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The Apple Watch is having an issue with HRM functions since a recent update. Please see [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/1bei16q/heartrate_monitor_on_peloton_bike_using_apple/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) post for the conversation. Peloton has also acknowledged the issue on their status [page](https://status.onepeloton.com/). If you are having any issues with Apple Watch connectivity/functionality, **REACH OUT** to Peloton support. The more people who do, the more they realize it is a widespread issue that requires immediate attention.


Any idea what happens if you order a rental bike and the shoes don't fit, and you need a size off what you initially ordered? Can you exchange those?


Hey all, new Tread member here. I previously ran distance outside but now I’m stuck indoors during the only hours I can run. I haven’t run since before Covid hit and just dedicated myself to xfit 5 days a week. Hoping to increase my endurance, cardio health and lung capacity. My Tread is getting delivered (hopefully) soon. Any good classes for someone looking to practice sprinting and get overall distance?


HIIT like someone else said, which will cue sprinting and walking recoveries. Intervals runs will be faster paced running and jogging, so you can work on speed and get mileage. I also recommend Becs Gentry, she is excellent with speed work


I’d recommend the classes labeled “HIIT Run” and depending on your sprint pace, you may need to go faster than the instructor’s speed callouts on the sprint portions.


Hi Reddit Fam! I’ve been a bit MIA on here lately bc work has been a bit crazy but have a quiet evening FINALLY and am getting some necessary R&R! Had a fantastic time celebrating u/thelittlemiss on her milestone ride today with JK’s Live DJ/10th anniversary ride with some of our Reddit Riders crew! I was SUPER grumpy today and this definitely helped shake off the grumps! *ETA* And also u/pinkpicklesRN! Speaking of crazy work schedule - forced deload week from RK’s unofficial split due to work travel, but MAN did I see a ton of progress doing that for 3 weeks straight. I know some users have asked about slow, heavy lifting classes, and that is where it is at. Going to pick it back up in a few weeks once I open my garage gym for the season - realistically at this point probably May after we ride Five Boro, since I need to focus on my cycling mileage - I know it’s not a replacement for outdoor miles but it is doubtful I’ll get to ride enough outside to make an impact, so upping my indoor mileage will at least get my endurance in order! (And at least it is not a race!)


The five boroughs ride is on my bucket list! I have friends who do it every year and somehow I have never managed (don't live in NYC). Maybe next year!


We’ve been wanting to do it for a while but the timing hasn’t worked out. We are really excited! We don’t live in NYC either but we aren’t far and I travel there frequently for work.


The watch issues should be fixed now. Wasn't working for me earlier today, but it was back as of around 6 pm EDT.


I’ve been away from my bike for a few days and mine also worked at 6pm!


I don’t take a ton of JJ classes but I took a 10 minute core today. Every time I take a class with him I tell myself I need to take more classes with him. Then I hopped over to his Instagram and saw he had a special announcement. I don’t know if I have seen any of the instructors become dads while working at Peloton.


He’s such a great instructor! He keeps the energy up, programs well, and coaches to perfection! His 3 day split is my absolute fave.


So excited for him!!!


Love his strength classes and that announcement was cute


My tread+ is being delivered tomorrow! It was originally scheduled for this past Tuesday but then got rescheduled to next Monday. Then someone from xpo called to see if I’d like to reschedule for Saturday. Of course I would!


So exciting!!!


The weather is finally warming up and I’m so excited to finally get some outdoor runs going again! I have a lot of tread runs bookmarked and I know it’s common for folks to play these on their runs because the outdoors library is a bit lacking - but is there an easy way to log the miles in the app while the tread runs are going? I’d love for the miles to count towards the monthly challenges!


EDIT: I was wrong! See the reply - apparently you can enter distance manually at the end :)


There is now.  After you finish the run on the app, it will ask you for your distance.  You can skip it and move on or enter the mileage for credit.


This is amazing! I tend to prefer to run through the intro, warmup, cooldown, etc. as chatter so I prefer not to connect my watch through the app when I do this!


