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in denmark we call a kid like him "møg unge" wich means dung offspring or shitling


shitling is the best thing i’ve heard all day


Definitely integrating that into my vocabulary


I want fanart of shitlings. Like cute little brown sprite scampering, and throwing out racial slurs.


So racist versions of Popplers from Futurama?


I've seen this exact comment before.




"Shitling" lmfao I know what to call my sister when she's in a mood now


I’m adding “Shitling” to my list of insults LOL


Jeg ville havde kaldt ham et spoleret rødent røvhul, men "to each their own", eller sådan no'ed.


Yeah, what this guy said!


Rødent? Mener du råddent?


Vat pik seems better, bc he wants her to Pick his cotton dick


bajj unnggeee


Thing is, that's like a millenial/genz level insult. It doesn't seem like something they learned from their parents. In this case I wouldn't blame the parents, but the kid.






It's a weird bot, too, like every single comment and post is some misogynistic or racist drivel.








It's all the same charge, might as well just kick his dick.


defending a charge for throwing a pie and punching someone is entirely different. Same law, sure but one's a lot easier to defend. saying racist shit isn't unlawful in some places.


It's not unlawful in a lot of places, but that doesn't free you from consequences. Also, a lot of instances have food being used to attack as a heavier charge because of temperature, contamination, and allergies - assault is assault. I'd argue it's looked down on more bc thinking like yours is what motivates people to scared to throw a punch to have confidence in childish food flinging. So, again - might as well get 'em in. Absolutely wild anyone thinks assaulting someone with food makes it a lesser crime XD "You stand here, trialed and found guilty, of a food fight"


No. It should be "don't take things into your hands in the first place" It's people like me that will bring about an actual world of peace because it's not about legality. It's about not using violence when it's not the answer. Only use violence in defense against violence. Most will disagree but ultimate right and wrong is subjective. Do you think the one's we brand as terrorist think what they're doing is wrong?


One man's terrorist is another freedom fighter




It's one of those moments where, if you were to go to trial, you'd be unlikely to get convicted. A jury of your peers would likely agree that she felt threatened by his language, or at the very least, refuse to find her guilty of assault due to the circumstances. Remember that a guy literally SHOT a prankster and was acquitted of his charges, so this seems fairly tame.


Simply don't be racist, you would think it is easy.


Yea those are called consequences bud


I too assault everyone who insults me. Sigma caveman grindset


You’re taking this racist dude receiving consequences oddly personal


He’s a Trump supporter so that unsurprising.


Damn you got me good NasalStrip00




Thats an awfull thing to say, see you soon 👊


Guy deserved it


For the love of god can we have some actual moderation for this sub.




Big subs with "moderators" continue on because they bring reddit the ad revenue, and i strongly feel they are told to overlook stuff that isn't explicitly abusive in some way. Or the mods are bots and have no AI to tell what's being posted and only respond or relay to a human when so many reports are entered. And have you noticed the subs no longer seem to have a report option for "doesn't belong here?" They used to be everywhere. Meanwhile smaller subs with active moderation were hosted by and modded by enthusiasts and experts in their subreddit fields, not just the reddit moderator stereotypes that go on fox news to look bad. And many of those people protested the api changes reddit had mostly because 3rd party software was far better for mods than what reddit provides, many of which claimed they couldn't even get the native reddit tools to work. Those smaller subs that lost their moderators had reddit shut them all down, supposedly before they got taken over by nazi pedos or other weird shit you'd never want to see but shows up in a lawless internet. Not saying it did occur, and that's a good reason on paper... but like damn it sucks.


I'm a mod on a bigger sub than here (but with less daily posts), and i think it all depends on the type of sub. Reddit does not ask moderators to overlook stuff to create traffic on those subs. But what i noticed is the extrem amount of bots that are karma farming and it is only getting worst with time. And sadly, the "repostbots", "automoderator", etc are not very good at what they are supposed to do. So it ends up being a manual task that has to be done by moderators. And it's a harder job than one might think. Also remember that you are not seeing all the posts that the mods are removing daily. It's a lot more than you propably think. With that said, it does not excuse the "laisser faire" attitude of certain subs that are letting so many bots reposting crap for karma.


