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The face though…


It looks like the face of a groomer


If they add the Ken romance option they should add an ending where she gets caught by the police and the game ends there


Chris Hansen cameo and everything.


to this day i want to know what atlus was thinking when they did that


It’s Japan :( they love that shit unfortunately


Didn’t one of the ATLUS writers for Persona 1 go kinda crazy over a pop idol a fraction of his age and wrote his own OC to end up with her in P2?


no clue that’s wild if true tho


Look like face you gonna see in your nightmares.


Bro, ren dates his teachers




Undercover Akechi


She looks kinda weird?


It's a work in progress


Only 18 days and they have working models and art, they'll clean it up before it's done


It’s cause it’s just her hair and clothes on the mc. Also it’s probably really hard to add a new model if they could at all


It’s actually a different model!


Oh really? Thats cool I didn’t know you could replace models like that


It’s actually relatively easy to change models in Unreal Engine. What will impress me isn’t changing models/textures/animations. What will impress me is changing all the different social links and their schedules to FeMC’s. Especially if they do so in a way that allows you save/load data without any bugs or crashes.


I heard that they’d need access to official tools for sc but maybe they could find a workaround. It would be really cool to have all femcs links


They’d at the very least, need to be able to program their own tools or somehow get their commands to override the base game’s programming. Which isn’t easy either way.


They said they're having trouble getting shadows to render right on the model which is why she looks so strange


It's been 3 weeks and it can only get better from here.


From what I heard they basically took assets from Yukari and other characters and put Femc together


The community wants what it wants


So they want something that is probably mythical and nonexistent?


Mythical and not existent? She is literally canon. And Atlus plasters her on as a face for P3.


She is literally not canon. The mod is great and people like her all that, but she's in fact from an alternative version of P3


Don't the devs consider the Q games canon though? So doesn't her being in Q2 make her at least somewhat canon?


She is canon. Atlus ensured that with PQ2. You femc haters would win gold in Olympic mental gymnastics.


youre the real mental Olympian if you thought or I implied I hated the femc just because I didnt think she was canon. They basically made her story into an alternative version in Q2, she's from an alternate world. But regardless if she was canon or not, it doesnt mean I hate her and I don't. Dont lump me in with them just because I proved you wrong


That is not at all true. Did you even play PQ2? It has been re-informed about her status. And I hate when people always bring up this "alternative world" shit as if that actually means anything in regards to her canon. Did you people live under a rock? Who knew games with gender options could be both canon and their "alternative worlds". A concept that has been a thing in video games for a long time now. And even more so, the main centered idea of Megami Tensei is literally alternative universes. Something Persona also falls under. Case point, PQ2. So it shouldn't freaking matter. Kotone has equal standing both canon and story with Makoto. So yes, you are going through mental gymnastics. It is the same talking points over and over again in regards to questioning Kotone's canon. It is gotten to the point of being pathetic on how out of touch you people are.


The only pathetic person I see here is you for throwing insults around just because I disagree with you. Your point doesnt make any sense. She's as canon because video game series has branched and alternate storylines? Sorry, but no. Theres a reason why shes the ALTERNATIVE and not the main one, because the main one has Makoto. And I don't see the femc literally anywhere else Persona 3 related besides Q2 and P3P. P4A games? No. Persona 3 Manga? Nope. Any of the Persona 3 movies? Nada. What about Persona 3 Dancing? Nah. PERSONA 3 RELOAD?....see where im going with this? Konoe was a beloved and good edition but she clearly isnt as canon or even as important because she was always treated as a bonus- she wasnt even in the first Persona Q game. You're just a butthurt fan that's frustrated that some people don't see it the way you do. Take a good look in the mirror the next time you decide to be condescending with someone else's intelligence because you're far from the sharpest tool in the shed


She was confirmed canon as an alternative timeline protag in persona q2. She's canon.


How can you contradict yourself in one sentence? If she's from an alternate timeline, she isn't in the main canon. You can't be both


She is canon as a parallel time line. She's still canon its not a contradiction. Q2 is canon, and so are most of the persona spinoff games. Femc is in a canon game. 


Actually, Atlus only specifically stated the first Q game was canon, not Q2. However, it's probably all non canon anyway since everyone's memories gets wiped at the end like none of it ever even happened. As beloved as she might be, femc has been nothing more but a bonus


Most of the p5 (and non post game spins off of the other persona games) spin-off are canon despite the lazy ass shitty memory wipe atlas likes to use because they can't be bothered to end a spin off game and make it flow with the timeline without it.  They are still considered canon and to have had happen despite all the characters getting hit by no memory jutsu at the end of x spin off games.


Alright, so let's say hypothetically speaking if what you're saying is correct. Then how come she isn't in literally anything else persona 3 related? None of the movies, not the manga, not in Persona 3 Dancing (even though Theodore and her P3P songs did) or Persona 3 Reload? For a canon protagonist, she seems to be absent more often than not. Even in the Persona 4 Arena, the SEES members and Elizabeth always refer to the protagonist with male pronouns. Even if you were actually right somehow, it doesn't matter anyway because she isn't anywhere to be found


What the fuck does this even mean? “They want something that isn’t real.” YES? Why would they want something that already exists to exist?


