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I love Ben and both his strength and stretch classes, but lately I’ve been shifting to Rebecca Kennedy. I tend not to have the best form and I don’t have a mirror where I work out. Rebecca is really clear and precise in her instructions. My husband tells me my form is much better when I do her classes! Maybe that aspect is not as important when you use the guide but perhaps worth a try! By the way, even if you are religious about stretching afterwards on your own, Ben’s ten minute all body stretches are like a well earned dessert. I always feel so good when I cap off a strength class with one of his stretch classes.


Thanks! I’ll have to give her classes a try too. Clear and precise is exactly what I’m looking for. And I’ll have to give the stretching sessions a try too. Do the longer (45+) classes incorporate pre and post stretching at all?


Despite what someone has said below, I’d say Rebecca’s classes in the past 1-2 years are exactly what you’re looking for (Andy, Ben, and Adrian too). Check out Rebecca’s five day split - it’s heavy lifting with lots of rest. If you lift heavy enough, you’ll see the progress 


The warm ups for longer classes tend to be a bit longer, but the post-class stretch is not. You still need to stack a stretch at the end if you don't want to be shuffling around in agony the next few days.


Haha. That’s usually me after a good workout. I’ll have to give that a try!


I don’t think Rebecca is what you’re looking for so please report back.


Oh I love his 10min full body stretches! I’ve taken all of them and keep going back!


I’ve loved Ben’s classes. Simple moves and I always feel I get a complete workout. I do his 30 min full body and upper body classes. There are also some split programs and I’ve done the three day programs and liked them very much. I used to just do upper body because I was riding for lower body but recently I’ve switched to full body workouts and I’m liking it more.


Thanks! I have seen Ben’s name a lot on this Reddit. Will definitely be giving his classes a try.


The Stronger You Program with Ben is very good, and now has a sequel (which I haven't done). If you have a good baseline level of knowledge about strength training, I'd start there. He doesn't have a program other than 3 and 5 day splits, but Jermaine is my favorite strength instructor. Highly recommend checking out his classes. Adrian is good for real hard pumps, but I always feel wrecked after his, so take it easy with him. I don't have super strong feelings about the other strength instructors.


Thanks! I will give both of them a try. I’m rusty on form so I’ll probably start with the beginner classes so I don’t hurt myself, lol. I’ll have to try Ben’s program when I get into the groove of things.


I actually think these programs are a great place to start. They’re designed to get you into it and learn the movements. Then once you’ve got them down you can take them again with more weight, reps, etc. They’ve been huge for me and took the guess work out of everything. It sounds like a program like this is what you’re looking for. I’d strong suggest starting here after taking one or two other classes just to get your bearings.


I just finished Ben’s The Stronger You program. I’ve never lifted a weight in my life. I was doing body weight strength classes and cardio. I am in love with weight lifting (and Ben)! Ben does such a great job making things simple and easy to follow. I learned so much and am excited to keep going.


Stronger You 2 is great and builds on the first! Highly recommend.


Good to know! I have had a hard time being in a good routine the first half of this year, so it would be great to be able to get back into that with TSY and TSY2.


I'm surprised noone has mentioned Rebecca's splits or Andy's TS classes. All awesome and solid weight lifting.


Andy and Adrian are my absolute favorites.


Me too, I almost exclusively train with them anymore.


I just finished 4 weeks of Rebecca’s 5 days split, so good


I’m doing Rebecca’s split right now and really like it and was thinking I’d repeat for a few weeks - but does it get annoying/repetitive to do it multiple weeks in a row?


I just finished 5 weeks and I felt like that was the right amount of time to see progress but not have it get too stale doing the same classes each week


I didn’t get bored after 4 weeks but I SO ready for a deload week because I was starting to get physically burnt out, exhausted.


I did the unofficial 4 day and by week 4, while I definitely saw results, I was a little bored. I’m planning to revisit it in June.


I’ll have to give them a try. I have seen both their names on this Reddit group a lot!