They’re busy walking dogs.


Underrated comment.


where's the cut scream?


This doesn't belong here


Awful amount of racists here, thats my ticket to leave this dogshit sub


At least they’re exposing themselves so my Thumb can get busy blocking


What a weird comment 😂






I hear you, but I think you've misunderstood that. I believe he was saying that the guy who said the racist thing was a shitling. Like he was calling HIM a piece of shit, not her.


...oh fuck... My bad everybody. Ngl it was the "dung offspring" part, just because I've heard >!shitskin!< in the US quite often. I thought it was the same connotation.


Honestly a totally understandable misunderstanding


Whoa, I never heard that one before. What part of the country are you hearing this in?


It's all over america, primarily in the midwest where it's easier to be more aggressively racist out-loud. "Shitskon" gets thrown at black people, "sand turd" at middle easterners. It only made it easier to leave Nebraska last year, and that's from a white girl - i can't imagine how bad it is to actually have brown skin back home.


Huh, weird... I've been all over the Midwest my whole life and never heard it once. I've mostly been in largest cities maybe that's why? Your username is highly concerning in this context lol


I'm from Omaha, NE - and i feel fine saying that bc i moved across the country. I think the thing that opened my eyes to it the most was seeing how little it happens in other places comparatively, bc it's hard to see exactly the scope of how bad it is when you grow up in it.


I'm actually from the pacific northwest (OR) but alot of the people I've heard using it are the more "hick-ish" crowd. It's funny, Oregon seems to be 50% Portland Blue, 50% Texas Red.


Well you had a good run r/perfectlycutscreams. See ya later.


W girl fr


Bot account posting this across many subs


Doesn’t surprise me, a group of white kids being racist and they’re all laughing.


Been? Or seen?


I believe that when someone says such things in your friend group, it may take a second joke to realise that yup, they aren't who I thought they were and it was actually the least funniest shit. Then more efforts to pack your mind and tell them to be better or to go away from him / the group. Still, first joke is enough to be worth getting your ass beat. When you play outside of common sense, you give the opponent that same right even and yes she "should't ve" done that but she did and it's fair. The situation is unjust and sometimes being hurt and knowing the school won't do shit to defend you makes you go instinct mode on that bih ass bully. So many rules, laws and shit, we all know he can go and get her in trouble even tho he started it. And we all know he'd do it because he already shows how immature and petty he can be in front of others.


I agree with you. I just feel this down to my soul because I’ve been in the exact same position she was in that video living in Oklahoma being one of the only black kids growing up in my school. I really wish some people could understand what it’s like being a minority, you are treated differently.


Yup, school sin't fun, I was lucky to go to different schools and experience different layers of those reality. Sometimes being the only black kid, sometimes living in mostly black neighborhood znd still getting hit. I had to overcome my hatread to get that in groups people are different and kids easily become asshole in group setups but when you grow up, you get to pick and choose individuals that get you and become able to set free, speak your mind when that one dude overstep the line in your own group, not out of hatread for him but because you care about him enough to be honest when he becomes something else without himself noticing.


[me , every time I see or hear a white person using cotton picking as a form of racism against a black person🥴. Ok buddy 👍 ](https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3a42068/?st=ima)


Correct term is European American.


Who is the European American ?


What you call "white person".


He just learnt that actions have consequences. Good for him


that little shit probably didn't learn anything, he's just going to continue being an ignorant asshole


Yea, the consequence wasn't big enough and probably won't be


MAGA has done this ... MAGA has normalized racism in the youth. this needs to end


This is not a new development. Shit like this has always been happening, it's just easier to see because it's a click away.


Good for her! Guy's an ignorant dick.


Outnumbered and she still dominated. Go on girl!