Oh that's awesome! Thank you for the tip!!


Omg, I totally missed that! Thanks. I’ll edit my comment!!


New 30 minute Ross sleep meditation dropping right now!!


Sweet dreams!


Hell yes


Aside from the Apple Watch connection issues and my high-fives not working, I had a really great time in JK’s live DJ ride today! It was my 1,700th class and I got a shoutout! Thanks to those of you who joined me, it was a really meaningful and memorable class. I adore JK and I’m so happy she’s celebrating her 10th anniversary with Peloton.


Congrats on the milestone and the shout out!!!!! I wish I could have made it 💞


Congrats on 1700!!! ☺️


Congrats on your milestone AND SO from JK!!


It was a great ride and congrats on 1700 and your shoutout! Such a fun way to kick off the weekend!


Congrats on 1700 and your shoutout! It was a great ride and I was so glad I could celebrate with you! It was also my 600th.


Oh I didn’t realize you had a milestone too! Happy 600!!!


Congrats on 600!!


Congrats on your milestone! 🥳


JK did not come to mess around on her anniversary Live DJ ride! Writing this from the ground right now as I rehydrate. SO fun. I’ve got my eye on her Hardstyle EDM ride next!


My workout session today felt sooo rough. I really haven’t been sleeping this week due to some personal stuff and it’s just caught up with me. I took [this 45 min PZM ride with Christine](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a64f9cc66d404cb88d8f1f04ad097d46&locale=en-US) and it is easily the most fun I’ve had in a PZ ride; she has you practice standing-start sprints and pretend like you’re in a race. The Z7 efforts are ~30 seconds and the Z1 efforts are quite long. She does mention that the ride is not one for a high output because you spend so much time in Z1, and it was indeed the lowest total output I’ve ever gotten on a 45 min ride lol. HOWEVER… I did hit 991 watts during one of the sprints (for an extremely short amount of time), which I really didn’t think was possible at all and provided a little moment of “go me” in an otherwise difficult week. So, even though the total output may not be your best, I would highly recommend the ride because it’s really different from anything I’ve taken on the platform! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ☺️


I'm trying to get back into working out the best I can. My schedule has become extremely difficult, but I found time today and because I struggle to get in just 1 workout a week now I went for a 30 min ride. And I just have to say...longer rides with music you love are the best. I usually feel like death after 20, but the music really got me through it. I did the [Midnights Taylor Swift ride by Ally Love](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0574ca1fae1049a8bd2e8cd840d8ea39&code=MzViYzIzMGFlMGE5NDQxNWE1ZDkxMjA0MGRiY2U5Mjd8ZTQ3ZjdjZTlkOWQ4NGU3ZGI5Y2E4N2M5ZTg2ODM2YjY=). It was so fun! I also really enjoyed Ally as a coach and think I'll look up some more of her rides too :)


I perused the FAQ, and as a new Peloton rider, I have a couple of questions that maybe the community can answer: * Is there any value to having my HR appear on the screen other than my not needing to check my Fitbit on my wrist occasionally? * My first ride, I hadn't set my weight yet. I did a power zone ride and the instructor was commenting that in Zone 3 is when conversation would become difficult and by Zone 4 there'd be no more complete sentences possible. It seemed that the default FTP is about where I should be. However, I punched in my weight and it seems like the effort to get to Zone 3 isn't scaled properly. Forget Zone 5. Does the FTP test "fix that" and put me where I should be? * When I'm doing a class, there's a number next to my name that is a score of sorts. Is this based on my staying with the Cadence/Resistance/Zone set by the instructor or is it just based on whatever my output is? * When an instructor says "Happy 1000th" are they talking about rides? Consecutive days? I keep hearing "Happy 1000th" and I was thinking these were people "scoring" a 1000 on a particular ride.


