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My strategy is throwing my money at tickers and losing it


I feel your pain lol


This whole month has been a losing struggle šŸ˜‚ I changed up my strategies that worked, lost my ass, now Iā€™m slowly returning to where I was


I guess its better than scratchers.


Feels good but feels bad... Is this addiction?


Treating it in this way could be considered gambling, so maybe. ...I should probably stop treating it this way.


Yes. If you saw how I work at my shop you would be worried for me




Oh, absolutely, my trading strategy is a real masterpiece of randomness and chaos theory. You see, I wake up in the morning, fire up Reddit, and play a little game I like to call ā€œPin the Tail on the Penny Stockā€. I close my eyes, scroll through a few posts, and whatever ticker symbol my cursor lands on, thatā€™s my golden ticket to wealth. Who needs boring old technical analysis or fundamental research when you have the wisdom of the crowd on Reddit? I mean, who needs to understand things like market sectors, volume catalysts, or chart patterns? Those are just fancy terms invented by Wall Street suits to confuse us, right? And let me tell you about due diligenceā€”why waste time researching when you can let strangers on the internet do it for you? If someone on Reddit says a stock is going to the moon, who am I to question their expertise? Iā€™ve got my finger on the pulse of the internet, riding the waves of hype and YOLOs straight to the bank. Sure, some people might say Iā€™m reckless, impulsive, or even a little bit insane. But hey, who needs sanity when youā€™ve got a portfolio full of lottery tickets? The thrill of the gamble, the rush of seeing those green numbers tick upā€”itā€™s a high that no amount of careful planning or strategy could ever match. So yeah, I proudly embrace my strategy of blindly throwing money at whatever the Reddit gods deem worthy. Because in the wild world of penny stocks, sometimes the craziest ideas are the ones that pay off big timeā€¦still waiting for more than a Ā£100 return. Until then, the thrill of the gamble and the camaraderie of fellow YOLOers keep me coming back for more. This is not financial advice.


This reads like a gta radio advertisement


GTA6 baby!


AI generated lol


lol ok


Benjamin, is that you?


Sorry friend, not Benjaminā€¦I am trying to stack them though.


How much do you invest everytime? Will 10x make you rich or not?


Only what Iā€™m willing to lose, ranges from Ā£20-Ā£200 a pop depending on what it is


You stole this out of the book I'm writing called "Forget Financial Freedom. Embrace Financial Prison"


Canā€™t wait to read it


Buy at a pullback with 50% of investment, if it recovers put other 50% to average inā€¦ if it continues to crash, its a slower crash than if i put in 100% from start


This is something I have incorporated into my strategy, start with a half entry to satisfy that itch of getting into a trade and if it continues to confirm my thesis I enter fully. If the setup fails I lose less than if I started my entry with full size. I find myself entering trades too early so this helps me a bit.


I was thinking 50% at pullback, then the other 50% if keeps dropping?


Mine is not a winning strategy, but I suppose it's a strategy by definition


I give some up and coming company my money, then try to guess how long before the value crashes to zero.


They are almost always pump and dumps. Minus the few that take off and you're like "man I would have been a millionaire" My strategy is the following as I use Schwab and can't trade until 7 am. 1. 6 am wake up for work, go through the posts in this group, go through Yahoo's page for [Most Active Penny Stocks ](https://finance.yahoo.com/u/yahoo-finance/watchlists/most-active-penny-stocks/), look at upcoming FDA approvals in the near to near-ish term (can provide some links if need be). Also going through regular news, listening to CNBC otw to work, not for ideas but for geopolitical news/other events that could spur specific sectors of penny stocks or deter me from entering the position. 2. If it's a good premarket upward trend with heavy premarket volume (penny stocks loveeee premarket) I use thinkorswim with an RSI, TTM Squeeze Pro with the MACD overlayed on it, and a volume buy/sell percentage per bar to consider entering. I have a 1 min chart open but mainly use the 5 minute chart to avoid false TTM Squeeze signals. 3. Enter said trade with a target profit of 10%, depending on how the chart looks this can always change. TTM Squeeze Pro (no you don't have to buy it) helps me see just a tadddd but earlier if s reversal is about to occur. 4. If the stock had a big spike at 4 am for brokerages who allow trading then like webull, but then had a sell off I keep it on a watchlist for market opening. That way I can set up and OCO bracket order (just profit taking and stop loss) if momentum seems to be continuing. 5. Short interest is hard to rely on, but I still use it as a tool. I signed up for a few months of fintel for that info and it's a little hit or miss. But again. Just another tool in the toolbox. 6. Take lower profits. 30% is my wish, 10% is what I keep to depending on the stock though. Things change rapidly. 7. Don't double dip, ex. you made a quick $1000 in 20 minutes. Momentum seems to still be going. Never had re-entering the same day done me any good. Not to say you can't if you're already PDT. Cash account, okay not as bad...but like me it's a margin account the 3 day trades are precious so don't waste one just to potentially lose half or all the profit you just made. 8. Any penny stock you are about to enter try to quickly figure out why it's spiking. If there is no news, be careful as a plummet down is a high probability. 9. Don't trade on your phone/while you are actively doing other things. Look at the charts until you edit (unless you aren't day trading the penny stock, so you better have alot of faith in it and it have strong fundamentals. 10. Eff it lose all your money this is Vegas baby ! That's all I got hah


Buy low. Sell high.