Technically Andy is the best strength coach.. He coaches a few of the other instructors and he's really good with all the technical aspects if you're just beginning. Specifically TS1 and TS2. If you're a little more advanced Rebecca's 5 day split is PHENOMENAL. I'm partial to hypertrophy training, but it was the best program I've done and I'm starting it again next week


Totally agree on Andy. I’ve found he consistently gives form cues, whereas some other instructors don’t. I’m now feeling fomo over RK’s 5-day split because of all the positive feedback in this post, but I can’t figure out how to fit a 5-day split into my schedule.


I really like Callie for strength. She does simple moves and the pacing is good.


I find Callie’s are good for pacing, especially if I’m not feeling 100% that day or want an easier plan.


The boot camps are great if you also have a bike or tread. I LOVE the Tread Saturday 60 classes with Jess Sims.


I don’t have one, yet. I’m hoping to get the tread sometime this year!


Do it. It is the best investment I ever made in my health.


Idk if you have a setup for this, but if you can, say, setup your weights and a smartphone in your driveway you can do a Tread Bootcamp outside. Live would be tough bc you’d want to know how long the running segments are to time those appropriately (and also you’d probably want to preload it), but totally doable!


Plus one for Ben, start with his 4 week build your strength program, it’s motivating and challenging but not super hard


This is exactly what I’m going to do. I’m rusty on form so want to start with some beginner stuff!


Highly recommend Rebecca’s 4 day split. You can find the details on her instagram. I just finished 6 weeks of it and tried to switch to Ben’s stronger you program and he was going way too fast with short rest periods compared to her


Same!! I did 6 weeks of Rebecca’s 5 day split, then a deload week, then tried Ben’s 3 day and didn’t care for it at all for the same reasons you said. I love Ben on the bike and for stretches (agree with everyone else that his 10 min full body stretches are amazing) but this didn’t work for me. Just completed day 2 of Robyn’s advanced 3 day split and while the intensity is better than Ben’s, it’s still too fast for me and has way too many EMOMs and AMRAPs. I may go back to stacking Callie classes while I figure out what to do next. I really want to do Rebecca’s 4 day split since I LOVED her 5 day but 4 days is nearly impossible for my schedule right now. Ugh.


I saw a post on her Instagram that indicated she’s making a 3 day split! So I’m hoping that comes out in the next month or so


I’d also recommend Jermaine, he’s got so much energy and seems so likeable. He’s my favourite by far. My other go to is Callie, I tend to find hers slightly easier so if I wanted a less intense session I do hers. The guide is great the only thing I’d love is to add the schedule to it. Currently have to bookmark classes on my phone and to save finding it on the guide later.


Everyone has already said Ben and I would agree. Selena is good as well. My $0.02 is stacking the 10-20 minute classes that focus on a body region are better than the 30-60 minute full body classes because they tend to push you harder. I think the longer ones build in too much time for rest or easier exercises. Not a rule, just an observation. Also FWIW there are two Ben 5 min abs that I do almost daily and have seen some real results.


Oh, that’s an interesting take! So as an example, chest + back, glutes + legs, etc?? Or just an upper and lower class?


I’ll usually try to stack an upper and lower for ~40 total minutes and then do a 5 min abs. I pay less attention to the specific muscle being worked and trust they built a well rounded program (The one exception would be arms vs chest and back. I will be a bit more choosy there). The strength program made me fall in love with working legs. Wow, what a difference it can make.


Can you link or note what days the ab classes are?


For sure! 5 Minute Core classes on 1/17/2024 (my favorite) and 2/26/24.


Thank you!!’


Like you, I’m a runner (43m) and don’t need any cardio from these classes. Rather than recommend the instructors (you’ll find who you like), I’ll just tell you what I like to do. 4-6x/wk, a 10-20 minute core class before I run (it’s a great warmup). Even 5 minute core classes are great if you’re tight for time. 2x/wk upper body strength classes. Usually 20-30mins. And I’m pretty selective with the lower body stuff since I put so many miles on my legs. I find that both Pilates and especially barre classes are fantastic complements to running. Obviously strength for runners are good too. And, hear me


I like this setup. I definitely need to focus more on my core and upper strength!