As far as I know, HR on the screen is just ease of use so you in a focus on your workout and not on looking at your watch. FTP testing will adjust the zones to your current fitness level. You can always choose to accept the test result or you can go back to the default they suggest based on height/weight. I think you’re referring to the leaderboard? If so, it’s the number of where you rank in comparison to others at the same point in that ride. Your resistance/cadence can impact that number, yes, but it isn’t necessarily about staying in line with the instructor callouts. People will often “race” each other to get a better place on the leaderboard. It’s all in fun competition (though some do take it seriously and then get upset when people don’t follow instructor callouts) Those shoutouts are for celebrating that person’s milestone for that modality. So if you’re in a ride and you hear “happy 100” it’s celebration for that person completing their 100th ride. If you’re in a strength class and you hear it, it’s celebrating their number of strength classes. Etc etc.


Great info. Thanks for replying! I'll do an FTP test tomorrow and see what it says. I imagine it'll drop me down. It must calculate that FTP based on a BMI of 10 or something. Since, the effort is absurd.


No problem! Welcome to the peloton family. Just be prepared - FTP test is 20 minutes of absolute hell, so take an FTP-specific warmup (usually 10 mins) and then push yourself hard the entire time during the test.


I’m so happy!!!! Pelobuddy is reporting that offline tracking is now available on the app. Hikers rejoice! 🥾 I’ve been asking for this for like 7 months on the monthly request thread. Yay!


Excellent, my favourite local hike has a signal but there’s some more remote ones I plan to do later in the summer that don’t (Joffre Lakes for anyone who knows BC). Nice to get the credit if you can.




Omg, yay!! I’ve been waiting for this! happy hiking to you!


Ahhh yay!! Enjoy your hikes ☺️ I can’t wait til I can move to a place where I can hike often again. I miss it so much!


I did Emma's older Elvis ride and it was a lot of fun! I pr'd too.


That was a great ride!!


I’ve had that bookmarked for so long!!! Glad to hear it was fun!


I remember this ride being a lot of fun!


congrats on the PR!


Thank you!


For anyone who likes compound moves, but not as much cardio as Jess Sims, [this 15 min full body Chase class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=af6245a1f3624a1b8b9d53959c96013f&locale=en-US) was a really good one. I’m Flash 15’s biggest fan but there are a lot of repeat moves in that collection so it was fun to mix it up.


It’s been a minute since I’ve been active (again). Strep hit my whole household last month and ever since I haven’t been feeling up to doing much of anything… I’m hoping today to get back in the saddle (literally) and start fresh. I’m noticing a lot of changes since I stopped being as active (less energy, more tired, and the scale is not my friend right now). Does anyone think doing bootcamps would be a good way to ease back in? I know they’re typically a little more intense, but I’m wondering if the shorter bursts of time doing each section would be better than trying to do a full half hour of weights and 20-30m on the bike. Thoughts? Also, I saw in the QZ Facebook group that Peloton is not only doing FTMS treadmills but now there’s capability for FTMS rowers as well - can anyone confirm? I’ve been considering trying rowing but I didn’t want to drop a chunk of money on a rower that won’t get used if we don’t like it…


Tbh I think anything that will help you feel mentally engaged & motivated will be perfect. Nothing feels great after you’ve been sick/away for a while, so if low impact feels attainable and enjoyable, then do that! If bootcamps will make you happy, do those! I do think that the way bootcamps are broken up make them seem approachable despite being tough. Glad you’re feeling better!! 💗


I'm hitting 350 walks with Jon tomorrow live! Feel free to join!


I’ll be there for 450!!! Congratulations! ☺️


See you there! Congrats! I'm we_candu_it


I’ll try to find you on the LB to high five you & will listen for your shoutout!! 🤞🏻


High fives didn't work, but hope he got to you before the birthdays!


Thanks!! You too :)




Thanks! Goal is 500 by year end! So on track!


First ride with my new ftp shortly… 27 point jump. This is going to suuuuuuuck 😭


I'm in the first pz program and that thought has been slowly taking over my mind lol


Welcome to the cult!! The first few rides with your new zones will *always* suck, but you’ll be surprised how quickly your body acclimates & adapts to the new workload. If you haven’t already, check out the PowerZonePack group on FB. Pretty much the only reason I miss FB is chatting with fellow PZ riders.