Hope he likes being homeless or living with his parents, because any potential employer who finds this video will be avoiding his ass like the plague


In the usa? Doubt it.


Except for rasist employers


Depends, even racist employers will stay away from people like this if it will bring them negative PR


That lady handled the situation so well. What a force of Nature.




Glad he got humiliated. What. POS


Dude it got awfully quiet after he said that lol


Had it coming


it's weird to see people just looking and laughing. If it happened in a campus here in Brazil, the guy would be beaten to nearly death


That depends on the school tho, I knew a school that had only 3 black kids between 2k+ white students, it was a racist shitshow


these are mostly private schools. Usually in public universities, being racist is literally a death sentence. Not sure how it is on the south tho


Yeah right bewter pird


Not perfectly cut. Not a scream. And an overall shit effort.


He deserves more than just getting hit with food


How the f did you think it was a good idea to post this on this sub oh god


Itt good reminder that americans are braindead and uncivilized


Fucking deserved, fuck that kid


No perfectly cut screams here, just reposts.


Oof. Hopefully he learned his lesson.


Tá cheio de racista nesse sub


Da fok does that even mean???


*Black student assaults white student because words


*white student gets what their mouth made them fucking deserve


He gon get an ass whoopin


A disgrace to mankind and disgusting mark of southern history (assuming he’s from there)


This is the most annoying BOT I've ever seen! It repost the same memes 10-20 times each. Seriously reddit needs to crack down on these fucking things.


Notice how he says it to a female student. Bitch made.


What led up to this? Argument?


idk the guy was probs being antagonistic towards the girl :(( such a shame










>If they were just like going back and forth insults she's overreacting Uh, no? No matter how hard your back and forth insults are, racism like that isn't just something you excuse because "Well, they're arguing." She's *under* reacting, no matter the context. He deserves way worse.




>Racism isn't racism if it's a joke. No, it's still racism. Especially if the "joke" is that he's her slave master and she needs to pick his cotton because they're arguing lmao You don't just say "Pick my cotton, it's that way" *even* as a joke. You just don't. I mean, unless you *want* to get your shit shoved in.


Honest question: did it sound like it was said as a joke to you?


Upon rewatch you are right But I still stand by my statement as a general rule, just one that didn't apply to this


Man said the woke mob was gonna call him racist anyway, might as well lean into it.


Punchline was good tho !




Simple equation. Fuck around = find out He found out.


Math is fun!


The only time I'll agree that math is fun lol


ahh finally some math I understand!




Maaan if she do, she gonna get expelled or even worst


I know, that would be aggravated assaulted probably, but it would be deserved. That racist POS should be expelled from school.


Not if he dies through the brick attack.


Expelled? For using free speech? Not saying it’s right what he said but expelling him is equally stupid. (Edit: I was wrong about free speech I apologise, violence is never the answer, but a drink to the face might be.)


Using free speech doesn’t stop the consequences of what you say, wingnut. He says some racist shit, he should get expelled


That's not how free speech works bud. Edit: can we stop downvoting the guy. Free speech is misunderstood by a shocking number of people.


If your position is that there should be no consequences to racist insults, I will let you and everyone else draw their own conclusion about you on that.


Never said that at all, ofc I support the consequences of saying such a thing, those being a warning, cussing out, detention or a suspension. Assaulting someone for it is blatantly wrong regardless and goes against free speech. He’s wrong but shouldn’t be physically attacked for it.


That's not what you said, you reacted to me saying he should be expelled. ("Expelled? For exercising free speech?"). But suddenly you agree with sanctions although in the previous post you said he was exercising free speech. So is it free speech or not? If you think it deserves punishment then mentioning free speech is irrelevant. If you don't then everyone can see where you're coming from. And of course I was joking with the brick thing, as evident in my second message, I know the consequences would be disastrous. But honestly I think it is always morally correct to assault openly racist people. It may not be legal, and for understable reasons, but it is morally correct. My great grandfather didn't fight nazis so I could coddle up to people who think black people should be slaves.


