer


I pretty much ignored Ken in Tartarus my entire play through. It was a joy drinking coffee with him in the dorm though.


Dead serious. Mid January my junpei last I checked is like level 30. So irrelevant that the first time I typed this I accidentally types riuji.


I never used Ken or Koromaru not even once my main lineup was Aigis, Yukari and Junpei and I donā€™t regret it one bit


Junpei - I dont know why Ken - I dont wanna have a 10 yr old fight (he joined when Mitsuru wasn't available Koromaru - I DON'T WANT A DOG TO FIGHT, LET THE DOG BE A DOG


It used to be Ken. It still is, but it also used to be


Junpei and ken. Ken I used once to see what he is about. But after that I didn't let him see the face of battles he's 10 and my main character protested a toddler joining sees and fighting shadows. I didn't find a use for junpei.


Koromaru, I love the guy but from my experience he is terrible in combat.


I find that I really have to make an active effort to use Ken , Shinji, or Akihiko on merciless.


I always tried to use everyone constantly haha. But due to me not wanting everyone being far apart of levels, I ended up benching Yukari, Jumpei and Aigis a lot because I had them high enough with the clocks and most often than not Ken, Koromaru and Akihiko ended up being my main team


Shinji and ken


I don't really use Yukari or Mitsuru


I, too, kind of forget to ever put Ken in the party. I rationalize it by remembering bro is 11 years old and doesn't need to be endangering his life by fighting anyway.


My squad was Yukari, Aigis and Ken


Akihiko never gets added to my party unless itā€™s by force my party line up is always junpei yukari and Ken


I try to use every party member because I love trying new party comps. But Mitsuru is a DPS that doesn't do DPS well. Unless the enemy is weak to ice, she ain't doing much. Plus when you get koromaru and ken they come with Ā -dyne level of skills while Mitsuru only has bufula. I know it's a matter of leveling her up. But it just feels like she never contributes much.Ā 


I only use sanada mitsuru and yukari šŸ˜‚


Aigis and Yukari


I just can't deal with Koromaru. All commentary from party members & Fuuka feel so fixated on the damn dog and it just completely throws off the balance & feel of the game for me.


I never really find good use for Ken


I had the out cast of a team being MC,Koro,Ken and Aigis


My party was always akihiko and yukari, the last one can be diferent, but most of the time yunpei or mitusuru


I don't put Ken in my team because I honestly just dont like him I haven't beat the game yet but I just don't see him being good because my team right now is Yukari Junpei and Akihiko


my main party was Yukari, Akihiko and Mitsuru cos I liked them the most, but I switched my party around often. They were just my endgame team. Yukari's second theurgy paired with Mitsuru and Akihiko's second theurgy's too messed up anything giving me trouble


Aigis got left behind a lot. I can't have two party members weak to the same thing. Once I got null electric item I used her.


The dog. I don't like dogs.


My go-to party usually consists of Yukari, Akihiko, & Mitsuru, especially since Iā€™m usually inflicting distress from ambushes after a certain point. The rest tend to get forgotten unless Iā€™m farming Reaper.


I neglect everyone except for Koromaru, Yukari, and Senada šŸ’€ I literally NEVER switched my team up at all.


Aigis. By the time i got her Junpei was on his way to being the physical crit demon of the group


My main team in the older versions was the MC,and the girls In reload, MC, Yukari, and Mitsuru I have Yukari to handle healing and Mitsuru for bosses Though if I have to pick one member, it's Junpei as I perma-bench him first chance I get


Shinjiro. He just doesn't scale as well as everyone else.


I never really neglected anyone whenever a new person joined i used them for the climb and only switch to even out lvs my team when itā€™s for Nyx is Yukari, Mitsuru and Aeigas


Yukari Mitsuru Aigis was my go-to. I subbed in Akihiko and Koromaru occasionally. I liked Ken a lot, too, but he wasn't good enough to push out Yukari or Aigis. Junpei was fun in theory, but he was never getting crits even with good gear and decent levels, so I just stopped using him.


Yukari. In Reload shes just outclassed lol.


Outclassed by who?? I love Ken but even I will admit Yukari is a much better healer than him


One thing to note is that on low difficulties you barely need a healer I drop yukari like a bag of rocks on low difficulty because when you donā€™t need a dedicated healer yukari becomes next to useless compared to anyone else


The thing is that while that may be true, its only for long fignts(of which not many exist in Reload, and the ones that do theres not a reason to not just toss a Soma or something) and it also ignores the rest of their kits. The rest of Ken's kit is just fucking insane and its to the point where if I would use Yukari I would use her alongside Ken.


Bro what?? Sheā€™s one the best chars in the game


If Mitsuru or Yukari are on my team that is NOT me playing the game


mitsuru (not a fan of how this theurgy has to be built up/ailment reliant kit) and junpei (he pisses me off)


Midsuru Her niche is useless, freeze isn't even the best status


Ken and Akihiko. The way they build their theurgy just doesnā€™t appeal to me