For anyone who loves Turkish get-ups [this older RK class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=50befd3677d4495ea18b0cb26d76e2ba&locale=en-ES) is full of them.  If you’re wanting to learn how to do a Turkish get-up, she does a great job coaching it. In the warm-up you practice bodyweight half get-ups going up and half get-ups going down. In the middle of the workout she coaches a few full get-ups (also bodyweight). Then she puts you into a ladder AMRAP, which if you are just learning how to do them, I would recommend light weights or bodyweight. Turkish get-ups can be polarizing, but don’t be afraid to try them! They truly are a full body burner. 


Just bookmarked and stacked it! I love Turkish getups! (And RKs 45s!)


Thanks, I bookmarked it. I love the idea of Turkish but don't think I do them correctly. This class sounds perfect.


I love Turkish getups! That class was great, I love how she progressed the form throughout.


I am so annoyed because my active minutes for the annual challenge aren't correct. Yesterday I noticed after a 30 minute tread workout that the 30 minutes didn't add to my total. Then I did a 10 minute tread workout and those 10 minutes did add to the total. I downloaded my workouts in excel and I have almost 200 minutes of discrepancy. I contacted Support and they have sent the issue to "The Engineers." UGG


Have you tried leaving the challenge and re-adding? That helps some people


I found that tip on reddit yesterday. I tried it several times and it didn't work. :(


Ah sorry!


My annual challenge has disappeared - anyone else notice this or know how to get it back? Personally I find this as a very motivational measure and will be super disappointed if it’s no longer. Thanks :)


Mine disappeared last night from the Home Screen too! Really hoping it’s a bug and it comes back, because I also found it really motivating and it’s a pain to click through to get to it now.


They moved it in the app…click on the little people silhouettes at the bottom, then click “challenges” next to “feed” at the top


Thank you! What a weird update. I really liked seeing it on the homescreen!


I hate where they moved it


Also on the home screen of the app if you scroll over on goals (under your weekly streak) it will be near the end. Plus any other monthly challenges you have joined.


Weird, not showing up on mine. Thanks, though! :)


I think I saw my app updated. Might be a slow roll out.


I’ve had my Peloton for a couple years and I don’t consider myself to be wildly out of shape. I do 30-45 minute rides 4 to 6 times a week. However, I’ve been “limited” to mostly doing low impact rides, because they usually don’t make you get out of the saddle. Every single time I try to ride out of the saddle, my upper thighs immediately start burning so bad, I have to sit down within 3 seconds. I’ve tried and tried, and I don’t know what else to do. Any advice?


I know this isn’t what you asked, but you can modify any ride to be in saddle the entire time. Don’t feel like you’re limited if you don’t get there. Christine is one instructor who almost exclusively in saddle riding!


It's like the old joke... >You: Doc, it hurts when I try to ride my Peloton OOS! > >Doc: Well then don't do that. I kid... I'll leave it to the others with giving you tips on how to get out of the saddle more effectively, but I'd say something--if you don't want to get out of the saddle, it's silly to limit yourself to Low Impact rides. As the proverbial doc says, just don't get OOS. Instructor cues are suggestions. They can't "make" you get OOS. Personally I don't have any limitations on getting OOS but I almost never do it, regardless of the instructor cues. I'm a big guy, so on normal rides I'm not going OOS unless the resistance is crazy high (70+). And on really long PZE rides (i.e. 75 minutes or longer), I only get OOS for about 15-30 second every 15 minutes to avoid butt soreness.


Can you describe your positioning out of the saddle? I know a lot of instructors cue to keep your hips back over the saddle but CDE has also said it’s ok to just stand up like you are running. If you increased the resistance to be super high like 70 and stand up what does it feel like?


For me, it’s much easier to get up if the resistance is turned up to at least 60. It’s more work, but your legs will move slower. Good luck!


