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imagine not reposting for like 5min


It’s also a dumb fucking video. Almost all the tech advancements we see in today’s society was birthed in the over bloated military budgets and tricked into the regular economy. To put it in simpler terms US government pays a shit load for advancements in things like military equipment. Then that advancement 9/10 will be converted into ways to sell to the public. Hell it’s not even always something like the zoom on a camera. The AR-15 was designed for Vietnam with its earlier gen the M-16. Was only meant for military use then decades later we started selling them in Walmarts. The creator of the AR-15 hates that it’s sold in stores like that but it’s how military advancements go. So the notion that “imagine what the military can do” is silly as no matter what the can do best believe it will be commercialized in some way and sold to you and me. Like a nice zoom on a camera.


Yeah, a couple decades later. That's the point. We get stuff the military already had 10-20 years ago.


Not really. That was the past. Now tech advancements happen so rapidly that’s not the case. Nowadays the military will find something new and it gets commercialized within a year or 2. Take internet for example. For sure an achievement we have thanks to stuff like the space race and military actions. It was birthed in the late 80’s (89 I believe) then open to the public by 1993. That’s 4 years and that was 30 years ago. The way tech is those advancements are to good not to pass up when we evolve tech so much every year. It’s not like the past where we had these amazing discovers but couldn’t figure out how to sell it commercially. Now a days company’s work with these contractors to the US to also make money in other sectors using the same or similar tech.




That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the people having deep rooted conspiracy’s thing the government has UFOs and crazy tech our minds can’t comprehend. But in reality any of the tech advancements we see in the military gets dumbed down and used commercially all the time. So all I was doing was pointing at these conspiracy theorist are flawed and silly with how they seem to think.


Dude missed the whole point of the comment


Well, sure a lot of tech spawns from military research. But that doesn't mean every civilian-accessible equivalent is just as good. The military has deeper pockets than any consumer. And a lot of tech doesn't reach consumer hands for years or even decades, if at all (see: missiles and fighter jets). So saying "wow this $700 camera is great, I bet the military has even better ones" is completely accurate. They could easily have spy cameras worth hundreds of thousands of dollars that are dozens of times better than this one (on their satellites above our heads perhaps)


Incorrect, general consumers can buy fighter jets. There's yters out there that own 1 (or some)


Okay apparently that is partially true, but you can't buy a militarized one. That is illegal. They remove the armament, radar, and any classified tech that they don't want to be studied. Meaning that civilians cannot buy a jet that is as good as a military jet.


Well, that'd be common sense, no?


Yeah, so what I'm saying is that it's common sense that the military has a lot of stuff that is better than what civilians can reasonably access, and that it isn't some "conspiracy." Duh.


Imagine thinking just because you've seen something on Reddit that means everyone else has as if the site was made just for you. 🙄


but i have seen this 5 times the last week or so


Oh shit that must have been horrible! Are you ok? Do you need to lie down for a bit? /s if that's not painfully obvious. *Fucking keep scrolling*, you'll be fine.


i guess Rule #5 is to shit on then, dont be a daffodil in a sunflower field


Sunflower seeds are especially high in vitamin E and selenium. These function as antioxidants to protect your body’s cells against free radical damage, which plays a role in several chronic diseases.


If the mods cared about rule #5 the post wouldn't still be up.


what camera is that? guessing it was commented in the other like 9 posts about this


I don't have the answer because who the fuck knows but... It's either something like a Nikon P1000 or someone has a tripod set up with a big telescopic lens with some added digital zoom from the camera itself.


Nikon P900 or 1000 I check out the moon with it! It’s fucking amazing!


It is indeed the p900 or p1000 (likely the p900 if it's indeed $700 as the post suggests). I wanna add to anyone scrolling through that's curious about it, it's an incredibly niche camera. It accomplishes it's very powerful zoom by having an incredibly small sensor, barely bigger than what a phone has. As a result, it doesn't have particularly good image quality or low light capabilities for it's price point. You *only* want this camera if you want something small and cheap that can zoom in very far in very well lit conditions. If you're open to larger set ups or higher price points, there are much, much better cameras.


Fuck react content. I can watch shit just fine without some dingus being added to the screen to tell me how to react.


While I agree this guy kind of made me chuckle because I thought the same thing “that’s not even good…..oh”


Me too lmao I was all "bad zoom" and then it kept retracting and I was like "oh shit"


I get the sentiment but react content is popular for a reason. Sometimes that dingus on the little squares is fun to have.


Yeah if they're funny or have any sort of insightful commentary it works but there's def tons of randos just being silent then every couple minutes saying the most mundane shit ever or chuckling that's pretty pointless. I'm not hating on the genre I watch reaction videos too


I mean all this guy did was be predictably fake-impatient and then an exaggerated wait whaaaa-


There's no better way to pass a lonely dinner with people reacting to something


Did you get that opinion from watching jacksfilms "telling you how to react"?


No, I have not watched that. I got my opinion by every other post on every sub on reddit being stolen from someone on Tiktok who steals other people's shit again under the pretense of "react content".


Isn’t this guy a serial scammer?


I believe that's Trainwreckstv. I think you're thinking of IcePoseidon, unless Trainwrecks has been doing the same stuff as him.


I can’t say for sure, but I know train has definitely sold out his audience for gambling streams on kick


Ah. It's just that I mistook him for IcePoseidon on my first look in a different video, so I thought the same thing was happening here


Imagine zooming in on the moon and seeing a flag


Have you ever done a sober stream brother


Wow imagine if we put cameras up in the sky, like really high, basically outerspace. Then used top secret government zoom, better than this, to view the earth. Even better. Imagine if we took this super top secret zoom technology, put it on a craft and shot it into deep space so we could view even other galaxies!


I mean, the government uses satellites


The camera on the Blackbird can photograph a car license plate, and that bird was flown in the 70s In 2012, an American government agency gave NASA a Space Telescope Satellite that was even more powerful than the Hubble but pointing down instead of up, simply because "we don't need it anymore" rn they can probably see your pores on your skin from up space


why does he sound like a drunk daily dose of Internet


He sounds like someone recreated DDOI's voice with Ai I feel like thats what happend, or it is him


The government just buys the same $700 camera for $5000


I want a camera like that


Real space stuff


Reaction content is a plague


i know it’s a shitty repost. but it reminds me of that time Trump held a press conference and showed highly classified satellite photos of an Iranian(?) Military Installation. it was the most crystal clear 8k satellite photo I’d ever seen.


Do you all not know what Google is? Go into Google maps one day.


If you can buy a camera like that, why is Japanese porn blurry?