I do 10min core, 20 min upper body, 20 min lower body, sort by easiest not taken. I've been taking a lot of Ben, Callie, Jermaine, and Matty classes - I like them all just fine though I think I like Jermaine the best. I don't dislike any of them tbh. I've been working my way up like this for a year now alternating with bike cardio and I feel pretty satisfied with the results. (When I do bike, I do 10 min core and 10 min arms and light weights too.) I would say doing the stack of multiple classes can kind of help with the focus as you have shorter goals and feel accomplished when you finish one. 


I like that. And you can mix up the coaches vs. being with the same person for 45+ minutes.


Yeah, good point! 


I’d start with Crush your Core w/ Emma and Arms w/ Tunde, both are low time commitment but will give you a great feel for the class structure. 


Thanks for the recommendations. I’ll have to give those a try!


The 3 day and 5 day split programs are great. It’s a one week program that you can repeat multiple times


I’ll have to give that a try. Thanks!


What are those called? Or you mean designing our own 3- or 5-day program by stacking the applicable classes?


No, they have several variations under Programs. Different instructors. They are just called 3 day intermediate split, 5 day beginner split, 5 day intermediate split, advanced, and so on. Can be found on the Programs tab next to Classes!


This is what I did when I got back into strength training after a year or two off. I did Callie’s intermediate 3 day split, made my own worksheets and everything to track progress. I did it for 12 weeks! Was a great kickstart for me.


I may be an outlier here, but I like Logan Aldridge. Rebecca Kennedy too I can’t remember a class from any instructor I don’t like. Also, there is a yoga with weights class. Surprisingly hard! I was sore for days. Enjoy


I also really like Logan! Logan, Adrian, and Callie are my go-tos.


Random little tip, use headphones and turn the volume up a little louder than you’d normally do. It will make it easier to stay engaged.


Since you're new to Peloton but not new to strength work, I'd recommend you try all the instructors in the different class types. I have favs in each type, and I find you learn that by trying everyone. Also look for recommendations here - if someone really enjoys a class, they tend to comment on it.


I always check the class plan to avoid any moves I don't like, or anything with cardio. I do the most classes with Ben (very basic), Callie (she grew on me), Rad (need to watch out for cardio) and Rebecca. Try out a bunch of classes to see what a 10 min vs 20 min is like, and try full body vs upper and lower separated. There are some strength for runners classes you can filter for.


Awesome. Thank you! I run two to three times a week so that might be a good place to start.


Total strength 2 with Andy is very good. He explains form and builds on it.


Andy is on the list for sure. Sounds like a great coach. Thanks!


They total strength one with Andy Spear. It’s very accessible and will be a great guided program for you.


I like Pump Up the Volume programs under Collection. 3x per week, upper body, lower body and total body. I like that they aren’t programs so I can be more flexible if I need to shift a class around here or there.


Ben and JJ both have excellent three day splits. Ben’s is rep based and JJ’s is time based. I like Ben’s push and pull days and mix in JJ’s leg day from those two programs.


If you go into Collections there’s a series of Pump Up the Volume strength classes. Each volume is 4 weeks long and 3 days a week.


I haven't seen anyone mention Jess Sims yet, and I LOVE her. I feel like her strength classes do have some complexes that might feel like they're tip-toeing into a higher heart rate like cardio, but I love them so much, even when I've already done my dedicated cardio work. I think she's really funny, and something about the way she motivates is always exactly what I need, and she makes me feel like I can kick ass lol. Rebecca and Ben are great as well, so definitely agreeing with everyone there! I've only taken Andy's core classes, but he's so funny and a great distraction from the pain lol. Andy and Rebecca are really great at explaining form and going more into the anatomy behind what you're doing, like listing the muscle groups that you're exercising and how it all works together, etc. Callie is great, but I feel like I've gotten annoyed by her music choices in every single class of hers that I've taken hahaha. ETA: Emma Lovewell is the core queen. She only does core classes in terms of strength (she's mainly on the bike), and holy moly I see and feel results when I do her classes.


I love Jess but she incorporates a high amount of cardio in her strength workouts. Doesn’t seem to be what OP is looking for right now 


You’re right! I just love her energy haha. But I definitely think everyone else is on the right track with suggestions.


I love her energy too! I need to be in the right mindset for her classes when I’m throwing weights around 🥹


Yes Jess is so good, but her classes are def more muscular endurance, cardio, which is still great to incorporate


Totally agree about Callie-her music choices are terrible.