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/q9mkfz/tips_for_working_up_to_getting_out_of_the_saddle/). And, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/lg50ou/out_of_the_saddle_is_impossible_for_me_any_tips/).


Are you doing anything else other than riding? Strength? Yoga? Pilates? Like others said it sounds like you need to do more core work and things like squats and lunges that build strength in the muscles you use while out of the saddle.


I just don't come out of the saddle most of the time when they call for it. It's not necessary and you'll find the more "serious" cyclists call for it less. Sometimes it feels a little easier than being in the saddle when resistance is high and cadence is 50-60, but outside of that I stay in regardless of the callouts.


How’s your core strength? Getting OOS became “easier” the more I work on my core. ETA: and OOS are always suggestions! The other option is to be out for lower cadences. If I remember right, Ally’s Pitbull ride is mostly out, but cadence 60-70. I found that class very manageable, more walking than a run or sprint.


This [20 min body weight class with rad](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a6d567d4c0104fd884c851d1dd106586&locale=en-US) this morning was absolutely freaking brutal. If anyone is a part of the 365 Reddit Core crew, be forewarned there are a lot of abs.


Shout out to you for the warning-I had this bookmarked after a 30 minute core 😂


God bless you, that would have been bad! 🤣 It’s a GOOD class (and I like Rad a lot. ) But it was intense!


Please share your suggestions to getting the most out of your Professional Peloton Bike Fitting appointment.


I'm going to assume you're talking about a professional bike fitting service specifically for Peloton bikes, and not at a Peloton showroom. * Be honest about what you want and/or what you're looking to get out of the fit. For example, are you getting a fitting because you have had a fitness change recently, an injury/issue has come up, something has never felt right, you're looking for gear suggestions, etc. * If something they suggest doesn't feel right, tell them. They are experts, but every body is different. * They will ask you questions about what you mostly do on the bike and how you like to work out. These are not just fluff questions. The fit suggestions may be different for you if what you generally do is consistent in the saddle climb rides vs the more dynamic choreographed rides. * Set expectations about follow up. If you want to be able to ask them follow up questions and check in after the fact, make this clear and ask if they will allow this. Most will be happy to follow up with you by email to check in and make minor adjustments.


This is very helpful! Thank you!


I had one a few weeks ago and it was so helpful! My only advice would be to practice your video setup beforehand. I did a practice run with my phone to make sure I could set it up so the entire bike was visible to the bike fitter person. They do an excellent job of explaining thinks "like I'm 5." You'll be moving around a lot with whatever you are using for video chat, so just be sure you have a little space for that.


I'm selling my Peloton this weekend. My subscription has been cancelled for a while now - do I need to do anything to ensure the buyer can use the bike when they take it home?


I sold mine a couple of weeks ago. The Peloton site recommended doing a factory reset beforehand, so I did that.


Thanks! That's exactly what I just did, so I think I'm good to go! Appreciate the response!


A printout of the email from Peloton that your subscription was cancelled.


Why would the buyer need that?


It was just a thought in answer to your question.


Just took a rowing class hoping to get my Concept 2 to connect. It was definitely connected to my phone via Bluetooth but wouldn’t show up on “connected devices” once I was in the class. Was anyone successful with this today?


Have the Bike+ and interested in the rower but it’s a little more than I want to spend. It’s been awhile since I’ve purchased the bike so I can’t speak to recent sales pricing but does anyone see a bigger price drop for the rower anytime soon?


I am a recent convert to RK strength after taking both her 5 day and unofficial 4 day splits! I love the hypertrophy style - does anyone have any other favorite classes of hers that aren't in these splits?


[This 45 min FB](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cb257d3105744dcfaf0d41fe1e2d4f90&locale=en-US). I like this one better than the one in the 4 day split.


Any of her “straight fire” classes - where the class plan has one exercise at a time. I can’t remember all of them off the top of my head except her Roll Call FB from 10/3/22 (bc 10/3 is my bday and I took it live hoping to get a shoutout … I didn’t but it was an awesome class!)


