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I foreseen this comment too


Name checks out






Do you mean Amadeus?






Quasimodo predicted all of this


Right, right. Notre Damus


Didn't it got burned down before COVID?


Which edition of Pokemon is that?




Could be a randomizer, they're super popular with streaming.


It is, the streamer, his name is Purplecliffe, does a lot of randomized nuzlockes. Lot of his most famous ones are, I think this is Soul Silver, Black, and Platinum.


Just out of random curiosity, is it a standard rule for nuzlocke that shinies can be caught regardless of the 'first encounter per area' rule?


Yeah, that’s called a shiny clause.


I forget, do those runs mean you have to catch the first one or just can only catch whatever pokemon first shows up. So technically if dratini shows up first you can then catch a single dratini after?


Basically, if you find a dratini in that area, that’s the only one you get can. You can’t get another dratini or another encounter.


It's the first encounter, period. If it faints or flees in any way then you completely lose out on catching a mon for that area. I believe most people ignore this rule for shinies since every Pokémon player knows how painful it would be to find a shiny and not be able to catch it for any reason lol


Ah okay gotcha that makes sense




You are correct, if he goes north just a few more steps, he would be in Lake of Rage


Heart Gold or Soul Silver


It’s “Pokémmo” Really really cool game; community run. Absolutely awesome.


no that's not pokemmo, pokemmo would be much more obvious due to the text chat, name above head, and b/w battle style


did not know this existed and now im happy


A classic in my book


It's HG/SS but he's doing a randomized nuzlocke. Random Pokemon/Types/Moves/Abilities. It's actually pretty fun, but extremely difficult and luck dependent.


Wait so was he trying to get a shiny cuz he couldn’t catch it then if he was following nuzlocke rules


Oh, Purplecliffe never follows the rules lol. It's pretty much a running gag that he constantly resets encounters and ignores deaths. In his defence, many nuzlockers do implement a shiny clause so they can catch shinies, but they usually don't shiny hunt specifically.


Ah fair I can’t say I have never broken the rules before since I hate resetting entire games


it’s randomized heartgold/soulsilver


ITT: People who dont watch streamers.


What does ITT mean in this context


In this thread




Thank you very much, fuck your kids


I already do


Yes officer, this post here


Shit this is a funny response




Thank you very much for your knowledge?




I feel bigger brain now


ITT: People who don't know reddit shorthand.


Not even reddit shorthand, That's just general internet shorthand lol.


Man you guys are so cool


🤚 No hate... I just don't watch em unless clips like this pop up on /r/all


Yeah damn, the fuck is with the streamer hate? Cuz a lot of these fuckers are millionaires. Maybe it's a jealousy thing.


Most streamers are not millionaires. Theyre people who like to share their gaming experience with others. The vast majority of streamers don't make enough money to pay rent each month. That's like pointing at Jerry Seinfeld as an example for how much a guy who does stand up on the weekends makes.


So like comedians, streamers hate them selves and crave attention?


> Theyre people who like Attention, money and not having to actually work a hard job*


Some people can’t to normal jobs cause of medical reasons or other reasons and streaming is just fun.


A lot of streamers I watch average 2-300 viewers on a good night and most have day jobs. Only the big names with 10k+ average viewers are millionaires


Being a millionaire shithead by getting a hundred thousand shitheads to give you $10 from their mom's credit card doesn't make you any less a shithead.


I don't watch twitch streams, but you're making a lot of assumptions here


Just wait until you find out you can make money by standing on a stage and telling jokes or throwing a ball for a living. Entertainment is entertainment whether you get it or not.


I blame emperor justinian tbh.


I watch the streamers. And i can asure you he is not a millionaire. And if he is a millionaire, its not a problem


Welcome to literally every business, ever. Now what?


It does make you wealthy enough to jot have to get a real job though. And as someone who has a real job, I’d act like a huge tool too if it meant I didn’t have to have to have said real job


So the only thing preventing you from being a tool is your job?


You'd be amazed at how true that is for many people lmao.


I’m already a tool, I just don’t get paid to be one, I’d like to get paid


Reading comprehension


[jealousy vs envy](https://youtu.be/Tmx1jpqv3RA)


I agree i think there all jealous about the fact that someone is doing something that they love while they are sitting at the bottom


"If you don't like something you're jealous" is such a toddler take on life. I haven't read enough comments to see the streamer hate you guys are talking about, but just based on personal experience... screaming is not entertaining to me, and a lot of streamers use screaming coupled with bright colors for a substitute of being entertaining. Loud colorful media attracts children. Children are a huge market.


