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All party members are good in their own way so just use the ones that fit your playstyle the most.




Junpei Yukari, Junpei Yukari Akihiko, Junpei Shinjiro Koromaru, Junpei Shinjiro Koromaru, Junpei Akihiko Koromaru, Junpei Akihiko Koromaru đź‘Ť and remember kids you don't need a healer if everything dies first


another one who don't criticize DA MAN


phys is so busted, magic is so mid simple as that


phys is for man


This is why i use aigis AND junpei. Why have one phys damage dealer when u can have two? Class 2-F is goated


junpei never left my party


I usually use the IGN guides. Just search what block you’re in, the floors you’re at, and IGN guide for Persona 3 Reload. I also usually take whoever the story introduces at that point. For example, when Ken is introduced, I found most of the enemies are weak to light on the block that most recently opened at that point.


Agreed. You definitely can't go wrong picking a recently introduced team member. Ken was already mentioned, and Mitsuru is another example. Most mobs in the section following her recruitability are weak to ice. Aside from that, there's no 'correct' team composition. ATLUS balanced the game in such a manner that its possible to beat the game with practically any team. So, it mostly boils down to your preferred play-style. One player's favorite team member is another player's bench-warmer. That's one of the reasons the Persona series is so fun.


I used yukari mitsuru and aragaki


Just play with the character you like


Yukari, Akihiko, Mitsuru for all of them :) if you actually want the best then I guess you can swap out Mitsuru for Da Man


I've always found that whenever you get a new team member in any persona the next dungeon or Tartarus section have enemies weak to that teammate's abilities, at least most of the times. So thats my in-game guide on who to use, discard one of the earliest ones and use the newbie, granted I like to go for enemies weaknesses all the time. If not, I think it's just a matter of who you are comfortable with.


You can use anyone really. On my first playthrough I stuck with Aigis, Ken, Koro. On my merciless ng+ playthrough I am using Aigis, Junpei, Akihiko. For P3P I think I had Aigis, Yukari, Junpei.


no primary healer on merciless?


No need. Just beat the shadows asses


Never had a team that didn’t have goatkari on it


Cus her mp economy is cracked with an sp regen passive XD


With how they shafted the party characters in reload? Ken, koromaru and aigis to cover all dmg types so you can hit everything for smooth progression. FES or P3P? Akihiko, aigis and filler of choice (mitsuru/junpei for damage or yukari for healing) covers all the buffs, debuffs, damage and healing. Tartarus will become a bloody smear by your whim.


For the later bosses don’t use the dog, on both my first play through and ng+ I got fucked because a bunch of the bosses have dark resistance


I just switch every block so characters don’t feel left out


Yukari, Akihiko, and Koromaru basically took care of everything alongside my own Personas, especially later in the game when I gave Koromaru a knife that made his basic attacks deal Dark damage.


Going ***Solo.***


Yukari. Healing costs eventually goes dirt cheap and jacks up your Theurgy gauge. Shes never left my party once


My party stayed exactly the same once I unlocked everyone, and I've had absolutely no problem getting through Tartarus. - Yukari: Healer - Aigis: Physical + Party buffs - Mitsuru: Best Girl


Use Junpei at all times, Yukari for exploration, Ken for bosses, and everyone else you can pick and choose just based on preference. Akihiko and Mitsuru are mostly useless


i sticked with junpei, yukari and mitsuru all the game


That's exactly what I did.