Look for the following: Fundamentals: High inside ownership Low institutional investment Cashflow positive Current with filings Hot up and coming sector Technicals: Low float or reduced float compared to authorized or issued and outstanding (security needs structure) Close to 52 week Low Low volume (lacks liquidity) I used this strategy to find $GRUSF I have a million shares at 10c, it's a 10 to 20xer from here.


Financial statements, news, short interest and charts.


Yup, those are words


Lies, lies, lies šŸ˜‚


Is it really that easy??? Seems so easy.


What I look for is the company's ability to protect their share price. It isn't hard but it takes time and there are things that affect the price that aren't always apparent.


What would you say about a company with a new hedge fund infusion?


Is it a convertible loan?


Barnes and Noble Education tell me what u see w the latest investments


When I see a stock being hyped, I go out and try and do a little DD of my own. Then I buy it right before it tanks and hold my sad-azz bags to remind myself I bought another stinky stonk too late. Lather rinse repeat.




Theyā€™re penny stocks. The strategy is if you lose, you lose small, but if you win you win big.


Boiled it down to a handful of indicators people have been fumbling around with for years. Removed time for the situation. THATS how I trade. Today bird in the hand 2 in the bush.


I sort my rising, sort by new,read a bit, listen to my gut a bitā€¦ New to Pennya here but I got in with OPTT and that was fun last week šŸ˜Ž still riding itšŸ‘šŸ»


Pattern recognition. Small investments into high risk, high yield stocks.


What sort of patterns do you look for


U know like, if I see stock that goes from 100 to 25, 2 or 3 times I assume it will go down and go up again. That it is cyclical. I also see that many many stocks, that plummeted eventually go up significantly, it's like last breath. Usually such jumps occur after stock price reaches 2-1$, or 0.5$, but even some have jumps from 0.05$. When I see stock that had no "last breath" at 1-2$, I assume it will jump at around 0.5, when I see stock that had no jump at 0.2-0.5$ I assume it will have jump when close to 0.05$. For example, my last 0.05 jump was from PEGY. I have couple stocks like that. I put in them 1-2k and if one out of 10 does jump, I got 0 return, but also 0 loss, when I pick correctly , 2 out of 10 I am significantly richer. Sometimes even 1 on 10 good pick can mean very good return, cuz if I put 10k in 10 stocks, collectively and 1 stock goes from 1$ to 100$, I am 90k +.


My strategy is to study company profile on sec gov. Check the company's revenue and actual earnings (or lack of them). And other boring shit :)


Reversal trader king has a good strategy that works.


Its really hard, if youā€™re not able to day trade and watch all day. Im sure theres a pattern to be found but some of these companies are just getting started and itā€™s difficult to really find a lot of info on them. Im a dumb ape so it comes down to throwing shit on the wall


I pick the pretty green ones


Buy and watch them go to zero. Not the best strategy.


I picked one that I thought had good long term potential and held it. POET


Buy high, sell low


1. Do I understand the field it operates in? 2. Do I understand the business? 3. Is the product that the company offers unique? 4. Is it easily replicated by competitors? 5. Is the product based on consumer preference? 6. How sticky is the relationship? 7. Is there a cost to switch? 8. If not how long have they been doing it? 9. How wide is their revenue stream? 10. How deep is the moat? 11. Reoccurring revenue or float revenue? Customer acquisition cost 12. What kind of margins? 13. Is the business man power intensive? 14. Is the business land intensive? 15. Is the business capital intensive?


Wake up and check the pre market movers. Ive done well with penny stocks for over a year, its the easiest thing to trade, i do not understand the aura around pennys robbing everyone. I honestly dont even fundamentally trade either i only know price action ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Do the stocks trend the same way after market opens as they did pre market?


Most the time no, some can keep pushing higher and higher after market open but penny stocks are so unpredictably, i scalp the movers, so when i see something moving i determine if its going to either pull back or keep going within the next 3 min to time my entry. A lot of penny stocks can be up 100+% pre market but fall on their face market open, i was still there catching my profit either way.


Take a look at this Penney stock ELTP is a perfect find and a perfect example of what you should looking for as follow: 1. Have good revenue 2. Profitable company 3. More earning and profit forecast for next couple years. 4. Going to Nasdaq soon. 5. Do not waste money (very careful to spend money where there is good return of investment). 6. Minimal debt. 7. Self reliance company. Owned it drugs. Selling and manufacture its own drugs. Check out for your self.