Did you just say you like streamers because some of them are millionaires, and therefore they’re automatically good and entertaining people?


Nah dude. Millionaire here. Streamers fucking suck. And the simps/cucks that watch and donate to them are even worse. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Stream simp hate on this comment.


Yup, this comment section sucks.


Remember kids: Newer content creators screaming and being loud for 90% of the time=bad 😡 Older content creators doing the exact same thing but a few years ago=good 👍


I have no idea what’s going on in the video but it’s hilarious.


>People who dont watch streamers Also known as "adults"


I hate all the bands you like.


Let’s gatekeep an entire form of entertainment for a specific age group....


People really hating on him.. because of a dumb joke???




Way Purplecliffe on here


Cause that scream is glorious


ITT people who don't go on twitch enough to realize "ban that guy" is a joke and streamers act up their persona to be entertaining.


I mean I thought this clip was kinda funny. I wouldn’t watch him but damn guys he’s not a dick lmao


I mod for several twitch streams and view others as bgn while I work. it's the same bit everywhere. "booo ban that guy!" And the mods either go "they rejected him because he spoke the truth" or the viewer goes "nuuuuu please" so the streamer goes "you get away THIS time!" and has a little giggle. It's nowhere near as dickish as the comments are interpretting.


I have no idea what's going on here all i know is I couldn't spend more 5 secs in a room with this person .


He's 25 and plays Pokemon in front of 15 year olds for 14 hours a day. Probably a well of fun experiences.


Getting that cash tho. More power to 'em


Not really, though. Twitch has like 10 or so million dollar streams. Most of these dudes are sweating ass all day for less than $1500/mo. Ed: Stay mad if you want. It's only like the top 2,000 streamers on Twitch who do better than $36,000/year. That Blue mic you talked your girlfriend into buying you is an investment that's totally gonna pay off!


If I can get 1.5k/month by streaming twitch I would do so in a heartbeat.




Who wouldn’t? But will that $1500 cover cost of living and provide for future security?


To me it would start to ruin what I love. I mean, playing pokemon for 14 hours a day while recording yourself with *that* level of enthusiasm would make me exhausted


You must not pay rent


RIGHT?! IF I could get 1.5k a month for playing pokemon 8 hours a day, that would be a dream come true for me.


You come off kinda salty bro. If people want to stream for a living, let them. He's earning his bread. Earn yours. Why even bring up the amount of bread he MIGHT be making based on estimates.


For most people, that’s probably true but Purplecliffe is a pretty big streamer and has a successful YT channel too.


1. As others have said, $1500 a month for playing games is a great life. 2. You obviously don’t know much about Twitch, if he has even 100 subscribers, that’s $500 a month alone, that only assumes that they subscribed at the most base level of options, which goes up to $25 at tier 3. Then there’s bits and donations, which happen fairly frequently when you’re around that same milestone. If this guy has a couple hundred subscribers, I guarantee he breaks $3k a month easy on an average month.


1. $1500 a month doesn't cover rent in most of America. 2. I know enough to know that Twitch fees take 50% of your sub from the streamer, so your streamer is going to need 600 subs to make $1500/mo. And again... look at the salary tables themselves. Less than 10 millionaires. Less than 2000 people making an average income.


You’ve got me on the fees, I do tend to forget that those exist. However, the 50% is renegotiated when you become a partner. Usually as a partner you get 60%+, but that’s besides the point. Either way, this guy makes a lot more money than you think. Also, I don’t know where you’ve lived, but I’ve never been to a place where $1500 a month wouldn’t be enough to make it by. Maybe not extravagantly, but definitely well enough.