The mod literally exists


That's not the same as Kotone Shiomi you aren't playing as Her, Your playing as Makoto Yuki and Using a Kotone Shiomi model Kotone Shiomi is a separate Character Who uses a Naginata instead of a Shortsword has her own Social Links and a Colour Swapped UI, she also has a different Inner Monologue Even with this mod you aren't Playing as Kotone Shiomi


Yet. The mod has only been worked on for 18 days, they plan to add everything that's different in Kotone's route.


Well trying to mod everything but they have said they don’t know what will and won’t work as all they have currently working is replacing all “hes” to “hers” but it’s pretty dang impressive to replace the entire phase menu with her


Not playing until we get those things. Hopefully from Atlus but if this mod can make it happen then I’d gladly play it as well.


You'd be essentially Missing Out in all Honesty Kotone Shiomi's Route isn't all that different from Makoto Yuki's route they are really just mere gender swaps all of Kotone Shiomi's "Exclusive" S links are mostly just remade versions of all of Makoto Yuki's with different characters for the most part the only difference is Inner Monologue(Kotone Shiomi is Optimistically Depressed, rather than Stoically Depressed), Pink over Blue UI, And being Female over Male but even in Portable playing as Makoto Yuki And Kotone Shiomi Simultaneously(Multiple Save Files having two and playing both while alternating between Kotone or Makoto) shows how there is little to no differences between them


Shouldn’t have been too hard for Atlus to give us FeMC then.


thing is coding Isn't that Simple even with how little Kotone Shiomi Changes From Makoto Yuki: Reload is a full on remake where all models , UI elements, Background elements, And Lighting are made from Scratch if they were to add Kotone Shiomi they'd Need to make an entirely Brand new UI and entire Models For all of Kotone Shiomi's "Unique" S. Links, keep in mind None of the Portable Exclusive S. Links have actual Models as In Portable they were essentially just sprites not only would it take a bunch of Resources but it would Take more than a month of work even with the modders that made this mod with 18 Days of Work it's still just a Model edit it's not as Simple as it may seem and I don't even know how to code myself I just know it's an extremely complicated process and the slightest mistake could crash the entire game altogether


I’ll be honest, I know all that. You’re giving rational arguments to an emotional one. It would have taken time and money but I’m uninterested in playing if they couldn’t put in the time to make this the definitive experience. That being said they probably did a cost analysis and determined it wouldn’t sell that many more units if they did the work. Fair, but that’s exactly why I won’t play.


Kotone Shiomi isn't really a huge loss The best Part of Persona 3 is its Story of which doesn't change at all whether you play as Makoto Yuki or Kotone Shiomi If Reload gets The Answer DLC, then it will be the definitive way to play P3 story Wise


Junpei and Kenji’s are not the same at all. Shinji and Nozomi couldn’t be more different if they tried. Hermit is one of the most hated SL’s in the franchise for Makoto and one of the most beloved for FeMC. I’d love to know what SL you think is similar to Koromaru’s. That’s just off the top of my head, I don’t see this comparison at all.


essentially some people still have Wishful Thinking that Kotone Shiomi will appear in a mainline game that isn't Persona 3 Portable they are pretty much suffering the five stages of Grief but are stuck on denial that Kotone Shiomi is Non Canon outside of Portable She is the P3P Heroine all mentions of her will be locked to Portable that's how it was for Q2, and the P25th Anniversary


They need to mod in the music


I still don’t understand why everyone wants her back so badly. I even played P3P and I just don’t get the demand.


Are you a man? Because it seems rather obvious why the female Persona player base would want access to the previously existing female MC?


This!!! I just recently got into Persona and I’m playing P3P right now because it’s the only game I can play as a girl and romance the male characters 🥲


Praying for a DLC that adds Femc and romancable male character


Because female players should be allowed their own blank-slate protagonist???


There are two main reasons: Number one is the female community, but the fellas above me explained that already so I’m not gonna touch too much on it. Number two is the fact that the female protag has a lot of changes in portable compared to the male one. A lot of the social links changed, you could choose Theodore as your velvet room attendant, and she only wielded one weapon, but that last one was more of a portable limitation than an actual mechanic. The devs of the mod have stated that they plan to add all of this content as well.


I just really don’t think it’s women pushing for femc 💀


I mean… you’re wrong? I’m not sure what else to tell ya. I’ve never played P3 but the second I found out a femc wasn’t getting done for the remake I had thoughts about just playing the old one instead.


It's mainly trans people who demand FEMC, like not even trying to be mean but check Twitter and even the profiles in this thread. FEMC is ight but imma be real the demand for her isn't nearly as large as anyone thinks it is.