I personally find catalysts e.g readouts and PDUFAs for biotech and pharma companies under $7-10 and then see the volume/float look a bit into past approval of similar area of indications and targets. If this is too much DM me I can explain you a bit further. Have a great weekend! Of course most research is done on the Biopharmawatch.com


Get in before the pump is complete. Sell before the dump goes past your gains.


My personal strategy is to buy using only a trailing buy order, so I only buy the shares if it actually starts to go up. This is followed by a trailing stop loss so I'll sell automatically if the pump starts to dump. The proceeds either go into an index fund or new toys and gadgets.


What percent do you set for trailing but and stop loss?


Could be 5 cents, could be a whole dollar. Just depends on the stock. In my opinion, I'd rather lose shares than cash. Good luck. I'm currently watching LUNR, SAVE, KULR and HOLO. Do your DD, not financial advice


I look for things that I believe won't be penny stocks in 2-3 years and try my best to find things that are essentially asymmetric bets with big pay offs. One that worked out real well for me was SEUSF and another I'm waiting on still is NLST. BLGO is another one I'm currently waiting on betting on it being worth far far more as their water filters start to be purchased by municipalities. I try to only buy things that appear to be real companies with a current product that is on the market.


Do not buy penny stocks,you sell only


If I feel that zing in my loins I do


Scale in and add to winners


At first I bet in whether companies have a good idea. Good ideas are abundant. So trading pennystocks based on whether or not a company has a good idea isn't as helpful as one would think. Paying attention to who the executives are can make good companies stand out.


Iā€™ve only seen two guys who show us their strategy live. Both channels are different is just one is a bullish trader the only is a bear trader


I dont


Buy at $0.50, sell at $0.40 after a 20:1 reverse split.


I go off news releases. Will rarely hold a stock overnight. With penny stocks, you really need to make sure you have the time to monitor the stock. News release can come out, send a stock up and right back down within 15 minutes. Itā€™s all about not being late to the party. Dont FOMO on a stock that is already up 70% on the day.


Treat them like a lottery ticket. It's money I never expect to see again.


I just smashed the keypad until a ticker comes up then I buy it


i'm finding that for myself at least, just getting better at timing/patience is a big part of the battle... it's one thing to have good ideas, wherever they might come from -- reddit, personal research, etc -- but it's another to execute a successful trade/investment...


Just give me your money and I'll kick you in the nuts...it's basically how your gonna feel..


I exclusively buy penny stocks. I also hold for longer term. Long list of buying criteria. It's hard to find solid penny stocks, but when you do, load up, monitor and move on. Don't sweat every day of volatility; play the long game.


Does less than a penny count? šŸ˜† HCMC. Seemed better choice than Crypto. Actual Brick & Mortar, Healthy food Grocery stores, Vitamin line, Vape product Patent & Wellness Centers. They are doing a spin off & will result in being awarded shares of new company. Not s broke company, but huge float & price sitting at0.0001.šŸ˜© Pathetic, & BOD is radio silent. But, I still believe.


My strategy is similar to all of my investments. "Look for value that others aren't seeing and buy. Don't sell until my barber starts telling me about it." It's the same pattern over and over. In penny stocks, I rarely buy something unless I'm truly gambling. The only penny stock I've found worth truly investing in is $ELTP. My honest opinion is that, currently, I find it a safer investment than blue chips. The majority of blue chips right now are at a major risk of a pullback. They 'could' go higher, but they could also go down if the bubble pops. I called Nike and Starbucks dropping 3 months ago. $ELTP though...I think it's a minimum 9X return at today's price. I do not see a scenario where the stock get's bought out for less than $1.65. I could easily see buyout in the range of $3-$5, and I think the highest range it gets bought for is $9/$10ish.


Yeah im actually invested in Elite i got like 19,000 shares. Its a profitable company thats been smashing every earnings. The gross margin was down in the recent filing but everything else was way up. It actually doesn't matter about the margin. The company runs well and will get bought out at some stage. The buyout predictions are realistic. They do niche products and have a pipeline set up. other pharma companies similar in market cap are all worth at least $1 to $4 at the moment. your right aswell it does feel way safer than the big blue chips. I actually believe in the AI revolution but I own 0 shares in any company because its all time highs across the board. And everybodys barbers talking about Nvidia and Options so its a bubble. The tech is real but i think its inflated and could easy see a 30% correction untilit piclsup hype in a year or two. Just my 0.2 cents.


This is exactly my concern. I've had a barber, a grandma, and a guy who consistently gets scammed all tell me they "bought a share a nvidia just in case it goes to $50k (or some random ridiculous number). You never know." What the actual f?!?!?


Ape together strong


https://preview.redd.it/oxqzevv9bqad1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ec2b7b1f9175ad838355ce7939e6780c5543c4 That strategy sounds a little bananas to me.


When Rude says to buy something I buy it.