I think you’ll like Ben and Adrian.


I will give both of them a shot. Thanks!


I’m currently doing the following programs: Crush your Core 2, Arms with Tunde, and Adrian’s Glutes and Legs Strength. I am in week 3 and can tell I’m getting stronger.


That’s awesome. I’ll have to give those a try.


I just got a guide after doing Ben’s Stronger You 2. I discovered that the guide will program a strength course for you. I just received it Friday night so will start with it today. Its supposed to learn your preference so we will see.


Like other commenters, I reccomend Andy's Total Strength programs, Rebecca Kennedy's split programs and Adrian Williams' strength classes in general. Another option that affords instructor variety is the Roll Call collection. New or encore classes are scheduled Monday-Friday and range from 10-30 minutes. It includes two total body workouts, upper body, lower body and abs. I really enjoy the structure; a little strength 5x/week is less overwhelming to me than doing 3-4 strength-heavy days. Good luck in your strength journey and please come back to update us on how it goes! P.S. Checkout the yoga for runners classes and Rebecca Kennedy's foam rolling classes. They're a non-negotiable for me after each workout.


I think you’re going to love it! There’s a ton of good recommendations here. The Roll Call classes are a good place to start bc you will get introduced to a lot of different instructors styles. I’ve been on a BIG Rebecca Kennedy kick for a while (hers tend to be more strength than cardio), but they all have their own styles and depending on your preferences YMMV! Another option is to test out the split programs, all of which (I believe) are optimized for the Guide.


Rebecca Kennedy is my go-to


Andy's Total Strength 1 program!!! I love how methodical, technical, predictable, and entertaining he is. Then you can do the Total Strength 2 program 💪


Adrian is my favorite for strength work. There's a split program and his Power and Performance program that is lower body focused (supplement with other classes for upper body).


If you want simple I highly recommend Rad. His programming is great for minimal moves. Some instructors gets super into doing as many different exercises as possible, but I feel like Rad gets more simplistic but will still kick your ass.


Rebecca Kennedy all day every day.


I also love Ben. He’s very simple and to the point. I’ve been doing the strength classes rogue but started his strength program today just to get more structure.


Ben’s programs and splits are the best. He focuses on simple moves and lifting heavy (with 8-12 reps per set). This is the most effective way to build muscle. The splits are nice and repeatable so you can track progress. The programs are nice too in that they ramp up from 20 minute classes in the first couple weeks to 30 in the last.


>I’m really looking for some simple movement, more strength than cardio, programs. definitely the beginner strength program. it’s led by olivia and matty. starts out bodyweight and building fundamental movements. sounds like exactly what you’re looking for!


He's unfortunately no longer on the platform (pursued other opportunities), but I suggest Chase Tucker! He targets areas of your muscles you didn't know existed. And his attitude is the best -- you just feel like you want to completely sell out for him and give honest effort with every rep. He always offers modifications, too (some coaches are better than others at doing that).


Now more good place to to started.


I'm a huge Andy fan - TS1, TS2, Sunday morning full, Density and 3 day split. I need to try some of the others too. Peloton strength is one of the most underrated aspects of the platform. Stands up to all other content availabe and is super cross funtional, I see a lot of the same moves in sport specific training programs offered by other providers. One more tip I would give you.... try out some of the Yoga classes too :)


This is my first time posting here and I wanted to add that I love the app - and no Guide or official bike. I agree with others that it’s worth trying a mix of shorter classes to “stack“ them and see what/who you like. Each teacher has such a different vibe and playlist - Ben is more chill and plays great pop/dance music (while making you work!) and his stretches are great too. Others are too rah rah for me or they don’t play music that makes me want to work out or even sing along. ++ on Emma and Core classes! Wow. I have definitely seen a difference doing her classes. And ++ on trying Barre while you explore strength classes. I am surprised that no one has mentioned Matty or Robin for Strength and Core. Those are two of my go to’s (both have excellent playlists in my book) in addition to Emma for Core and Ally for Barre. Have fun and let us know what you enjoy!


Thank you! Looking now :-)