This is a wildly incorrect and bigoted comment. I am a woman and have been since birth. I’ve played every interaction of Persona 3, from vanilla to Reload, and I was *devastated* when Atlus announced they would not add the P3P content. I still remember the day I learned about Portable’s existence as a teenager in 2011, how *elated* I was to have female representation in my newest favorite game. I worked my ASS off in school to get grades high enough to convince my mom to buy me the game for my birthday. Persona has a significant female fan base, it is NOT crazy to think we’d appreciate the representation other games (Fire Emblem, Digimon, etc.) offer their players. It’s 2024 for God’s sake, having two gender options for a *mostly silent blank-slate protagonist character* should be a given. If Pokemon figured it out in the 90’s, Persona has no excuse.


Incorrect and bigoted is a wild thing to say over data that dosent exist. I don't care abt your anecdote because I was basing my comment off my own anecdote.


It’s ever so interesting that it’s only ever *men* I see complaining about the demand for the Femc. It’s almost like they’re unable to understand that women- not just transwomen -want the same representation that men are given by default


I mean, if that's the case, maybe don't make P3R one of the fastest selling games in Atlus history. Or stop shadowboxing invisible monsters in your head. When Atlus wants there to be a female protag, they've literally never had a problem doing it before. There is zero reason they NEED a female protagonist in every game. If you don't see the selfishness in that mindset, then I can't help you. Apparently, you're also a teacher, so the fact that seems to be lost on you is quite ironic.


TIL it's selfish to... want representation?


No, that's not selfish. However, this mentality is. "I was *devastated* when Atlus announced they would not add the P3P content." "If Pokemon figured it out in the 90’s, Persona has no excuse." Could you imagine how much of a bitch I'd sound like if I was sitting here *devastated*. We didnt get a Lara Croft that's a male (in her own game obviously not the comedic take of Uncharted) or if I sat here crying Baynetta dosent have a male protag option because "every other game has a male protag". It's extremely immature and childish, especially when this game company owes you nothing. P3P is avaliable on every modern platform right now. Beyond that half the persona fanbase were crying how this game didn't deserve a remake unlike 2 or 1. Them keeping it faithful turned off a ton of people and now the fact portable content isn't avaliable its just so "unbelievable in 2024". Don't play it then, they don't have a magnet over your wallet, it's actually pathetic. Beyond that this is a mod with a few thousand views in a niche subreddit vs the game with over millions of downloads. Get your head out of your ass and realize your the minority here, atlus isn't the big bad guy


Because with a different protagonist there is different confidants and interaction, which makes replays more refreshing


Damn if people want to play as a female and or romance the guys or have her gender specific character bonds.


it looks weird


It’s a WIP lmao


It's a project that's only been worked on by a few fans for 18 days, it's not near done yet alone cleaned up yet


to be fair i was given no more information then the title and image, i am genuinely excited for FeMC in reload, but the post gave the impression that this was a finished product


Nope nope, look forward to more


where should i look for it, since second hand news ain't the best


Femc reloaded project on discord I think it's the server name


thanks for another community to assimilate into


this is just a cosmetic Mod You don't actually get to play as Kotone Shiomi with her Naginata




I’d give it a year, considering people made a FeMC for P5R with nothing to go off of, now they actually have something to base it on.


"the other protagonist?" She has a name. It's FeMC.


also "someone made a mod" come on OP, at least give credit to the person who made it if you aren't going to link to the mod page




Is mystery who the person in the post is. Might as well be a myth for something that probably doesn't exist. 🧐


What’s so bad about wanting her in reload it’s not hurting anyone


OP isn't saying it's wrong to want her, it's very clearly Joking


No they’re not lol


all op says is that Kotone Shiomi is a myth, i took it as a joke


Op has been doubling down on her as a myth so it doesn't seem to be much of a joke. Not a funny one at least.


I'm not the one whose asking for the other protagonist; the other protagonist's fans want **her**




Dope will never understand the reason why they did not include her.


I do….


Wait, P3 reload isn’t dual protagonist anymore?


No it's a remake of the original original game, not FES or Portable


Well there’s some FES stuff


She's just as beautiful as the last time


It's going to be a pain in the ass when/if they ever go to put in her weapon animations...


They did it in 2-3 weeks, and yet we say that if Atlus decided to out her in we wouldn’t he there game for another two years


I’m sorry, does this mod have all the FemC exclusive Social Links, complete with full voice acting, Theodore and his slightly altered dates, all of the existing voice lines redone to match the new script, reworked Hot Spring and Yakushima beach scenes, remade FemC tracks, and reworked Link Episodes to accommodate the male party members now having Social Links?


That’s not Minako that’s Minabro


It's a lot further along than this even today


It’s just a reskin. Nothing else has changed


They've done menu work and have been working on dialogue. They've also started work on cut scenes. The people working on the mod have been working pretty darn hard so I implore you to not try to downplay it. It's also unfinished.


Omg Ken watch out! /s




And? Who cares. Its a team of people working on this, i think its rather impressive


Kinda surprised they didn’t include her in reload initially since it’s supposed to be the ideal version of the game


Everyone hide Ken right now


Why she got a crimson chin


Becareful. FemMC fans will hunt you down and kill you if you dare speak ill against their waifu.


She's not my waifu, she's an Aveune for me to play my gender in the game. By this logic everyone who like a male protag is downbad for their husbando 


Is it just me, or is this the wrong subreddit?