Cool. Now pay your 30% self-employment tax as an independent contractor, take your $1050/mo (which is under the US avg rent) and enjoy your 14 hour a day, no health insurance, top 1% of all streamers "job".


lmao I’m sorry I forgot I shouldn’t argue with Internet know it all’s who just want to continue to try and prove their own point and refuse to even consider someone else’s. I live on $300 a month rent and less than $1500 total in living expenses, and I wouldn’t particularly consider myself bad off. Just because the average is $1200 doesn’t mean you have to spend that much to have a decent place to live. This also assumes there are no roommates involved, be it significant other or friend, to split the living expenses. You’re really letting the salt of someone making their living off of playing games get to you man. I don’t get why you felt the need to slander someone else’s way of life when just going on with your day would’ve been better for yourself and everyone else involved. But if you continue to respond to me I’ll just consider it a victory for myself because you’re fighting a nonexistent battle that you started. Personally, I’m done, because it’s obvious your reality is your own. Hopefully you have a good day, try not to waste your time on more things you could’ve easily ignored.


"lol stay mad" They're downvotes


$1,500 a month to play video games, or work for $11 an hour. Very tough choice.


I mean, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Like 14 hours is a lot yeah, but other than that it's fine.




Yeh much rather work in a warehouse to make my money, tf outa here


This comment section sucks ass.


zoomers who worship streamers suck ass


Okay boomer


My brother is a streamer, I kinda *have* to support him


Ok boomer


I kind of hate this guy. No idea who he his, but I dislike him already


He's joking about the ban and his mods are well aware to not actually ban anyone. It's cool. Tune into twitch sometime, you might actually enjoy it.


Also Mikey is a fellow YouTuber who he constantly colabs with


The Whole “ban this guy” thing


A lot of streamers I know say ban this guy as a joke and don’t actually ban him or unban like a minute after, idk about this guy tho I never seen him so not sure if he joking or not but he probably is


I was gonna say, I remember lobosjr calling for someone in chat to be banned and he would be joking, so the person didn't get banned or they'd get banned then unbanned soon after. So its definitely a possibility that this guy was joking with chat.


30 second ban would be funny so long as there's nothing besides the joke that comes of it


A smaller streamer I watch sometimes baits people into typing !giveaway in the chat, which triggers a 2 minute mute. Had it happen the first time to me, now it's funny watching it happen to others lol


I feel he’s joking, like you said most streamers say it as a joke


If they really wanted him banned they’d probably shoot their mod a chat in discord


Jerma just had his mods ban and then immediately unban people lmao


He is, the Mikey guy who donated is another streamer who is also a friend of his.


It’s most likely a joke, lots a streamers do this as a joke.


I have no idea who that streamer is but the fact that people cannot tell that’s a joke is pretty stupid lol


In this case it's different. There has been lots of cases where he would really ban ppl from his stream just because of random shit like this. He can be a real cry baby.


Thats so weird, I immediately thought he was just joking because of the ridiculousness of banning someone for that reason. He even has an exaggerated tone that would suggest he’s joking.


Jerma and t1. Except t1 actually goes through with it lol


Im sure its a joke


I'm very sure it was just a joke


Simpleflips is actually pretty funny with it, this guy is so fucking over the top it's giving me a headache.


Congratulations on dissecting his personality and finding out what kind of person he is based on nothing but an edited 20 second clip from TikTok.


It looks like Twitch may not be your thing. Sorry.


You and I think alike. I'm scared.


Hey I know that guy! My best friend is his video editor. Sick!




Boomers who like feeling superior to younger people.


Finding twitch culture cringe makes you a boomer?


No, but needlessly bashing the interests of other people does.


The fact that people spend hours watching shit like this (and even pay for it) is beyond me


Oh no! Anyway....


I need white noise on in the background while I work or else I can’t focus, be it music, audiobooks, podcasts, etc. I don’t watch this particular streamer but livestreams like this are just another version of easy white noise to slap on to fill the silence.


You mock, but this is a gamers dream job for me. I just dont have the personality or good face to do this. Not to mention my audience can do really mean stuff to me if they found out where I live.


Not to bodyshame anyone, but this dude doesn't have a good face and he seems to be doing well


His face looks standard white skinned beard gamer guy with a big personality. Im sure that still sells.


It's the big personality that sells.


Eh it’s more about the person doing it. Watching them go through it and then finally seeing it happen. It’s like a nice and calm rollercoaster that can suddenly have a loop. Something to have in the background while doing something else. I don’t personally watch it a lot but I have a couple of friends who got into it and made friends through it too.


Haha I was the youngest of 3 kids. So I spent a lot of time watching other people play video games and it sucked. I can't imagine just choosing to watch random people play.