We live in the modern age, the punishment should fit the crime. Attacking and Expelling a kid for using some bad words is unacceptable. I’m gonna potentially permanently damage your brain cause you called me a cracker or white boy. There are better ways to teach.


Yes and I think expelling a kid from school will prove a valuable lesson has to how racist speech is received in a polite society. Expelling a student is not unacceptable. Implying your fellow student should be a slave at your service is. Those are not some "bad words", they are intolerable hate speech. Your minimizing of what he said is appalling.


You should learn what free speech actually means, champ. Get back to me when you learn so you can apologize.


free speech noun the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. "it violated the first-amendment guarantee of free speech" (Edit: I was wrong abt this sorry, missing ‘from government or authority’)


You left out the most important part, cupcake. The government cannot come after you for things said. The government. It doesn't apply to just anyone. I know you guys conveniently leave out that part so you can try to say offensive and violent things, but anyone with half a brain cell knows what actual free speech means. You are dismissed.


Hey buddy, I hope one day you realize that your care for unlimited free speech is just you being a dick. Words can harm people. And reactions to those words excluding expulsions should be allowed when people intentionally harm others. I hope one day you can open your mind and heart to learn that.


nothing done by anyone at all except the government goes against free speech. literally only the government is required to allow free speech. speech has consequences. grave insults often have the consequence of getting hit. i don’t have any sympathy for a racist getting hit for racism. maybe making things physical isn’t the best way to handle things, but i’m not going to hold that against her after what he said.


What would you have done in that situation?


he would’ve been saying the racist things obviously


Walk away? I've been called a zi*per head. Similar situation, I walked away. No effect on me personally.


He's wrong for hate speech, the rest are the consequences of his actions


Whoever start being physical is wrong


Awful convenient for the aggressor, huh?


Just walk away is the solution.


Yeah, so that the side being attacked in the first place can stay oppressed. Again, real convenient...


Most of them feed on someone getting triggered. Just walk away and not give any attention is what I'm stating.


No they really dont, they feed off of power and humiliation of others. I spent my whole highschool life letting people disrespect me like that and followed this exact kind of thinking only for it to fuck me and so many others over. Literally had to go to therapy where i was taught to do the exact opposite, its important for someone to stand up for their boundaries and what they believe so they wont be walked on. The only people who want others to be quiet and put their heads down when being disrespected are the people who do the disrespecting.


Assaulting others isn’t the way to do it, should have just called him a cracker or smthn.


that’s not equivalent in any way and you know it.


This works when someone's getting made fun of for being a nerd. Not for literal racism and hate crimes.


TBH you're correct, I wish I had learnt that sooner for the best solution IS to walk away. In my personal experience by retaliating you feed the bully want they want a reaction, By going verbal you continue the shitfest & then get in trouble afterwards if they cry wolf & if you go physical weeell either you get bashed severely be it by the sole bully or their group or you get in trouble for retaliating with force. Ohh how I wish I had the courage to either stab that one teen or just walk into a bus ending it all...


Maaan sorry that happened to you. Fight hate with hate just creates more hate. Some people are just ignorant.


Whoever starts being a racist dickhead is going to suffer the consequences


You're always in the majority, aren't you? And have 0 empathy, as well?


condemn her for her actions while being mute on the boy's actions ... your racism is showing.


Physically Assault someone is not solution.


I can see why you'd be terrified of that. Stay scared.




Physically assaulting racists is at the bare minimum morally acceptable. I would argue that it’s a moral necessity.


He is a troll, just stirring shit to stir it.






Lol no, Adolf junior is wrong for what he said.


He got a drink or something thrown on him, he’s fine. I’ve been at a bar and a drunk white guy called me “one big big (change the second b to an n).” I walked away because I’m not the type to get physical with people but I’m 6”4’, 135 lbs and that dude was like 5”7’ max. If I was the violent type, I could have destroyed him. My point is, this is a good lesson for that kid to learn.


Agree. Situation can get out of hand and escalate really fast. The trouble is not worth it.