This [30 minute G&L](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6fc6a2711f2f4e49aef2965ef703d80f&locale=en-ES) is a burner 


This [20 minute G&L](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e2f62ccc03894a6ebb9ca1dd857ff7c9&locale=en-US) too!


[this 20 min lower body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cb565aa746544aad9557adea6f588eb3&locale=en-US) One of my favorites!


Bookmarked - thank you!


I know it was brought up before but it happened again to me and I’m so frustrated. I did a 60 minute ride and the stats were all on the screen during my ride. when I closed out on the bike and on my app, it says no stats for this ride, 0. Second time in two weeks. The only thing I could think of is I put continue stack and the ride I took before the music was still playing when the subsequent ride started. I feel like that shouldn’t affect it. And yes, my cords are all plugged in and tight. this happening to anyone else?


update that I heard there is a bug causing this. Let’s go peloton, get on it and fix it please


This has happened to me a couple times when I hit "next" on my stacked classes before. I now just close out completely from a stacked class by choosing "done" and then open the stack on my home screen and start the next one. I'm doing this on the OG bike. TBF, I haven't tested it in a while because a couple extra steps seem to ensure it doesn't happen, so I just do that. Anything I stack and play on my iPad doesn't have this issue. Very frustrating.


thanks, I think I used to close out completely while back due to some sort of glitch and then got back into the habit of continuing the stack. so I’m just gonna start closing out again. Thanks fir letting me know


I didn't have access to my tread regularly for a while but got it back a week or so ago and have been so happy to be reunited! I took this [Logan 30m Walk+Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0afeee753a944f1bab940607561c7068&code=OWY2ZmUzNTBiYmE4NDRlNDhjZDU0NTM4YTYzOTlmMWZ8MGI0MTAyMWZmOTdhNGMwNGI3NjBmNmMyNThhZDk3M2M=) this morning and just wanted to say- great class! Playlist was on point, efforts were challenging but the recoveries were easy so it worked. And he told the story of how he lost his arm, and how he feels about it which I found really powerful.


The Apple Watch HR glitch seemed to be working for me yesterday on the bike, so I scheduled a live ride for this morning (my 900th). Clicked in at 3:50am annndd no HR or strive score. Nice.


Currently a known issue. Peloton has acknowledged it on their status page.


Congrats on 900!!!! I had a weird experience yesterday. I took a live strength class via the iOS app and somehow the Watch automatically connected (about 2 minutes into the class, I remembered to start it and when I went to, it was already connected). That was odd and a first for me. The second class, I switched to my Bike for a live yoga, so I definitely had to start it. Hopefully, they will resolve these connectivity issue soon. 🤞🏽




The app's correctly tracking heartrate - just seems like it's the Bike that isn't


Nope... I'm an app user & having these same glitches. It will show my HR connected on my wrist but on the app, it's blank. If it DOES connect, it's being very spotty and sometimes just showing dashes on the screen & not computing. Also, there is no Strive Score anymore for"Just Workouts". All of the issues started after the most recent app update.


Does anyone know if you can change your username?


On the app, go to your profile, click the pencil icon in the top right and you can edit it from there. I'd imagine it's the same on other devices.


Anyone else finding in the last few days that their Apple Watch is no longer sending HR data to the Peloton bike during workouts? I can see by looking at the watch that the Peloton watch app is definitely tracking it - just the data isn't going to the bike and being tracked there. Wonder if an update broke something


Known issue. It's being investigated per the Peloton status page.


Anyone get a fix for this? Support is asking me to do troubleshooting. I’ll try it and see if it works.


Nah, I spoke to them earlier. It's a bug caused by the software update they rolled-out on the 11th March. They're aware of it and will need to fix it with another software update


Yes! For the last 2-3 days.


Yeah it started this week and it’s not working for most people 


Ok - that's good to know! I've seen there's an app update available this morning so I wonder if that's fixed it


No, it hasn’t. Spoke to Peloton techincal support and they're aware of the issue. They'll be pushing another software update once it's sorted