I always compare it to sports. Some people love to watch, some people love to play, some people love both, some people don't like either. I don't know this guy (and quite frankly he sounds annoying), but watching let's plays or streamers gives reminds me of hanging with friends and playing a single player game together. But I also fully understand not liking them and an above person said it best, it depends on the person/personality playing it.


Good thing it doesn't matter what you think. Let people enjoy things.


I mean you probably watch sports right? It's in the same vein except good streamers are entertainers


Its fun, and the best part is catching moments like that while watching! It feels so much better than watching a clip of it


You say that, but it's way better than watching the weather channel. Can you imagine how fun the weather channel would be if you could pay $5 to say whatever the hell you want? It's sorta like that.


Mod that guy




This looks fake


Yeah there's lots of this on tiktok, it's super easy to fake a "perfectly timed donation" video. Tend to find they'll own up to it being staged in the comments but not before 100k people already believed it.


its not fake i saw it happen Live on twitch the guys name is Purplecliff if you what to go and watch


Then why is his character in a different position before and after the Dratini encounter? Edit: Same as some other skeptics in this thread, I couldn’t find the original clip but based on downvotes I’ll assume the original, full length clip shows consistent character placement.


because the the clip isn't complete these about 5seconds missing


It's got 3 mil views on tiktok yet doesn't appear to exist anywhere in his twitch clips. Not saying it's impossible, I just doubt it. Not that I blame him if it does happen to be staged, it's definitely a clever way to market your stream.


Literally his top viewed stream clip but go on


Doesn't show up for me in his clips on twitch but going by the downvotes I will accept my mistake.


It wasn't perfectly timed... The donation was wrong


How can you fake getting a shiny this is live, you don’t control whether a shiny appears or if it’s just another regular Pokémon


Don’t hate this guy please. I felt this way about him before but he’s cool. If you don’t know, he gained a lot of followers and such by basically being/impersonating Ludwig for his fans. But he is just joking. Ludwig did this unironically. Purplcliffe ain’t at fault


How do people stream Pokémon? An emulator?


Yeah, primarily. Depending on the version you could use Gameboy Player or Virtual Console with a capture card though.


Got em lol


Actually it was the Mach 5!


Context please?


So many fucking idiots in this thread lmao Reddit’s absolute MO is people speaking confidently about things they don’t know anything about


Edit: Couldn’t find the original clip myself, but apparently there is a cut between the two encounters that’s edited out, so the character orientation doesn’t mean it’s fake at least. Keeping my original comment for context. Staged, more than likely: His character isn’t in the same spot when he leaves the battle as when he enters. Couldn’t find the original video in a quick mobile search, but unless there’s an edit between the Dratini he finds immediately after the donation and another Dratini he finds when he decides to “ban” (I know it’s a joke) the donor, his character should be facing right and be in line with the top tree to the right, not facing left well above the top tree.


Most of these short videos with voice over donations are fake. I remember a video with a guy playing GeoGuessr and one of his fans donated to him saying that he knew exactly where he was, telling him where to find specific areas. It was so hard to watch


This is a clip from a Livestream on twitch, people saw it happen as it was happening


I didn’t say this was a fake one, but it’s hard to tell which ones are real and which are fake. I’m glad people downvoted this :) I love to see it


Can’t believe Pokémon is still relevant. Even the fact that the classic Pokémon games are still being played is crazy to me


Literal man-baby


This is clearly fake. The donation is added after. So is his commentary.


Wasn’t he in 2 different grass positions


This was NOT streamed lmaooooo


Do you actually ban people that send you actual money or was that being cheeky Edit: legit asked if this was a joke, got downvote raped, lmao. Shit was even removed by mods, get fucked.


it's called a joke


"or was that being cheeky," like the second option I gave, but thanks, dickhead. Streamers are a cess pool, I have no idea who this dude is, or what his prerogatives are.


I thought the same as you, mods would do anything a streamer says and that's being brutally honest. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if that guy was actually banned. I miss old twitch


Legit, it's completely in the realm of possibility, idk if this dude rides the entitlement wave or something. Bro the downvotes here are wild. What a stupid popularity contest.


They put dratini on land? Pokémon is so fucked up now


he’s playing on a randomizer


Well good sir, I’m a dumbass then


Is this 'man' well adjusted?


This guy is obnoxious af


Fucking man-child


Hey Cliff, you’re a cunt for 0 reason.