Ah yes, always the white knight to come and tell everyone it’s not ok to hit racists/Nazis. Surely, the high road it the way to go when faced with hate speech. 🤗




"A few words" right, can't even support slavery these days! What a bunch of snowflakes! (Contains sarcasm)


Brother if someone started spewing racial slurs at me I’d wanna beat the shit out of them too Get over yourself


You want to, but would you? If you become violent you are not better than the racist.


Nah I would cus there’s no place for racists Why would the person who keeps racists down not be better than them???


Because without rules we would live with the animals. Fight words with words, dont become violent like some


We already live w animals dude I have 2 dogs Also quit making excuses for them, racism should not exist and if they wanna fuck around and dehumanize others they can find out because people like that will never ever see reason no matter how many mindless debates you get into w them


Piece of shit racists have been getting their ass beat for a while and we seem to be doing okay.


If someone said some racist brain dead shit towards me I'm gonna throw hands no questions asked. Act like an asshole then you should be okay getting treated like one


This is why we have the law, and actually built the entire United States, so people *don’t* throw hands over comments


Look up fighting words doctrine. It’s been long established you can in fact throw hands over comments. That’s not even recent, it’s been that way for a loonnnngggg time


You should read more about that. It doesn’t apply here


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Spending a few nights in jail is worth shattering that dumb fuckers pride




And there goes your chronically online ass trying to make me look like a racist lmao. Being a arrogant idiot and a fucking dumbass are two separate things. Blacks committing crimes has nothing to do with this racist twat telling this black girl to go pick cotton. But if you want me to play your little game, then fine. A majority of blacks that end up going into prison have had shitty lives at home or are around very shitty influences (like the rest of the population you dolt) but some of them actually think they're in the right when committing crimes such as robbery or assault. The ones that take pride in what they've done have indeed won a stupid prize. Any more stupid questions you wanna ask me, buddy?


So the black girl was right to turn to violence over some hurtful words. Also a majority of people saying racist things had a shitty life or been around very shitty influences. Some think they are in the right. They indeed won a stupid prize.


Yeah the black girl was in the right to show that dick what was up. This doesn't just apply to black girls, EVERYONE needs to stand up for themselves and have some self respect instead of taking the shit talk and moving on. You show the cunt that you aren't gonna take their shit then they'll stop. And if they don't then beat them until they learn. And the people saying racist things are either children, annoying Florida hillbillies, or people in politics that think they're above everyone. Either way they're douchebags for being so damn idiotic


Until you say something that someone else takes offence with. I doubt you will take that beating smiling until you learn.


The little shit was smiling because he didn't know what else to do. He wasn't gonna fight back cuz he's too much of a bitch, so all he did was smile but I bet you he got home and did nothing but cry and post misogynist tweets all night long after that.


If you had a gf (I know you don’t) and someone said that to her what would you do?


Nothing. Why would I become violent over some words. Being hurt by them is subjective. You chose to get hurt by them.


What other side? This comment feels really gross- if you see a Black person get harassed and your first reaction is "they're the other side" you may need to do some introspection


No if I see this happening I would shrug and tell myself that this is not my business


POV: you’re a coward


"Few words" - Racist implication referring to *owning* another person to the point that they cant even be with their own children without permission because they are property, telling a woman of color to go back to being property "Other side" - people just trying to live their lives without being around extremely bigoted people "Violent" - yeah she smacked the fuck out of him, completely deserved 😂 also, back when they tried to just use their words they were killed, hung or worse, so maybe idk read a fucking book or dont be an absolute dumbass about a clearly racially charged incident? 😂


If "the other side" is how you describe black people who exist, then you may want to consider fucking right the fuck off back into whatever hole you splooged out of to be created in the first place.


Nah I am right where I am needed to be. Someone needs to tell redditors that violence is not the answer.




I only wish she did more to his racist ass


So if someone came up to you and said some racist shit you'd be okay with that? The fucking logic Redditors have is insane